Hillbilly Nerfs incoming boys.

Survivors are DC'ing in mass from my side with hillbilly. I talk about 2-3 DC per game. I guess he is next on the list after spirit.
Some of Billy's add-ons do need changing but his basekit is fine imo.
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The only thing that needs changing about hillbilly is carborator tuning guide and primer bulb. (and even that isn't incredibly gamebreaking) Other than instasaw billy is the most balanced killer in the game with loads of counterplay and counterplay to counterplay.
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I mostly agree. Billy with high curve is also pretty disgusting.
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Didnt we hear that once or twice before? I'm sure that was the case for Nurse, but I'm unsure on spirit.
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Enjoy having to wait for your ability to recharge Hillbilly!
You're going to have to sit with Legion and Clown at the lunch table soon!
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The only thing that needs changing about hillbilly is carborator tuning guide and primer bulb
Why? Instasaw Billy is a weak billy.
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It takes lots of the skill out of the equation. I'd much rather play against engraving billy who is arguably stronger, but offers new kind of counterplay. And besides carborator tuning guide is and addon that makes pretty much everything better, making it fit for pretty much every addon combo.
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Now, look. A bit of extra time between chainsaws would be nice. I have too many Billies charge chainsaw within M1 distance.
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They've stated that the standard that they want is for each killer to have a specific number of each color addon. So, because billy has 8 yellow, and no pink, you can expect changes to addons coming his way... as well as Leatherface too, hopefully.
I just don't want them to alter base powers. The elder scrolls online is revamping it's entire combat system, and has been for the past couple of years... it's obnoxious learning to play the same game like it's a new one every 3 months.
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Nurse -> Ripped a new one
Spirit -> Katana cut in half
Billy -> Is about to get a HEAVILY discounted chainsaw
Doctor -> Went insane by being on the internet for 6 hours
Myers -> Will have a bell on him so he can’t sneak on survivors
Freddy -> Is still celebrating even though he might be stabbed by the entity AGAIN
Bubba -> Might have a polished chainsaw
Wraith. -> Exists
Pig. -> Forgotten in the graveyard for now won’t be touched for awhile
Plague. -> No longer effective, BHVR gave out the cure earlier this year
Hag. -> Murdered by a flashlight
Demogorgon -> Was surprisingly buffed after the ptb
Legion. -> Gutted
Trapper ->Padded jaws are base kit
Ghost face ->Stalked by 4 p3 Claudettes
Post edited by MysticAdvisor on8 -
Billy with high curve is just fun. Like Dead Rabbit M&A Myers.
It's honestly scary when he comes around a corner drifting.
Also can't remember if this is true, but insta-saw doesn't even take off half of the charge time for the chainsaw.
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Poor bills probably going get nurse treatment added power bar so feels bad
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People are DC'ing on Freddy and Billy more for me now. I assume it will get worse after the Spirit "adjustment" goes through. Then i am going to assume Freddy and Billy will get "slight adjustments" and major add-on adjustments.
The weird thing too is Billy is in general very hard to master and speed Billy is tougher to get used to.
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Basically nobody complains about Billy though. Because he's balanced. If they do nerf Billy I think they will have truly lost it.
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Is gonna have a cooldown on that i'm 100% sure.
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Basekit fine, add ons are the issue.
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Even if he is fine, he will still be nerfed. That's how they do things.
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No he won't, they said they had no intention to change him in the near future, you just think with a pessimistic mindset, always 'BHVR this, BHVR that'.
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When they nerf Hillbilly after so long, this is the song that shall play for our fallen country explorer
Also *Laughs in Trapper+Wraith main"
I shall never be nerfed for we have been forgotten
Sadly Ghostface won't be ignored for long I imagine
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tbh this game would me much more ballanced if addons just wouldnt stack xd that would force ppl into more creative builds instead of just instasaw or 6 slowdown freddy
@Sasori_puppet so youre one of those that will play with every op add on and are upset when survs kill themselfs on 1st hook (but you use those to get easy kills and you get them) (and yes i know survs are DCing without reason, but amount of times when i saw killers crying because they are playing freddy with 2 slowdown add ons, ruin,pop, thana, dying light and survs are killing themselfs on 1st hook is amazing) im pig/wraith main and reddit + this forum made pigs funeral like 5 or 6 times but she is so good, you just need learn how to use her kit and dont be 4Head that just look for free 4k's while tunneling trap xd
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Billy is legitimately one of the most balanced killers in the game. His addons are just outdated and some combos can make him kind of unfair. The only thing he needs is slight addon changes. His base power is fine, and it basically has been since the game came out. BHVR has no reason to change his base power, and if they do, I’m sure there would be insane amounts of backlash towards them. Some of his addons are useless, and some are very strong, I have already suggested an addon rework for billy, but hey, doctor, wraith, pig, and legion need a buff before they take a look at a killer that is very balanced like billy.
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Billy's current addons are the most versatile in the game and I'm of the belief the Devs will ruin them.
Can't wait to see the patch notes
Previously, the Hillbilly could chainsaw sprint, go through a slight cool down, then immediately chainsaw again. This did not leave the Survivors with much of an opportunity to run away. A recharge mechanic for chainsaw has been added to limit how quickly he can perform multiple chainsaw attempts. Rather than being able to chainsaw without limit, he will instead have to refill his fuel gauge at lockers. Fuel will be consumed with each chainsaw attempt and drain slowly during chainsaw sprints. We've added addons that affect the rate fuel is consumed and an Ultra Rare that gives more BP in exchange for half the fuel gauge.
We feel these changes gives the Hillbilly better counter play while keeping him fun to play as.
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yet nurse basekit was changed anyway. Cooldown is on every killer they touched freddy and nurse got one. Legion before his changes has one but he do not have to the full gauge to use his power. Now it's a 20s cooldown and 4s fatigue on a non-lethal killer lul.
BHVR sure have no reasons but will anyway. His add-ons will get touched because he doesn't have the BHVR standard (2 ultra rare , 4 very rare , 5 rare , 5 uncommon and 4 common).
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He takes 36% away. Which make it to 1,6s. (base chainsaw take 2,5s).
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I honestly wouldn't doubt they're going to give Billy (and Leatherface, for that matter) a power gauge like Spirit or Legion's. I can see the patch notes being like: "We felt that Hillbilly was overperforming in terms of map pressure, since he could reach areas of the map faster than survivors could handle. We've given him a cooldown gauge in order to retain his power, but rein him in a moderate amount to give him some counterplay."
Also, the cooldown gauge has to fully recharge before he can rev his chainsaw again, and they'll make a bunch of new add-ons that have power recovery, speed and some that make him an M1 killer for 60 seconds for no apparent reason.
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This is what I told you.
You cave in to people who suck at the game they will just cry about the next best thing. Basicly any killer that isn't bubba/clown/doctor/legion etc will get complains about sooner or later. Just a matter of time.
This is what you wanted.
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“Billy is fine, just adjust some of his add-ons”
BHVR: Y’all say add a cool down?
Pretty much how I see it in the future.
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Its already started with the "some of his add ons are not fun to play against". Thing is its been shown even if that is true its never just the addons that get changed.
Sloooow down freddy vs speed billy. Place your bets which one will be the next target.
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We shall see in time
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Patch Notes: (this is a joke comment)
We received a few reports of Hillbilly needing an add-on tweak. So we removed all his add-ons. We also decided to put a 1 minute cooldown on the chainsaw and the chainsaw puts you in the Deep wound Status.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue that caused Legion to have a power
Further News: We will now be looking at hag as we have reports that she is over performing thank you!
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From the poor decisions you guys make, yea maybe it is.
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do not question devs or mods in this forum. or you will get jailed like me.
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Yep sadly because people don't want to play against him he gets nerfed ...sigh
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Freddy (before rework, took too long)
judging how you balance around fun for survivors and making nerfs left and right. I truly wouldn’t be surprised if Hillbilly or GF is next. “Our data indicates that players are doing well with a killer”
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People also DC against lowrank Trapper or anything else. Thats not a certain killer issue. Thus I highly hope that Billy will get his downside nerf to his chainsaw run (like longer run = longer charge time).
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The chainsaw is there to end the chase faster, if you're not going to force the M1 by taking windows or sticking by pallets that's your fault.
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It always is with these forums.
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Ok cringe.
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Actually if they finally stick to the Q&A it doc, chainsaw killers and Michael.. so coming up soon unless too much crying starts again
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Leatherface, Hillbilly and Michael Myers is getting their add ons looked at as they mentioned.
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He already has a cooldown and can be looped, what do you want? Him to have 20 seconds where hes an m1 killer? When his power isn't completely anti loop?
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Hillbilly doesn’t need a nerf in any way and if u can’t beat a hillbilly then u r a bad survivor . When do survivors have to actually get good and practice instead of constantly crying for nerfs. If the killers get tired of being nerfed constantly and having to be tbagged at the exit gates and decide to quit the game there will be no game for survivors to play .
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Can...can we do that? ?
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Everyone should DC vs any killer, just nerf them all. They all should be Wraiths level. Loopable bully material. Right
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Well done, now you are remind people his broken turning add on, are you happy? If he gets nerf that is your fault.
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hillbilly nerf is when I stop playing, but I’m not to worried about it