Why are immersive players looked down upon?

I don’t get it. Not everyone has the skill to loop, so why is it bad that a survivor tries their best to stay out of the killers LOS? I mean, as long as they’re doing objectives like working on generators or cleansing totems? Heck, I spend plenty of matches having to traverse the maps to unhook people because people keep getting caught and no one else is trying to save them.

Don’t get me started on the impatient survivors who wiggle their arms at me trying to make me hurry. I’m sorry, I don’t have BT, so I don’t want to unhook you and let the killer farm. Especially when I could still see him or Spinechill is still lit up! You even have survivors who demand I heal them at the hook that I just unhooked them from. Seriously, would it kill you to sneak away to a safer location for me to heal you. Do you live chases so much that you want to leave scratch marks that lead to me healing you? Even when it’s obvious that the killer will come back (Spirit, Hillbilly, Invisible Chicken Legs) they still insist I stay exposed for their sake.

Even the devs seem to not promote it since I could play perfectly and accomplish more goals than anyone else in the match and yet have less blood points because I didn’t get in a chase or hit the killer with every pallet on the map! (After playing killer for a bit, I kinda feel bad to use pallets or blind, I know I shouldn’t, but I do).

More equality for the Bush People please! We deserve respect! We also deserve all the butt rubs you can give!

Thank you for taking the time to read this rant, have a blessed day!

P.S. Devs, I would also like a bush costume like Fortnite provides. It will complete my ascension to full Bushette status.



  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    How is the player supposed to know what perks you have equipped? That’s something the devs should consider. Maybe let survivors see each others equipped perks in the lobby?

    Ive been in situations where I think my teammate is just being a d*ck and farming me in front of the killer only to realize they have Borrowed Time. How am I supposed to know that?

    Also, there have been games where I could do nothing but unhook over and over because everyone keeps getting caught. Killers like Trapper and the Hag just bring out the worst in survivors.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    That's where the debate comes in, and I can't say there's a right answer either way.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I had someone today in 2 different games be the stealthy one.

    He couldn't win chases which is fine, But if he was hurt he spent his whole time in a locker until someone was downed.

    I was on a hook right in front of him. He got outta locker self-cared. got back in the locker THEN came and got me...I hit 2nd stage and got farmed off the hook

    10/10 lamest game ever :')

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    I dont get it honestly. Who cares if its boring. You are already being looped to death by some other survivors. Do you really need another survivor to do that to you? Atleast if you spot a stealthy player chances are you down them. Why would that annoy you? If you really are a killer i dont understand your logic

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    But what if 4 survivors load into the game and they all have the same play style?

    Someones gonna get caught and then that person is most likely gonna be screwed.

    Problem with Solo Qs in survivor are this: No one wants to get off their gen/totem/chest because they have the mind set..theres 2 other people someone else will get him.

    By the time everyone realizes no one has gotten said guy off hook hes now in struggle stage.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited December 2019

    I prefer chases as a killer than 4 blendettes on a Yamaoka map.

    Shocking I know.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    I feel more immersed as a scary killer when people hide from me than when we have a Monty Python~like chase around a pile of garbage with a pallet in the middle. Personal opinion.

    But getting stealthy when there's no heartbeat or signs of a killer, is the same as crouching as the Pig the whole game without sings of survivors nearby.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Boring is subjective. It’s boring for survivors to get moried, tunneled or camped, but it’s fun for the killers that do so.

    If you had every survivor play the same exact way, the game would get monotonous, and be even more boring than it would be rather than facing 1-2 Bushettes in a match.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I never noticed that. How do I tell the person who is being chased and coming to unhook me has BT or We’ll make it? Or will I only be notified during the actual unhooking action?

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I respect your opinion but disagree with some of it. I think it does take skill to stay out of a killers LOS and do objectives. The immersive player will have to face the killer sooner or later once more and more gens are complete. It’s even harder for an immersive player to stay immersive when they go up against stealth killers like Michael or Ghostface. Heck, Legion is a pain because their ability reveals my location even though I’m not in LOS. And lots of people like to play these killers.

    Also, I’m not complaining about emblems, but would like to get more blood points for completing the objectives that will help us escape in the end. I could cleanse all totems, prevent NOED from appearing, wipe out Ruin within the first minute of a match and complete 3 gens while unhooking and healing survivors throughout the whole match and still make less bloodpoints and a good looper who loops and does gens. Loopers get rewarded for doing what they’re good at, immersive players that aren’t just hiding in a corner should too.

    As for time and place for actions, that comes down to lack of information. Solo survivors aren’t able to communicate with each other, so it’s difficult to make the decision of taking a chance to sprint across the map and risk exposing myself only to find someone else got there first. It would have been better to stay on the gen. SWFs completely nullify that difficulty, which is why the new Kindred is nice.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    My two cents is that survivors need to be sharing hooks around, if someone's on death hook and being chased, and you're being immersed when you've not even been hooked.

    Then you have the classic "bad" immersed player who hides whenever they hear the Terror Radius, get little done in terms of objective or altruism, and then just waits for the hatch.

    It's not that "immersion" is bad, it's that a overly immersed play styles can generally hurt the team, the same way being overly aggressive can be.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    After the unhook, i believe BT shows up to the right side where other status effects show up it's called endurance or something like that

    And i think We'll make it shows up in the bottom right but i'm not sure about that

    It's been a while since someone unhooked me with it, it's a crime how underused that perk is

    I do remember that it shows

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    On survivor side? I have no problems... I usually play stealth too.

    On killer side? Usually no issues. Until there's 2 survivors left, both immersed, I dont have whispers equipped and it feels like the last time any gen got any progress done was half an hour ago.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I’m probably the only survivor that does this, but if the match comes to a standstill with all the gens in one corner of the map and both survivors are immersive, I’ll just walk up to the killer and let him/her have their way with me. Unless the killer was facecamping to an extreme earlier. Then have fun finding my urban evading butt.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    They're usually just very bad players who do little throughout the match to help the team.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    No idea how popular this opinion is, but I completely agree lol.

    Being looped is so much more engaging than walking around doing nothing trying to find Blendettes crouching in bushes.

  • C0ntr0113d1nf3rn0
    C0ntr0113d1nf3rn0 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2019

    When being unhooked by someone that has BT or WMI, there's a notification that pops up on the left side of your screen for either.

    BT shows that you have the Endurance effect to the right near all the status icons as well.

    So while playing, when you get unhooked, try paying a bit more attention to the left side of your screen and you'll see what I mean but only if they have the perks.

    With WMI, unless the Killer is within 30 metres, it's always better to just heal off hook. Wastes less time and gives the person who just got unhooked a fighting chance when the Killer does return. Not to mention that wasting time trying to find a hiding spot to heal with it could help the Killer especially if they have NC.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Mostly because it just makes the game boring. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just uninteresting and can drag the game on for a longer

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190

    Immersive player doing no unhooks, don't help their teammates, and never do objectives. They just connect and sitting on the hatch till the game ends. 🙃

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    It's not that they are looked down on as a whole. There are super immersed players out there who get things done in games. Whether that be gens, saves, totems etc.

    Then there's the person who will run across the map from the generator they were at even at the faintest sound of a heartbeat. The person, who when you are hooked, can be seen urblend evading around the edge of the map being useless. Those make up the majority of the super immersed ones.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    if you get unhooked and the person starts to heal you, it's easy to see if they have We'll Make it by the speed and if you feel it's an unsafe heal simply run away and break the healing process. But I do hate when you are being carried to a hook and see someone running right behind the killer and unhooking you immediately only to find out they DON'T have borrowed time! Being farmed to death is the worst, especially when you bring a good item.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    As a killer it’s boring as F to verse a bunch of immersed players. Only so many times I can check untouched gens before I get bored.

    KingHEADBUSTER Member Posts: 75

    I don't see this bc I'm red rank, get good use object of obsession and bate killer into chases. Look at the killer while running, so many bad players just look where they are running, I kno I play a lot of ghostface.

  • Holdonholdon
    Holdonholdon Member Posts: 48

    The arms flailing while on the hook used to be at least when I played on PC, is when a killer was Camping, face camping, and survivors would flail their arms to tell other survivors that the killer is a camper and , either do gens and be prepared if you're coming to unhook.

    I started playing on console and now all I see are people flailing their arms to either rush everyone for a unhook sace or simply cause they are just goofing around. It's annoying because the flailing of the arms should stay as an alert to fellow survivors the killers status, i.e., camping, facecamping. It helps a whole lot believe it or not, because you can prioritize your time doing gens, totems and being more prepared when you come for the unhook/save. Every survivor knows we have a camper and take on the task accordingly.

  • OGBatDad69
    OGBatDad69 Member Posts: 32

    Omg I hope I never get matched with you. As a survior main you are the very definition of the surviors I CANT STAND!!! GG GET GOOD

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I mean there are more ways to distract a killer than just looping them - and we should not confuse stealth play style with fully immersed...the fully immersed just doesn't do anything or if they do they make sure there is no risk to themselves when they do it. A stealth player can waste a killer's time by having them look for them - killer knows someone is there, but the stealth player is good at keeping them guessing. Either way killer is being distracted the same.

    There will come a time when one does have to get better at chases. Looping is a big part of that - it's really the only reliable defense survivors have, especially against tunneling.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm exactly the same way. Personally, I wish that stealth were a bit more of a viable option, both gameplay-wise and emblem-wise, than it currently is, because I like to think of stealth and aggression as the two main playstyles in DBD.

    Considering how much harder and more unavoidable chases become at higher ranks, though, I can see Peanits' point that it's better for people who don't do well in chases to be deliberately kept lower.

    Of course, one could argue that the game could just be rebalanced a bit such that choosing to avoid chases altogether is a more viable option at top ranks, but if every survivor is doing that it can get really boring and frustrating for the killer, so it starts to become a problem in that regard.

    So as Peanits said, perhaps there's no definitive answer either way.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Because I have a serious problem with you being in red ranks and watching someone die on the hook while you crawl around the corner, not on a gen, not in threat of anything, just sitting idly by like a crow on the map. That's why.

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    How about the situation where the killer isn't very good and I'll get max score on objective and about 4,000 on altruism and escape only to no pip because the killer chased just one guy the whole match and never found me. I feel like that's kinda messed up, am i suppose to run to the middle of the map and drop pallets to get his attention? The whole point is to escape right? Seems counter productive.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Because you aren't good for being in the place the killer didn't check ( most likely in the corner of the map away from every objective).

    Also little baby stealthers don't know what it means to stop crouching and run, they must not realize only the hag requires a lot of crouching or something.

    Definitely one of the most draining aspects of this game is when survivors decide to stealth and not do any objectives. I'm tired of these no skill players begging for stealth to be rewarded when you aren't doing anything special what so ever. Looping is not that difficult to pick up on and what are you so afraid of? It's a video game for crying out loud try something different.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    I always wave my hands around on hook because I'm bored. It's not normally survivors telling you to hurry, heck I've had some people tell me it's a signal that the killer is close but honestly people do it for different things so don't take a survivor wiggling their hands to mean anything...

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Long story short. You always get the one who is immersive when they dont need to be. Killers gone but they urban up to you or you watch them urban around while on the hook. Seriously is obnoxious.

    Stealth with a purpose not just to stealth.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    You are confusing the names. An immersive player is a player that is too scared to or won't do things in a match. He will crouch in the corner and Self Care.

    A Stealthy player on the other hand simply prefers to not be seen, and most people respect those players that chose to not be confrontational

  • PuckGOA
    PuckGOA Member Posts: 27

    To be honest the best groups have both immersive and non immersive players. Its best if everyone can run the killer If they get caught but if your running the killer that immersive dude who ducks til you lead the killer away and then gets right back on genny is your best friend. I play different styles with different survivors. Immersive David is silly. He sticks out. So I run around and do what I need to. But my urban evasion Meg gets work done and safe unhook like a pro. I can run the killer if needed but I just adopt a style for every character I play. That's why I run different perks on almost every character.