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Oni ''flick'' changes



  • Member Posts: 207

    What are you talking about? I was able to do a 90 degree flick all night since the changes.

  • Member Posts: 132

    As was I. The flick on console feels about the same as what we had. The difference that seems noticeable is the turn rate is better for the demon dash outside of the flick. So console more or less got a net buff while pc got a nerf bringing both version of the character into the same space. I do think the flick should have remained a bit stronger than it currently is however, if only to rationalize the time it takes to get the power and the fact that it was a very technical aspect of the character that made him strong enough to go vs strong teams.

  • Member Posts: 899

    @peanuts I appreciate the speedy way you guys have moved on the oni, can nurse on console get a similar adjustment to be more sensitive so that she can be more viable on console? I haven't played against a nurse in months.

  • Dev Posts: 170

    Its never been intended, I can confirm. We found the problem during PTB. (when using the LEFT-RIGHT key). The live patch didn't fix the problem, the sensitivity settings were overriding the implemented penalty (so basically anyone using 100% sensitivity were pretty much playing the same way it was on the ptb).

    Since the recent hotfix, players are experiencing different degrees of penalty based on what their settings is (controller, mouse, keymapping and sensitivity).

    We are getting ridd of this turn ration penalty system and implementing a hard cap on the turn angle instead, so players will be able to set their turn ration has they like (sensitivity setting) but everyone, no matter what their setup is, should not be able to go further than 90 degrees.

  • Member Posts: 132

    So I do have a question regarding the video below. At roughly 55 seconds in, it looks like he's still doing a 180. There is uneven sensitivity throughout the attack, but you can clearly see where it starts and where the attack ends and it's maybe just slightly shy of 180, but easily exceeding 90 degrees. I'm just confused by this since it looks like you still have more control on pc if this is any metric to go by.

  • Man if Oni is overperforming and gets nerfed like a month or two from now on top of this, everyone is gonna lose their minds lol.

    I am hoping he gets buffs to make him easier to play as, and less frustrating, but I have a feeling the people who don't struggle controlling him like I do are gonna make him look like he's doing super good lol.

  • Member Posts: 912
  • Member Posts: 462

    Thank you! Controller and keyboard should be even here. I was depressed cause oni just wasn't near the same killer as mouse and keys when I play on console or use controller on pc. I suffer a shoulder injury and cant use keyboard very long so I must use controller. Now finally the oni is useable and I dont feel like it was wasted money.

    Good job devs!

  • Member Posts: 462

    Turn your sensitivity up and make sure you're flicking after you hold down the right trigger for a second and you will get 90゚.

    I literally have been testing it all day

  • Member Posts: 462

    Only PC players were getting that advantage. It's not fair

  • Member Posts: 354

    No need to nerf him to the ground though. Nurse on PC will always be better than those on console too.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    This is the perfect change tbh; it felt inconsistent up until now so free movement within the maximum will be great. I'm glad the stacking was removed; a lot of players abused that and it was pretty gross. I didn't use it and didn't struggle with it in red rank, yet am not exactly a great killer so most people that used it shouldn't suffer from the loss of that bug anyway.

  • Member Posts: 181

    Is that really worst to play him in ps4 now? I still haven’t bought him yet

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    I'm controlling him very good too, but if he can't turn a corner he can't. Nothing to do with control.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Can confirm you can 90 degrees with him but at the same time it feels so slow?? Like he does a slow turn before he hits and you can't hit someone when he's right there. I just played a match against a green rank survivor and I could not hit him at all IN THE CORNFIELD. When I decide to stop charging and hold M1 it's easily jukable too. I had to normal m1 hit to down him after the power-up. Imagine that time spent and "threat" of a rage. At least make the speed consistent all throughout but hard cap to 90 degrees, it's awful right now. Devs, I implore you to KYF and see if you can hit someone field-only.

  • Member Posts: 67

    People were calling Oni OP before they knew about the flick; and now they're whining saying he's bad just because they reduced his flick? SMH.

  • Member Posts: 1,832

    he no longer has what made him competitive against very good survivors

    but he will be regaining it shortly

  • Member Posts: 64

    I kinda feel that this nerf is unnecessary at least add and addon or to his vanillia power to do more gen regression when smacking gens in blood fury

  • Agreed, although he isn't what I'd consider a "big nut" in his current state although manageable.

  • Member Posts: 529

    If oni flick was unintended, why did you only nerf it first from PTB instead of removing it completely like you did now..?

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    They didn't. The flick is 90* right now. The bug was that you could bypass that limit and get 180* flicks

  • Member Posts: 354

    Can I also mention how great it is to have so many crutches to help you if you make a glaring mistake too?

    I mean MoM is actually working now, mainly due to the Protection hit changes recently. DS keeps you in a guaranteed safe zone for 60 seconds to do gens or rack up BP another way. Exhaustion perks are Exhaustion perks, Unbreakable eliminates slugging and Kindred is just insane as a Solo Survivor. Simply there is no counterplay when using these perks in conjunction with good looping knowledge.

    I wish I had something that could relieve the stress of Killer like how Survivors do. It just simply transfers the power role over to them at the high ranks. Also NOED isn't viable for good killers before anyone complains about that again.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    I still dont know how I feel about Iridescent Head's. On one hand I don't mind a skilled Huntress with them. While in the other I hate trash Huntress who obviously need them.

    I remember a Huntress that had everyone fooled all game when she would M1 then Hatchet until the end. At the end 3 people came in for the BT hook save and she downed them all near instantly. I couldn't stop laughing.

  • Member Posts: 2,246


    Who cares what Scott did? Same argument when tru3 talked about wraith being top 3/4 whatever.

  • Member Posts: 304

    The person I was responding to and I were the discussing one of his videos.

    Also, the time to stop the "Who cares" arguments was around middle school.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    All I meant was that stories/videos of what somebody did with some killer is irrelevant as it is not facts which comes clear with your "i am quite sure that" without seeing any stats or did you?

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    'This will be included in a later update'

    Sweet, can't wait for this in a year's time.

  • Member Posts: 304
    edited December 2019

    that's why I said "I" was quite sure and not it's a statistical fact - Considering he was nerfed quickly, the success the high hour killer main streamers had while playing him (which is a fact), and the other factors, I think it's a safe bet his success rate was higher than normal before the latest hotfix. A hotfix that took a week somehow to make a minor control change, all the while racking up the sales as one thing is for certain: not a single person was saying he was weak or not fun to play. Being able to basically sprint and one shot around nearly any structure in the game? I'll take 2 please haha.

    But to be frank, my point is that BHVR released him at a higher tier without debate, and then as they have done in the past, waited longer than a week and reduced him drastically. That is also a fact.

    The final fact, is they have a history of doing this, and it's a real dirty thing to do to customers. On accident or intentional it doesnt really matter. As a customer, I'm going to say they are either inept or just greedy bastards.

    Imagine leasing a car only for it to get painted another color 3 weeks later by the company that owns the car. Well, yeah, it's their car and they can do with what they want but it's not what was agreed to. It would never stand up in court but since this is software, and the people that create the consumer protection groups have no idea how to protect a person,companies can get away with this crap. Just because you can't pick it up and put it in your hand? Kinda shows how little they value their own product at the same time imo.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    "Our design team is planning on changing the turn rate ratio to improve on the feeling of the Dash, allowing you to freely move your camera within the limit. This will be included in a later update."

    it would be lying if you in fact WERE able to move the camera freely the entire time. Because they explicitly said this is upcoming.

  • Member Posts: 304

    "We prefer to analyze a character for some time after release, before buffing or nerfing them"

    Or in layman's terms,

    "Thank you for alpha testing our product and doing our jobs for us. In return, We appreciate customer's like you who don't desire to purchase a finished product: please accept our massively overpriced cosmetics and the fact there are key features that adversely affect all aspects of the game which we will continue to ignore, as a show of our appreciation".

  • Member Posts: 354
    edited December 2019

    I've come to realise that since GF came out, new Killers get unreasonable changes simply because they 'weren't intended'. Which makes zero sense at all considering that the PTB exists to cancel this out prior to release.

    Once the product goes live, and the product has been purchased - any immediate changes feel completely unwarranted if they aren't game breaking (e.g. GF had to be changed because you could hear his cloak flapping so loudly in stealth lol).

    The Oni having the flick added his Skill, and removing it after weeks of prior testing feels like robbery, but of cause as is always touted "all content is subject to change".

    This is why I am no longer buying anything on release anymore. It's just not worth it if what you buy is absolutely useless within two weeks. 😑

  • Member Posts: 547

    The PTB seems to have become a glorified commercial for the game and upcoming content. Streamers get it, play it well and get others excited to buy. Yes things get fixed too but it's usually things that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

    As you said, it's free play testing, (which is something many people have griped about in the past), and if they had proper amounts of play testing before release a lot of these issues wouldn't make it to PTB. It does feel like they see this stuff and say "we'll fix it in post" or whatever.

    I know a number of us appreciate the work BHVR does on the games and they do good things but the bad is starting to outweigh the good in many people's eyes, at least those who care enough to come here and voice concerns, ideas, and feedback (even if that feedback comes in a less than tactful way).

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    To you and everyone else that is saying the dash is removed.


    The flick is still there. It's 90*

    There was a bug that let you go above 90* by altering your controls to get up to 180*. If you don't alter your controls at all then you would not have seen this anyways.

    That bug has been fixed. The specifics behind the fix ended up making the intended Flick, which still possible, feel kinda bad and hard to use. They are already working on a solution for this and the OP specifies what the problem is and how they are solving it.

  • Member Posts: 1,261

    For once you make a strong and fun was by accident 😄

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm satisfied with those changes I guess,

    IMO it was kinda silly to turn 180 degrees so 90 should be fine.

    However I hope the current issues get fixed fast because they suck the fun out of him

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