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Don’t let killers lobby dodge



  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Why bother playing when you have almost no chance of winning?

    Not defending lobby dodging here just giving an explanation for why it's not an isolated issue and it's rooted in much more complex balance issues with the game.

    No one wants to vs a 4 man blendette group with toolboxes.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Yeah but you’re never gonna get better if you don’t try.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I agree that we should be able to see ranks again. I have never lobby dodged and to be honest I think there's always something you can bring to counter what you see as survivors so I don't understand why people would lobby dodge? I usually play survivor but played killer last 3 games for Rift challenges and daily and the DC rate is ridiculous! I played against SWF teams that were rank 5 and 6 and I'm 15 since I don't play killer much. All games 2 players DC'd after first down or first hook? Everyone was going for Ruin and I had a trap set so it didn't go well for them, lol. Hopefully they get some kind of penalty. I just ended up farming one game and gave hatch to last 2. I have a feeling rift challenges are gonna be a grind.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    It's not even about getting better. That's a poor excuse to justify bad game design. I've seen Otz, Zubat, Tru3, Aaronplays, etc. lose 2 - 3 gens before getting a hook and sometimes losing a game downing everyone in 30 seconds or less. Killers need a way to gauge how to properly face a team of survivors since they have 1/4 of the resources survs have.

    Edit: typo

  • TomCJax
    TomCJax Member Posts: 13

    Seems okay, I lobby dodge the first couple teams just out of spite. They should consider themselves lucky, I ALWAYS face camp them anyway.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    If I see 4 people pop in at once, all with tool boxes and P3, I'm dodging. I'd rather avoid the headache. I'm an alright killer, but I know when I see that kind of loadout I'm gonna have a bad time lol.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    Seeing the ranks allows me to know how seriously I need to play or if I can be chill. Also, I play solo so if someone else picks the same character that I did or 3 other people I can't communicate with bring in a toolbox or whatever, I can't help that and I'm not changing my playstyle/perks or who my favorites are to prevent killers from dodging just as I don't expect Myers players to stop using him.

    There are killers I don't like going against but I suck it up and play the match. If one doesn't like the randomness of it all and wants to restrict what survivors can bring in so one doesn't feel the need to dodge, KYF exists.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Why should red rank survivors have to play with rank 18-20 in the first place when not in swf? This is a silly matchmaking system. I have queued up as a solo and seen each person come in solo with quite a bit of time between and me and one were red and the other 2 were rank 18.

    This certainly wasn't fun for me as they kept going instantly down against our red rank killer.

    Fine I get it they dont want to increase queue times. But then they need to fix matchmaking. Because it's broken as hell.

  • dollbaby7870
    dollbaby7870 Member Posts: 27

    I agree with what you saying - even if seeing other survivors ranks was a bug it helped me have some idea of what kind of killer I'll be facing. I play for fun and don't usually go past a rack 12. If I get into a lobby with 3 survivors that are rank 2 (yes it's happened) then I know I don't want to play that game because I'm just going to end up dead in a minute. So I'd rather leave and the 3 remaining survivors are better off waiting 30 more seconds for someone more suited to their rank.

    If a killer lobby dodges then no killer EVER appears and I have to leave and search for a new game (had this happen a dozen times recently). If a survivor leaves the spot is filled right away ever since they fixed the 3 survivor bug. So add back the ranks. Or take away seeing the survivors from the killer - make it fair.

    I don't wanna hear we can't pick our perks then from killers because guess what - survivors can't pick their perks based on the killer! So in the end if everyone is blind then it's fair.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    I agree. Bring back ranks for solo survivors. I don't wanna play with a rank 20 survivor and be at an disadvantage because one of my teammates doesn't have any brain cells because a red rank wanted to teach their friend the game.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    Not saying I support survivirs not seeing ranks but that actually wouldn't be a fair balance. Only a few perks can counter specific Killers. Calm spirit and Doc(no one uses it because it's trash), Small Game and Trapper, Iron Will and Spirit(meta perk). Whilst Killer perks can be used to counter items. Lightborn and Flashlights or Franklin's and forcing survivors to drop items, they cant be used outside of that but Survivors can use those other perks outside of countering a specific thing. Survivors would have the advantage in that exchange. Can't see your teammates ranks? Well I have a key and they have 2 toolboxes, and a map with the killer having absolutely no way of knowing. 99% people don't run Franklin's just cause whilst people run Iron Will a lot and some run Small Game.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    In most other competitive games you get a penalty for dodging the lobby. In ranked modes often even an instant loss.

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112


    Why should anyone see what they're getting into? This is a horror survival game Ffs, not a unicorn riding down rainbows game. You either deal with what happens or you die. You don't win all the time, sometimes it sucks and you can't see a way out. Deal with it. Stop complaining about making this game fun, especially when fun = you win all the time.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Don't make killers have to play SWF.

    See, it goes both ways.

  • Mjra
    Mjra Member Posts: 50

    I think I had a stroke reading this. No.

  • DJ_2_toxic
    DJ_2_toxic Member Posts: 29

    Keys are OVER POWERED and Mori's are OVER POWERED.. So I say slash them both.. But you don't pip when using Mori's and keys is a maybe pip?

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Just display all characters in default clothes to get rid of dodging bc of cosmetics which is one of the stupider reasons (rip moriing blendettes)

    Killers should still be able to see items though.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I play survivor as well and I agree with you. SWF can choose exactly who they play with. Solo survivors cannot even see the rank of their teammates.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    I have a better idea.

    Nerf toolboxes so they don't decrease gen repair time. aka make them useless but fair

    Get rid of keys that unlock the hatch.

    Now there is no reason to dodge.

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    I'm pretty sure OP said he was joking about his examples to prove a point, but playing solo survivor and getting stuck with brown ranks against a red rank killer and being expected to carry is zero fun and the devs know it. They removed the ranks because people were lobby dodging over trash matchmaking, and no one can blame them. No game should expect you to randomly be matched with someone several ranks below you and expect you to just deal with it. Games are supposed to be fun, not punishment, and that seems to be the way the devs are taking it. "Oh, you don't like being matched with rank 18s? Now you have no choice!" "Oh, you don't want to sit in a match stuck in a generator for 30+ minutes while survivors teabag and refuse to open the gate? Disconnection penalty!" Even with premades in Overwatch, you can't queue up with someone more than two tiers above/below you iirc and that is a HARD rule, not some crap that's broken 80% of the time.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310
  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Keep in mind that not every SWF is good though; when I play SWF with my friends we get dodged a lot and trust me they’re hot garbage.

    I get annoyed as killer versing a solid team too but dodging isn’t the answer.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    I still feel like it’s worth trying to push yourself for a win, like ok challenge accepted. I’ll probably get salty after I lose but I’ll still give it a crack.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    You need to see the survivors because if you don't you can't adjust your perks for their items.

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    We can see you because its 4v1. It would be crazy unfair if we didnt have the proper preparation for certain things.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    The better question is why are killers allowed to dodge when they see a key (any key) but survivors are not when a mori is brought.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I agree

    It should be even

    Either killers shouldn't see anything about the survivors or the survivors should be able to see profile and killer

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    What is the point ? In all case killer queue are long and you will found a lobby easily ...

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Being able to see ranks isn't coming back. However, I would say. Killers should see a lobby without cosmetics and without names and without items.


    Survivors should be able to see which killer they're going up against.

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    I would say yes but :

    => The killer is suppose to know who he is versing : swf or not, flashlight or not , in order adapt his build.

    This i would agree to get ride IF the game balance around it.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Dev wants more money. so they release more cosmetics instead of bug fixes. Still no fix for the basement glitch. Now they want to test bans for DCs when sure a lot of people get salty and leave, but that does not make up for the fact that the game is broken in a LOT of ways that they still blatantly refuse to fix... Or they don't have the know how. Which for a game developer is atrocious.

    This is the only game i know that has catastrophic issues but the dev is testing DC bans. Lmao...... Current issues that i'm personally aware of?

    -Stuck in Terrain/on Rocks/Limbs/Branches/Corners until you are downed as a survivor and picked up by the killer. Not even getting healed and picked up by your teammate or using Unbreakable fixes it anymore. I'm leaving when this happens.

    -Stuck in lockers, can't exit and the killer can't get you out of it. What do you do here? oh yeah. DC..

    -Sandbagging survivors intentionally corner blocking you. I'm not staying because you want to play like a tool.

    -The netcode, which causes hitbox issues

    -VPN useage(causes warping/rubberbanding and an unfair advantage since the killer using it doesn't experience the same issues survivor does because they only tweaked the netcode from P2P to servers. If the killer starts teleporting and it isn't Nurse, i'm not staying.

    -Completion of the rift is still bugged on some challenges. Lore isn't good enough to deal with even more stressful issues.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    I'm already sitting 10+ minutes as a survivor on pc during non-peak times because i'm an adult with responsibilities. I wish you guys would come to the same conclusion i have. The dev doesn't care and is just shoveling broken content onto players. DBD has turned into a cash grab and i'm not going to support greed.