Did You Seriously Nerf Insta-heals?
I just want my green medkit back to normal. He wasn’t hurting anyone.
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Remember that he Devs are on THE GAME'S side. Not Killer or Survivor! There have been many Killer nerfs, like the Nurse one!
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List them.
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yeah but survivors get all of these wasted aura perks that encourage team efforts and nothing thats crucially advantageous like killer perks. when youre in a random lobby most aura perks are wasted as theyre less likely to care about helping the team, and there arent any survivor perks that really do anything to help you win the match as a character theyre all focused on helping the entire team.
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I have two lists of nerfs if you would like! The Survivor one hasn't been updated but the Killer one has been!
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Also, to add to my reply earlier! You are on a TEAM! Of COURSE the perks would be TEAM BASED! You shouldn't be able to 1v1 a Killer! That would be horrid game balance!
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i just mean like a perk like prove thyself shouldnt be like oh we will give you a 10% increase when youre next to another survivor it should be we will give you a 10% increase in general and then when you are next to a survivor we will give you 20% increase. The survivor advantages are always conditional as the killer perks are unconditional and by default activated just by being killer and most survivor perks are not like that at all......
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So you want Survivors to be able to just be able to permanently speed up gen progression by 10% automatically with a perk?
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Not gonna point out the flaws there! I don't think I can get you to see my side though, so I am sorry! Just think about it some more and let me know if you wanna see the nerf lists!
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Also here! I think you need to look at them side by side!
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Noed to start awards the killers for failing at doing there one job. Should be awarded with some type of hook count.
Ebony moris: must I say more on that..?
Prayer beads. Dont need to explain that one
MM add ones for wall hacks, infinite tier 3 tombstone....
Indecent heads with belt add on.
The fact the killer controls the game with their internet and can lag the game on purpose or with crap internet.
And the list can go one forever but those r the main things that fit the same category as no skill like insta heals
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i mean yeah it would be nice if survivor perks didnt require you to be injured or conditional....
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What you're suggesting would proooooobably be ridiculous.
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and show me the perk nerf list
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how is it ridiculous when at rank 3/4 its nearly impossible to rank up without escaping and more often than not the op killers are refusing to make the game enjoyable and all the killer perks are by default active....the survivors cant do anything at high ranks with the current perks available except escape and heal...and slight repair increases when youre together or injured and youre hardly together very much at all because the killer will crash your party with monitor and abuse or surveillance
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Because at ranks 3/4 are where players are expecting the gens to be done the most quickly, and you are suggesting Survivors just have permanent access to an extra 10% gen speed.
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.....or surge or pop goes the weasel i mean the list goes on and on with killer perks that are valuable there are only a handful on the survivors that are actually used. lithe, balanced landing, and sprint burst are literally the same three perks with different conditions
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Okay so Survivor isnt updated for whatever reason.
Make sure you read it first okay? All of it.
Now read ALL of this one for Killers that IS updated:
As far as perks, Well there is the Wiki but no list I think. If I find one, i'll send it... even of the Killer one has the perk nerfs for that.
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Thana requires an injured survivor and adds a few seconds of gen time
Pop goes requires a survivor to be hooked with a minute
Surge requires incomplete generators in the area of a downed survivor but prevents kick related perks from going off
Stridor, lightborn, shadowborn, m&a corrupt intervention are permanently active and conditionless
If your suggestion an leader was to be implemented it would have to use the same math that debuffs are used otherwise gens would be done in a flash that not even nurse or billy would be able to stop
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Oh, and I know it's Tru3 but this is a good example of how it was when I started playing:
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BUT with 4 survivors its not hard to keep at least one injured and or tunnel and keep one in dying state....which most games i get into happens at least once....
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That doesn't really invalidate what I'm saying.
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i mean there are little things that devs could do that would improve survivor morale and experiences. like shaving wiggle time or making it so that there are less hooks on a map the list goes on and on about improving survivor experiences but do they do it? no they nerf medkits...
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Go look at the things I told you.
Also, they buffed healing speed of medkits.
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its just the game and this community can be so toxic at times there needs to be more things with the game that have variety like different game modes or perk blocks. make it so that only one person can run a unconditional repair increase perk so not all four people are running it etc. i get that with 4 survivors vs 1 killer its hard to think of perks that would benefit everyone and the team without making it totally unfair its just there has to be some give when you de pip every match almost even though youre escaping, being altruistic and cleansing, repairing, ive been stuck at rank 2-4 for weeks...
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They buffed medkits, though?
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I'm waiting for them to read the lists and watch the video. If they refuse, they are beyond help. If they don't see why they are wrong, then i'll be very very confused.
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honestly in my opinion instant's were fine. My main concern is keys the only real counter to them was Franklins or tunneling said survivor
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Definitely fair to have a 45 sec chase instantly ended by syringe.
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yeah your not wrong but like losing an entire kill without having any real control over it is annoying. At least with insta heals you still have a chance to kill them
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Yes, because Ebony Moris take tons of planning to use. Because Iri Hatchets take tons of though to use. And they're so hard to use! I mean imagine, you have to be able to click the a circle in the Loadout menu without clicking outside it! So much skill required. Oh yes, real brain burner there.
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Good Riddance little sweat lords swf wont be able to troll as easy now very nice 👋👋
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Right, so self-healing going from like 12 seconds to 30 seconds is a "paper-nerf"
Window vaults getting auto-blocked is a "paper-nerf"
Utterly gutting MoM is a "paper-nerf."
The entire Endgame Collapse mechanic is a "paper-nerf."
Get over yourself. These are huge, game-changing nerfs and are not "diluted" any more than Killer nerfs.
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Hi! Would you like some lists of perks on both sides and a video of how DBD used to be?
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Hahahahha ive never seen so much negative feedback even on troll posts
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I think this very mood point but the current Purple instant heal is stronger then pink instant heal. If a killer performs an offense action(Swings,Chainsaws) and you pop a purple instant heal as they hit you, it gives endurance effect for 15 seconds. This means you can survive an instant down whereas previous instant heal was countered by instant down. The pink instant heal just halves the amount of time needed to heal and saves 16 seconds. even though purple has higher skill-cap to use, I feel like it has more potential. Do you think rarities should be swap or should both instant heals be able to counter instant down? I find it very interesting buff to instant heals, however I didn't think they needed buffing. I don't really use them when playing survivor so I'm probably not the best person to comment on it. those are just my thoughts on the changes.
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Instaheals looked strong, but these are violet and red addons, shouldn't they be strong? The violet and red addons killers make them a walking death machine, so it was fair parity, I think. Then red axes of the Huntress must be nerfed too.
Also I just leave it here. Full SWF-team vs me.
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Yet both sides have lost something. Crazy.
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I agree, I think mori's should be changed. I think being on death hook is when you should be able to mori them
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To be fair Make Your Choice is pretty powerful if you stay RIGHT outside of TR range and instantly go back the second it activates, and doesn't take any skill to use. Any time someone gets unhooked, you can use it to get a free insta down. And one important, imo use of the syringe is that it could negate an ebony mori on someone if used correctly one time, which was a counter to something already overpowered. Might also add that survivors now have no useful iridescent items, and killers can bring two or occasionally three iridescent items into one trial. Oh and now all the addons for med kits are basically blood point farming items, while you nerfed charges on ranger med kit and only buffed the one thing you pretty much never use a med kit for. Healing other people. I mean, lol. Healing speeds overall were pretty much nerfed..AGAIN, if you used healing speed addons on medkits. It's like you WANT everyone to stay injured all game. Let's also mention Plague, who you could, force use of your instaheal on vs if you made her hit you early before you got sick, then used it, but now, you'll be broken before it activates.
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The rangers medkit is still 32 charges and now the greed medkit is dedicated to being good at self heals. Specifically it's about an 11 second heal which is crazy efficient.
And it's funny you mention Plague, because now the purple works just fine against her.
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Ok from the top, skipping the ones I agree with.
NOED: First of all, reward for failure and mitigation of failure are not the same thing. A reward means you are better off. Mitigations however still leave you worse off but still better than some other potential alternative. For example Dead Hard mitigates failure since while Injured you gain a positive effect, however since the positive effect is not as good as the negative effect tied to being injured it doesn't reward the act of being injured in the first place. The same reasoning applies to NOED.
More to the point it has 3 separate counters:
A - Rush the gate and leave. If someone is on the hook ignore them. NOED isn't fast enough if you rush the gate with 4 alive so you can still get out if you aren't waiting around to go for a futile save.
B - Do the dull totems
C - Cleanse the Hex once it's active
Additionally it's also unlikely to get the 4-8 downs that would be required to make it equivalent in power to instant heals.
Myers Addons:
You referenced a lot of addons there so I'm going to list them all out one by one.
Reflective Fragment/Glass Fragment/Mirror Shard - The way stalking works makes the effect mediocre. He moves much slower for a second and gets to see which way you run for a few seconds, it's a trade off and not a particularly problematic one for the Survivors. The numbers simply aren't high enough for it to cause a problem.
Vanity Mirror - This addon is laughably bad. 16 meter aura reading is not worth moving as slow as he does and he still has a terror radius so he can't stealth properly either. Plus he still needs to reach tier 2 in order to even get that. If you want to complain about strong addons then this isn't the one you should be going for.
Scratched Mirror - Basically just Vanity Mirror but usable. The speed is slightly slower so it's still not great, but at least you have 32 meters of aura reading and proper stealth. Even then it's still not THAT great. You absolutely need to have an indoor map to even attempt this addon and even then you are 100% reliant on stealth. If the Survivors are able to notice you in time then 105% MS simply isn't even close to fast enough to catch up to Survivors. You can't even get bloodlust.
TLDR: The map awareness is properly counterbalanced by being locked into a much lower speed.
Fragrant Tuft Of Hair - While using this addon it takes 15 evil in order to reach tier 3 from tier 2. Plus Tier 1 to Tier 2 thats 20 evil needed which is the equivalent of fully draining 2 Survivors. At an absolute minimum that's 24 seconds of nothing but stalking, however in practice it's much more than that and you will easily end up spending upwards of 60 seconds just stalking people, plus tracking time and some chase time. You'll easily see some gens popping before you reach T3. At which point what? Yes you are a significantly empowered M1 Killer, however you've permanently lost your TR advantage and are down on time. While by no means is this weak it's hardly strong enough to be OP.
Tombstone Piece - While using this addon it takes 12.5 evil in order to reach tier 3 from tier 2. While that is a bit faster than unlimited tier 3 it's still somewhat unwieldy. Remember you need to stalk for the value and then get in close. And once you do you've reset everything and have to do it all over again. Plus you can only do it 3 times per game so if you manage to mess up and fail to Kill one then you are permanently prevented from using your addons properly. More importantly it's still slow enough that gens will pop long before you've used it.
Judith's Tombstone - Like the Tuft Of Hair this takes 15 seconds to use. However since it's not only slower than the Tombstone in terms of stalking but it also slows you down by 9% making chases impractical. The only way to get this addon to work is with Tuft of Hair and PWYF, but even then it will still often go to endgame before you actually get to use it, meaning that the Survivors are very likely to just gen rush and escape anyways. Not to mention even once you do get it you're only 104% MS so unless you have PWYF you aren't catching anyone quickly.
Once again all of these admittedly massive upsides come with similarly large downsides.
Killer Ping Advantage: Dedicated Servers. Nuff said.
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No. Rarity should not mean stronger, just more impactful/unique. Otherwise the game becomes pay to win.
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Coxcombed Clapper + "All Seeing" - Blood, "Windstorm" - Blood + "Swift Hunt" - Blood, don't make Wraith stronger? Iridescent Head + Infantry Belt? Iridescent King? Mint Rag + Rusty Shackles + Make your choise? Ether 15 Vol + Flask of Bleach/Ether 10 Vol/Pinky Finger?
Every time I took one of the above, game for survivors become a nightmare. And it's not bad, it's fun, you can feel more powerful for expensive addons (except for Iridescent Head and some others, maybe, it's can be too much not fair). But survivors deserve the same feeling.
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Yeah the addon system in general sucks. The more powerful addons that exist the bigger the problem gets.
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I don't think so. It's fun and brings more variety. It would be boring to play with similar addons. And many think the same way.
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And? Just because they should be varied doesn't mean they should be super powerful.
Take the Hag's Ultra Rares for example. They don't make her too much better per say, but they do change her powers mechanics massively and in cool ways. Those kinds of addons are great. But addons like Billy's insta-saw are boring, they just make him better with no trade off.
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Good, because first hook is death hook unless you change the circumstance or the killer opts to let you off. You have no entitlement to a second hook much less a third. If you did have an entitlement you would automatically come off of it and restart somewhere else on the map.
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There's no reason to hold back a balance change that they already know they want to make until they know how they want to balance another completely different thing. That just creates a slippery slope that leads to nothing getting done.