Dedicated Servers Test: Feedback



  • prrrrrrrrrrx
    prrrrrrrrrrx Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2019

    This is my experience at least every 2nd game.

    Ping is 40ms.

    It is frustrating to say the least.

    Clip 1 & 3 are the pretty obvious ones, getting hit through dropped pallets (and didn't even get a stun). (Slow motion freddy noises)

    At least add a second ping indicator to the game which shows the ping of the killer.

  • kermit_snacc_choke
    kermit_snacc_choke Member Posts: 303

    Also if your red ranks, your most likely to wait 5-10 mins only to get a 130 ping lobby

  • Zuphest
    Zuphest Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2019

    I live in Sydney, have ~45ping playing solo.

    Long queues playing Survivor, no issues otherwise.

    No issues while playing Wraith and Demo.

    Had two instances of minor rubberbanding after blink playing nurse.

    Myers stalk meter rolls back a little on M2 release making it very hard to 99%

    Overall haven't ran into any major issues

    Also not sure if you've enabled new server locations today or changed the matchmaking algorithm.

    I often play with friends back home in Taiwan, last night (~22 hours ago) I was getting ~300 ping lobbies though it felt like it was around 200 ping in game.

    Today (~4 hours ago) though I've been getting 140 ping lobbies with my mates and I'm loving it. PLEASE keep whatever you've changed today.

    Post edited by Zuphest on
  • Damon22441
    Damon22441 Member Posts: 30

    Haven't had to dodge a Red connection status, or even Yellow where the ping is greater than 150.

    In game, however, I'd almost think it was the same P2P connection the way Killers still throw their weapons over pallets or happen to lag through them, then sometimes teleport back behind them. Also, the whole "Host Disconnected" thing still makes me think it's not really dedicated, just the matchmaking lobby is.

    The only MAJOR problem I've had is the very rare internet drop that happens every so often, which spans only about about 1.2 seconds, results in the server IMMEDIATELY booting me to the main menu with EAC unable to be loaded (resulting in the application terminating)... something that didn't happen on P2P.

    Maybe increase the timeout duration so stuff like this doesn't happen?

  • Skemooo
    Skemooo Member Posts: 194

    Its been very postive experience for me. been getting <60ms matchups which i never got before.. most of my pre dedicated server matches were 200+.. now hits seem legit i can make that extra loop and drop pallet without getting hit. I couldnt play as killer as the que times are still long and i dont like waiting.

  • Guiltron
    Guiltron Member Posts: 149

    I live in South America and where the servers for it are located (São Paulo). Ping-wise, they look great, however I noticed some weird quirks ingame: When carrying an injured person as a Killer, the first swing with your weapon is very jittery and has no audio, and Dead Hard's animation looks like it triggers super fast.

    Bugs aside, the servers surely improved compared to previous tests.

  • bluex
    bluex Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2019

    Dedicated servers are definitely better than when its first tested. 

    For killer I didn't play much due to how long it takes to find a game and I end up getting a 120 ms ping which feels almost unplayable due to the input lag. I played pig at 115 ms ping and the time it takes to register that I clicked to dash takes awhile, same thing with demogorgen.

    For a survivor side it feels just fine for the most part but it still has its problems like I have been getting hit off the window after fast vaulting way too much.

    Dedicated servers will take alot more testing and I can see it being delayed beyond fall 2019. Its better not to rush it.

    One thing I would like to see is to choose which region to connect to because I wait for a killer lobby for a long time just to get a 120 ms when I can get 96 ms at best.

    Region : Middle East , Ping : 96 ms ~ 125 ms

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It's why they said they're TESTING them.

    The fact that this instant gratification comment got 18 likes and the actual post about offering feedback got 1/2 says a LOT about the community.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Nice, one round of testing something out so that they can FIND THE ISSUES AND WORK ON THEM and you quit.

    You're single, arent you?

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284


    I'm not even going to comment on you bringing up people's relationship status in a gaming discussion.

    Testing should be done on the test build aka PTB where people won't be wasting their offerings, add-ons and items because of bugs or unplayability.

  • baesik
    baesik Member Posts: 25

    Game has been out for 3+ years. This is ABSOLUTELY not the first round of testing lmfaoooo

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    Probably the only thing I love about the dedicated servers is doing skill checks they are so smooth and pretty easy to hit great skill checks.

    For what I can tell synchronization is a problem. When you start an action, it has a little delay on it, causing you to miss your moment and a bit annoying.

    Few issues I encountered:

    After searched a chest, M1 not appears for a time so you can't pick up the item.

    Pallets. There is a second delay when you vault or try to drop the pallet. Space bar doesn't register the press so you get the hit.

    I didn't play as Nurse, but I've played against her. So can't really see whats the complain is about. Because her hit range seemed enormous to me. And she could swing pretty easily without any delays, at least on my screen.

    Vaulting. Similar issues with pallets. There might occur some weird movement while vaulting. Like going backwards after vaulted forward. Also sometimes I can't cancel fast vaulting. Like I stop pressing shift before pressing space but still fast vault. Another issue with vaults is hits through them. Yes killer should be able to hit you but it needs some adjustments. Right now even if killer is no where near the window, can still hit you. It worsens with slow vaults. It is like hit register cone still works the same way, but it shouldn't because you have an obstacle between you.

    Freddy teleportation. After Freddy teleport to a gen, he appears further away from gen and has to turn back to it.

    Clown bottles fly like they have no mass. It is very strange feeling. They used to make you feel the distance. Now I can't tell the distance of the projectiles.

    Spirit's phasing out is so fast, like you are passing by the survivor and not appear where you supposed to do.

    Generally, beginning of an action has a bit delay on them. Gen breaking, unhooking, healing etc.

  • hiC
    hiC Member Posts: 217

    The servers were choppy and felt bad betweem 5p and 7p eastern US time last night. I've played some games this morning and they're noticeably better, presumably because it's not peak hours. Similar problem that a lot of other multi-player games have; server performance takes a dip during peak hours.

  • TheBuddo
    TheBuddo Member Posts: 21

    An amazing experience thus far! Every match has been between 40 to 60 ping and it feels no different than what it was before or better in some cases.

    Hopefully dedicated servers will be activated on console soon as that is where some of my friends play. All of them can't wait for them to come to PS4.

  • Gravnos
    Gravnos Member Posts: 105

    Play as the Plague to get a real feel for servers. The vomit goes straight through them without registering very often, corrupt in particular.

  • Skull
    Skull Member Posts: 10

    I've been playing this game avidly for two years now. The last change to matchmaking though has broken my group. I play with two consistanly rank 1 players I'm 8-9 and we have a few teens. Of course the ranks ones are the ones who play most. With the killers always being one now though the rest of us just get murdered. Like dead before a generator is complete levels of stomping. The game is no fun anymore. So we've basically stopped playing. They need to make it an average. There shouldn't be a time where the game is encouraging people to not want to play because of the skill gap.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    The dedicated servers are much better than the first time we tried them on the otb before stranger things. On live atm Q times are alot better for killers which is always good, the ping is good and stable i haven't had ping above 150 in my experience. Only issues are the hitboxes feel much worse, and on killers like Plague and Huntress theres a huge delay when vomiting/throwing a hatchet, and on Pig when you use the ambush she roars twice and theres also a delay on that. I've heard Myers goes in tier 3 twice too, but can't confirm since i haven't tried it myself. Overall the connections are good tho, just hitboxes and delay on the killer's powers.

  • Tod_Der_Lüge
    Tod_Der_Lüge Member Posts: 8

    Is this a joke? was playing wraith and copped constant rubberbanding I'm in VIC Australia and connecting to the server you have hosting at the moment is utter trash.

    Fix your game up, it gave grief to the survivors I was playing against too as I alt tabbed to fix the game up by checking ports etc, they were able to escape finally when I alt tabbed back in and moved.

  • VanillaCoke
    VanillaCoke Member Posts: 9

    I mostly liked the Servers WAY more than the last time I tried them on the PTB :)

    Window Hits however still seem to be a bit wonky.

    What I noticed is a lot of Killers missjudging the Situation:

    Back on P2P their latency made them hit stuff that shouldnt have been hit and now since this is way more balanced they deem it bad because they got sooo used to not having any latency while survivors have. But i guess this is not so easy to understand.

  • SurvivorMain
    SurvivorMain Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2019

    Honestly, they are perfect. I have had horrible peer to peer games in the past where lagging would make the game unplayable and unfair for both sides. The dedicated servers have given the games slid latency throughout the 30+ games I've played on them. No more lag switching killers 😀! Keep up the good work. This game was a headache before dedicated servers honestly. I am sure killer mains won't be happy that they can't lag and get phantom hits on survivors now. If you can, try and improve the detection of hacking. Because it ruins the game for the rest of us. It feels like 1 out of 12 games I fight against a hacker killer. Work on that and punish DC players that give up in first 3 minutes of a game. It ruins the game for the rest of the team. Lots of love for BHVR. See you in the fog. Also want to mention short queue times for rank 5 survivor.

    Post edited by SurvivorMain on
  • talintin
    talintin Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2019

    I think the sever still abit lag but it's okie.. it better then before and still slow down find a match a little bit :( [me and my party are in rank1-4]

  • PotEtU
    PotEtU Member Posts: 44

    Worked like a charm. No problems with ping and hitboxes whatsoever. One problem i had was that i continuously matched against rank 1 and 2 survs while being a rank 12 killer

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240

    Experienced my first real issues last night. My ping last night hovered around 110ms despite being 50ms one day prior. I should mention I'm on a 1gb down/100mb up fiber connection. Best case scenario in the US. As the Plague, survivors would make the "Ah!" sound as if they got hit with Vile Purge, but there were multiple instances where they didn't get infected despite giving the audio cue that they got hit. I'm pretty experienced with the Plague, and it seemed as though it was taking twice as long for survivors to get fully broken. As others have alluded to, the tick rate of the servers seems way too low. I had to press space bar twice every time I went to break a generator as killer. My lunges randomly failed to lunge. That's the best way I can describe it. I would hold M1 to lunge and my killer would do a short swipe. Again, I probably have the best internet connection available. I can't imagine what others are experiencing. Release the battlepass, generate more revenue, and release the dedicated servers when you have the budget to do them right. It is going to be more costly to lose players because you released broken dedicated servers on a shoestring budget. I get that everyone is trying their best, but this game wouldn't be alive today if it orginally released with servers in this state.

  • ProtectDwight
    ProtectDwight Member Posts: 46
    edited October 2019

    I've played several matches now and playing as killer feels pretty good, however as survivor it's horrible. Killers can swing and you hear them completely miss and 2 seconds after you suddenly get hit. Huntress hatchet hitboxes are even worse, where it looks like I completely dodge the hatchet and 1-2 seconds after I get hit by "nothing". All ping have been green (50-60) and it feels like you're playing on a 200 ping and up regarding the hitboxes.

  • some random disconnects and getting immediatly trapped after placing the trap as trapper

  • MJ_Out
    MJ_Out Member Posts: 184

    Im satisfied with the servers ight now. I had maybe 6-7 matches as surv and killer and had only green ping. One time I stucked a little bit at hooking someone, but it didn't affect my gameplay.

  • Shisemi
    Shisemi Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2019

    I played matches both as survivor and killer. Survivor side feels good enough, the only issues so far are traps that suck you into them and messy hitboxes but they were always bad anyway.

    Killer on the other hand...

    • Trapper is stepping in his own traps immediatelly after he places them even if I try to step back as soon as I can
    • Wraith cloaks and uncloaks with noticable delay (if at all); I had a game with The Serpent, after destroying a pallet he got stuck in a state where he couldn't fully uncloak, couldn't cloak either and couldn't hit survivors because he was "busy"
    • I noticed kind of choppines while performing actions like grabbing someone out of the locker/pallet/gen, sometimes animation stops completly and survivor is free to go
    • I get stuck on invisible obstacles all the time - trees feels wider than normal, walls are longer, I hit things that shouldn't be there. Very hard to stalk survivor standing close to obstacles, almost like they're already "hidden" on their end so game doesn't let killer see them either
    • Anything other than M1 hits just feels slow and inaccurate in general

    Not to mention matchmaking that gives me random red/purple rank survivors (not in SWF, just a sole rank 5 or 4) even though I'm still green.

    I will take any amount of lagging killers and teleporting survivors that come with killer being a host, I just want to be able to use killer's power again.

  • JaKobe0000
    JaKobe0000 Member Posts: 4

    I can't play with my friends and when i ready up i don't go with them then it says they are in match idk if it D Servers problems or somethings else please fix.

  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    While the major Huntress issues are fixed, the hatchets still feel awful. Hatchets going through survivors is more common from what I can see and they hit when they look like they shouldn't. They feel better than they use to, but they still need quite a bit of polishing.

  • Kaizers
    Kaizers Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2019

    I play survivor and killer, probably 20/80. I live in the EU and ping to the servers seems great (40-60ms usually+wired connection). I made this account to give some feedback here because I definitely want the dedicated server experience to get better.

    When I play survivor things seem pretty similar to before. I don't have any complaints about survivor gameplay on dedicated servers.

    Unfortunately with Killer I had a lot of issues, grabs seem more buggy, I would get stuck in the grab animation, before this would happen sometimes but the grab would be changed to an attack, in this case though I actually got stuck in place and could not do anything. 

    I mainly play Nurse; coming out of a blink feels really bad now, usually I will jitter around and in some cases I will lag backwards or be pulled in another direction. I'm not sure if this is just me but it feels like this "jitter/lag" happens more frequently and more strongly on indoor maps. For example on the hawkins map/the game after I finished a blink I would sometimes slide at full speed backwards for a second or so before fatiguing.

    Aside from blinking general movement feels ok, however as others have mentioned actions such as breaking pallets or kicking generators feels laggy/delayed also. The animation for opening lockers also seems a bit broken.

  • FlowerPrince
    FlowerPrince Member Posts: 1

    I've only played a few matches here and there, but the servers seem to be pretty good, though the ranks seem to be a little off balanced every now and then.

  • Alther_Primus
    Alther_Primus Member Posts: 158

    So here's my spicy take on Servers: They're kinda OK for M1 killers and killers that don't have any nuance to their powers. Sure there are some elements that are hot garbage (getting stuck on windows, seeming uptick in Grab Bugs, janky hits and whiffs etc.)

    Killers that need some nuance like say... Ghostface though? They're doing very poorly. So often I'll go to 99 a Survivor, and it'll just finish the stalk anyway, or I'll go to finish stalking a partially stalked survivor but it'll take longer than it should to start stalking, which can make the difference between reaching a safe pallet and getting a down. Green Ping by the way.

    Oh, and how could I forget: Movement and Kick actions feel terrible. Movement is jerky and you'll finish the kick animation and still have to wait a second to be able to do anything.

    I've never been in the Pro-Dedicated Servers crowd, but I accept it if you want to force DBD into them. These servers though? They feel like they could do with another year in the oven. At least Projectile Killers exist though I guess, so that's an improvement...

  • fak3d3ath
    fak3d3ath Member Posts: 2

    Good, now i can get a lobby instanly. Before i have to search like 10~20min for 1 game. Now is like 2~5min 1 game.

  • sVortex
    sVortex Member Posts: 1

    Ok its gonna be hard for me to explain how exactly it was but i'll try hoping for a dev / someone from bhvr to see this.

    i played all of the server tests so far, this one included ofc and i can tell you by far after the very first test we've played, this is the worst i've personally experienced and here's why:

    i have some clips to back what i mean so many its easier to understand my point. cuz bear with me, the ping was fine. it NEVER was over 60ms. fluctuating mostly between 50 and 40ms so the ping, on paper, was completely fine... up until you join the match, and then it becomes awful (since we cant see the ping once in game i actually dont know if the ms raises or not, but it definitely doesnt feel like a 40 ping anymore).

    example clip survivor pov: and

    example clip killer pov:

    as a survivor i got hit through every single pallet, every single window (fast or medium vault never mattered) and as killer i hit survivors when i already downed them after throwing down the pallet, so the animation, even on killer side, looked like i hit so they go down, but they get back up to throw down the pallet and they get back down. thats how everything felt, everything felt wrong and inconsistent enough to make me not wanna play the game with this test of dedicated servers, but still did i guess cuz im a masochist :)

    one thing you guys did right, imo, is how the huntress felt with this test, i think you guys nailed it, it felt good, hits were supposed to hit and i missed when i missed. so i think you did one good thing all in all.

    in conclusion:


    -huntress felt very close to how p2p dbd feels right now


    -while yes every lobby ping was green and mostly under 60-50ms, what it felt like in game was way opposite to what it should have been with said ping. felt like a 200-300.

    -nurse: if you blinked too far you would start jittering and vibrating around before (i guess) the server could catch up and then it would stop, but during all of that all the animations would break. there's also a chance you'd get stuck on the ground and wouldnt be able to move with wasd and you're forced to blink away.

    -billy: enough said. horrible experience.

    -sometimes pressing space to hook a survivor woul make you slide left and right for a moment without being able to move (again im guessing cuz the server needs to catch up) and once its fine it would place the survivor only graphically off the hook because of the sliding.

    -when kicking anything (pallets and gens) the animation breaks and either you take half the speed to kick whatever you're kicking or it will take twice as much all of this while teleporting and vibrating very oddly.

    -hits are insanely inconsistent with the survivor's hitbox at all times.

  • Hex_Hex_Hex
    Hex_Hex_Hex Member Posts: 6

    Im a survivor player and everything feels the same. I still get hit with from huntresses axes which are flying waaaay above my head. Pallet vaults still feel very awkward, being hit near the end of the animation by most killers. Ill say ive experienced much less lag and the game generally doesnt lag like before, you know, the teleports.

    I think window vaults are kind of the same. I get hit when the hit clearly connects and dont when it doesnt.

    What really boders me is the ammount of killer dcs (im at red ranks and get kicked out of a game like 8 times per day). Is it a bug about the servers?

    The servers are very passable, but there is a lot of room for improvement and it feels like DBD is going in the right direction, and that must mean one thing. Fair huntresses hits.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Europe here.

    Had it now several times that dead hard triggered exhaustion but I got downed. Today I even was downed DURING the deadhard animation

    When using stalking with Myers, the progress is reverted when stopping the stalk. Seems like percentage, the longer you stalk, the more of the progress is reverted

  • QuentinxJake
    QuentinxJake Member Posts: 30

    My ping was 65 however the hitboxes felt weirder than usual like huntress just hitting someone after you dropped the pallet.. but other than that it felt pretty good just some lag back tho...

  • SkitzoztikS
    SkitzoztikS Member Posts: 13

    Hello All,

    Let me start out by saying that I play both Killer and Survivor so I will offering my input from both sides of the fence.

    I have Gigabyte internet both up and down and I reside in Bettendorf Iowa in the USA. Most games my Ping is about 60 to 100 and is stable. I am running a Self built 3k Gaming Rig w/ Windows 10 with 12 Gigs of independent Video Ram and 64 Gigs System Ram. I run the game on Max setting with zero issues.

    As a Level 16 Killer -

    1. The wait times for a match as a killer is far longer than it has been in the past. I do not know if this is due to the changes in matchmaking or the dedicated servers but I wait 30 minutes or more to get into a lobby. (Please fix the wait times!)
    2. On average every other round Is a survivor disconnect before the match starts which turns my wait time to almost an hour between playable games.
    3. Most rounds there is at least 1 if not two survivor disconnects within the first few minutes of the round. I have noticed this happening a lot sense the matchmaking changes but now with the dedicated servers it is happening almost every round.
    4. I have noticed a lag issue when I strike out with an M1 Hit and sometimes I should have missed and did not and other times I should have hit and did not. It seems to me that the hit boxes are off or there is a lag that is not being seen.

    All in all I think the dedicated servers are an improvement or will be when the issues have been addressed. Right now between the wait times and other issues listed above it makes playing the game frustrating.

    As Survivor - I want to point out that I have not played much survivor sense the match making changes. I am not complaining here. I am just stating the facts as I see them and how they have affected me and my game play. I mainly play SWF groups to play with my friends and with the new matchmaking system this is not possible without a lot of issues due to the wide range of levels my personal group is. Playing survivor is not much fun when I play alone. However, I understand why the changes needed to be made for the greater good.

    1. As a survivor I have noticed that I get hit when I should not be and I have had many times when I should have been hit and was not.
    2. During most rounds half my team disconnect after a couple of minutes into the round. This makes for a very one sided round and really is not a lot of fun.

    I like the idea of dedicated servers but to be honest I just do not see that they are ready yet. Appears to be to many bug to work out. I wish the Dev team all the luck they need to get this working right and thank you for building such a great game.


  • emilys101
    emilys101 Member Posts: 24

    I am very disappointed in the dedicated servers. Some games are meant to have dedicated servers, but peer-to-peer is the best choice. As killer, it is so laggy to play as huntress, billy, nurse (impossible to play). Hatchets will hit a survivor but keep going and hit the wall behind them, clearly not hitting them. As survivor, it is enormously frustrating to get hit through windows, around corners, and while vaulting when it clearly didn't hit. In peer to peer, it was still a problem, but it is way worse on dedicated servers. Also, there needs to be some sort of blocking system as I went against the same awful killer who slugged me to death a few times in a row. Please revert it back to peer-to-peer, especially before the upcoming Halloween event.

  • ChnanTheMan
    ChnanTheMan Member Posts: 2

    I'm not sure if I'm a sole exception, but, I'm really not happy with this. I just disconnected mid-match from the host (as killer) and because of this, the game deranked me. If this is a taste of what's to come, I'm really concerned about the future health of the game. Why this wasn't implemented on the PTB, I really don't know. It was clearly not ready for launch.

  • Ukonvasara
    Ukonvasara Member Posts: 65

    Ping has been good and it no longer takes ages to find a match as killer. But that's pretty much all the positives about dedicated servers.

    As for the negatives, I'm consistently getting downed after landing from a window or pallet vault and getting random error messages, e.g. lost connection to host, failed to update rank (these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.)

    Also, not sure if this is a server issue but my RBT failed to activate. I downed - > trapped - > hooked - > last gen got done, yet RBT remained inactive.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240

    Hoo boy. Today was really bad. Like, I'd ask for a refund if I bought a game in this state bad. I'll break down the issues by every killer I played today.

    All killers: kick actions feel awful. I often have to press spacebar twice to kick a gen. Grab actions no longer seem possible. The animation fully plays and the survivor teleports out of my grasp.

    Freddy: snares actually place about 75% of the time. Survivors actually trigger them 75% of the time. Your tick rate isn't high enough.

    Plague: couldn't charge my Vile Purge for a full minute to start the game. Like the action would just automatically cancel itself immediately.

    Hag: not getting notifications when traps are triggered. Huge delay when a survivor actually triggers them and I teleport to them.

    Myers: stalking feels really bad. There is a noticeable delay between hitting M2 and the stalk registering, and also a delay between letting the button go and the stalk cancelling. I had a bizarre interaction at a pallet where I hit an injured Dwight (should have then been in dying state), he screamed, fully healed, and teleported to the other side of the pallet.

    Survivor: a few instances where I had my wiggle meter at 100% and didn't break free. Killer lunges don't seem to match hitboxes at all.

    I'm trying to be as constructive as possible, but this is really rough stuff. These are a year a way from being acceptable. It seems like they're being done on a shoestring budget, which is understandable, but I would personally rather have a playable game than dedicated servers for the sake of dedicated servers. As I said at the top, I'd be asking for a refund if I bought the game and this stuff was happening. I love this game to death and don't want to see it fail.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    They are awesome, i have 3 minute queue times to perfect lobbies. I have not crashed a single time with them, but dead hard just doesn't work on them

  • ExplodingToast
    ExplodingToast Member Posts: 1

    The dedicated servers have made the hitboxes even more ridiculous, everyone was hoping dedicated servers would help with the bs that are the survivors hitboxes but they ended up just making them so much worse. :/

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Until now my experience is pretty good. On the premise I don't have a good connection, so much that I can't play killer at home (I usually do at my gf's house), as survivors I see a little improvement, with ping definetly lower than before. As killer it hurts that many interactions/powers are delayed (and I experienced a bit of rubberbanding in one match as the Doctor), but it allows me to play at home so it's ok for me, and with a bit of practice I was able to compensate the lag for the most part.

    In general though wierd stuff happens that didn't before.

  • pejii
    pejii Member Posts: 79

    this morning I gave up on playing as killer, waited like 45 minutes, found 5 matches that got stock on loading into lobby just to give me NAT error, found one match that didn't go very good as two players disconnected, then waited another 30 minutes for 2 matches that got NAT error again and then gave up searching for a killer lobby.

    switched to survivor, did 2 games with decent match finding times and no issue loading into lobby, had one NAT error loading into the 3rd lobby and played few more surv games after that without issues (well not big ones).

    I have no idea why the NAT errors are happening, but during the day its so hard to find a lobby here (middle east) as there ain't much player nor a nearby server for us.

    played late night, had fast lobby search and got only 1 NAT error as killer, 6 successful game runs and not much to report on the gaming experience beside it was not as pleasant as p2p hosting a killer.

    will report more on games I play tomorrow and btw, still getting ~100ms servers.

  • xAlkarix
    xAlkarix Member Posts: 10

    My issues with dedicated servers: only played survivor so far but...

    Dead hard fails a lot more, as in, I become exhausted but still get hit, this was quite rare in the p2p

    Also I've had mixed results with fast vaults sometimes it looks like i will get hit but don't, and others i shouldn't but do.. meh

    But the dead hard issue is very... aggravating

    Played 1 game against a clown who complained about his bottles, but they seemed normal to me.

    Other than this, I can't say I've had any issues, except lots of DC's, not sure if its the game or the player.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    The Dadicated servers are so terrible for the killer side. Hits don't connect sometimes, micro lagging, a surviver was teleporting one time. Just put it back too normal many people can't play like that.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Day 4, is there any date for its deactivation?