Killer is honestly so unfun at red ranks atm.

Title. It feels like every other game has a survivor team who just holds M1 and does all the gens in 5 mins. The only counter I found is being Gen Slow Freddy, but it's such a boring build IMO that I just loose all fun playing it. Tru3 on twitter even said he's done playing killer because of how bad it's gotten. I shouldn't have too play a boring build just too have a chance at red ranks.
Something needs too be done with gens too make killer actually fun again. You either run a super gen slow build and make them game lasts 10 years and become bored out of your mind, or play a fun build but loose after 5 mins. I don't know what exactly needs too be done, whether it's more gen time or nerf too toolboxes and Prove Thyself, but something needs too be done so red ranks don't feel so miserable.
At least you can dodge the SWF still, that makes it a little less painful. I agree though.
Pretty sure they haven't said that's against the rules or anything yet anyway.
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Idk, I've been doing alright so far. Don't get me wrong, optimal survivors are not fun to play against. But since Oni released, I have been having a blast.
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I just got to red ranks as killer for the first time a few days ago, and it quickly became much more frustrating, as OP stated. I play almost nothing but Wraith and doc so I gets really bad for me cause they aren't that strong.
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The issue is not generators speed, but rather the exorbitant amounts of pallets that can be thrown down instantly. It takes ages to catch survivors and it is difficult to apply pressure on them. So survivors find themselves doing generators while uninjured for the majority of the match.
That's the issue.
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Isn't that like saying "killer mains who just try to hook people are so unfun, something needs to be done about how survivors get downed so easily"?
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No, he's not disagreeing with what the survivors are doing, he's taking issue with specifically how fast they are able to do them. Quite different.
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I disagree, even maps like Rotten fields were there are like 5 pallets they still just hold M1. It's not even uncommon too fight survivors who don't even heal, they just do gens because it's more optimal.
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Not at all. Survivors do need too do gens, the problem is how fast they do gens. If I wanted survivors too never do gens then I would play Gen Slow Freddy, but that's an incredibly boring Freddy Build.
I shouldn't have too have 4 slow down perks just too have a chance at fighting survivors.
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I honestly don't find killer fun at all past like rank 6
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Best thing I try to do is just play a killer I find fun and avoid trying that hard. Sure it isn't good advice, but I'm just sharing my stance.
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The problem is killers not being able to apply pressure effectively. Killers with powers that aren't for map control aren't able to move around the map fast enough to get and keep survivors off gens. This is why killers like Nurse, Spirit, and Billy are top tier. They can control the map and flow of the game, like the power role should. Factor in the larger maps like Sanctum of Wrath and Mother's Dwelling and it is extremely difficult for M1 killers to apply pressure off of gens.
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Biggest problem are the giant ass backwards maps that make it impossible to adequately defend gens.
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The problem is if you aren't playing swf the game is awful and you get idiotic teammates. Legit most games I solo queue I'm not saved until 2nd state and sometimes never saved its really annoying. The game is unfun for killers in swf but the game is unfun for solo survivors so there's not way for everyone to win unless they make some changes
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Deranking is a solution
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Wasn't there supposed to be a pallet rework for all maps in order to shorten loops and minimize pallets per area? Did that just get scrapped completely?
I do agree any Killer game from Rank 1-6 is no longer enjoyable, and using the same three killers gets extremely boring for both sides after so long.
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It's a band-aid, not a solution. You'll pip up again unless you play Corner Wraith every other game.
Even then, it doesn't reduce your chances of facing a good SWF. Rank 10 Killers can be matched against Red Rank Survivors.
The devs have also changed Rank Reset. This Friday the 13th, Red Ranks will become Rank 5s instead of Rank 10s. You won't even face different players; just the same SWFs you faced yesterday.
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*obligatory git gud comment*
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Can confirm this myself. Did it during a double BP period to max the amount BP I earned for the duration of the event (to avoid Gen Rush). However, I just ended up playing similar if not the same players eventually anyway. You can't avoid pips! Just wish I didn't have to play the same three killers at the highest ranks to prevent being bullied into oblivion due to Gen Rush & lack of Killer power.
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I always dodge SWFs lol
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You can't always confirm SWF though due to how the lobbies can be made before you get added to them though.
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Yes, it started with Badham Preschool, and kinda continued with Hawkins.
The most recent map doesn't seem any different though, and none of the older maps have been touched as far as pallet density. Coal Tower still has a guaranteed double pallet spawn.
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Yeah, it makes it extra painful on maps that still have the opportunity for infinites like Groaning Storehouse, and even the God Bus loop on maps like Blood Lodge. Oh yeah, infinites still exist which kinda forces me to use certain map offerings when I play Billy for example (looping/jungle gyms being his weakness).
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Up to you. I never dodge SWFs; they just want to play the game and IMO they're not the problem.
It's not like solo queuers can't genrush either. It's literally the Survivors primary and, for most of the game, only objective.
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I’ve been having a blast with spirit
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Except the exact opposite is true. A competent survivor can run a (non-nurse) killer for upwards of 60 seconds at a single strong loop (cowtree/ironworks/shack), and at least 20 at every other loop. If anything, survivors take too long to get downed, not the other way around.
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Ive been havin a blast with Bubba. Tried Nemesis and PWYF on him...its so much fun.
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Glad you’re enjoying him! :D
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This happens every update. New perks come out and I gotta lvl 7 killers.
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I wish there was something to make the game longer when they start blasting out gens without punishing them for doing well either. It's a tricky problem to solve.
But one sided matches have been growing to be a bigger and bigger problem.
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It’s much worse if you happen to be a fan of the trash killers like Clown, Wraith, or Trapper.
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honestly, for me its the other way around...
i cant find the joy in playing survivor.
which kinda sucks, since i have nothing but survivor challenges left in my tome...
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you dont call my boi trash! >:(
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Not able to add much to the discussion as I'm not a red rank killer anymore with how many survivor matches I need to do for challenges (I need to do about the same # of challenges on both sides atm, but I've only been doing maybe 1/10th the number of killer matches). More than half of the matches I do as killer end up being against red ranks since they end up not able to find a proper rank killer, but since I'm quite bad/rusty at best I'm lucky to down 3 of these survivors using a mid-tier killer.
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No they are still working on it. Springwood was the first one. Supposedly next map is supposed to be a rework but I'm not sure which.
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Have you TRIED this combo on Bubba yet? Its freaking insane.
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Even with perfect pressure survivors just have too much control over the match.
And if a killer is having to play 100% optimal at all times in red ranks to even stand a chance but survivors can dick around and have fun and STILL pip is that really fair? There is obviously a problem if one side can just do whatever they want and that's the standard and the other has to fight tooth and nail the whole trial just to even get a chance at fun.
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Figured Id share my last game, I did chainsaw only.
One day they'll fix how chaser is ranked...
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That chaser D:
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Honestly? I have more fun playing killer than playing solo Q survivor. The onky thing which provides the most fun is swf group on voice coms.
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Chainsaw...only... I dont even TRY to swing through pallets, just barrel into them.
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I enjoy red ranks killer a lot more than solo queue survivor, and overall I'd say I have mostly enjoyable games.
You do get the ones against really efficient survivors where it's just over in 5 mins and you're left there like 'ok, next game I guess', and those suck. But like I said I still mostly have good games.
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I find you lucky then, I am constantly running into survivors who do nothing but hold M1 and the games over in 5 mins.
Even if they weren't common, why CAN a game end in 5 mins? It shouldn't even be a thing. No one enjoys a game lasting 5 mins and no one pips because it ended too fast.
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Probably because a camping killer can kill a survivor in two minutes. Sure there are games where as killer I get gen rushed and it's over in 5 min, but there's also the games where 2 people go into the basement at the start and it's over in 30 seconds.
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This is also true, there are extremes on both sides.
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Not really, because even if you do derank on purpose you're just gonna get to red ranks again within a 3-4 hour session so yea de ranking does nothing for killer. Only thing you can do is not play killer after you hot purple ranks and then wait for reset to come along and just chill out in the green ranks till you know you hit purple again.
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why do you think I literally renamed myself "I'm Deranking" and am now just a wraith who body blocks my ruin every game, then uses Noed if someone still wants my ruin. have depipped every game and im happy about it
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Dont gotta do that, just use a 1 shot down killer. You can get a 4k and you wont rank up, lol.
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there is a reason why survivor Que in red ranks IS SUPER LONG compared to the INSTANT games you get at red ranks as a killer, not many people WANT to put up with how BLATANT the imbalance is. it is not as blatant in purple/green ranks so most red rank killers (like myself) will just derank to those so that you don't have to sweat bullets and not make 1 single mistake to lose the game, and on top of that, some games are outright unwinnable no matter what, even if you made no mistakes. until
- there is a reason to be a red rank killer, like a MEANINGFUL rank reward
- balance gets better for red ranks
survivor Q's in red ranks will stay high and the population of red rank killers will only dwindle over time as people get fed up with it, like Tru3
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you can still black pip, im going for straight up depip