Some killers should get new skins resembling creepy pastas

I suggest that a few killers should get creepy pasta skins

The legion: Jeff the killer

The Nurse: Slender Man

The Hag: The Rake


  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599


    Despite outward appearance and some obvious exceptions, this is a horror game, where tension and stress is part of the experience. Creepypasta is rather solidly in the realm of joke fodder, especially Jeff-boi - if you're scared of creepypasta, you're too young to be playing this game.

    DBDisBEST Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2019

    I’m not scared of creepy pastas, I don’t even find DBD scary I just thought it would be cool. Not everything in a game needs to be 100% serious.

    Post edited by DBDisBEST on
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Reminder that we're getting a elephant Clown costume (Soon™)

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599


    I did say there were some obvious exceptions :P

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    Subjective argument which makes it your opinion. A lot of Creepypastas, like Slenderman are far scarier than a bunch of punk teenagers in masks or a fat clown.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited November 2019

    Legion is a discount Ghostface mixed with Jeff the Killer anyway. Some people don't find clowns scary, but coulrophobia is in the top 20 most common phobias.

    Slenderman the Trenderman just wants $20, cuz your wife is in the club; he's just too prolific in the meme department. Slenderman himself was scary, but The 8 Pages and Marble Hornets did a little too much 'showing the monster' with the version known as The Operator - the suit with no face, versus the eldritch shapeshifter of the original.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    Idc about Jeff the Killer. They can take Slenderman from a point in time where he was scary and DBD can capitalize on that. Relax and chill, mate

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited November 2019

    Some of my issues with creepypasta in games come pretty specifically from Legion/Jeff :P My confidence in BHVR isn't always the strongest, and they cited Jeff as an influence - instant red flag. If they took Slenderman and did the research, I'm pretty sure they could make something properly scary and fun to play against - they're unlikely to do so, with the Slenderman Stabbing case resurfacing in the news. My attitude towards creepypastas in games hovers near more specific things, like how SCP get treated - 106 is basically Demogorgon with a rotten smile, and 173/Weeping Angels suffer from Ghostface's PTB problems but worse.

    It should be noted that I typically only post here during wait times for matches, so if there's a hint of stress I apologize.

    Rake could work, though. I'm not saying creepypasta can't be effective, but the stories and culture around creepypasta are very much geared toward youth and are such a mixed bag in terms of actual creep/scare factor - it's hard to have confidence in BHVR's ability to sift through it all and make a decent contribution to Dead by Buglight.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    That's understandable, Jeff definitely feels like Legion which is why I don't particularly care about him. Basically, the few most popular ones can make it in. Ones that have something actually scary to them whether it would be in a specific video game or movie, etc.

  • KrazyKat1011123
    KrazyKat1011123 Member Posts: 170

    He said they would just be skins. And this game isn't even that scary and they already have skins that seem like jokes. No one sees legion and poops there pants. So making him jeff isnt that bad of an idea. Nurse as slender idk about that one cause there pretty different.