Spirit is Fine tbh

Honestly, she's perfectly balanced like Billy. She has counterplay, enough to not be broken like people claim. Some examples are:
Spine Chill (which works on all killers, especially stealth ones)
Premonition (great value Spine Chill)
Iron Will
Scratchmark jukes
Vaulting windows
Walking away from a dropped pallet she's standing still at (seriously, don't fall for such an obvious trap plz)
Gen tapping (evade grabs from PB)
None of this is meta, but you gotta change how you play if you wanna win against killers who aren't countered by the meta
Edit: Didn't mention PB much, but Spine Chill can help counter it too. The addon should be ultra rare so atleast it's seen less
Yep. Prayer beads are questionable, but spirit is completely fine.
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I would argue Iron Will is decently meta and Spine Chill is way more valuable against all killers than people give it credit for, but yeah I agree.
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1-3 are perks
4th one she can hear and feel u
5th she can hear u, better be a god window
6th if standing still she knows what you're doing now, she phases onto you because you're not getting any distance. won't actually be phasing until she knows what you're doing. oh yeah, she can hear u too
7th yes. avoid chases against her because they're so one-sided it's ridiculous
8th is still a free hit. nice counter LOL
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Perfectly balanced...
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You have established yourself as anti-Spirit before, you say the same arguments and when people counter them you stop replying.
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She is fine I guess. The only problem for me is that you need to face against her like every 2nd game. And that is kinda annoying.
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Iron will is meta though
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Iron will is meta though
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A broken record's gotta repeat itself after all
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Fair enough.
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probably because any counter people have given me that isn't perks doesn't work. that includes you.
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She's fine, yes. No nerfs needed. But she is extremely easy to play, you just need headphones with directional audio.
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We gave you counters, whether you do or don't choose to follow them is on you. I just played Spooky Spirit with PB and they managed to do 4 gens without any perks to counter me so it's possible. This was at purple ranks btw
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The counters give you a 20% chance to win the chase at best. Without them the chance is closer to 1%.
Unless you're fighting a bad spirit, getting into a chase usually means a down in thirty seconds.
Stealth is the most reliable way to fight spirit, but Stealth doesn't work anymore, especially at high ranks.
Spirit is altogether fine I guess, but really annoying to go against and usually results in 4Ks. There's a reason she was the most hated killer in the last unofficial poll someone conducted here on the forum.
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And the original poster has a spirit icon may we say anything else lmaoooo
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In my experience, it's really hard to avoid the Spirit when she can track you but you can't track her.
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I would love to see OP as a surv with his counters vs a skilled Spirit, so we get schooled and admire how a Spirit can be evaded and looped for 2 hours.
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I have her icon cause I'm a weeb and like Japanese aesthetic, I'm a Hag/Huntress main
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I have gone against Spirits with my perks and won, not always but enough. That's why Spine Chill is always on one of my perk slots. Nea main when I play surv, Huntress main(mostly) so don't accuse me of bias cause you have no argument :)
Plus anyone with half a brain cell knows you can't loop Spirit lmao
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Gen tapping isn't a counter play. Why would I need to do gens twice as slower to counter one addon?
I don't really count specific perks as counterplay. There should be decent amounts of counterplay without needing specific perks.
None of the things you said work if you don't have Iron Will. The chase is pretty much over when you get injured if you aren't using that perk.
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Any killer shouldn't be looped for 2 hours.
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Chases shouldn't be lasting over 30 seconds witb any Killer, you shouldn't be able to 1v1.
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No one would play survivor if chases were that short.
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Spirit is the same "fine" as Nurse. Its just not.
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Personally Ive never had a problem playing against spirit and find that shes the most enjoyable for me to play against. I also used to main her before i found the joy know as Tier 3 Myers. I never play solo and always SWF. I'm the weakest looper and weakest in a chase of the group until we play spirit. I know not to loop. I run like a chicken with my head cut off yelling at my friends to get gens done faster and running a figure eight around some trees to hopefully get the two seconds i need to get to the nest pallet. I also know what shes probably gonna do and the timing for all of it. It makes me feel pretty good to dodge a strike from a spirit that bumped into me while phasing. I do mistime though. thats what health packs and team mates are for.
I don't run any of the mentioned counter perks. Hell I don't even run meta perks. I'm not even the best player and have bad eye sight. I still Personally I will say this again PERSONALLY don't see an issue with her. I will give you prayer beads even though I don't notice a difference when its used or not.
Maybe I haven't run into one of these unholy god like spirits that are running around destroying peoples souls. Maybe console players arent as good as pc. Ive played against terrible red ranked spirits and ones that I swear have GPS locating chips attached to me at brown ranks with the whole killer meta build. I guess it comes down to experience and how much you play against something. I personally get destroyed by leather face. mainly because i only played against him only 8 times. No one uses him on xbox for some reason sadly
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Then I suppose the game should be adjusted. Survivors should never 1v1 the Killer, completely unfair.
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I disagree, she's fun too play as but she is the most unfun killer too fight as survivor. I shouldn't be forced too run perks too counter a killer i have a 1/17 chance of fighting. Her power has almost 0 counterplay when in the Terror Radius, she gets kills by literally standing still, and Prayer Beads needs too be deleted.
She needs a rework IMO, because right now she is just so unfun too fight. It feels like complete luck if I can juke/mindgame her half the time, and the other half I just die.
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Unfun doesn't mean broken. There are many ways to counter Spirit, some involve changing your build. If you don't want to counter her then ok just don't get mad when she wins
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Most killers (if not all) have some counters that don't require a perk. Why should Spirit be the exception? Most of Spirits "counters" rarely work because she can counter all of them by just listening where the survivor is. As long as she can hear you, she knows where you are.
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You can loop spirit, her phase has a cooldown.
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Yea this is exactly my point. Why should I run perks for a killer I have a 1/17 chance of running into? Spinechill is useless against Trapper or Billy, and Iron Will is pretty pointless since most killers can just follow scratch marks or bloodtrails.
Legion was completely reworked because he was so unfun and had no counterplay, Spirit falls into this same thing. Prayer beads has literally 0 counterplay, and fighting a spirit is more of a chore then actual fun. I say she needs a rework too make her both a mindgame based killer, but still fun too fight.
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True, but it's unreliable. You're better off using windows or scratchmark jukes or stealth if you don't have the perks to counter her
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While Spirit is strong she isnt OP and thats fine, the killer is supposed to be the power role. From what i read survivors have the expectation to be able to 1v1 her most if not all of the time. Thats not this works, thats not how any of this works.
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She is in a great spot.
Takes skill to learn.
Terrible when played by a noob.
Beads are fine: Good survivors and swf will coordinate and spot the environmental signs that give it away. Bad survivors will fall for tricks (fits with her learning curve)
She's in a great spot for advanced killers and works TERRIBLY for new players.
She is a great example of the learning curve for this game.
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It was me, nearly 50% hate her the most: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/91696/who-do-you-hate-the-most-to-verse/p1
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Everyone can claim that. Video proofs are the only thing you can convince anyone here.
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spirit pfp with "kitten" in their name says spirit is fine nice one
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Even WITH IRON WILL, the spirit can just equip stridor and renders that perk as useless.
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i think she's fine if prayer beads gets nerfed and theres a second after blinking where she can't do anything. There's a popular build right now that YTers are doing that yoinks people off of gens and you shouldn't be able to do that with that much ease. I also think the audio cue that happens should be directional by 180% depending on where she is. not too powerful but not awful.
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If you shouldn't need a specific perk to counter PB, then killers shouldn't need Franklin's to counter insta heals or flashlights :)
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My name is as irrelevant to this conversation as you tbh plus that comment has pretty sexist implications
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Being balanced and being fun are two entirely different things, to which i think most people hate her because of how boring and unfun she is to go against.
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Says every spirit main.
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Not a Spirit main :) more of a Huntress/Hag
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You're cute. Why the spirit profile pic then? <3
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I'm a weeb and like the Japanese aesthetic. I'm only like that cause I've gotten alot of sexist comments due to my name and profile pic tbh
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It's not the Killer's job to make sure you have fun, it's their job to sacrifice you, and I'd say Spirit does a damn good job of that.
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"Prayer Beads have no counterplay"
A. Spine chill, a perk I run every match bc it's so damn useful
B. Tap the gens
C. Be observant of nearby crows.
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Ah, I see. Well spirit is not fine in my opinion as it doesn't take much effort to track with sound. It might be harder for some people, but tracking sound isn't hard in my opinion. I don't mind spirit when used on swf because of coordination, but when she is used on solo players it's too easy of a match. Sound tracking has always been a stable in many games and people that are somewhat decent at it will destroy people too easily with her. There is a reason why she is so popular and considered S tier right next to Nurse, and Nurse is getting touched already, so can we really say she is fine? Maybe in a perfect world where my teammates where all top tier survivors she would be fine, but this is a very rng game and my teammates are all potatoes 9/10 times. It's to be expected as well because most competitive players are playing other games for the most part.
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The same can be said for killer.. It's not the survivors job to make sure you have fun. There job is to escape?
With your silly mentality 4 ppl hop into queue to ensure you have a great killer experience. 10/10