if you could delete one or two perk(s) on each side

which perks would you pick and why?
its starting to take lots of bp to max out all of the perks on a lvl 50, let alone to get to a maxed out p3 lvl 50.
Self Care, Saboteur. Rudimentary perks right now.
Hex: Ruin, I hate it.
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For me i'd be
Killer side
Noed: Promotes teaching players to be bad all game then get rewarded with kills.
Rancor: SImilar reasons though it's more of just a "Get nuked" to one person
Object of Obsession: In 4man SWF's this becomes god teir. Mind games? Gone. Trap placements? Nah fam.
It basically forces you to tunnel the one person in which the whole team then does everything in their power to stop that.
Sprintburst: It's to easy to act as a Get out of jail free card in to many ways.
Got Survivor down and on a shoulder, try to bait the killer by walking closer and then bolt away giving them more time. Working on a gen and caught unaware till they are almost on top of you, lol nope to slow.
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Adrenaline and noed.
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then 90% of the killers in red-purple ranks will quite unless gen time is nerfed across the board to compensate
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Rancor & NOED, for obvious reasons.
Urban Evasion and WGLF. I know, a lot of the immersed ones would still crouch everywhere and just be even more useless if they didn't have UE, but I'd also like to think they might wise up to how terribly counterproductive that is is a lot faster without UE giving them a boost. Meanwhile, for the average player, WGLF just encourages poor decisions.
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Killer side:
Mindbreaker is pretty useless so there is no reason to use it
Stridor is another useless perk like are they gonna fix these!?
Survivor Side:
Premonition is basically a worse Spine Chill
While Up the Ante isn’t worthy of not being in the game it needs a buff
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Survivor: No Mither, and Up The Ante. They're absolutely useless.
Killer: Monstrous Shrine, and Insidious. The first is useless. The second was a terrible idea.
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Premonition - terrible...complete rework needed
This is Not Happening - same as above
Hex: Ruin - too luck based and possibly too powerful
Hex: Noed - Possibly too powerful and overall rewards bad gameplay
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Urban Evasion is actually a lot healthier than Sprint Burst
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Object of Obsession and Decisive Strike
NOED and Ruin
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NOED and Ruin
Object of Obsession
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SB is great when used properly. UE not so much.
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BT and DS
NOED and Monstrous Shrine
Monstrous is just trash and the other 3 are unhealthy for the game.
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Monstrous Shrine, Mettle of Man.
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Survivor side: Object of Obsession and Decisive Strike
Killer side: NOED and Make Your Choice
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Yes stopping killers from tunneling is unhealthy.
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Decisive Strike, Object and Self-Care
Ruin, Hangman's Trick, and probably Mindbreaker. Last two are just useless.
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You've clearly never used up the ante with slippery meat and 4x salty lips. >:)
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The build of Gods.
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Noed and DS CAUSE it causes the most hate anywhere even though there isn't a damn thing wrong with them, if I was to pick in General for myself, can I just remove the new survivor in general, in the right build you can have a overpowered survivor never hooked wiggle build or have the strongest chase build when you lose the killer if they don't break things, I like to mind game at pallets and that got taken from me when I play killer very unhappy, and does it matter from killer perks? They all garbage to what you'll need when gen rushed on a 2:18 timer, need to get as much as possible extra, so get rid of every killer perk except thanatophobia, dying light, overcharge and ruin, the rest are useless for killers because of gens, maybe if gens were a bit harder to do then some perks would work better, I normally do survivor btw, more BP at a quicker rate
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You're opinion is irrelevant because you're a noob. Otherwise you would know you could counter breakout by slugging. Also if you normally do survivor why do you complain about gen speeds (which are in a decent spot)
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Ruin and NOED
DS and Adrenaline
All of those except Ruin screw you over when you feel like you might be doing well, and that's an awful feeling. Ruin is more of an annoyance because of the RNG involved and laggy skillchecks
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I'd say franklins on killer and either self care or no mither for survivor.
Reason: I hate it when people run those perks in the same game as me
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Yeah red rank irrelevant lol k, gens are too quick, 2 minutes 18 seconds, why even have a killer? And slugging, have you ever seen a killer win that way? If so, well, you lose all right to call people noobs, git gud, your "counter" is to tell killers to drop ranks and give up a huge portion of their BP the issue I have with the gens is that it isn't fair, too easy, even with 0 perks and no toolbox or anything, that becomes 3 minutes, that's too quick and easy when I can keep a chase going for 5 minutes (we did SFW and decided to see who could run longest in a chase, we did 10 games each, 5 minutes is my average, worse was Vs huntress cause the hitbox is random as hell) I want to play a game where gens are at least an issue for survivors, it's just mild inconvenience at this point, make them harder the ease has put me off the game and I'm hoping the break will have me finding the game more enjoyable and challenging, right now I'm on dark souls doing no level no armour no weapon run after just finished (finally) pacifist run (can explain but not the place for that private message if you're curious at all) killers can't really win in high rank and not fun cause it's not a challenge it's impossible and any red to lose clearly shouldn't be there unless Vs forever Freddy or distressing doctor (the only 2 that makes it interesting but no one plays Freddy, probably cause of the toxic survivor mains and doctor seems to have disappeared aswell, probably cause everyone DC on them, can't wait for DC punishment, will be able to at least use killers again without gens being done in 2:18)
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BT and DS for survivors, Monstrous Shrine and Zanshin Tactics for killers.
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That seems awfully one-sided, good sir.
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Not gonna deny that. They asked what I would delete. Those are my choices.
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I respect it.
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red ranks can be noobs. You're a prime example
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You suggested to slug as a counter, sit down and rethink, otherwise just incase great bait you got me
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how is slugging not a counter to wiggle speed builds?
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Adrenaline and Infectious Fright. Stick of people equipping these perks cause "it's the meta" and not knowing how to use them. It makes me roll my eyes to the back of my skull.
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Since I never play 4 man swf you're right.
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wow we're all so proud of you
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Ruin/NOED for Killers.
Self Care and Urban Evasion for Survivors.
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Survivor: Vigil is pretty trash
Killer: Insidious because leather face.
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And you were involved in this conversation how again?
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Franklin’s Demise and Infectious Fright, it feels like every time I have a flashlight challenge or just find one, one of these are being used, plus I hate them.
Self-Care and Deliverance, self-care because I don’t like seeing people sc while I’m hooked and deliverance is often used for trolling other survivors.
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how is you playing 4 man swf involved?
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Object of Obsession - Too powerful in SWF but can be played around
Make Your Choice - Punishes survivors for saving teammates / Counter is either to farm the survivor near killer or be in a good position to stall for time
There are a lot of other perks I'd change up like Rancor but I wouldn't outright delete them because the concept can still be fun. I just feel like most of the really unfun games you experience are easily paired with the above two perks because they promote unfun playstyles.
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You make good points but I haven't seen OoO used in forever
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Hex Ruin - as a survivor main it is the most annoying thing I encounter.
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Adrenaline and NOED.
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Killer: Ruin and Noed
Survivor: No Mither and Deju Vu
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Because the build that was described would require a 4 man swf.
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Object Of Obsession - This perk is absolutely broken in an SWF. Everything about the Undetectable status update could have been discarded if this perk was nerfed instead, because this was the problem aura perk. The rest are just fine even against stealth killers.
Self Care - It's just annoying AF to be sitting on a hook and seeing someone Self Caring across the map with Sloppy and Thana. If you want to heal yourself, bring a medkit. Otherwise find another survivor. This perk also makes survivors too independent of each other and makes it easy to ignore pressure created by the killer in some situations.
Insidious - Because it's only use is to camp hooks. It's completely inefficient as killer and teaches bad habits. There is no value to this perk except to be toxic.
I don't even have a second killer perk. The rest are fine, even NOED. Though if I could I would add some minor "tell" to NOED that alert survivors could notice and thus be able to change their play accordingly.