FPS issues post 2.0.0



  • Doom_Punk
    Doom_Punk Member Posts: 371

    Platform - PC
    Map(s) - Shelter Woods, Fractured Cowshed, Wretched Shop
    Role - Both
    Killers - Experienced with all Killers
    Actions - Just being on the map

    Ever since 2.0.0 I've been having way worse framerates on these maps. If I look towards the middle in Shelter, I go down to 11 FPS. If I look at the ground or towards an edge, I go back up to around 30.

    Same goes for Cowshed and Shop. I have a really bad laptop but framerates overall have went down even further. Shelter Woods used to be around 20 FPS but it goes down to 9-13 a LOT more than before. It's borderline unplayable. More maps have been affected but these are the main culprits.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    Does anyone know if submitting all this information is actually helping anything? I'm tired of missing hits on survivors and struggling to keep up in these unnecessarily long chases that are costing me games. When survivors attemp to 360 or zig zag they basically teleport. It's infuriating. Especially when they tbag the exits and you know if it wasn't for playing at 5 fps you'd have killed them. Like i said before Xbox one, all maps, especially when attacking, but happens when just walking around too. I love this game but it's hard to keep playing with these issues.

  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360

    Xbox one.
    All maps.
    All killers.
    Everything is choppy and low horrible fps.

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108
    edited July 2018

    At me on a PC the fps became almost the same as before the update 2.0. Thanks for the fix.

  • Dirty
    Dirty Member Posts: 7

    At me on a PC the fps became almost the same as before the update 2.0. Thanks for the fix.// for me too.

  • DJ_DeScRiMiNaLx
    DJ_DeScRiMiNaLx Member Posts: 1

    im still mad that the pallet glitches aren't fixed yet on the xbox one. i been playing since october last year 2017 and experiencing heavy pallet glitches such as forcing me through the pallet to the other side after dropping it and glitching through it when the killer grabs me. You guys been fixing other stuff but never seemed to fix the pallet glitches. I used to play everynight including during the day sometimes but now im starting to give up on playing due to all the changes thats been made and still having to deal with the same glitches over and over again. Another big issue is finding a killer online with my friends in public lobbies THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED!

  • ApacheLand
    ApacheLand Member Posts: 35
    I've had the opposite experience it used to stutter down to low frame rates since I got it on xbox one x but since that last patch it has been waaaaay smoother for both killer and survivor, the only time it stutters for me now is when I enter bloodlust it drops sometimes to 0fps and just freezes then picks back up again a few seconds later but other than that whatever the console team did in the last patch.... Thank you! So much better now but please work on an xbox one X and ps4 Pro enhanced version that would be mega 👍😁 cheers 
  • joseph_ice
    joseph_ice Member Posts: 3
    coldwind farm
    i got hit by the killer
    it was in a closed area
  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 714
    PS4 original
    The Game, Coldwind Farm (I think, the cornfield), others too but I don't remember specifics. 
    As others have said, fog, fire, and effects like Doctor electricity and Clown smoke seem to make things worse.
    All Doctor effects in Treatment such as floor and edge of screen electric.
    As Survivor the Doctor effects caused drops making Snap Out Of It extremely hard to hit the skill check, the edge of screen electric and Doctor 'face' that appears when missing the skill check.

    I would love an option to turn as many things off as possible so my old ps4 can maximise fps. 
    I have even tried using default skins in the hope of finding smoother FPS without things like glowing eyes cosmetics or electric on Doctors weapon.
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I made a report earlier in the thread just after the patch was released on PS4 - it was the first game I had played and it was painful to play as killer.

    Weird thing is that was the only game I had any problems - its been fine since. Well fine as in the same as it was before.....could still do with a few more FPS.

  • Xaggy
    Xaggy Member Posts: 330
    edited July 2018
    Now is 2.1.0 and I got low FPS on Badham Preschool during chase. I played as the Doctor.
    I play on PC.
  • SATX87
    SATX87 Member Posts: 1

    OG X1
    Games near unplayable now as killers. I'm a Leatherface main atm and couldn't hit water in the ocean if I wanted to let alone a survivor. Just swinging the hammer wrecks the fps. In the rare event I do get a hit the fps dips so bad they'll get away anyway and the scratch marks are gone. Seems the worse maps are the cornfield ones.
    Even the match results screen is a big stuttering mess.

  • Vicky56
    Vicky56 Member Posts: 1

    Xbox One
    Autohaven Wrecker
    Animation delay while dropping a pallet in the injured state after I dropped the pallet he teleported to the other side of the pallet then teleported back to the other side

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    Badham Preschool (In the school and especially in the boiler room exclusively)
    Wraith (but from what I've seen the killer I'm playing as doesn't effect anything)
    I was simply chasing survivors and FPS became unbearable. Not using my power, no pallets being dropped, just regular movement.

  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    • Ps4
    • Preschool
    • Survivor
    • Trapper
    • Vaulting a window in killer shack / crouching behind rocks.
    • As I was vaulting during a chace, I got stuck in the window and all of a sudden I was stuck in a trap elsewhere. Was hiding behind a roch i the middle of the map as he downed someone else, all of a sudden I was downed, but he was hooking the other survivor on my screen.

    • Chapel, the new one.
    • Killer
    • Trapper
    • Chase, hooking
    • I chased a claudette but she got away. Moments later I found her running towards the chapel and before she could vault into it, I downed her but she disappeared. Found out after match she had been working on a gen with others and all of a sudden she was down. Later in the match I tried to hook her a final time but every time I tried we were sliding away. Tried 6-7 times, different hooks. Had to step in my own trap to drop her, and then she dc, but on her screen it showed that I was the one to dc, but I was finishing the match by taking out the last survivor. This match is on video from her side.
  • sunnyariane
    sunnyariane Member Posts: 60
    Ps 4 pro
    All maps with surviover 
    I cant play anymore. Fix it! I buy the new skin for Meg today... and i cant play. The fps drops to 0 all 5-10 sec. Its Not nice. Its unplayble.
  • ZaiGeno
    ZaiGeno Member Posts: 1

    PS4 Pro
    Red Forest
    When start chase and get bloodlust up a tier/found a survivor. Just not fun time playing doctor on that map.

  • oooK3NJ1ooo
    oooK3NJ1ooo Member Posts: 81
    How about some feedback from the devs?
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    When can we expect any update to fix the framerate on console. It got much worse in 2.0. @not_Queen can you please address this in the next stream with an actual timetable. Chapter 9, mid chapter, chapter 10. Something to let us know this is being addressed. The game plays like garbage. I gave 3 or 4 examples in this post and haven't played in weeks because of headaches and becoming nauseous. This is new and only playing this game.
  • Harket
    Harket Member Posts: 21

    @Harket said:
    Fractured Cowshed / Shelter Woods
    Killer and Survivor (respectively)
    Huntress and Clown (respectively)
    Picking up a survivor near the killer shack / Just crouching and hiding
    It's dropping from 50-60 FPS to 10-15.

    Here I am again. Informations above was about 2.0.0.

    It's 2.1.0 now and my problems are in Autoheaven and Coldwild Farms. (all of both maps)
    When a survivor hits decisive, I get frozen for 1 ou 2 seconds.
    When survivor is being consumed/ by the entity (dead), the sound of it gives me FPS drops aswell.

    Is the sound of some actions of the game an issue, maybe? I see people posting about FPS drops when a chase starts, when hooking someone etc.

  • Ciinny
    Ciinny Member Posts: 36

    Xbox One
    Every Map
    Every Killer/Every Survivor
    Killer: Hitting a Survivor, lunging and hooking
    Survivor: Getting exposed e.g NOED/Hex: Ruin and getting hit (sometimes)

  • Redox
    Redox Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2018

    Every map
    Every Killer/Every Survivor
    Any action ( too often while shifting/running) , on killer all action
    in the beginning of the game I have 90-101 fps , after 3 min i got drops from 101 to 74-48 fps
    Gtx 1060 6gb , intel i7-7700HQ , 16GB

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    edited August 2018
    PS4. Playing as all killers. It happens on all maps, usually when I hit someone while carrying and also if they attempt to 180 or 360 dodge my hit. Frames drop and they are able to run a few steps ahead of me if I miss the hit. But frames drop even if I hit them when they attempt that juke
  • Das_M
    Das_M Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2018
    • PC
    • EVERY map
    • Killer
    • EVERY killer
    • Whenever I was chasing a survivor and did a lounge attack, that would´ve hit them, my framerate drops so excessivly that I always miss

    PC specs:
    Intel Core i7-7700k @ 4.2GHz
    NVidia GeForce GTX 1070 (latest driver 398.82)
    32 GB RAM
    Win 10 Home 64bit

    Edit: I even get severe framedrops when placing a trap on the floor with the Trapper. Framerate jumps from 60 down to 24 or something after the screen froze for 1/2 to 1 second. Unplayable.
    Happens too, when winding up a hatchet with the huntress. This list could go on and on and on.

    Edit 2: I lowered the overall quality from "ultra" to "high" now and that kinda fixed most of the frame drops mentioned above. Still I get those frame drops when bloodlust kicks in (even on high). It´s kind of embarrassing, that my machine can´t handle DBD on ultra... what does that say about the game? I wonder...

    Post edited by Das_M on
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    PS4. Various maps.Playing with survivor frame drop/lag moves back and forth, left to right(especially inside building hallways and in the first 30-60 seconds of the match on any map). Dropping pallets- survivors steps back/killer ends up being on the other end =free hit. Hillbily frame drop during chainsaw sprint. Doctor in treatment mode. Various killers frame drop during the chase.

  • Caffeine
    Caffeine Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2018

    System: PC

    Map(s):Springwood Preschool | & | Haddonfield

    Side: Killer

    Character:The Clown

    Doing: Chasing survivors, turning too quickly, vaulting - just about anything.

    Issue: Significant fps drops. Going from a constant 75 to a sudden drop and then back up. Was fine pre-patch.

  • ComradeTachanka
    ComradeTachanka Member Posts: 1
    Xbox one
    Killer: bloodlust gain produces large frame drops especially when going through a cornfield. Survivors that finish the dream transition with Freddy cause massive frame drops for Freddy. Playing Michael and entering tier 3 causes massive frame drops. When I was playing clown on the game the frames were dropping nonstop especially when a survivor entered the gas cloud. Playing Wraith when using windstorm and on an autohaven map causes frame loss. Throwing hatchets causes small frame loss. Doc lags whenever using his treatment. When playing pig lunging causes frame loss from time to time.

    Survivors: when noed activates once a survivor is hit causes frame rate loss. When using dead hard on coldwind farm framerate drops. On Crotus Prenn when someone with leader comes close to you activating leader frames drop. Getting hit while sprint burst activates at the same time dropped the frames for me on haddonfield. Adrenaline activating and getting hit causes frame drop. Happened on coldwind. Ripping someone off a hook and getting make your choice to activate on you causes massive frame drops. When getting hit by a hatchet with status effects frames drop. When thanatophobia activates frames drop. 

    I hope at least the big frame drop issues with bloodlust, killer powers activating, cornfields, UI Status/hex/exhaustion activation with damage gets fixed soon for console it sucks. Goodluck
  • Lmatt
    Lmatt Member Posts: 11

    Which platform are you playing on?

    PC Alienware 15 R2 (GTX 970m graphics card, i7-6700HQ @ 3.5GHZ 4 Cores Processor, 16GB Ram DDR4 2400MHz)

    What map were you playing on?


    What side were you playing (killer / survivor)?


    What killer was in the game?


    What actions (ie: dropping a pallet, using a power) were you doing when you experienced the FPS drop?

    FPS is horrible all around even on lowest settings. FPS drops to almost zero when being hit or hitting a survivor, when an icon such as exposed is present, performing an action such as vaulting or dropping a pallet.

    Any other useful information!

    GPU driver 397.93 allows me to play at 100-140 fps on ultra, but will cause every other application I have installed to crash. (Outside of this one driver version game runs horribly. (15-30 fps at best when playing survivor on lowest settings. Killer is usually under 30 and drops to almost 0 frequently.)

    Current GPU driver: 398.82
    Internet Speed: 250 MBs Download and 50 MBs Upload (Constant speeds and Connection)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited August 2018

    -mostly happens on newer maps, like the meatplant or the preschool (maps with a lot of details)
    -i only recognized them on the killer side yet (i dont play a lot of survivor)
    -happens a lot to my doc, but it can happen to any killer i play
    -mostly just entering a new part of the map, but also when i use my powers e.g. switch off to punishment mode for doc EDIT: and after i hit people.
    -these lags seem to affect the survivors aswell, since their game also has freezes at the same time as mine has (i have been called a "lagswitcher" a lot of the times that happened .-. )

    Post edited by Mister_xD on
  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    Wraith as I played him on various maps almost every. Getting worse after uncloacking but it is noticable while being cloacked too. But nver had issues like with any other killer

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198
    All Maps
    The Pig, Trapper
    Bloodlust, lunge, normal chase, completed gen, occasionally on survivor hit, and random moments in all aspects of the game.
    Bloodlust seems to be the biggest issue for me. Every time I get bloodlust 1, My frames drop for a second regardless of who or where i am playing. lunges seem to be the second biggest problem as normal attacks don't cause me any problem unless I hit someone and that only cause frame drops about 25% of the time.
  • PoisonousCookies
    PoisonousCookies Member Posts: 2

    all maps really
    survivor and killer (killer mostly during blood lust)
    Freddy is really bad during dream transition

  • katsumodo47
    katsumodo47 Member Posts: 54

    Xbox One X - When bloodlust actives the FPS drops, when a killer hits you the fps drops, all maps

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 300
    Both sides
    Doctor games 
    Whatever I or Doctor do , I get really horrible fps drops , sometimes game just freezes for like 10 sec , I never had this issue until 2.0
  • Runaway
    Runaway Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2018

    PlayStation 4.
    Killer side only.
    Every map except Coldwinds.
    It drops most of the time, especially when in a chase and trying to lunge attack. When bloodlust activates it freezes for 1 second.

  • aekapong1
    aekapong1 Member Posts: 1

    พยาบาลทั้งหมดในระหว่าง แทงบอลออนไลน์ การกะพริบเป็นอย่างมากและหลังจากที่เชื่อมโยงไปถึงกะพริบกรอบทำให้มันยากที่จะอ่านการเคลื่อนไหวของผู้รอดชีวิต การหมุนมีความเบาบางปานกลาง ในขณะที่ผู้รอดชีวิตแต่ละคนเสียชีวิตลงเล็กน้อย มีเธรดที่ผ่านมาหลายฉบับบอกว่าเธอไม่สามารถเล่นหรือเล่นได้ยากในคอนโซล

  • xdamienz
    xdamienz Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2018
    Just increase the fps from 30 (not even 30 on consoles btw ) to 60 and boom ( problem solved )
  • ggioluzza
    ggioluzza Member Posts: 5
    Xbox One (Original Model)
    All maps (under 30 fps)
    While playing survivor
    Lag spikes happen when:
    Adrenaline Triggers
    An exhaustion perk Triggers
    Also as The Shape,when:tiering up,swinging,activating bloodlust,(i don’t really use NOED but still)when NOED triggers and when a gen is done.
  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    @xdamienz said:
    Just increase the fps from 30 (not even 30 on consoles btw ) to 60 and boom ( problem solved )

    Consoles are not powerful enough to handle the unoptimised dead by daylight.

    I have a gtx 1060 and still have problems with lag, lol.

    Platform: PC

    Lag: Clown particle effects, Freddys basement, New Cosmetcis, Whenever an icon is not precached and CACHED during the game (as a professional game dev studio, how is this even possible to forget? xD)

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    PS4-Pro. I don't experience dropped FPS much, but one thing I have noticed is that PS4 has the option of going into "rest mode", which leaves the game running in the background. This means that the games continue to run, and I have a concern that DbD may have a memory leak, because if I continue to play DbD over a period of days w/o actually closing it I experience more FPS drops, and jittery behavior throughout the game. Closing the game, and reopening it typically solves the problem.

  • Just got the game yesterday. 
    Xbox one
    Every map and game so far 
    Played as wraith 
    Nothing triggers it, I can count the frames like a stop motion animation, even in the end when it's giving me XP.

  • JerBear24
    JerBear24 Member Posts: 1

    PS4 Pro
    Mother's Dwelling
    Playing as the Trapper
    Framerate on this map overall seems worse than other's, making it near impossible to chase people because quick turns become janky mess, large frame drops also occur whenever pallets fall

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955
    I take it the forum staff have unpinned this post?
  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    Father Campbell's Chapel
    The Hag

    FPS issues persisted when I returned to the main menu after the game had finished.

  • muffinstuffin
    muffinstuffin Member Posts: 8
    every killer every map. fps plummeting even on survivor its very difficult to judge distance on both killer /survivor. Tracking is literally very difficult. Ive spent plenty of money on this game i love it but jesus help console dbd. Its hard to watch streamers on pc with literally not even have half the problems console has yet yall still pump out content people want to see legitimate performance progress.matchmaking on console also is so bad ive been playing other games way more. Because its not fun to wait in a swf lobby for 10 mins average. Pls Help 
  • Hatty
    Hatty Member Posts: 121

    Every map aside of the default ones (McMillan, Autohaven, etc)
    Survivor, Killer is 100% fine
    Doctor, Spirit, and Hag
    Running, just pressing the shift key dropped a lot of fps
    Skillchecks running at 9 fps lol