Did You Seriously Nerf Insta-heals?



  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    >They don't make her too much better per say

    Mint Rag make.

    >doesn't mean they should be super powerful.

    It's only you opinion. Anyway, since like instaheal nerfed, killers addons should also have nerf.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    There isn't a causal link, (nerfing instant heals isn't the REASON to nerf Killer addons) but yes we should nerf other addons in general. Here is an exhaustive list of changes with this in mind covering every addon and item in the game:


  • DeadByTunnelight
    DeadByTunnelight Member Posts: 79

    So what about for example huntress one shorts? it's like the same as insta heals. Nerfing insta heals = nerfing huntress one shots to me

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    If they knew how they wanted to changer Moris as well (assuming they do want to change them at all), they probably would have this update.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think Iri-head should be changed, but only because Infantry Belt (and Leather Loop, to a lesser extent) exist. Iri-head is not OP if you only have one Hatchet.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Still not how that works. The nerf to 1 thing only justifies a nerf/buff to things that it has a special interaction with.

    For example buffing Bottany has nothing to do with a Sloppy buff since it still gets the full effect. However buffing No Mither DOES justify a Sloppy change because No Mither has the special interaction of bypassing Sloppy's effect.

    Another example would be Endurance vs Exposed and Knock Out vs Empathy or Blindness vs Survivor Aura reading perks or Exhaustion inflicting addons/perks vs Exhaustion perks.

    In this case instant downs do not have any special interaction with instant heals, since the end result is simply the sum of the 2 effects rather than a synergy or an anti-synergy.

    This does not hold both ways btw. Because while instant downs don't care about instant heals (thus changing instant heals is irrelevant to changing instant downs), instant heals DO care about instant downs and thus changing instant downs could justify a change to instant heals.

    Or going the other way, instant heals are not effected by heal slowdown effects (ex: Sloppy) and thus a nerf to these effects does not justify a nerf to instant heals.

    That isn't to say iridescent heads don't need to be nerfed. Just that using the instant heals nerf as a justification for this is a fundamental misunderstanding for how you balance interactions between effects.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636

    Do you have to manually aim and hit a moving target with instaheals while being against the clock and versus 4 people by yourself?

  • SulfonicFaun52
    SulfonicFaun52 Member Posts: 63

    I can agree to that and this is coming from a guy who mains him.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,238

    This thread lowered my IQ by about 30 points. Yes, instaheals needed a nerf. Anyone arguing that it was fair to instantly negate the work the opposing side did without any preconditions aside from equipping an item isn't being intellectually honest about the discussion. Medkit speed got buffed across the board. Nurse got objectively nerfed. This also doesn't mean that Moris and other things won't be changed later. More than one balance patch has happened in this game. This isn't the final patch that DbD will ever receive. It wouldn't make sense to wait an entire year or more and then make one balance pass. You prioritize things and go in order. It's like this forum needs 3 layer age verification.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    You know I like you Peanits, you understand imbalances and issues and are willing to address them to the audience. Good work!

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050


  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147

    You do realize Myers can't tombstone people in locker and take a long time to get to tier 3 if he run those add ons.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Most of the people in this topic have proven themselves to be extremely biased, ignorant of basic gameplay, and "edgy (lol)".

    It's a fun read, but actually shocking that some people could probably qualify for the Olympics based on their mental gymnastics alone.

  • HisKillerDude
    HisKillerDude Member Posts: 2

    Dude I play on PS4 and Bubba is easy to go against. The only time it's frustrating is if he Insidious facecamps.

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    This guy is comparing Flashlight sves with instaheal xD

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited October 2019

    The purple might work fine against her but iridescent is more common than purple, lol. As for the Ranger med kit, I've found ONE in my bloodweb since playing on my David, iirc. They're far too rare to be saying "Oh but Ranger med kit is still good". The rarity of higher med kits is insane. Maybe you might find them more often if you're running a chest searching build and escape a lot, but in the bloodweb I rarely find anything above a yellow. So what, now we have to run Pharmacy to even have a fast healing med kit, in a game where normal med kits take so long you're usually found before you pull it off?

    And this nerf to "instaheals" basically makes the addon useless. It may as well be a yellow addon at this point and make styptics iridescent. At this point, there will be NO iridescent addons that are anywhere relative in power to a single iridescent addon/offering a killer has, and they can carry multiple in one game. Balance-wise, this is ridiculous.

  • No_Name1535
    No_Name1535 Member Posts: 7

    Just another post from a person that doesn't realise that some stuff had to be nerfed because they were too powerful, requiring almost to no skill or punishment to using it.

  • baesik
    baesik Member Posts: 25

    but yall don't nerf moris or insta downs at the same time 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    I believe the devs may be killer mains folks that would explain the survivors nerf. They also seem to be PC mains cause they don't seem to understand the console struggle. But it's fine we don't need anything because soon enough all the survivor perks that are deemed toxic or too OP will down to the old left for dead status. And before anyone says anything about rework it doesn't matter if you can't get to that stage in the game and even if you do the killers think that it's unfair they didn't get their precious 4k. Then they'll be back on the forums begging for that to be gone as well.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    I started reading the thread regarding Iridescent head Huntress. Let's explain why that add-on isn't as crazy as Mother Daughter Ring+Prayer Bread Spirit or Omega Blink Nurse. When you play against Huntress, and you enter a chase, you have to dodge 4/5 hatchets to survive a huntress chase(80% of hatchets). When you play against Iridescent head Huntress, the play-style against Huntress for how to beat her does not change. In fact, it may even be easier to face a iridescent head Huntress over a double-wind up huntress because in this game, reliability for a killer is everything. The more reliable a strategy is, the stronger that killer is. The Iridecent Head huntress is an example of health strong add-on because it amplifies a player's skill-level with said character. you still have to land hatchets and the chance of landing a single hatchet is same on normal huntress as it is with iridescent head. The only thing that changes is the reward is amplified. With Omega blink nurse, If a player is good at nurse, the opponent ability to outplay the nurse greatly diminishes if not completely vanishes(I.E loss of counter-play). The loss of counter-play removes the skill from said character and therefore is deemed broken because it's success rate is too high. I'd go on to talk about what's wrong with Mother Daughter Ring+Prayer bread Spirit(Known as Generator Grab Spirit) but I can't really be bothered to provide deep explanation. All you need to know is that it forces you to run a survivor perk and add-on combination has almost no drawbacks, only massive buffs with drastic gameplay domino effect(Gen tapping). The less people know about it, the better.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    On the statement on irid heads. Its op when combined with the belts for extra hatchets. Now having 3 insta down instead of 1.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Hi! Devs are on the GAME'S side not Killer or Survivor. If you can't see why Instaheals that can heal someone to full with a press of a button is bad for gameplay, Then I don't really know if I can say anything that would get through to you!

    Also your generalization is rather insulting! I am a Killer main and guess what? I don't want a 4k every time! I know that's a weird thought for you, but i'd RATHER have a fun back and forth game and not a stomp either way!

    So you need to calm down and breathe a bit, try and have fun in a GAME that you chose to play! Have fun in the Fog!

  • FlamingkittyUmad
    FlamingkittyUmad Member Posts: 313

    A killer can deny a double instahealing by just picking the survivor up, and if a survivor just heals themselves mid chase they only gain like 10 seconds.

    Now if you really want to talk about "no planning required", you need to look at moris. It's completely unreasonable to say "just go all match without being hooked once". Moris are facecamping on steroids, they're nothing but an easy, cheap, and fast kill in the mid to end game.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    Thinks i agree with someones comment somewhere in this thread, just get rid of ALL insta anythings.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    It's not moris that are unfun, but the people that use them.

    It's also a "let the killer have their fun round", since every game you have a mori, is ten games you escape easily.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    It's not the offering, but how it's used. If a killer never catches anyone, then it won't matter, will it?

    Moris just take away your ability to make mistakes, and I find that's what survivors are mad about most.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    All you did was saying what you'd do if you had the keys to behaviour. How are they losing players in that screenshot?

  • Wrathofbabushka
    Wrathofbabushka Member Posts: 3

    Wait... Instas got nerfed?

    Fuckin FINALLY. Best news I've heard about the update thus far!

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Moris are only toxic if people use them as such. Adding conditions will only limit them, since they are the "Let the killer have their fun" offering.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Ebony moris on their own are not unbalanced. It's the killer's choice how to use them, and is the one offering that gives them the power role, since survivors can't afford to make mistakes for once.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    If you don't want a 4k then your only person I have ever met read about seen or any other form of knowing someone that has said that cause all I see and hear is if I don't get a 4k survivors are to over powered and are spooned fed everything. It's the case I play both sides on Xbox and yes something's can get annoying on both sides but every time something gotta get nerfed the survivors have to feel it too and it's not like insta heals are that common or that easy to use but I understand killers are apparently the majority vote here.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Once again! You are generalizing! Please stop that.

    The Devs are on THE GAME'S SIDE! It looks like survivor gets alot of nerfs cause back in the dead it was INSANE! Want me to send you a clip of how it used to be?

    Devs are not on Killer or Survivor side! I'm sorry you've seen alot of people being douches, but it's not everyone! If you plated on PC i'd love to meet you in the Fog, but I suppose I can just wish you better games!

    (Also, you are using examples of the most extreme Killer mains, Trust me I can find survivors that are the same for when Killers anything, like the person that started this thread that insulted me directly and compared this game to child abuse!)

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,147

    I'm pretty sure I and some other players have also said on these forums that we don't care about getting a 4k.

    Instaheals are OP and definitely need to be changed. Winning a chase just to have someone else run in and bring the survivor from dying to healthy before I can even finish wiping my blade... another player described it as "a kick in the teeth," and I agree with that description. It's not fun. And the higher the ranks I play against, the more I see at least one survivor bringing an instaheal; they're not that rare.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    An instaheal was a let a survivor have their fun.

    By your logic an instaheal will only be toxic if you chose to use it toxicly.

    I understand a nerf was needed but personally believed (as someone who plays killer at least 50% of the time anyway) that the pink one should do what the purple one does on live and the purple one should do what the pink one does on the PTB.

    Now I've read your comment and just don't understand a thing, you use moris to instakill people way earlier than you should. You nearly don't stand a chance against a killer with an ebony mori and if they don't get a 4k with that (or a 3k with a hatch escape) they are just ######### and that's the honest truth. The survivors need to be 10000 times better than the killer to even stand half a chance against that bullshit.

    Instaheals on the other hand aren't that bad other than the odd pink insta revive from floor which needed to be nerfed as I said already. When I play killer and I go against some instaheals I still tend to do fine against them and they don't impact that game that much and are fun to use but as a killer I now don't use any of my pink moris as it removes all challenge from the game and makes it to easy and for survivors it makes it to frustrating and hard. Moris totally sway the balance and make the game infuriating, you can't use a Mori in a fair way other than maybe a green mori but even so the first person to be found will usually be unfairly removed and the other survivors will have to deal with a difficult 3 man game

  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    Another survivor main making another one of these threads?

    Complaining of the dev’s decision on toning down something that four players could all run and make the game a GGEZ scumfest for the Killer?

    Instead of just playing the game and adapting to it, like we all did with the keys&mori?


  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    I understand that maybe they not specifically on one side or the other but it does tend go towards who ever complains the most and that would be the killers. I wish I could run into descent people on this game that play killer but literally every killer I come across say same things and that was not an exaggeration either I have been rank 1 survivor off and on for the past month and a half. I have not seen that many insta heals and the chance we do have them we rarely get to use them on a down survivor most of the time they don't get used or they get lost. I wouldn't say anything at all but I'm the short time I have been on here all I have seen is killer mains trying justify nerfing anything they related to survivors especially if gives them even the tiniest bit of a leg up. I get the killer is the power role but the game shouldn't be so one sided that it's only fun for the killer.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    If you honestly didn't care about the 4k then the insta heals wouldn't bother you so much. When I play killer I truly do not care just a hook each and give me my points and if someone insta heals so be it I chase them down again they don't get far most of the time anyway.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Well, if you look at the threads there are ALOT of complaining on both sides! I wont say one is more than the other, but it's rampant on both sides! Point not made!

    I wish you could play with me! Cause I don't say any of those things and barely Slug... let alone Tunnel or Camp! I never do those!

    Also, I've had quite a few people (like 80%) use instaheals in my matches! Maybe its an Xbox thing to not use them much?

    Would you like to see all the survivors telling Killers to suck it cause Nurse got nerfed? Go look at a few threads!

    Welcome to the forums as well! I hope you can get a good even keel here and realize we are here to give good feedback to the Devs! Have fun and try not to take anyone too serious! If they do something serious, just report it! Thank you for staying mostly Civil!

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    Why do so many killer mains get so intensely salty about GGEZ I only ask because all you guys use that as some excuse to Mori every game you go into and to complain about survivors. If survivors stomp you that's you not their items killers have so many things at their disposal that they can counter everything a survivor has same can not be said about other way round.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Can you give examples?

    Also to pre guess you

    Keys = Moris

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,147

    I don't care about the 4k; that doesn't mean I don't care about getting hooks. I care about my BBQ 4 stack. I play for BP. During a chase at the beginning of a match, two or three gens can pop by the time you down your first survivor. One instaheal negates any pressure you might've been able to apply by hooking that survivor.

    If a match is frustrating rather than fun, I just go afk and wait for the survivors to finish the gens and leave. I don't care about killing them; I care about BP and having fun. Having the survivor I just chased down go from dying to healthy while I'm locked in the post-successful-hit animation, that's not fun.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Same with Instablinds, DS, BT, and all other second chance perks? Also Keys? Killers have far fewer of those. It's not like there are perks that reward killers for playing badly.

    That is true. I still think they were mostly used toxically. I had no issue with the concept, just execution. That's definitely an argument to be made.

    Not true, if a bad killer brings an ebony and never catches anyone, then the mori was wasted, wasn't it? It's the same as bringing an instaheal but losing it to a Franklins...

    No, but think about it for higher ranks with those that know how to abuse them to their full. It's not a fun experience. It's not a fun experience for a new killer too, since they have just secured a chase then are expected to do it again... then they experience locker DS's for the first time...

    It just seems a little one sided what you're arguing for. Killers take on so much survivor sh*t, especially with all of the second chance perks and items, then they can't have a little fun with one offering? Seems like entitlement to me.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Killers are the power role.

    Any Killer who doesn't feel any power... is just bad at the game or being outplayed by survivors.

    Everytime I see a killer main talk about how survivors are the power role, I just laugh because they just admitted they are bad at the game.

This discussion has been closed.