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Q&A: 3.3.0 PTB



  • Member Posts: 2,197

    The Tome/Rift forces you to play roles you mightn't typically play. And if you recall the last Hallowed Blight Event where you were forced to play half killer/half survivor for serum - that basically broke the entire game via queue times... Any comments on how this could brake the game for everyone when it goes live? How about making each challenge a killer OR survivor one instead?

  • Member Posts: 1,470
    edited October 2019

    Who is the next Killer that you plan on prioritizing for balance changes after Nurse?

  • Member Posts: 914

    Which specific technical components did you choose to optimize with this patch? The difference between this and the previous patch cannot be felt on very low end PCs, and there was not a single mention about this topic for quite some time now, sadly.

  • Member Posts: 1,413

    Are there any plans to make tweaks for weak killers? Not including reworks, like the doctor. Trapper for example could do with one or two more traps carried at base.

  • Member Posts: 105
    edited October 2019

    Ptb: Will perks like Dark Devotion give the Undetectable status effect in the future? Any add-ons for other killers that could see it?

    Insta-heals were often seen as toxic behavior,

    Can we expect other ingame changes to help reduce behavior seen as toxic, such as a cooldown on crouching for tbags or point blank face campinge?

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    When will Pig get the love she deserves? I'm tired of all the Soft Nerf's shes had. When will she become more fluid in her movements, addons reworked, terror raduis reduced back to normal, etc?

    Seriously just answer it the people want to know.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    This is probably not that important, but will some charms now or in the future glow or sparkle. Like the sparkle from the lanterns from new year or glow like the serum on killers and survivors.

  • Member Posts: 183

    What ever happened to the Whispers changes?

  • Member Posts: 182
    edited October 2019

    Here's a question:

    Will Peanits update the answer post answering more questions or is that all the information that will be answered?

  • Member Posts: 63

    Are you planning on making Killers such as Spirit, Clown and Plague fun to go against?

  • Member Posts: 50

    Why didn't Legion receive a Halloween skin like all other killers?

  • Member Posts: 92

    Will you add Auric Cells and more stuff to the free track on the Rift?

  • Member Posts: 247

    Any plans to buff the trapper?

    His addon rework was quite good but there is no risk to disarm traps and the time he wastes going to pick traps up makes him a bit weak.

  • Member Posts: 503

    If I start making progress on the free track, then later decide to switch to the premium track, will the premium items from the levels I already unlocked be available or do I have to unlock the premium from the start to get them?

  • Member Posts: 610
    edited October 2019

    Will only Basegame/Free characters be receiving Rift items?

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited October 2019

    Killers have their own powers, and they're getting changes. It makes each one of them unique and the choice isn't purely aesthetic. Will survivors ever have anything that's only their own, which makes them unique instead of being fully disposable?

  • Member Posts: 132

    How would you feel about changing the way you level perks up? Instead of making it so you have to find them more than once in the bloodweb you could make it so you unlock them once and then using them in a certain way unlocks the higher level version of that perk. For instance, to level nurse's calling you could have to down a set amount of partially healed survivors and so on. This could change the perks from a grind of blood points to a fun way of embracing that perk's capabilities. In essence it would stand to make the process of leveling them more fun and educational, which would be particularly helpful with newer players.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Will the new engine resolve the super blurry anti-aliasing when playing in Low?

  • Member Posts: 34
    1. When are "wiggle" points being put in?
    2. Could you consider putting the Tall Man from the Phantasm movies into the game?
    3. Are there stats available for the most popular cosmetics?
    4. Are there stats for the number of players dcing/getting banned, and cancelled games?
  • Member Posts: 2,731

    Have concerns about the archive being too difficult to complete for casual players been addressed?

  • Member Posts: 19

    Question about Lore:

    Will we learn more about Vincent, the Keeper of the archive, Vigo and his experiments, especially during Halloween and will there be even more new characters?

  • Member Posts: 17

    Will there be DLC killer challenges in the Archive?

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    Will the game have a large graphical update anytime?

  • Member Posts: 57

    is Spirit getting any treatment anytime soon? you really cant play the killer without someone dc. because she is broken and specially her add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    Many players are concerned that the Rift will take too long to complete (100-200 hours), having done the maths based on information received in the PTB. Are there plans to make changes to the Rift/Tomes so that the completion time falls more in line with the original estimate of 70-80 hours?

  • Member Posts: 2

    Will Second Wind be changed to be a bit more useful, like say when you heal someone a full health state, you can active it with your activation button and it will take 30 seconds to heal you. I feel like that would be more useful than healing someone and then using it after you get off the hook?

  • Member Posts: 2

    Will we see the toolbox skillcheck add-ons changed or toolboxes and all their add-ons anytime soon?

  • Member Posts: 21

    When are dedicated servers coming to PS4 and XBOX One?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Do you think giving T1 Myers undetectable will make him a less unique stealth killer? Being that he was actually undetectable by all perks previously while having a tiny TR anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Will you reduce the gap between the rewards of the paid and free path in the rift?

  • Member Posts: 39

    (Can answer many)

    1 Question

    When are you guys gonna add back the old map offerings?

    2 Question

    Are you gonna add more of a chance for survivors to wiggle off the hook more easily.

    3 Question

    Any changes gonna happen soon to Michael, Pig, Wraith and Ghost face? Because most of their wall hack add-ons are very over powered in some builds they do.

    4 Question

    Are you guys/girls gonna make the main menu more...Comfortable to use?

    5 Question

    Why put less stuff in Free in the "Slash" in pass? You know adding more gaps

    Last Question

    Any updates on the lighting in the game. I mean Macmillan needs to be a bit brighter. Cold wind farm needs to be a bit darker. So does Auto wreckers. (Love the new mist change in the ptb)

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Shortly after the rework, we were told that Freddy's terrible haemmorhage and blindness add ons would be monitored for their use in order to be determined if changes were needed.

    What is the status on these, seeing as nobody EVER uses them because they have almost no impact on a match at all?

  • Member Posts: 529

    Will there be any buffs to the demogorgon's perks? Or consider some community suggestions like making cruel limits map wide?

  • Member Posts: 635

    can you implement a little minigame while waiting in the lobby. like uno or smth ^^

  • Member Posts: 368

    Will we get a Tome for every Character in the Game?

  • Member Posts: 12

    Will there be achievements added along with the archives?

  • Member Posts: 227

    Will there be any fix for the survivor connection error on PS4 and if not are you looking into it?

  • Member Posts: 102

    Is anything being done to nerf SWF? I feel that chat should be disabled during play or implented into the game so the killer can hear it within a certain range

  • Member Posts: 294

    will you be implementing more serious punishment for trashy trollish nonsense , racist comments and overall toxicity? about 3/4 matches are filled with this nonsense.

    Also, please bring deluxe edition upgrade to steam. Shouldn't have to remove the game from our accounts and rebuy everything just to get an artbook. Actually, just the artbook as a dlc would be nice..not sure anyone cares about payday 2 anymore.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Is Spirit on the radar for changes?

    Is intentional DC'ing going to be addressed soon? This sucks on both sides and is ruining the game for everybody.



    Well done on fixing Nurse and Instaheals. These are the best changes you have made for the game in years. Hitting both sides at once is never a bad idea.

    I hope to see you guys continue to hate out the uninteractive mechanics on BOTH sides.

    The Archive is an AMAZING addition to the game and I love that it rewards you for playing both Survivor and Killer. A great way to get people to do play both without forcing them. Whoever came up with that idea, give that guy a promotion.

    The game is looking better and better with each patch. These were strong steps in the right direction.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Also Quentin face rework when?????

  • Member Posts: 313

    Why was the update delayed? Details beyond unforeseen circumstances. I read somewhere it was because of nintendo switch.

  • Member Posts: 198

    Can we expect new features in the future such as adding new statuses or an update to the totem system? Or anything new in general for the core game?

  • Member Posts: 95

    some character's hair has been really weird and partly transparent (examples: spirit, nea, feng min, jake's beards, dweard) are you gonna fix this?

  • Member Posts: 315

    The community asks very much.

    Question: when?

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    Why was hair textures changed? Talking about ponytails, and stuff like that.

  • Member Posts: 116

    Are you fixing the issue with Seething Entertainer's Mr. Hollow weapon not appearing in Trial? No more "Thumbs Up" while I'm slashing?

  • Steve here, is it okay to ask if my babysitter outfit will release with the patch?

  • Member Posts: 82

    So would we really have to wait until the 2nd batch of challanges a fortnight later to get the claudette and trapper lore extension?

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