General Discussions

General Discussions

Killer is honestly so unfun at red ranks atm.

Title. It feels like every other game has a survivor team who just holds M1 and does all the gens in 5 mins. The only counter I found is being Gen Slow Freddy, but it's such a boring build IMO that I just loose all fun playing it. Tru3 on twitter even said he's done playing killer because of how bad it's gotten. I shouldn't have too play a boring build just too have a chance at red ranks.

Something needs too be done with gens too make killer actually fun again. You either run a super gen slow build and make them game lasts 10 years and become bored out of your mind, or play a fun build but loose after 5 mins. I don't know what exactly needs too be done, whether it's more gen time or nerf too toolboxes and Prove Thyself, but something needs too be done so red ranks don't feel so miserable.


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