A way to keep the status of exclusives.



  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited November 2019

    Of course you can but that all depends on how you initially sold it. Most everything devalues in price from when it first came out and the price one pays doesn't mean it won't or will change to another or be given free.

    But we are not discussion regular sales it's about a "limited time offer exclusive" you then have made a contract with the original vendor of the item depending on the terms of it. If it's stated as a one off and never to be seen again, won't be sold or given away by then doing so it constitutes false advertising to gain sales and breaches the original contract which can then be sued for.

    If you then resell the item it again is different depending on the contract. If it was stated you can't do this to gain profit then they have a right to remove it from the account owner who bought it. Giving it away is different as you dont get any personal gain so it's a grey area even with a contract stating you can't in some countries. If they didn't state any of that then they can't as it's your property so can do what you please with it.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    My bad, I meant appealing instead of lucrative.

    It does make sense to give the exclusives out to everyone. By reducing the amount of exclusives the devs are reducing the amount of scams that will happen because now people won't have to go on shady sites to buy that (previously) unobtainable cosmetic. That (fictional) guy that wanted to buy dweard now won't have to so bhvr just reduced the amount of scams that will happen.

    You will never be able to stop scams, even if you make the game and dlcs free. Just because of the grind, it can be more appealing for some to buy a maxed out account instead of getting the game free and playing to earn those unlocks. Yes, some people will go that far.

    Because bhvr were not selling these outfits either, they aren't losing any profit by giving them out for free so it is an easy way to protect their players from the threats they created in the first place by giving out exclusive codes.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,825

    In the case of any of the items DBD has released, it was only implied by the playerbase that it was exclusive with the exception of console exclusive items and maybe Legacy. An example of an item that devs have ACTUALLY made the promise you mentioned would be Excalibur Prime from Warframe, where the devs there stated VERY clearly that the character and weapons would never be available again. These items given out now though dont carry any such promise.

  • LushyBunny
    LushyBunny Member Posts: 76

    Not making players suffer. If you had them legitimately, you had them for a year. If you wasted money like a idiot, karma. They decided no more exclusives recently due to the playing field of getting exclusives not being fair. So go cry elsewhere, because I don't see these changes being made to fit crybaby's who want "muh exclusive". Get good, then you can brag about skill instead of a reskinned cosmetic.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited November 2019

    I never said they did, I don't really know quite what you are trying to get accross here.

    My original response you first quoted was about those skins that aren't being released due to some saying its unfair we get some but not them all.

    The bloodletting was one which was stated and it was of course tied to a limited time offer if you bought something from the bhvr store and possibly some of the reasoning it's not part of it.

    For the record I am all for them releasing the skins they are and think it's a great move by them as they could easily have sold them on the store.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,825

    Do you know where it was stated that Bloodletting was exclusive to that? Im not saying your wrong or anything, Im just not super familiar with all these promotions.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299


    I dont know the exact small print of the purchase which is subject to those who bought it but it does state a limited one time offer and it is directly tied to a purchase from the store.

    Its why what I wrote orignially in regard to it I stated it could and not it would 😉

  • skillchecks
    skillchecks Member Posts: 117

    never heard such a dumb idea. They are pixels dude, you paid for pixel. Get over it.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    How about a fair compromise

    Just add in a date on the item description for when the player redeemed it and add an inspect option in the lobby for cosmetics so people can view your items.

    I personally don't believe anything is necessary but if I play devil's advocate that's what I'd do. Adds a little recognition for those who received them early but doesn't add anything stupidly flashy or exclusive which would kill the point of making these cosmetics public in the first place.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I have never heard anything more objectively wrong in my life.

    They're polygons, not pixels. :)

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Man just play console, it runs well and it has alot of Players from all over the world. If it wasn't successful, it wouldn't get any attention from BHVR

  • marvelmovie
    marvelmovie Member Posts: 195

    When are you going to add Candyman goddamnit

  • SaltySwag
    SaltySwag Member Posts: 140

    People that completed the Summer BBQ Event (Propain Hammer, and Yellow Slip Dress), and the Howling Grounds (Untamed Donkey David, and Hound Mask) should be compensated with at minimum bloody versions of these items.

    We were TOLD they were NOT going to come back, so it was get them now, play the event or NEVER get them.

    Now they are going back on that, THAT is what I am pissed about.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    edited November 2019

    They NEVER once said that those cosmetics were never coming back. At all. I urge you to find me a tweet, screenshot, post, ect, of them saying those cosmetics would never return. The only thing they said was play the event, get these rewards, not that those rewards are exclusive to it. That's what people assumed, that was probably BHVRs intention, but they never promised it, therefore they can do what they want with them.

  • SaltySwag
    SaltySwag Member Posts: 140
    edited November 2019

    I challenge YOU to do the same.

    Find me a post that specifically says these items will be brought back at a later date.

    What's with this New EVERYONE DESERVES WHAT SOME WORKED FOR! Mentality that is slowly starting to dominate this game?

    Do I feel entitled? That I deserve these four cosmetics? Yes. I completed the Event, No someone that just made an account doesn't deserve them, they do not affect there gameplay, and MIGHT just encourage them to pay attention during events for sweet cosmetics like those.

    And Yes I use them all. No I do not care if you, or anyone else can. I put in the time, I was around during said events, and goddamn it I earned them.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That's not how that works. ProfoundEnding didn't claim that BHVR said those items will be brought back at a later date.

    You, however, made the claim that BHVR said that those items were not coming back. So the burden of proof lies squarely on you.

  • AbstractPolygon
    AbstractPolygon Member Posts: 71

    I don't have a console do I, and if I did I would be playing console exclusives on it not a game that I could run far better and have a much better time playing on pc.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Console literally has no exclusives, that's why this change is happening

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    As this thread has not remained civil, I am closing it. Keep in mind that you should discuss the topic, not direct comments at other users. Everyone is welcome to participate in discussions as long as they keep this in mind.

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