Tru3Ta1ent speaks the TRUTH

"Get rid of Decisive, Insidious, and NOED and rank would be a lot more skill based."

He is 100% right. DS and NOED are crutch perks for bad players. Killers defend NOED until they are blue in the face but at the end of the day it's there as a comeback mechanic for when you fail, making it a crutch (just like DS). If you need this perk to get kills, accept that you aren't as good a killer as you might think. And if you complain about DS but use NOED you are nothing but a hypocrite.

I agree with him on Insidious only because it makes people play like trolls, not necessarily because it's a crutch. With a few tweaks I think it could be salvaged.

BTW I got to rank 1 with Freddy without using NOED, just incase someone wants to tell me "git gud". Also I'm sure some killer main will say something like "Tru is a bad killer" as a way to dismiss his statements, when the truth is they just can't stand when one of their own actually tells it how it is.

Come at me.



  • campasaurus
    campasaurus Member Posts: 60
    i think both ds and noed are vastly overrated and situational at best.  an inability to counter either means thou art bad.
  • @thesuicidefox said:

    @MrChills said:
    Oh look, another fan of X youtuber making a post to try to promote their x youtuber's opinions thats been stated a thousand times. It's not just Noed & Ds that's wrong with this game. There's a lot of things wrong with this game that even if those perks were nerfed or gone, would exist. Also, stop being an attention [BAD WORD] with the "Come at me". if you're single, I will come at you :)

    I'm quoting him because he is a popular killer main that says openly NOED is a crutch and only bad killers use it. Too many killers defend it, but then turn around and complain about DS, making them hypocrites. And again, let's just dismiss my statements because 1) a big YT'er said them too or 2) they've been said before. Doesn't make them any less true.

    Also I never said there wasn't other stuff wrong with the game. That's another problem with this place, people correlate "You said X" to "you imply Y" when the two are totally exclusive. To make those jumps in logic just goes to show what side people are on when they reply to you. Stop making assumptions about what I think of the game when I never even mentioned anything about them.

    I'll do it everytime baby.

  • campasaurus
    campasaurus Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2018

    @campasaurus said:
    i think both ds and noed are vastly overrated and situational at best.  an inability to counter either means thou art bad.

    You say this, but then how many survivors escape when they shouldn't have because of DS? How many killers get kills they shouldn't have with NOED? A lot, being able to counter them doesn't mean they still aren't crutches for bad players.

    i seldom see such but i play at lower ranks.  

    i never use ds but for noed, it works quite well for open gates and survivors that tend to lollygag.
  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    First off he is not a killer main he plays both killer and survivor in rotation. He is 50/50. He does not main one side. He even said this many of times. I'm a survivor main. I use NOED on all my killers if I have it, because i'm bad as a killer. I'm 95% survivor and about 5% killer. I only play killer for daily's or for the events to farm.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    I want to give up DS and NOED, but I actually use NOED on Pig. :(

  • campasaurus
    campasaurus Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2018
    both of them are outstanding for making people mad and i believe that is what we are truly here for whether, we admit such or not.
    Post edited by campasaurus on
  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    I hate DS even as a survivor and I won't use it. I hope they still plan on changing it

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Noed and DS users are trash asf.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    I agree with him. Get rid of them all. All three are crutches except for Insidious, however it just promotes cheesy camping. 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @franticpig29 said:
    First off he is not a killer main he plays both killer and survivor in rotation. He is 50/50. He does not main one side. He even said this many of times. I'm a survivor main. I use NOED on all my killers if I have it, because i'm bad as a killer. I'm 95% survivor and about 5% killer. I only play killer for daily's or for the events to farm.

    At least you're honest as a killer unlike some on here who blame everything but themselves when they do badly. Now that isn't to say that there's issues they are but quite a few on here use that as an excuses.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @SovererignKing said:
    I agree with him. Get rid of them all. All three are crutches except for Insidious, however it just promotes cheesy camping. 

    Yea Insidious isn't a crutch as much as it is just a trolly perk. I've never seen someone use it that wasn't trying to do basement LF tactics or facecamping to prevent BT. Not sure how to rework it to make it more tactical, Tinkerer kinda already has it beat in terms of tactical usefulness.

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    I actually like the extra challenge of cleansing all 5 totems.  i wish more survivors felt the same and didnt proc NOED 9 out of 10 matches.
  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    That said, I wouldnt mind seeing all 3 go, but atill think an extra objective is fun.
  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    I think Noed is not really a problem because when I am playing survivor and I find out that it is active I have no one to blame but myself for just focusing on gens and passing by dull totems. 
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @thesuicidefox said:

    "Get rid of Decisive, Insidious, and NOED and rank would be a lot more skill based."

    He is 100% right. DS and NOED are crutch perks for bad players. Killers defend NOED until they are blue in the face but at the end of the day it's there as a comeback mechanic for when you fail, making it a crutch (just like DS). If you need this perk to get kills, accept that you aren't as good a killer as you might think. And if you complain about DS but use NOED you are nothing but a hypocrite.

    I agree with him on Insidious only because it makes people play like trolls, not necessarily because it's a crutch. With a few tweaks I think it could be salvaged.

    BTW I got to rank 1 with Freddy without using NOED, just incase someone wants to tell me "git gud". Also I'm sure some killer main will say something like "Tru is a bad killer" as a way to dismiss his statements, when the truth is they just can't stand when one of their own actually tells it how it is.

    Come at me.

    NOED at least for me personally is when the gens get done too quickly and i dont use ruin (it goes in like 30 seconds at worst) and its all right because the gens get usually done really quick and there is nothing i can do regardless (unless i dedicate my time playing nurse but its pysically impossible for me due to ######### fps.)

    Its not that i want necessarilly to use it. Its either that or no killing power at the end game (assuming they dont destroy the totems preventing it which is the true thing that differenciates it from DS (hence why many including me think NOED is not DS)).

    And i used to not use it and i was still dependent on if the survivors sucked (as will probably always be unfortunally).

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Zavri said:
    NOED: Keep speed bonus but give full aura reading of the survivors instead of insta downs.

    The full aura reading should just be a base thing after like 3 mins or similar.

  • DepravedKiller
    DepravedKiller Member Posts: 182

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @DepravedKiller said:
    DS and NOED are part of the game and most likely here to stay however with that being said they may need to be adjusted/tweaked. I will leave that up to the devs

    Explain to me how being "part of the game" makes it acceptable? Infinites were once part of the game. Instant-fix BNP was once part of the game. Tinkerer 2 bug was part of the game (until today). SWF is part of the game. Stacking purple mist is part of the game.

    Just because it's "part of the game" doesn't automatically make it okay.

    Infinites were survivors using obstacles in the game to create a never ending running loop. The obstacles are still in the game but were as i said adjusted.

    BNP is still in the game and was tweaked to make it less powerful however still part of the game

    Tinkerer 2 was an unforeseen bug that they fixed but the perk itself is still part of the game.

    Thus making all of these acceptable by design. However due to player feedback on fun and enjoyment around these perks is when the devs decide to change them.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @DepravedKiller said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @DepravedKiller said:
    DS and NOED are part of the game and most likely here to stay however with that being said they may need to be adjusted/tweaked. I will leave that up to the devs

    Explain to me how being "part of the game" makes it acceptable? Infinites were once part of the game. Instant-fix BNP was once part of the game. Tinkerer 2 bug was part of the game (until today). SWF is part of the game. Stacking purple mist is part of the game.

    Just because it's "part of the game" doesn't automatically make it okay.

    Infinites were survivors using obstacles in the game to create a never ending running loop. The obstacles are still in the game but were as i said adjusted.

    BNP is still in the game and was tweaked to make it less powerful however still part of the game

    Tinkerer 2 was an unforeseen bug that they fixed but the perk itself is still part of the game.

    Thus making all of these acceptable by design. However due to player feedback on fun and enjoyment around these perks is when the devs decide to change them.

    Dont forget looping the "bug" to put it mildly that got turned into a mechanic (of sorts).

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @DepravedKiller said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @DepravedKiller said:
    DS and NOED are part of the game and most likely here to stay however with that being said they may need to be adjusted/tweaked. I will leave that up to the devs

    Explain to me how being "part of the game" makes it acceptable? Infinites were once part of the game. Instant-fix BNP was once part of the game. Tinkerer 2 bug was part of the game (until today). SWF is part of the game. Stacking purple mist is part of the game.

    Just because it's "part of the game" doesn't automatically make it okay.

    Infinites were survivors using obstacles in the game to create a never ending running loop. The obstacles are still in the game but were as i said adjusted.

    BNP is still in the game and was tweaked to make it less powerful however still part of the game

    Tinkerer 2 was an unforeseen bug that they fixed but the perk itself is still part of the game.

    Thus making all of these acceptable by design. However due to player feedback on fun and enjoyment around these perks is when the devs decide to change them.

    You can still do infinite loops at some maps with the correct RNG

  • Tiyr
    Tiyr Member Posts: 52
    edited August 2018

    NOED can be removed from the game by you yes you just cleanse totems and its never a problem killer doesn't get his late game "crutch" DS is being changed , lets see what they do with it and Insidious for the amount of times i see it in my games i don't care one way or the other about :)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @thesuicidefox said:

    "Get rid of Decisive, Insidious, and NOED and rank would be a lot more skill based."

    He is 100% right. DS and NOED are crutch perks for bad players. Killers defend NOED until they are blue in the face but at the end of the day it's there as a comeback mechanic for when you fail, making it a crutch (just like DS). If you need this perk to get kills, accept that you aren't as good a killer as you might think. And if you complain about DS but use NOED you are nothing but a hypocrite.

    I agree with him on Insidious only because it makes people play like trolls, not necessarily because it's a crutch. With a few tweaks I think it could be salvaged.

    BTW I got to rank 1 with Freddy without using NOED, just incase someone wants to tell me "git gud". Also I'm sure some killer main will say something like "Tru is a bad killer" as a way to dismiss his statements, when the truth is they just can't stand when one of their own actually tells it how it is.

    Come at me.

    Suddely everyone got to rank 1 as Freddy. Is this a new trend i started?

    The game isn´t over until you see the point screen.
    Until then everything goes. If the killer wastes a perk slot to have a chance to one hit survivors after the gates have been powered, then thats a strategy. Survivors can easily avoid NOED, if they can stop their gen rush and do some totems.
    Survivors asked for a secondary objective, now they ignore it and go mad if the killer gets a comeback.

    Insidious will be nerfed hard, once every survivor gets Kindred.

    Not gonna start about DS. Or maybe a little bit. Survivors love to dc if they get downed and fail their DS skill check. 1 DS isn´t a problem. 4 DS are a problem. If they change DS to only be usable by 1 survivor, then they can keep it the way it is now. But give survivors a warning that more than 1 has DS equipped. So they can change the loadout.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Tsulan said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    "Get rid of Decisive, Insidious, and NOED and rank would be a lot more skill based."

    He is 100% right. DS and NOED are crutch perks for bad players. Killers defend NOED until they are blue in the face but at the end of the day it's there as a comeback mechanic for when you fail, making it a crutch (just like DS). If you need this perk to get kills, accept that you aren't as good a killer as you might think. And if you complain about DS but use NOED you are nothing but a hypocrite.

    I agree with him on Insidious only because it makes people play like trolls, not necessarily because it's a crutch. With a few tweaks I think it could be salvaged.

    BTW I got to rank 1 with Freddy without using NOED, just incase someone wants to tell me "git gud". Also I'm sure some killer main will say something like "Tru is a bad killer" as a way to dismiss his statements, when the truth is they just can't stand when one of their own actually tells it how it is.

    Come at me.

    Suddely everyone got to rank 1 as Freddy. Is this a new trend i started?

    The game isn´t over until you see the point screen.
    Until then everything goes. If the killer wastes a perk slot to have a chance to one hit survivors after the gates have been powered, then thats a strategy. Survivors can easily avoid NOED, if they can stop their gen rush and do some totems.
    Survivors asked for a secondary objective, now they ignore it and go mad if the killer gets a comeback.

    Insidious will be nerfed hard, once every survivor gets Kindred.

    Not gonna start about DS. Or maybe a little bit. Survivors love to dc if they get downed and fail their DS skill check. 1 DS isn´t a problem. 4 DS are a problem. If they change DS to only be usable by 1 survivor, then they can keep it the way it is now. But give survivors a warning that more than 1 has DS equipped. So they can change the loadout.

    No warning. That's what the pre-game chat is for.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Runiver said:

    About DS : it's bad in every single scenarios. It's just unfun and poorly designed.

    Just like the hatch. It rewards failiure.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Runiver said:
    The point of NOED is to punish genrushing.
    And yes, genrushing can happens even if you don't camp.
    The main issue with NOED is, if a survivor gets caught early and hardcamped, the killer can easily earn 2 kills by usually grabbing another one with NOED as the gates are getting opened.

    This scenario is indeed, rather annoying and problematic, and should be looked.

    About DS : it's bad in every single scenarios. It's just unfun and poorly designed.

    I agree and i think that NOED is not on DS's level. Crutch yeah. DS level stupid? Once 2 years back yeah. NOT TODAY. No sir. As long as it can be prevented totally from being active at base its not DS level. At all.

  • campasaurus
    campasaurus Member Posts: 60
    i fantasize...that some day....a game will be released and left unfettered for it's life span.  the players will merely have to adapt to what they believe to be overpowered or weak. the ######### game and shut up.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @campasaurus said:
    i fantasize...that some day....a game will be released and left unfettered for it's life span.  the players will merely have to adapt to what they believe to be overpowered or weak. the [BAD WORD] game and shut up.

    Yeah, how dare players demand the removal of objectively unbeatable exploits like infinite loops.

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    @thesuicidefox said:

    Come at me.




    This is going into my SNAP collection.

    And what?
    Freddy boi at rank 1?
    I'll add you to my 'Kill camp and mori' list now.
    You should be the one coming at me.

    It's not everyday you meet a Nurse like me.
    Or is it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Orion said:

    NOED can be permanently and irreversibly shut down before it's activated. DS cannot. They're not on the same level.

    True, they are not. Though it’s just the premise of idea of “rewarding failure”. Both do the same thing, DS just does it better. 
  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    I think insidious needs a rework but I don't know how they would do it now because Tinkerer does what I thought a new version of insidious should do. I felt Insidious should be a button activation that removes your terror radius for 8-10 seconds. But yeah I hate DS and NOED.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @SovererignKing said:
    Orion said:

    NOED can be permanently and irreversibly shut down before it's activated. DS cannot. They're not on the same level.

    True, they are not. Though it’s just the premise of idea of “rewarding failure”. Both do the same thing, DS just does it better. 

    Why is NOED considered "rewarding failure"? Game is not finished until you see the point screen.
    I mean there are perks specifically for the endgame like Remember Me and Blood Warden.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Why is NOED considered "rewarding failure"? Game is not finished until you see the point screen.
    I mean there are perks specifically for the endgame like Remember Me and Blood Warden.

    Because otherwise Survivors would have to admit that NOED even triggering is their fault, and that late-game builds don't exist.

    Oh damn, you are right.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @SovererignKing said:
    True, they are not. Though it’s just the premise of idea of “rewarding failure”. Both do the same thing, DS just does it better. 

    A game mechanic that seems to reward failure isn't bad by design. There is an interesting video about feedback loops in game design on youtube. It explains how and why so called negative Feedback Loops exists. It kinda prevents games from beeing boring or the winning side snowballing the other one.
    Noed in my opinion isn't bad in the current state of the game. If all four survivors are still alive by then, then you actually need to be a good killer to catch them all with it, because the totem can be destroyed quite easily and you can still can't be everywhere.
    Most of the time it actually only rewards you with one hook against good survivors. Because as soon as they know Noed is in the play, they will play more cautios and either leave as soon as possible, use good loops or search the totem and destroy it.
    Noed is a mechanic that actually makes the endgame quite interesting in a situation where one side seemed to have gotten the upper hand. DS on the other hand doesn't have this effect in it's current state. Yes, it helps you after you failed a chase as a survivor and gives you another chance, but you have it at the beginning and it isn't 100% clear if the killer side actually has the upper hand at that point of the game, because we don't know how long it took to down that specific survivors, how many gens are done or how many are sacrificed.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Tsulan said:

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Why is NOED considered "rewarding failure"? Game is not finished until you see the point screen.
    I mean there are perks specifically for the endgame like Remember Me and Blood Warden.

    Because otherwise Survivors would have to admit that NOED even triggering is their fault, and that late-game builds don't exist.

    Oh damn, you are right.

    Indeed. When I pointed out that all of the Nightmare's perks are late-game in another thread, all I got in response was a dodge, claiming that he's "more effective" with such and such build, despite the fact that I was only referring to his perks and not his gameplay (since perks are teachable and all, referring to so and so character's perks is literally just referring to the perks).

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Orion said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Why is NOED considered "rewarding failure"? Game is not finished until you see the point screen.
    I mean there are perks specifically for the endgame like Remember Me and Blood Warden.

    Because otherwise Survivors would have to admit that NOED even triggering is their fault, and that late-game builds don't exist.

    Oh damn, you are right.

    Indeed. When I pointed out that all of the Nightmare's perks are late-game in another thread, all I got in response was a dodge, claiming that he's "more effective" with such and such build, despite the fact that I was only referring to his perks and not his gameplay (since perks are teachable and all, referring to so and so character's perks is literally just referring to the perks).

    I would love it, if Blood Warden was activatable by pressing a button. Not by hooking someone after the gate has been opened. Punish teabaggers at the exit gate would become my new hobby.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    NOED isn't on the same level as DS due to the fact that it can be removed before it even has a chance to come in to play. Also, NOED doesn't reward you for failing. This idea of the game being over when the Gens are done is stupid. The game isn't over until it's actually, you know, over.