Spirit kills= devs nerf



  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    He's right thou and you know it. Instaheals were a pain, and Omega 3blink nurse was a pain, BUT base kit nurse isn't a pain and is balanced since it had counters. It's almost as if you Devs don't even play Base kit nurse, and never knew how her power is juke.

    You say you take back feedback, but you don't even look at it and the proof is literally the nurse nerf, and the legion "rework" (more as nerf, since you Devs are lazy, and don't bother looking at the whole picture, you guys are really short sighted, and seems like you don't look at the long term effects).

    I hope you as a Dev reflect upon what you are doing to this game, but you Devs are literally killing it. I hope you enjoy programming AI killers, because I bet your boss is going to force you to do that since you guys are attempting to drive away the Killer population by nerfing strong killers to mid tier or low tier.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    Those people that are asking for changes are cause they don't know how to do anything but pallet loop, I've gone Vs spirit many times and everything they have said I found pretty much the opposite, she to be totally honest, she is weak already, just not many people realised how to abuse her own power on her, I always thought she was top level myself, just then I noticed the clear subtle signs of her location in phase walk and abused the hell out of it, and the people I played with thought me a god, all I did instead of pallet loop was use the typical tactic spirit uses of phase then walk around to sit back and forth on a pallet, she gave up eventually then used it to try to chase me, I urban evasion crouched away into cover and she lost me, I make noise to try and lure and repeat these steps until they decide to just walk normal and force it into standard pallet loop, all 5 done, not even an injured state up to the exit I was too cocky and got hit but was at exit so didn't matter, spirit really isn't that strong, nerfing her with completely kill her, she is great for a checky grab if you don't get someone to distract her, that's when spirit makes the game changer, the hooks is all she can about be strong in, unless someone has borrowed time, the issue isn't a case of nerfing, it's a case of people needing to not rely to typical tactics until you force her no other way to have a chance, the people dying to her are just incapable of adapting

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    PC. 4 at the moment, higher when I'm not playing a lot of Plague who doesn't pip in most matches.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'm not saying I want her dumpstered, but going from a killer with a lot of information while survivors guess everything to a killer with counterplay is categorically a nerf.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    This is true i guess. But you understand that survivors generally dislike any feature that is moderately threatening to them? You are now nerfing 2 killers that were most threat for pallet loop meta. The next thing will be complains abaut billy, simply becouse he doesn't have many weaknesses, but he surely can be looped.

    Cannot say it will be very fun to play against top tier survivors, when there are no top tier killers left. It's been proven again and again that most killers do not have enough map pressure AND chase potential against survivors who play optimally

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Sad how accurate that is. It's like they think a temper tantrum will suddenly make old Nurse balanced.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Killer complaints are considered. You forget or not know about when this game came out and shack had one door and one window? Survivor. Could go there and basically never be caught. They also reworked maps so that loops aren't as strong, they've also lowered the number of pallets, and they've nerfed instaheals while also buffing and reworking killers. Quit your bias attitude.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Hmhm..meanwhile adding micro nerfs to killers..also the number of pallets shall only increase as per the devs new map design philosify..you see I take the killers side because it's the side that's not in a good spot..I'm more than willing to defend survivors or ideas gone too far but this is not one of those things..so before you try to silence someone by just saying something like "killer complaints are considered, do remember they made nurse even weaker than the ptb despite killer players feedback , ghost fave had the most feedback of anything I'd seen in dbd yet he got changed once again going against feedback, and now killers are getting clipped one by one all next to each other out of nowhere..so do forgive me if what your saying doesnt get more than a chuckle from me

  • Ireath
    Ireath Member Posts: 91

    It looks like every time a side gets a big nerf or rework people cry that the devs are pandering to one side which isn't the case they're doing what they feel is best for the game.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    this is the second time you have essentially admitted to balancing around disconnects ("fun")

    So are you condoning killers to instantly disconnect from haddonfield and swf groups until you change that? i mean they are not "fun" either.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    Soon enough, every killer will be an M1 killer with a flippin cooldown bar on their power.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    If the game is balanced around 2 kills and 2 survive, then why did i just kill 3 survivors (3 hooks each) with the last survivor on death hook, and still black pip?

    I did nothing but chase- hit- kick gens all game and still did not earn a pip with 3 dead!@!#

    your pip system is broken and needs a gigantic revamp if you want us to believe that the game is balanced around 2 die 2 survive, when the game its self is literally telling us that it is not.

  • Athenarin
    Athenarin Member Posts: 2

    Because killer emblem system is very punishable and you'll have to do a lot more than hit and kick gens. You need to find and chase survivors, destroy pallets, hit or catch survivors, hook survivors, make good use of your M2 powers and vice versa. Higher ranks can be tough and it's especially a pain when you have to kill 3 survivors to score a Ruthless or Merciless killer enough to gain a pip or double pip in those high ranks.

  • LRGamer
    LRGamer Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2019

    If the Game is balanced after this mentality then why does the Emblem System only give a pip on purple/red ranks if three Survivors were sacrificed unless if the survivors don’t heal, do Gens in the first 5 Minutes and lose chases immediately but we know that the game doesn’t work like that on high ranks (which should be the only example for balancing the game considering players will eventually go there) . Ruin is pretty much a necessity for getting a good result on gatekeeper (which in of itself is a poor design choice). The reason the average Spirit Kill Rate is above average is because she’s a great Killer who can have consistent results based on the Skill of the Killer instead of having to hope the Survivors aren’t good and the map you play on isn’t an unfair one (like Rancid Abattoir, Blood Lodge, Fractured Cowshed, Badham V, Yamaoka Estate (as in they are unfair) ) like you have to with most killers. The Problem with Spirit is that the game is in a really bad state in terms of balancing so not changing things like Generator Repair Speeds, Legions insanely underwhelming Kit and Godloops before nerfing Killers is contributing to the issue even more. One thing I also find interesting to say the least is that your Argument as to why Spirit needs changes went from her being Unfun for Survivors to her “Overperforming” after Someone mentioned how fun is subjective. And maybe the Problem isn’t the Spirit Overperforming and instead other Killers underperforming.

    I think the reason many people find it frustrating to go against Spirit is that you can’t do the same stuff you do against other Killers. This Game isn’t a 1v1. It’s a 1v4 so the Killer should eventually get you. And weaker Killers have to waste more time than better killers. That’s why they (better Killers) are getting played at higher ranks.

    The Reason it may seem like I wasn’t talking much about Spirit is because the Problem is more complex than just “Spirit=Op and Unfun”. And once she will be nerfed and a new Killer takes her spot as Second Best Killer, People will complain about said Killer next.

  • LRGamer
    LRGamer Member Posts: 160

    Just because this Game used to be in an even worse state than it currently is doesn’t make up for a good excuse. The original State of the Game should be forgotten for the sake of the dignity of the original game design team. Just because this game had an even worse balance doesn’t mean that it’s current one is good.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    "Gutted" is a little strong. They are different now, weaker sure, but they aren't "gutted". ?

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    no, nurse is now 100% skill based killer and deserve tagged as "hard"

    still i think billy is harder than nurse

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Funny, that's the same comment made after her first nerf two years ago. I guess that didn't hold up too well and she required another nerf.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    I have a blast bringing Bubba into my Red rank games and still getting 4ks.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited November 2019

    Hey peanits, if you guys at behaviour are taking into account the fun factor above everything else.. care to explain me why they made the nurse the most un-fun killer so far? Because it looks like when talking about killers you guys forget about that.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    most of what i said were recent or more recent changes and if we gonna take what you just said and say that the older issues arent a good excuse survivors could say the same to you about your killer issues, and the point is that its better, they're still fixing and working on things, and you're wrong for saying they don't listen to killers.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    You'll see 2x more complaining and critiquing her than you will defending her. She's a big problem for a large majority of the playerbase.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Majority of the player base can't win against clown much less Spirit lol

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Majority of survivors can't even do gens...so yes I'm sure they would have a hard time with spirit...because they suck at DBD in general.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Or use perks that counter her that perk that hides scratch marks for instance.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited November 2019

    Allow me to ask a few question, do you consider disconnects as kills in that case? And additionally, do you consider matches with disconnects when you make such analysis?

    I know from the past (Freddy) that you in fact considered disconnects as kills and that you counted unfair matches with disconnects for such statistics - regardless of the unbalance that was forcefully created by a Survivor.

    I remember that old Freddy was also considered an "overperforming" Killer" because apparently he had such a high "kill" count. What you / the developers forgot to consider is that the disconnects and the unbalanced matches were responsible for this, not Freddy himself.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    you are talking like spirit and nurse are the only viable killers at high rank i'm not too bothered if they change the spirit its only if they nerf hillbillies base ability that i would start to be concerned as billy without addons is perfectly balanced, not too strong but can easily punish mistakes and snowball the match i know they are planning to change his addons but as long as its just that.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    You can run away from a basekit nurse, there is no tactic involved nothing. Just run in a straight line and she can not catch up, this kinda makes me think that this has nothing to do with skill on either side.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    They said that they can filter out dc's when calculating the stats.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    She isn't fun to face, and while some people like @GrootDude and many others like the challenge... facing her over, and over, and over, and over again because she's the top meta isn't fun.

    But that isn't why she isn't fun, the general mechanics of how she works in chases and loops isn't fun... and i'm speaking in-general for the majority that face her. Yes, spirit isn't the omega Killer that can kill any Survivor... a good team and even some good Survivors on the team can loop her pretty decently...

    But... that's just a minority... if we're looking at the majority this isn't the case. You could just say "git gud" at that point, but "giting gud" with a Killer that isn't fun to play or go against isn't the answer...

    Also, the DCing that she causes from her mechanics is ALSO not fun to face... it isn't fun having my entire team bail on me while the Spirit doesn't care and still goes 100% on you.

  • Gaala
    Gaala Member Posts: 51

    Coincidentally, she also happens to average three kills per game if not higher (with the target being two kills two escape). Fun is definitely a factor, but not the only thing that's considered. A game is meant to be fun though, advocating for not making the game fun is a hard sell.

    So, based on that, if a killer that can do and average of 3k should be nerfed, a killer that can do 0k or 1k should be buffed, right? Good. I will playing nurse and legion, letting everyone go so the average kills for this 2 killers will go down.

    Oh wait. Survivor don't care as long as they escape (win), and they even annoying you doing tbag and loud sound if you're distant. So much fun.

  • JakConstantine
    JakConstantine Member Posts: 118

    The reason that people are facing her over and over and over again is because they aren't enough viable killers in the game. If there was more strong, viable killers people will be playing them.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Yes... that's why I made a post on it actually, which i'm currently talking in.

  • Killernewb86
    Killernewb86 Member Posts: 31

    I am boycotting playing killer on ps4 until this ######### ends. Legion massacre was enough for me. The only thing on Legion that needed to be nerfed was moon walking. Base kit changes to nurse was bad, spirit only needed collision and add on changes.

    freddy “buff” only needed To be able to hit survivors out of dream world and putting survivors to sleep added some challenge.

    Go nerf billy now.