Mori balance!

You want to make the game better? i know! Why though be in it an offering that makes you bypass most of the game by having to hook people only once plus perks like ds,unbreakable...they become useless. Why the frustration every time you see one used so much that it makes you hate it and the killer so you dont even want to watch them? Game ends so fast that you didnt enjoy it plus you lost pip (like it was your fault..) I dont even use them when i play killer because i find it too much! If you make mories dont kill people after the first unhook and only if they are dead on hook though problem solved! It wont be too op,perks will have their chance to be used,players will be calm and will enjoy the execution because they would die either way and killers will have the same advantages too just not on the first but on the second hook (unless they made it to struggle on first hook oopsie!) What do you think? Take a bite it wont bite!
How much more do you want it to balance? Those things are super rare anyway. The lowest tier being completely useless. Honestly, the most I got with the Ebony Mori, was 2 kills in one game. Most people just rage quit before I use it. If anything, it should a little easier to use them. Maybe at least once per game on an Obsession? Makes sense.
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Most moris are weak/unused. Perhaps toss eboni Mori into its own rarity (even more rare than it is). And/or allow decisive strike to stop a Mori. If you are gonna die, may as well get a little more chase out of it before you get splattered XD