Slowing the game down idea

Instead of slowing the game down at the beginning how about we slow it towards the end?
This scenario would only happen if killer gets X amount hooks before 4th gen is finished. (For now lets say 6 hooks).
If there are 4 survivors left by the time 4th gen is done. All remaining gens are blocked and regress until there are 3 survivors left.
There are 2 sacrificial altars on the opposite sides of the map. A survivor can use it to get half of the escape points (2500) so the other 3 can live. In the mean time killer can mori first survivor they down. In the mean time killer can continue to hook people until someone dies.
I feel like its a good idea especially when you are doing your best as a killer and gens keep going being done pretty fast.
Idk, tell me what you think.
Peanits mentioned what if someone is AFK. That rarely happens. In last year i can think of 2 times where killers were afk (Hag and Pig) Regardless you get some points.
when would this ever be a good idea? So if the killers bad and hasn't gotten a kill and survivors do the objective one of them have to kill themselves?
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This is terrible I’m sorry but it’s not fair for 1 player to get the boot for playing well.
If you as the killer allow survivors to complete all gens and open the gates without killing anyone then you failed.
You shouldn’t be allowed to kill a survivor without earning it.
Same thing with ebony has to be adjusted.
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If you want free kills like that for not pressuring survivors at gens enough take NOED.
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You realise that you cant be on top of every survivor. Even injuring them doesnt stop them from doing gens. On top of it its harder to be cocky when you are missing one person.
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I sometimes find myself in a situation when i hooked everybody twice and then they finish the last gen and escape because there is no way for me to do anything about it.
Well how about you dont get free the mori but game cant continue until one person is dead?
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How is it a free kill? If they sacrifice themself i get nothing?
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I'd be pretty strongly against this. As a killer, I'd be getting a pity kill no matter how poorly I'm doing. As a survivor, we'd be getting punished for doing well.
To throw a random scenario out there, what if you have an AFK killer? Someone's gotta' sacrifice themselves to someone who's literally not even playing the game just so the other three can move on. I wouldn't volunteer for that, I did nothing to deserve a loss, and I highly doubt the strangers you meet on the internet would jump at that opportunity either.
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Well its better to put it about there and find out you where wrong then never put it out.
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One thing I've noticed is that genrushers do not heal. Maybe you could slowndown gen speed if you are repairing while being injured and/or put smaller skillchecks, but the devs would have to rework resilience and such.
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If it is a party game and not a competitive game like you have said, then what harm is it?
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The idea behind this I understand but this is suicidal for the games health...
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Whats bad about it tho?
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As a solo player, this is a horrible idea. This punishes survivors for staying alive and doing the objective
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Tbh the sacrificial alter idea actually sounds kinda neat. If it gave altruism points and maybe a wglf stack and was nothing at all like what OP suggested it could be fun.
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I am also a solo player. What i hate is seeing our team finish gens fairly quickly and then killer being "forced to" camp the last dude. If he already had one kill he wouldnt be as tilted and it would make it so that killers have less stress.
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I was thinking halv of what you get for escaping in survial category, so 2500.
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Even though this is slightly better.
It’s still not fair to the other players that played well.
They shouldn’t have to die for playing well.
You should earn your kills by playing well.
Bring game slowing perks or info giving perks or a mix of both to make your way to victory smoother and more probable especially if you play a killer that has slow mobility and poor map pressure.
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How is it not fair? You either sacrifice yourself and (lets say) get 2500 survival points or you are one of the 3 remaining ones. Doing one gen shouldnt be that hard i have done it before. If you have 3 gen yourself it doesnt help that much if you have one more person.
Also it would make killers more relaxed. I hate seeing killer get 0 kills because we destroyed his ruin in 15 sec after game started.
It doesnt matter if you are good as a killer you can go against 4 good survivors.
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The fact that it requires one person to die with no avoiding it..I wouldnt wish that on any player as it's a miserable experiance
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That's not a good idea.
Noed gets a lot of flack for "rewarding failure" when in reality it just punishes rushing the objective without considering, at the very least, totems.
This is 100% rewarding failure. You haven't killed anyone with 4 gens down so someone is GUARANTEED to die. That's like saying if 0 gens are done the last survivor can't be downed and the hatch can't be shut.
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Do you think that you could change my idea in a way that it would feel fair?
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Honestly I don't think slowing down the late game is a good solution. The last gen is a crucial point of the game, and where many games turn to the killer's favour already. It's the easiest to defend, pallets are cleared from large areas, and each successful chase can wipe people out of the game and put you even further in control.
I still believe the issue is the early game where 3 people have almost 0 to do except knock out 60% of the objective almost instantly.
I'd like to see gens take longer, like 110 seconds, but then for each one completed, that value drops by 10 seconds, so the 4th gen is what we have now, and the 5th is a little faster, but it takes significantly longer to pop a gen at the start of the match when just spamming pallets guarantees 3.
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I probably could, I was gonna comment on your original response to me but my phone deleted it lol.
So what I would do is
1:Remove the 1 person has to die
Optional 2: Perhaps add an additional objective for end game like breakers that survivors need to activate that are next to each generator then link to a master breaker box after the gen is completed ( has to be 2 of them to avoid camping).
3:More hatch requirements or redesign- I mentioned this a few times now but we could turn the hatch into a mineshaft elevator that goes below ground. You need to power 1-2 gens and repair it like a generator, then you activate it and send 1 survivor down to escape; however, The elevator can’t be called back up without a key.
Also if the survivors call it for the first time it naturally takes 120 seconds to arrive.
Keys used-> Green calls the elevator in 180 seconds/ Purple-> calls elevator in 60 seconds/ Pink -> calls elevator instantly or 10 seconds.
Now the killer can kick the panel on the elevator to stop its progression from being repaired or to pause the call timer and slowly regress it.)
The survivors have to repress the button after a quick repair action to resume the call.
In the beginning of the match the elevator is highlighted red like the gens; however, if the elevator is repaired and called the elevator makes a loud buzz noise the gates make, thus makes the elevators aura turn blue or yellow with a sound and on screen notification that the elevator has been called.
Purpose to give killers and survivors an equal chance to catch/ escape that is more fair and reasonable than the current hatch.
4: Better map design and balance so poor map presence killers can have at least a fighting chance.
5: Rework or buff some killers so more killers are viable; however, any good player can make any killer terrifying to verse.
This all would follow your general guidelines because it slows the game near the end removes stress from a 1v1 endgame and is more fair than the current system.
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The problem with that is: If you make gen times longer it will be even better to do gens separetly. It would of been better if they incentivise doing gens together, since you have to do gens together to get 8k
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If you did gens separately with my suggestion, 3 people would each spend 110 seconds doing 3 gens, 330 seconds of survivor time.
If they did the first one together, it would be (roughly) 110 seconds, then the next would be shorter, then the next would be shorter again, and less overall time would be spent doing gens for each survivor.
With the risk of being cleared off a gen that takes a lot longer to recover from, it would incentivise working together more.
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Wym if one gen take 110 sec to complete as in one person does a gen in 110 sec. What stands in a way for them to just do 1 person per gen until all of the gens are done?
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The problem is the reason i suggested it is because if survivors outplayed you there is no comback. Even if you hook one of them there are 3 of them to unhook and then block for eachother.
Its not very interesting game for the killer. On top of that survivors dont leave game unless you push them out even if they are the only ones left.
My suggestion made it so that you could kill all or if 4 gens are done. One of the survivors would die (they would get some points if they sacrificed themself in the alter) or killer hooking someone to death. Leaving 3 vs 1. Which is more relaxing because you have one less person to keep track of. On top of it, it would make it harder for survivors to get someone off the hook in the end game.
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I thought my idea was relaxing and Fair because it removes unfair keys And hatch plays that the survivors could use last gen to escape instantly which completely circumvents your idea, and it would slow the game down a little bit and allow more general control for the killer which in turn should be more relaxing.
It’s fine to want a relaxing/ fun game but you have to keep it fair for the other players.
Otherwise The other players wouldn’t enjoy it.
Thus player satisfaction and game health would crumble.
Also if you get outplayed by survivors then you were outplayed that’s final you have to learn how to adapt to a game that is very strategic.
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The thing about your idea is just removal of keys which wouldnt help situations where there 4 people left regardless of the amount of hooks that happened they 99% all escape beacuse you cant keep track of 3 players while one is unhooked and there is objectives left for survivors.
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Hard no. As a killer one trick, I wouldn't feel good about that kill. Seems cheap.
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How about that scenario happens IF you get X amount of hooks?
So lets say 6 hooks just to have a number
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No, it's a hard handicap. If I were any good at survivor. I wouldn't feel like that was fair.
If a killer can kill everyone before a single gen is done, they can leave even if I don't hook. Its fair.
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I didn’t remove keys I changed them.
I thought you would care more about unfair hatch escapes, some of the community does and the hatch causes the most stress in endgame.
I think you have some things scrambled you said you want the game to be more chill late game but the way your going about it isn’t right if you let survivors live that long you’ve been outplayed in skill/ maybe luck/ and strategic thinking.
You have to kill as many survivors as you can before they open the exit.
Remember the devs want a 2 live/ 2 die ratio so killing everyone or a majority of the survivors is unrealistic.
Also what killer do you usually play?
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I want to make it clear i can 4k alot usually let the 4th one go if i find hatch on the way to a hook. I dont care for keys tbh. I dont see them in my games either as a killer or survivor. And even if they have a key they still have to do all the gens to escape through it.
I play everything tbh. I dont play chainsaw brother that much tho.
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How is that different? You areimplying that if survivors are ######### they can get the hatch but god forbid i think that maybe there is no reason for all 4 survivors to escape. I am a mad man.
The thing is if you got kills early nothing would change. If you get alot of hooks and have no kills game is halted you either kill someone or they do it for 2500 survival points. and then game goes on. It would fix "gen rushing" or doing the only objective. It would also make the game more clutchy and i think it would be a good thing. But i could be wrong
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do you think the current pace of the game is right? that its possible for survivors to end the game in sub 5 mins?
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do you think the current pace of the game is right? that its possible for survivors to end the game in less then 5 mins? Regardless of what the killer does?
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The problem is with super short games with barely any hooks. Which leads to camping last hook and it doesnt make it for a "good" game. I prefer 3 vs 1 with 1 gen remaining than 0 gens remaining with 4 vs 1.
Then again i feel like 3 vs 1 would add some spice to the game. It might be just me tho. I feel like its a good idea based on my games where someone dies and there is 1 gen remaining. Usually last gen is done and either 3 escape or another survivor dies.
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I was asking peanits.
Your idea isn't viable. I'd say its rather foolish. There are more reasonable solutions.
But he responded without acknowledging that there is in fact a problem with the pace of the game, so I was curios as to weather or not he does acknowledge that or if he believe the 5<mins games are the killers fault.
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It would be nice to know
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Nah fam. I don’t need someone to give me a freebie. I can get it myself if I’m that desperate via the camping/tunneling off hook which many already do.
You have the power to slow down the game yourself.
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I dont want tunneling/camping BS, but you do you son
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So you would rather someone “sacrifice” themselves than work for the kill? Gotcha.
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Dude as i said before i can have 8 hooks which mean nothing if i never get 3rd and final deathhook. I never said you dont have to work for it. I added you 6 hooks for it to activate so it not cheap way to win. You can improve my idea if you feel like its not that good.
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I wouldn't like that one has to die, for the good of the team. Maybe instead of death, the alter hinders that person with a slow speed on everything such as; healing, sabo, cleansing, repair. Like Thanto but permanent. On the bottom where it shows the survivor HUD. Like obessesion, it shows something similar. So when you hit them and see Its them. You can leave him for the others. So that person can still get bps and stuff.
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The requirement is to get the third hook or you can defend your hook well enough to kill a survivor. If you don't fulfill the requirement then there is not twist and turn you can take to justify you deserved a kill. It is just like saying you study very hard so that I deserved that 20 more marks to pass the exam. No, you don't get 60 marks passing line, you don't pass the exam no matter how hard you work for it.
Stop justifying that you should artificially get a kill if the game goes by too quick.yiu just feeding into survivor's narrative of killer just want EZ kill.
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If you “4K a lot” then why is this a problem for you?
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It wouldnt work. Everybody would have to get big debuff and every gen would have to be like drop to 0% for it to have same effect as I made in the original idea
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How about we just start camping and tunneling from the get go? Its the basis for your idea after all.
You cant compare knowledge to doing something.