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Can a tier 3 michel mori when your running at full health?

Im new to the game and im only rank 10 and a little bit ago I was running from a tier 3 michel at full health, he got close so I tried to juke him and i ended up getting grabbed killed on the spot, i just wanted to know if that was a normal thing or not


Best Answer


  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    The first time it happen to me, I was so shocked. I had no idea about the add-ons. I tought "Well, he is tier 3, I will get downed in a single hit, but someone might save me from the hook" But being killed on the spot, at full health, was unexpected, at that time.

  • Ruminy
    Ruminy Member Posts: 7

    Yes, he can mori you if they run Judith's tombstone or Tombstone piece. This makes them slower by 5% and requires more stalk points to tier up. Best option to evade it is to work on a generator or vault while they're here, so they only get a grab or a hit.