Spirit is Fine tbh

AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

Honestly, she's perfectly balanced like Billy. She has counterplay, enough to not be broken like people claim. Some examples are:

Spine Chill (which works on all killers, especially stealth ones)

Premonition (great value Spine Chill)

Iron Will

Scratchmark jukes

Vaulting windows

Walking away from a dropped pallet she's standing still at (seriously, don't fall for such an obvious trap plz)


Gen tapping (evade grabs from PB)

None of this is meta, but you gotta change how you play if you wanna win against killers who aren't countered by the meta

Edit: Didn't mention PB much, but Spine Chill can help counter it too. The addon should be ultra rare so atleast it's seen less

