Q&A: Chapter 14 and 3.4.0

Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

It's Q&A time again! If you have any questions about this most recent update, feel free to ask them below. We'll take some of the best questions and answer them live on stream.


  • One question per person.
  • Questions not on topic will be deleted.
  • Only questions are allowed. Please do not post things other than questions in this thread.


  • Maestrø
    Maestrø Member Posts: 1

    With Yui's Breakout released, and as situational and easy to counter as it is, would you still be monitoring it for any changes?

  • Masusder
    Masusder Member Posts: 39

    Why you changed how rank reset works, now it's just too easy to stay on high ranks. Are we going to get some future changes with ranking system?

  • Mooncubus
    Mooncubus Member Posts: 32

    Will you look into reworking the new map? It is really really really not fun playing Oni on it.

  • Yuzu_chan
    Yuzu_chan Member Posts: 7

    Do you have anything planned for changing oni, or will he stay like he is for a while? I see alot of people saying that he's OP, and alot of people saying he's Trash... I'm just concerned about a repeat of freddy back then...

    Also, doesn't fit the topic, but eh...

    Bunny Feng Min when? c: We really want it c:

  • iiKated
    iiKated Member Posts: 3

    Will there be cosmetics coming out in solidarity for Yui's "iconic pink garb".

    Cowgirl Kate, when?

    What can we expect for balancing the hitboxes now that dedicated servers seem more stable?

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    As someone who Achievement hunts consistently, can you please explain why you come up with achievements that encourage sub-optimal play? The new one that requires you to specifically take hits while the killer is carrying something is frustrating for killers because you’re perceived as being a dick, and is frustrating for survivors since it looks like you’re giving the killer free hits. It’s way better than taking one for the team, especially since it’s only 30, but it still feels scummy to work on it since I know I’m hurting the team and the killer’s experience by doing it.

  • BadassLaurie
    BadassLaurie Member Posts: 27

    Question: If Oni would collect Spirit's blood orb if let's say she would bleed and he would somehow see her in the fog, would he gain some additional bonuses to his power?. Rin's anger is pretty powerful so maybe?

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Is it important to the DBD team that all killers are viable and fun to play as and against? If so, any plans to make legion the least bit viable or if not just remove him and offer refunds?

    Is it important to the DBD team that all killers are playable on all platforms? You fixed this problem with the nurse by making her useless on all platforms but Oni for example is much less affective on console than it is PC.

  • DaimyoHeligo
    DaimyoHeligo Member Posts: 2

    It's somewhat relevant as it involves the cosmetics released in the update. While I understand the logic of holding off on not releasing the event cosmetics such as the Hound mask. However have you considered the option to at least purchase the items? Because at least then the players who don't have them (such as myself) have the option of either paying or not getting them. I only ask this as you seem to be doing that with the items from the past two events now.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    I don't want to sound rude but this happens almost every new killer. Why do new killers tend to be overpowered upon release and are then usually nerfed within the next few months (sounds like a money grab), why not spend more time on them in the first place to balance better?

    Recent example being Oni's rage mode making him better than Billy (just my opinion) due to the amount of control not to mention the blood orbs stay on the map for a long time (if not permanently) and they even spawn under people who are hooked, making it so he can easily activate rage mode whenever he wants.

  • Foxiki
    Foxiki Member Posts: 6

    Is Oni balanced for the game in your opinion?

  • Kev19915
    Kev19915 Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2019

    While I understand why you didn’t add the event skins for free and I do appreciate the free cosmetics you did give us. Would you guys consider adding the previous event skins to the store similar to what you did with the blight/moonrise events, or put them in the rift, or in a future event? This is coming from someone who does own 2/4 event cosmetics. Thank you very much!

    Post edited by Kev19915 on
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Are all killer perks created to work with that killers ability? Some perks just don't work well with the killer they've been added with.

  • TelliFury
    TelliFury Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2019

    Question: Why are perks not tested more before changing them? It seems like every time a perk is nerfed it never gets the correct amount of time dedicated to seeing the affect the change has. For example, balanced landing. Why wasn’t it originally tested that balanced landing works as intended when not exhausted but when exhausted you only get 50% or 75% stagger reduction. The effect stagger has on a survivor is pretty strong, it would be nice to see perks being given other looks/tests before nerfing them to oblivion. And if this was considered, I think sharing that information beforehand would be nice so it feels like a more fair approach to a nerf. And would possibly help with implementing changes in the future.

  • Vao
    Vao Member Posts: 25

    Is it possible to give the Oni's turning ability at the end of his demon strike a bit of a buff on console? Unlike the nurse where you can't really change anything to make her playable with a controller, you can change something with the Oni. Right now he's one of the weaker killers because it's difficult to get hits with the little to no turning ability.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Now with the necessary changes to Balanced Landing, it has returned to it's very situational/map dependend high risk low reward state compared to other exhaustion perks. Do you plan to adjust maps, to make the perk usable on every map?

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Why is the name of the new survivor Yui Kimura but in the adept trophy and perk description she is called Yui Enatsu? At least in the german language version.

  • ahmedg
    ahmedg Member Posts: 1

    Who is the oni

  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264

    Solo survivors die way too often. Apart from buffing Kindred, what other changes do you plan to buff solo?

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited December 2019

    Don't get me wrong, this question isn't meant to insult anyone whatsoever. Just genuinely curious. With release of Spirit there were a bunch of haters, some angry feminists and sjw warriors. Some players viewed Rin's death as way too cruel and horrifying. Others said that her desigh and appearance is vulgar. Feminist stuff, y'know.

    That was huge wave of hate for these forums for sure.

    Yui Kimura, from the other hand, represent the social warrior type, the activist, who fights for women rights. And both of these dlc are connected via Yamaoka Family.

    Question is: Is this intended?

  • BluePharoh
    BluePharoh Member Posts: 13

    Are you gonna work more on the legion? These new changes are terrible for mains of them (such as myself). All we want are some real substantial buffs. Not some small number adjustments and a couple nerfs, actual buffs

  • sensualsatan
    sensualsatan Member Posts: 92

    Will you be making the lighting on Sanctum of Wrath brighter in order to keep people from hiding to hold the game hostage?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Why does the Oni's power have a build in Drain condition while in Demon form. I'm referring to losing a portion of your power when downing a Survivor. This question also applies to the drain occurring on picking up a Survivor in the PTB.

    Why does that drain exist in any form at all as opposed to not existing?

  • Potarus
    Potarus Member Posts: 2

    The oni character wise, power wise, and game play wise, feels like the most fleshed out character you've ever released. What, if anything, was different about his development? Did you have him in the works for longer than most other killers? Was there some new talent on the team who participated? Some new methodology perhaps?

    I'm excited to see what you will put out next.

  • TheDarkWall
    TheDarkWall Member Posts: 132
    edited December 2019

    So, as it stands now the oni is considerably less powerful on console compared to PC. This is due to the fact that he lacks the same functionality as his pc counterpart in attacking out of demon dash. The Arc you can turn with on the console version is roughly 45 degrees on either side from the direction you are facing when you initiate the attack. However, as the clip below shows, on pc the character can hit in almost any direction. He actually turns around and then turns back before he's locked in for the attack.


    Due to the nature of a controller, I feel just giving higher sensitivity options would cause issues in the other direction of not being able to fine tune the aiming when you need to. I was thinking perhaps being able to click the right stick to amp up the sensitivity in key moments may be a good fix. I really like this character, but it is frustrating for all intents and purposes playing a heavily nerfed version of him.


    So the question is obviously, what if anything is planned to be done about this?

  • Dip
    Dip Member Posts: 27

    Are there any perks for killer or survivor that makes the frequency of blood orbs spawn more or less? Like sloppy butcher or no mither, that change the bleeding rates? or is it purely static?