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The rift is too grindy



  • Member Posts: 998

    Won't we get the rest of the challanges before the 70 day mark?

    I would expect it to boost the progress speed that way.

  • Member Posts: 4

    This game began with a grind, thats what enhanced the experience. Stop crying and d/cing all the time and be a teammate.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Its way to grindy, I assumed Tome 2,3,4 had higher Rift token rewards for completing the quests/challenges. But after it bugging out and showing me Tome challenges for #4 I can confirm that the rewards are only 5 tokens and 60,000 BP so the dev's need to fix this by a fair margin. 30% reduction at minimum. I think I have farmed over 8million BP since the release and I am only level 22 or 23. Feels bad :(

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    If you bought your way too the end sure, but it's simply not possible too grind that much in 2 days.

    As for OP, I guaranteed it was designed like this. They have a system which incentives people into buying tiers and levels because of how hard the grind is. It was made for casual players too pay too get skins, because there is no way a casual player will even get the Archives finished.

  • Member Posts: 40

    They always do that.

    Last year, when we needed those vials of serum to unlock stuff... That was when I was TOTALLY into the game, playing EVERY DAY, sometimes up to 6 hours.

    I got less than HALF of what the ultimate goal was.

    I was astonished. To get all those vials, you'd have to play 12-14 hours a day, EVERY DAY as long as the event lasted.

    Who can do that?

    All events should require NO more than 5-6 matches per day.

    If someone finishes early, good for them. But you shouldn't be encouraging people to spend more than 2-3 hours a day playing ANYWAY.

    So, if events require more than that, you're essentially PROMOTING people playing excessively.

  • Member Posts: 75

    The best way to progress through the rift after you have done all your challenges is to play killer and just afk, since the rift fragment progress exp is tied to your game time (1sec=1exp totalling to 600 which is the cap for one game).

    I just queue up as killer and go do something else periodically checking if my game is over to queup again.

    It baffles me that the devs thought that this was a good idea, the only worse battle pass system I've come across was activisions cod battle pass and I don't think that BHVR wants to be associated with them after building up good will for this long.

  • Member Posts: 75

    You have to complete all the killer and survivor challenges in all four tomes and play 6-7 games a day to unlock the entire rift

  • Member Posts: 1,053

    bruh moment

  • Member Posts: 254

    It's fine..the whole game is grindy. I'm happy to be earning more frequent rewards.

  • Member Posts: 75

    It's not fine having to play 2-3 hours every day assuming you do ALL the challenges in all tomes.

    But that's not the point, it seems it was intended to be this way to force people with not enough time or onesided mains to buy the tiers which is scumy.

    They also lure you by saying you will get your auric cells back after you unlock all the tiers but what purpose does it serve if you are inevitably going to use them up to reach the end of the rift.

  • Member Posts: 254

    To each their own i guess...

  • Member Posts: 839

    Already on tier 20... then again, I've played for like 5-8 hours a day. Big rip

  • Member Posts: 369

    I don’t see how that affect what I said. And also I think it’s not true? From my understanding the rift levels with those blue shards and you get them with exp, so it’s possible to complete the rift by simply playing the game without doing any challenges... am I wrong? I did the chapter 1 Tome, then kept leveling the rift up just playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 16

    I queued for 27 minutes today for a game. Needless to say I didn't do 6 - 7 games in an hour

  • Member Posts: 70

    Ya'll need some cheese with all that whine?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    I'd just like to point out that last night I stopped playing right after I finished level 18 on the Rift. I've been playing killer for 5 1/2 hours today, earning about 500 XP per match, and I still haven't completed level 19.

    Five and a half hours and I haven't completed one level on the Rift. That's some bull.

  • Member Posts: 11

    6-7 games is DEFINITELY not an hour. Each game can last anywhere from 10-20 minutes, 6-7 games would be closer to an hour and a half-ish, NOT counting absurdly long matchmaking, picking items, loading screens, etc.

  • Member Posts: 4,061

    Unpopular opinion, I won't have a massive problem with tome 4, I'm confident in my killer and Survivor ability to pull them off at some point. Just searched 5 chests in the first couple of minutes in one match, I am unstoppable.

  • Member Posts: 33

    6 or 7 games in an hour is absurd! I've played for over a year on ps4 and never have I been able to complete more than 4 or 5 games in an hour. You say switch roles for faster que?! Killer que is never instant anymore and even after you find a lobby you have to wait for the survivors to show up. I don't even want to talk about how slow survivor que is.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    I generally stop queuing and just play another game if it takes 20+ minutes to find a game. I still have barely any killer related challenged done because of this.

  • Member Posts: 688

    The rift is very grindy, no doubt. People who play only 1 hour a day will never even get close to reaching lv 70 of the rift, at least, not as it stands now. Unless they change it so we get the shards faster, by reducing the exp needed or making us get more than 1 shard for leveling. The challenges provide some shards, but if they don't change tier 4, most people will not complete them. And then, there are people who only play one of the roles, so they can only complete half the challenges anyway.

    I already completed the challenges from tier 1 and I'm lv 24, but I played a lot. My friends, who play like 2 hours a day, are having a hard time. Also, one of them only plays survivor, so it's even worse for him. I had already bought the auric cells before the rift came out, but I decided to not by the pass, at least for now. If I can't complete the rift or be close to do so, I won't buy the pass at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    There's a wee bit of a difference between looting chests and getting 2 flashlight saves in one match...

    A lot of people have completed the firat tome - its the easiest. what were talking about here is whats to come andd how unlikely it is for most to complete the rift...

  • Member Posts: 182

    That’s just the challenges they mean unlocking everything on the rift pass no possible way unless you paid auric cells for teirs

  • Member Posts: 75

    I will not argue with you I did the math and it told me how much I need to play every day. If you think I made a mistake in my calculations feel free to do it your self and report back.

  • Member Posts: 270

    What are you even on about. Even whilst playing survivor queuing for 6-7 games alone can even take more than an hour and that's ignoring the time it takes to play the games... Your just one of the people that sucks off any developer of anything they like without giving any constructive criticism but taking all on their behalf acting like genji trying to deflect it.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited November 2019

    Welcome to the joyous land of battlepasses!

    Now being hammered into every game I bother playing, won't stay that way for long! Fun times to be had!

  • Member Posts: 369

    No I believe your math. All I’m saying is the top rewards in the game shouldn’t be available to someone who plays LESS than 6-7 games everyday.

  • Member Posts: 8,868

    Ive actually seen some streamers who already have over half of it done, lol.

  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,077

    The best way to progress is playing the game properly, we do not encourage farming or the behavior you are suggesting.

  • Member Posts: 798
  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,077
  • Member Posts: 32

    Wish I had your queues then. If I pick killer an hour might be two games, depending on the queue time. If I pick survivor, and we assume theyre each exactly 10m games, then 6 games is going to be about an hour and a half.

    The devs have to eat. On a game that's $30 usd. $143.83 usd if you purchase the DLC. Excluding any cosmetics you might buy while in game. I think youre confusing this for a free to play game who uses battle passes as a way to collect revenue. ON THEIR FREE GAMES.

    Same. Lots of afk killer's in low ranks just swinging every 5-10s. I sympathize with your brother, I had a LOT of time over an extended weekend and I'm at 16. I won't have this much time the rest of the time it's up. I didn't know the rift would be another part time job if I wanted to complete it :( The more I play the worse my time/payout ratio gets too. Queue times just keep getting longer and longer.

  • Member Posts: 912

    so you want them to work now without getting payed anymore. they still making content after over 3 years ofc they need money for it. thats not how the world works my dude. get a grip and grow up.

  • Member Posts: 1,471

    Guys, I already finished the Rift a couple days ago, it's so easy.

    On a side not I am now short 70$ /s

    But seriously, the Rift is so predatory it isn't even funny. It takes 800 XP for 1 shard, and you get hardcapped at around 500 XP per match. If there wasn't a hard cap and you could get 1 shard per match it would be so much better.if you could get 1 tier per 10 matches, but the devs want to wring us dry.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Personally, I think it's too early to make that judgement. We still have 64 days left in the rift. I bought the rift pass fully understanding I prob won't compete the whole thing. I should at least be on track to finish half of it which will mean:

    Unlocked Nurse Blight Cosmetic

    Unlock one other Blight Cosmetic from serum

    Earn back 500 AC

    Earn numerous other cosmetics & charms

    In the end if I get all of that for an overall cost of $5 (factoring in earned AC) I think the rift pass will be providing a ton of value for the price.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    Congratulations for being the sort of player most gaming developers would love to have.

    As for the Rift. If it wasn't meant to squeeze anyone attempting to complete it dry, Behavior wouldn't have introduced a way for players to buy tiers for real money. That decision alone shows exactly what their intention was.

  • Member Posts: 32

    Except BHVR, in their blog covering the Archives/Rift, specifically sold it as being achievable by playing appr. an hour per day.

    "Our goal for our first Tome and Rift is to base our completion targets on the average daily play time of 1 hour/user, provided by our internal data. Given this, completion of The Rift and all its rewards should take roughly 70 to 80 hours of gameplay, provided players accomplish Challenges from each role.  "

  • Member Posts: 452

    Welcome to life. I don't mean that to be mocking. The idea of paying your way through things is pervasive all around. Want to sit in the best seats at a concert? Pay an extra $1,000! Want to skip the line at an amusement park? Pay extra for a fast pass! Heck even pizza places now let you pay extra for "priority delivery."

  • Member Posts: 1,471
    edited November 2019

    Was just a joke, no one in their right mind would spend 70$ for the Rift. But honestly, does BHVR need to wring us out more? The game costs 20$, all the DLC including cosmetic packs but excluding Charity Case costs $96.84 plus tax if you don't want to add more grinding for Iridescent Shards, the Rift costs $10, including all the cosmetics in the store, with over half of them being available solely for Auric Cells. If you want everything that effects gameplay unlocked from the start it will cost you about $116.84 without tax. This is a tad bit ridiculous, you could get 2 fully fledged AAA game instead of buying everything in DBD. It gets even worse, with the cosmetics in the store that are only available for Auric Cells, their cost comes out to a whopping $993. JESUS. I got this number by converting every 100 Auric Cells into $1 and rounding accordingly, so you may get a slightly higher or lower number, but the fact that there are almost $1000 dollars worth of cosmetics that can only be bought with real money seems REALLY scummy and cash grabby.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    Ah. I don't sarcasm very well.

    They are, as the gaming industry's calling it, fishing for whales.

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  • Member Posts: 651

    It is all optional and despite what some people say, it is all just for cosmetics. Plus, all you need to do is play as much or as little as you want until the last day of the rift and then look and see what you get for your ten bucks. If it doesn't seem worth it, then don't buy it! If it does, then buy it! And of course bhvr will let you buy a tier, why wouldn't they. It is something they can offer and I am sure people will be dumb enough to buy.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    That isn't the rift. That is the tome.

    The rift is the battlepass.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Rift progression should accommodate the play time of normal, well-adjusted adults with careers, families, and other hobbies. This is what all systems in all games not explicitly designed for children should target. The end.

  • Member Posts: 651
    edited November 2019

    I love it! It has a free track, gives me bonus blood points for side missions, and even more free stuff if I choose to unlock it. Also, I won't buy until the end so I can see exactly what I get. Anyone that gets manipulated by this system is going to have much bigger problems in life.... "FOMO" or "keeping up with the Jones" is a behavioral problem, not a BHVR problem.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Sorry, but I don't think you're being realistic with your numbers. You are assuming every copy of the game and all DLC were purchased at full price. I can tell you all of mine were purchased on sale. And yes, I still haven't purchased Stranger Things b/c I'm waiting for it to go on sale.

    Also, who are these people that you think are buying EVERY cosmetic?!?!? Maybe a few people do but seriously, most do not. Cosmetics are there for people who play the game a lot and want to personalize their favorite characters. Yeah, some of them are pricey but they are icing on the cake. This idea that BHVR is gouging every fan to the tune of $1000 does not hold water.

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