Level 4 of The Archives - Launch When / Any changes

Hello people of the fog,
i just spent a good 15 minutes trying to find the release days for the pages of the archives because apparently im stupid (and because i'm about to 100% the third page). Does anyone remember when the 4th level of the archives was scheduled to launch? And does anyone know wether or not anything about the frankly DAMN hard lvl 4 challenges has been changed?
The 18th and we won't know until it's released if they changed anything.
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They probably will be changed, especially seeing as they're all master challenges. Having repeats of certain challenges isn't all that bad so they may do what they did for level 3.
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Thanks, i guess that means all i can do now is just play BP farming matches with my doctor (they're long, good exp), to earn more Rift shards. Man if i hadnt gotten 5 free levels off the glitch which made them retroactively apply the previous 11 days of exp, i would NOT have gotten to lvl 70 even though im a REALLY dedicated player
They need to make the pacing a bit friendlier in the next archives, ESPECIALLY considering how much this smells of them just wanting people to pay for tiers, fortnite style.
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Maybe only the three unhooks during egc, which will become two unhooks (as it was originally intended on tome 3).