This Event sucks for killers

Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!
Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?
killer in general has been underwhelming for a while. there is always "hangman's trick". works well. i just camp people to death when i catch them doing that with the hooks. it drives them nuts.3
@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?I'm just glad I did this challange in 4 hours, then I can stop playing DBD as a killer, and after the survivor's challange, the DbD completly.
edit: Now I've got those 2 "rewards" one okayish weapon, and one ######### reskin of a basic shirt", now I can stop till next event/update.
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I tried to be nice to begin with, but, they forced my hand, so I just slug to win as usual.
If I get salt after, I'll inquire as to why they feel the need to bring 4 toolboxes and all run DS & Boil Over. Then I'll ask if they enjoyed only doing one of the gens.
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@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?its odd because no one saboed my hooks no clue why. i found it mostly easy to the the special hooks but luck of the draw i suppose but this time i was using iron grasp and agitation with billy no messing about and franklins demise. for the flash light warrior pricks. that is all lol
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Hangman's Trick sounds like the answer here. Just run it for the event.
1 -
Stop whining.
Had enough killers playing like scum too.
And as killer still didn't run into anyone breaking event hooks.9 -
I'm usually layed back as killer. I try to be nice to begin with but most times the survivors I face *rank 8 and below* just want to get theirs and be gone. I start the match if they get that I'm being nice all goes well and even then they just take advantage of my good will at times. Otherwise it's all out against them.0
@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?I find it funny that you always blame it on survivors yet in not one single game and I've played well over 50 did a single survivor sabo a hook. That didn't start happening until the killers brought Mori's and ignored all BBQ hook to take someone to another hook further away.
When you get killers camping a hook a few steps away on a non BBQ hook and constantly smacking the survivor. Well guess what you're going to get what you deserve at that point.
I've had games where the killer said afterward they already had their tokens and they wanted to be jerks to survivors still trying to get theirs. I've had games where the killer did nothing but camp the event gens and would elt all the other gens be done.
Also I've seen exactly 5 survivors with DS and 3 used it on jerk killers who were acting like the above. You just magically seem to get these people.
If you're having this much trouble then as you said the problem IS YOU !!!!
It could also be that your region is filled with toxic jerks at that time of day or that the free event brings them out. It's also FTP during the event so again that brings out the jerks just like the double BP event did.
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So bring Hangman's trick or just use all the other hooks.
Personally, I just use all the other hooks until they are on deathhook - then I'll use an event hook if available. It really throws them off when you pretend you don't care about the event for the whole game then suddenly hit the event hooks for the deathhook.
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I find this event to be very easy on both sides. I may just be a lucky duckling.3
@WhateverIGuess said:
Again, can you stop victimizing killers? Killers are the same. Equally as toxic, they camp gens, patrol them hard, put overcharge, ruin, thanatophobia and other stuff."Killers are opressed, killers are the purest form of players in the DBD community. REEEEEE"
And like yeah, I guess they have to run something that slows the game down so they can get the hooks, but I've ran into several survivors who were willing to give me hooks in the end, not to mention their cosmetic needs 90 tokens. It still doesn't give you the reason to keep patrolling/camping those gens.
To be fair, Killer see's 4X as many opponents than survivors, so the killer statistically faces more toxic opponents.
That's just fact wither you like it or not.
And patrolling and camping those gens is completely legit.
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Well I'm sad to hear all of you suffering so much.
I've got 30 points on the killer side and I haven't gotten a single sabo jake yet.Eather I'm lucky or...
I'm an Ace main on the survivor side!
Of course I'm lucky!5 -
@WhateverIGuess said:
@FrenziedRoach said:
@WhateverIGuess said:
Again, can you stop victimizing killers? Killers are the same. Equally as toxic, they camp gens, patrol them hard, put overcharge, ruin, thanatophobia and other stuff."Killers are opressed, killers are the purest form of players in the DBD community. REEEEEE"
And like yeah, I guess they have to run something that slows the game down so they can get the hooks, but I've ran into several survivors who were willing to give me hooks in the end, not to mention their cosmetic needs 90 tokens. It still doesn't give you the reason to keep patrolling/camping those gens.
To be fair, Killer see's 4X as many opponents than survivors, so the killer statistically faces more toxic opponents.
That's just fact wither you like it or not.
And patrolling and camping those gens is completely legit.
Well then, saboing hooks is legit too, it's a mechanic in the game.
No but seriously, like yes, they are legit strategies but we're talking about the event. It is completely fine to patrol / camp gens but since we're in an event that requires survivors to do the generators / killers to hook survivors for cosmetics, it'd be nice if everyone dropped their toxicity and be nice.
There is a huge difference between saboing hooks and patrolling generators though. Killers always patrol generators while there is one sabo guy in a match out of 100 normally.
I don't deny that there are killers who are ready to sell the game as long as survivors don't do those 2 event generators. I have seen killers like this. However, for every killer like that, there are 3-4 sabo guys in the matches.
I don't blame survivors for anything though. It is one of the problems of the game rather than being a killer problem. I feel like devs should think about toxicity and adjust their events accordingly. For example, they could have made event hooks immune to sabotage and give survivors another object rather than doing generators.
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Grey87 said:
Stop whining.
Had enough killers playing like scum too.
And as killer still didn't run into anyone breaking event hooks.
there it is. must have never happened.2 -
I've not encountered many issues.
I'm on PS4. I've had a hard time finding games during the daytime, but other than that its been smooth sailing on people being stupid.
I already got my 50 hooks anyways.
Are people just saying stuff to just say stuff? Are we all making up fantasy stories?
I'm sure people play annoying on events, but I don't see any real issue through 50 hooks.
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everyone is so nice in this game. they really are.2
As @Delfador said hooks should be immune to sabo similar to basement hooks and survivors should go after special totmes or something else entirely. There could be special totems that need to be cleansed instead of the gens or you could do either one. They'd each give you the same amount of points up to the max of 5 depending on offerings.
The killer would get a notification when someone started doing a special totem and would know where they're at similar to gens. That way both sides could get points and the totems would give the killer a chance to nail someone doing said totem(s).
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I didn't have any issues getting my hooks during the event using normal perks but I also stockpiled a bunch of Ebony Memento Mori's to use on survivors who even so much as looked at my event hooks. Needless to say almost every game I played during the event so far I mori'd most survivors. Sometimes I didn't even bother with the hooks and just mori'd everyone before they even got 2 gens done. I learned the hard way from the last event that it's everyone for themselves.
I don't feel bad about the mori abuse either because most of my games there was at least one person sabo'ing my event hooks.
I'd welcome an additional way for each side to get points as well. I don't know about survivors but I feel like if you manage to kill all survivors any unpowered event generators should go towards your tally. With event gens one of four survivors can just finish them but as a killer you have to be at that specific part of the map carrying a survivor at the right time. It's kind of annoying tbh.
2 -
Yeah, okay. Sure.
I installed the game again to play in the event as a survivor and I sacrificed myself to killers by literally stopping under a BBQ hook and pointing at it for them, and they repaid me by patrolling event gens, using overcharge on them, using ruin, and being all around ######### even after my sacrifice.
So cool whatever, I guess it's another situation where killers are just sweet innocent players being griefed & never do anything scummy.
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I dont struggle when I get downed, so that killers can get to their hooks, and I too run towards those hooks and stand under them if the gens have been done too fast. Sadly, this is when I get facecamped. It wont stop me from trying to be nice, but it is sad how little people care.
I have removed ruin from my build, I regret it a few times, but I usually get atleast 3 of them, which is more than fair because of the amount of points they still get from doing the gens. There are nice people out there, Im just sorry you guys dont seem to encounter them too often.
(Its like hunting easter eggs in world of warcraft, and a frickin mage blinks to the egg you run towards, haha)0 -
@AmorePrincess said:
I dont struggle when I get downed, so that killers can get to their hooks, and I too run towards those hooks and stand under them if the gens have been done too fast. Sadly, this is when I get facecamped. It wont stop me from trying to be nice, but it is sad how little people care.
I have removed ruin from my build, I regret it a few times, but I usually get atleast 3 of them, which is more than fair because of the amount of points they still get from doing the gens. There are nice people out there, Im just sorry you guys dont seem to encounter them too often.(Its like hunting easter eggs in world of warcraft, and a frickin mage blinks to the egg you run towards, haha)
@mintchapstick said:
Yeah, okay. Sure.I installed the game again to play in the event as a survivor and I sacrificed myself to killers by literally stopping under a BBQ hook and pointing at it for them, and they repaid me by patrolling event gens, using overcharge on them, using ruin, and being all around ######### even after my sacrifice.
So cool whatever, I guess it's another situation where killers are just sweet innocent players being griefed & never do anything scummy.
I do the same thing. Try to make sure everyone gets the event gens/hooks. I bought the game at the end of December, and have 32 days in it.. So I am averaging 3.3 hours a day in it and this even is the first time I have wanted to put the game down and just walk away.
Devs you have to do something. These events are supposed to be fun, yet I think it is driving more people away than it is bringing in.
Edit: added a space between 2 words
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powerbats said:
@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?I find it funny that you always blame it on survivors yet in not one single game and I've played well over 50 did a single survivor sabo a hook. That didn't start happening until the killers brought Mori's and ignored all BBQ hook to take someone to another hook further away.
When you get killers camping a hook a few steps away on a non BBQ hook and constantly smacking the survivor. Well guess what you're going to get what you deserve at that point.
I've had games where the killer said afterward they already had their tokens and they wanted to be jerks to survivors still trying to get theirs. I've had games where the killer did nothing but camp the event gens and would elt all the other gens be done.
Also I've seen exactly 5 survivors with DS and 3 used it on jerk killers who were acting like the above. You just magically seem to get these people.
If you're having this much trouble then as you said the problem IS YOU !!!!
It could also be that your region is filled with toxic jerks at that time of day or that the free event brings them out. It's also FTP during the event so again that brings out the jerks just like the double BP event did.
Sure honey, people equipping DS and Sabotage in the lobby is clearly caused by my unique and recognizable ping.
Try again. You can do better than that, can you?3 -
@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?Took me 2hours30mins to get the 50 hooks. (11 games total)
Only 1 claudette tried to Sabo, and failed miserably.1 -
As killer I've not met a team saboing hooks at all to be honest.
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My proposal for the next event: make every gen and hook special. So people can play normal instead of being forced to take 3 perks they usually wouldn't equip.2
I just finished both of the event items, I just played nurse and it took a few hours got alot of games done with 5 gens still up they get really mad when they all used offerings but get nothing out of it.
The only thing that sucks is that all my killers are max level with all perks so I didnt want to waste bp just for the invitations so I got no bonus points but bbq and chili helps, honestly though I rarely play hillbilly anymore so in the end I dont even think it was worth it but it's free so who am I to complain.
I do like the kate shirt though it doesnt have any of that annoying jewellery that the other shirts do.0 -
Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!
Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?1 -
@Tsulan said:
I understand that you are pissed because I destroyed you in the other thread. But THIS is your best comeback?
Sure honey, people equipping DS and Sabotage in the lobby is clearly caused by my unique and recognizable ping.Try again. You can do better than that, can you?
Don't kid yourself you didn't destroy me in the least and you know it since I posted exactly what was said. I then posted what you posted to prove I never said what you said I did. I also used the exact same logic you did to insult me and guess what you didn't like it go figure. So the only person you destroyed in that other thread is yourself.
Since we're on the try again category why not try reading what was posted versus what you said i posted then you' won't destroy yourself again. You can do better than to so blatantly post stuff that wasn't true for ocne can't you?
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Oh no, survivors are good at something ,we must nerf it!!
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@powerbats said:
@Tsulan said:
I understand that you are pissed because I destroyed you in the other thread. But THIS is your best comeback?
Sure honey, people equipping DS and Sabotage in the lobby is clearly caused by my unique and recognizable ping.Try again. You can do better than that, can you?
Don't kid yourself you didn't destroy me in the least and you know it since I posted exactly what was said. I then posted what you posted to prove I never said what you said I did. I also used the exact same logic you did to insult me and guess what you didn't like it go figure. So the only person you destroyed in that other thread is yourself.
Since we're on the try again category why not try reading what was posted versus what you said i posted then you' won't destroy yourself again. You can do better than to so blatantly post stuff that wasn't true for ocne can't you?
I didn´t destroy you. But you sure feel the need to go after me in several threads because you are superior...
Sure mate. Whatever you say.Remember i said i don´t want to start a fight over this.
Consider this a peace offer.1 -
@Watermelon said:
Oh no, survivors are good at something ,we must nerf it!!Not sure how i should take this comment. Because being good at ruin someone elses fun isn´t exactly something to be proud of.
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@Tsulan said:
My proposal for the next event: make every gen and hook special. So people can play normal instead of being forced to take 3 perks they usually wouldn't equip.Hooks shouldn't be subject to sabotage sabotage during events ever. I'm not sure how to make gens special since the killer still needs to damage them for bp and to slow progression some. Perhaps make all gens by default special or add special totems that can be done as well or in lieu of gens.
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@powerbats said:
@Tsulan said:
My proposal for the next event: make every gen and hook special. So people can play normal instead of being forced to take 3 perks they usually wouldn't equip.Hooks shouldn't be subject to sabotage sabotage during events ever. I'm not sure how to make gens special since the killer still needs to damage them for bp and to slow progression some. Perhaps make all gens by default special or add special totems that can be done as well or in lieu of gens.
That´s what i said.
2 -
@mintchapstick said:
Yeah, okay. Sure.I installed the game again to play in the event as a survivor and I sacrificed myself to killers by literally stopping under a BBQ hook and pointing at it for them, and they repaid me by patrolling event gens, using overcharge on them, using ruin, and being all around ######### even after my sacrifice.
So cool whatever, I guess it's another situation where killers are just sweet innocent players being griefed & never do anything scummy.
Oh, the killer didn't throw away his perks during the game? What a #########...
4 -
"Just equip these 10 perks to counter the gen rush while still being able to apply pressure and carry people across the map to event hooks"
Yeah devs got our feedback from previous event and nothing changed (surprise). Event was easy peasy for survivors, but its really rough seas for killers out there.
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@Tsulan said:
@powerbats said:
@Tsulan said:
I understand that you are pissed because I destroyed you in the other thread. But THIS is your best comeback?
Sure honey, people equipping DS and Sabotage in the lobby is clearly caused by my unique and recognizable ping.Try again. You can do better than that, can you?
Don't kid yourself you didn't destroy me in the least and you know it since I posted exactly what was said. I then posted what you posted to prove I never said what you said I did. I also used the exact same logic you did to insult me and guess what you didn't like it go figure. So the only person you destroyed in that other thread is yourself.
Since we're on the try again category why not try reading what was posted versus what you said i posted then you' won't destroy yourself again. You can do better than to so blatantly post stuff that wasn't true for ocne can't you?
I didn´t destroy you. But you sure feel the need to go after me in several threads because you are superior...
Sure mate. Whatever you say.Remember i said i don´t want to start a fight over this.
Consider this a peace offer.Ignore that response I already had responded to you in the other thread and had come back to edit this one you just posted about lol.
1 -
@Tsulan said:
@powerbats said:
@Tsulan said:
My proposal for the next event: make every gen and hook special. So people can play normal instead of being forced to take 3 perks they usually wouldn't equip.Hooks shouldn't be subject to sabotage sabotage during events ever. I'm not sure how to make gens special since the killer still needs to damage them for bp and to slow progression some. Perhaps make all gens by default special or add special totems that can be done as well or in lieu of gens.
That´s what i said.
I was simply agreeing with you but also adding to what you said. I'd posted something similar in another thread by a different poster.
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Hang Man's Trick - Iron Grasp - Agitation - Ruin
Had enough survivor chops for the hammer in somewhere between 2-3 hours, it was easy.
Although I did have a BBQ offering every game on top of the default 2 you start with.
90 Generators seems like the more long winded task to me especially considering the reward for Kate is a bit weak.
You're going to get event generator campers and event hook saboteurs/blockers on both sides of the coin in an event like this but with the right perks and some patience it's still not a problem and imo a lot of fun.Only a few weeks until Chapter 9 in September now too
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@Easylife said:
HillbillyHang Man's Trick - Iron Grasp - Agitation - Ruin
Had enough survivor chops for the hammer in somewhere between 2-3 hours, it was easy.
Although I did have a BBQ offering every game on top of the default 2 you start with.
90 Generators seems like the more long winded task to me especially considering the reward for Kate is a bit weak.
You're going to get event generator campers and event hook saboteurs/blockers on both sides of the coin in an event like this but with the right perks and some patience it's still not a problem and imo a lot of fun.Only a few weeks until Chapter 9 in September now too
Difference is, you don´t have to do all gens personally. As long as you are on the map while someone else repairs them. You get the point. So the 90 gens get probably repaired faster than the 50 hooks, which are on the other side of the map.
I use the same 3 perks. But it´s ridiculous to waste 3 perks a killer usually wouldn´t use, just to have a chance to get the event points.
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@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?Of course its exactly the same.
Its a reskin of an old event and the community hasnt changed at all.ONe thing I dont understand is, how can you camp the event gens? From my experience it is impossible to camp several targets, the survivors can simpyl switch the event gen and pop another one in a fwe scond while you "camp" another gen. Of course there are some dumb players who ignore the killer and continue to sit on the gen, being grabed etc..... but well
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@Master said:
@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?Of course its exactly the same.
Its a reskin of an old event and the community hasnt changed at all.ONe thing I dont understand is, how can you camp the event gens? From my experience it is impossible to camp several targets, the survivors can simpyl switch the event gen and pop another one in a fwe scond while you "camp" another gen. Of course there are some dumb players who ignore the killer and continue to sit on the gen, being grabed etc..... but well
I had some strange survivors which would do normal gens instead of the special ones. Even despite some of their teammates made offerings. For example the last 3 gens were 2 special and they did the normal one.
I even went back several times to the normal gen, so they would do the special ones instead. But once i started chasing someone, the others completed that gen.Felt REALLY strange. One argued that he already had the cosmetic unlocked. But trolling your team because of that?
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@Tsulan said:
@Master said:
@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?Of course its exactly the same.
Its a reskin of an old event and the community hasnt changed at all.ONe thing I dont understand is, how can you camp the event gens? From my experience it is impossible to camp several targets, the survivors can simpyl switch the event gen and pop another one in a fwe scond while you "camp" another gen. Of course there are some dumb players who ignore the killer and continue to sit on the gen, being grabed etc..... but well
I had some strange survivors which would do normal gens instead of the special ones. Even despite some of their teammates made offerings. For example the last 3 gens were 2 special and they did the normal one.
I even went back several times to the normal gen, so they would do the special ones instead. But once i started chasing someone, the others completed that gen.Felt REALLY strange. One argued that he already had the cosmetic unlocked. But trolling your team because of that?
Well when you didnt throw in an offering by your own, then you dont get extra BP from the event gens. That means, that if you already got the skin, there is literally no point doing the event gens.
In fact, its rlly clever not to do them, because the killer will patrol event gens more frequently than normal ones.
When I am done with my survivor skin, I will only care about event gens for the BP and you only get them if you used the offering. Not doing those gens can hardly be considered trolling^^
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I did all 50 chops during one session (as long as I could be in PS4) and I didn't meet any people with sabo.
I did 8 chops with Pig (BBQ and Chilli, Nurse's Calling, Hangman's Trick and Iron Grasp) and 42 with Freddy (No One Escapes Death (For Meme purposes (when survivors where chilling at the exit)), Iron Grasp, Nurse's Calling and Monitor and Abuse).
I noticed with Freddy that many survivors tried to bodyblock the hook but I hooked them like it was nothing.
The only change that I noticed was that more people brought the DS with them even if it was at tier 1.0 -
@Master said:
@Tsulan said:
@Master said:
@Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?Of course its exactly the same.
Its a reskin of an old event and the community hasnt changed at all.ONe thing I dont understand is, how can you camp the event gens? From my experience it is impossible to camp several targets, the survivors can simpyl switch the event gen and pop another one in a fwe scond while you "camp" another gen. Of course there are some dumb players who ignore the killer and continue to sit on the gen, being grabed etc..... but well
I had some strange survivors which would do normal gens instead of the special ones. Even despite some of their teammates made offerings. For example the last 3 gens were 2 special and they did the normal one.
I even went back several times to the normal gen, so they would do the special ones instead. But once i started chasing someone, the others completed that gen.Felt REALLY strange. One argued that he already had the cosmetic unlocked. But trolling your team because of that?
Well when you didnt throw in an offering by your own, then you dont get extra BP from the event gens. That means, that if you already got the skin, there is literally no point doing the event gens.
In fact, its rlly clever not to do them, because the killer will patrol event gens more frequently than normal ones.
When I am done with my survivor skin, I will only care about event gens for the BP and you only get them if you used the offering. Not doing those gens can hardly be considered trolling^^
When a killer camps the event gens, i agree. But i wasn´t camping them and really wondered why they ignored them, when their teammates obviously needed them. Ok trolling might have been the wrong word. But after 2 offerings, i´d say it´s not exactly a nice thing to do the normal gens on purpose.
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I've already gotten the Kate thing but I don't own her still rip. I still have like 45 or so offering on 1 survivor and throw them out to help others get bp as well as event stuff. I don't need it the gens but I want others to get some stuff too and I'll offer myself for the bbq hook if killer is cool.
I'll do killer side eventually and try and do same thing there. as well.
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Tsulan said:
Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!
Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?0 -
@Fengminni said:
Tsulan said:Killers predicted that it´s going to be the same as Howling Grounds and SURPRISE! It´s exactly as Howling Grounds!
Survivors sabotaging and blocking the special hooks, which are surprisingly always at the other end of the map. Unless i equip Agitation and Iron Grip, most of the survivors will wiggle free, when i try to hook them a mile away from where i downed them.
I understand every killer who camps the event gens. I don´t camp neither the gens, nor the hooked survivors. I still get body blocked and sabotaged. Oh and 3-4 DS really bring a lot of joy for the killer!
Haven´t the devs learned from Howling Grounds? Do you really think this is an enjoyable experience for everyone?
Or is it (again) only about the survivors fun?
Lmao I have collected all of the tokens of the event. Have played so many games since the start of the event and I have never seen survivors sabotaging the special hooks nor bodyblocking them. Sometimes I think main killers just make up ######### to be salty
That´s nice for you, that you haven´t had the pleasure of encountering those kind of survivors.
But i´m not a killer main tho.2 -
As survivor, I had killers at rank 15 bringing in ultra rare items like instadown hatchets and unlimited evil within 3. And as killer, I only had two survivors at rank 5 attempt to break one hook but failed. It's a lot of people not just one side or the other. It sucks though. I don't want that shirt anyways1
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I haven't had such bad luck. I've made progress in all my games so far, and I've only seen one or two people try to sabotage.
It's a two way street though. There's also killers out there hard camping the event generators just so nobody can get points.4 -
@Peanits said:
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I haven't had such bad luck. I've made progress in all my games so far, and I've only seen one or two people try to sabotage.It's a two way street though. There's also killers out there hard camping the event generators just so nobody can get points.
I'm the same way. I played both sides I'm 71 towards the survivor goal and over a 22 towards the killer goal in 6 hours total of game play. It's not that bad. I have seen the instant down hatchets, ebony mori's and unlimited evil within also but no reason to let that ruin the event.