SWF limit to 2 people?

kreeper124 Member Posts: 492
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm normally not one to complain, but SWF is just too much the way it is. A full group of 4 experienced people with comms just make killer rounds pure hell to play. I understand playing with friends is fun, but the games not balanced to have all 4 people have comms against the killer



  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    Pretty sure you're being sarcastic, but I'm not expecting anything to come of it. Just had to vent after 3 games in a row of it lol

  • I_Face_Camp
    I_Face_Camp Member Posts: 244

    Not a bad idea but I think that would mess with alot of people groups and may not be as fun. Another idea is to give the killer a buff when in a 3 to 4 man swf. Maybe faster movement speed, 2 less pallets in the map etc.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Theyre not gonna give killers movement speed buffs or anything like that, ESPECIALLY for 3 man squads. The idea of the killer thats chasing you being faster because one of your teammates brought in 2 of his rank 20 friends comes to mind, lol. They're not gonna alienate a random anymore than they already are.

  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594

    No, I’m serious damn it. This is why I prefer calling calling over texting.

  • I_Face_Camp
    I_Face_Camp Member Posts: 244
  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Any buff they give a killer would...like I said...alienate that random guy who didnt have a choice in getting lumped with a 3 stack. Often times I dont even KNOW I got lumped with a SWF until I'm at the endgame screen and one of the ranks are WAY off from the rest. The other day I found myself witnessing absolute horrendous play from 2 Blendettes that opened the exit gates while I was being hooked, then proceed to WALK across the map to me, stop cautiously 30 meters away on opposite sides and plant their feet firmly into 2 separate bear traps. This only made sense when I saw BOTH of them were rank 16 and were brought in by their rank 2 teammate...who died first.

    The only thing your buff idea would do is let me know I'm in this situation abit sooner when the first gen I hop on, I'm ALREADY getting a red bar with absolutely no debuffs from perks or addons applied yet.

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    Ah okay. Ya never know with the people on this forum

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    Yeah, itd be hard to balance SWF without screwing over solo players, unless they made it so only people a part of the SWF group is affected by the debuff or something, the only way theyd really be able to balance it is limit the number of people in a geoup

  • GayDwight
    GayDwight Member Posts: 85

    They will not do any of this.

    1. No penalties for the SWF. The opinion of the developers that you can not punish players for the fact that they just want to play with friends.

    2. Developers from a country with a capitalist ideology with a market economy. Doing a SWF only for two and taking away the opportunity to play four is simply not profitable for cash income. Think for yourself why, there’s nothing complicated. Now, in this world, everything is done for the sake of money in the first place.

    3. They want to make solos closer to SWF in terms of information; in fact, this is completely difficult to achieve. They will not enter voice communications, do not want to make kindered or bond by default, as this will further strengthen the SWF and so on.

    4. If you find it difficult to play solo for the survivors - gather friends or look for them on the Internet. Not an option? Do not hope to win a solo, enjoy the other inside the game. Is it hard to play for the killer against the SWF? You will not get a buff, since the solos will be completely destroyed, now this is the weakest side in the game.

    5. This issue has no solution. If there was, then it would have been decided for a long time. Just adapt, unfortunately, or leave.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    literally just give extra points after vsing a survive with friends no extra killer attributes gen debuff or whatever things people suggest

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Even if they nerfed just the SWF members, it would still affect the randoms. All of a sudden my teammates can't do gens or heal me to save their lives because they come with a built in action speed debuff. Ideally, I wanna be responsible for 25% of everything, not 40-50% because my teammates hit the SWF button.

  • AThiccOni
    AThiccOni Member Posts: 61
    edited December 2019

    I hate SWF groups, they definitely should be limited to just 2 people but they could still talk through Skype or something or in the case of console just create a party so it doesn't really matter, they would still have plenty of ways to communicate

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,088

    4 Solos with experience can also be a hell for Killers. People should really stop blaming SWFs when they are not as good as they think they are. You can also have a 4 man SWF with 4 Potatoes, and they will not suddenly stomp a Killer because they are on Comms.

    And well, I guess it is totally fine that a Killer can have a hard match when playing vs experienced people. Killers cant expect to have easy games all the time, only because they are the powerrole.

    Limiting it to two would not change this at all - good Survivors would still be able to give Killers hard games. But people playing with Friends would be driven away.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    A full group of 4 experienced people with comms ~hmmmm

    i meet ebony mori with full red/purple add ons as soloQ surv way more (% wise) often than your fear "A full group of 4 experienced people with comms" and yes both are "red rank experiences"

    you cant 4k every single game xd (i know its shocking for you), and there is another shock for you survivors dont escape every single game(which should be easier) even in 4men swf on voice coms (survival rate for 4men isnt that high btw)

    but i bet you recently got your ass kicked by swf and now you came here to cry about that

    and before you will tell me im hardcore surv main i have around 1000h on killer wraith/pig main im not using ruin/noed/pop on red ranks

  • Brookster
    Brookster Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2019

    Why can't killers be content with winning most games and losing some? This game is supposed to be even between 4ks and 0ks, or just 2ks every round, yet killers are complaining about their 4k streak being broken because of better players. It's so pointless like stfu for once. Just because you're not as good as you think you are on a couple games doesn't mean you have to try to get every survivor thing nerfed because you don't think it's fair you don't get a 4k.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    Everyone started to dodge 3+ SWF...if everyone starts to do this, +3 SWF will leave by themselves.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I don't like swf either, but it adds to the variety in the game. Sometimes it can even be good for the killer because they refuse to leave anyone behind.

    I have had matches where they destroyed me, but I had one on the hook after the 5th gen popped and we then proceeded to play musical hooks until 3 of them were dead.

    There are way too many things in this game to fully balance it, swf, rng, maps, add-ons, etc.

    For every 0k game you have, there is probably a 4k coming (and vice versa)

  • kate_main
    kate_main Member Posts: 178

    4 men SWF groups are broken and Im honestly surprised how there are still people who think otherwise.

    The potential of 4 solo survivors to stomp a killer is there,you're right;but this potential is,not only lower than one of a SWF group , but also way WAAAY harder to achieve.

    And there are sooo many bullies playing in SWF groups (I personally dont care about them;but these are not kind of people who only "wanna play with friends")

    Also,if they want to just play with friends,I just wanna have fun while playing as killer;

    I want a challange,but against a good SWF group...thats not a "challange", its just "get rekt" simulator.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,088

    And again someone who acts that every 4 man SWF is a highly coordinated Squad. Really, there is like a 1 in 100 chance to get such a Genrush-Squad. I feel that too many people are thinking that the "Depip Squad" was something that is somewhat valid (especially these days).

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    There is no diffeenve in 4 solos with experience and a Squad with experience. Both are able to play around the killer, IF the killer allows them to do so. Still killers with experience in dealing with other skilled players are able to play well.

    But back to your idea: this just promotes lobby dosdging until everyone gets together. Still this is a team game. Live with that.

  • dafish22
    dafish22 Member Posts: 1

    I don't think this is a bad idea and like others have said it should be considered, but I think this will just ruin the fun for a lot of casual players like myself. Of course SWF is a big problem in the higher ranks (or lower I don't understand this ranking system) and it should be altered somehow but I don't think that decreasing how many friends can play together is the best choice of action. P.S. I'm a yellow/green rank player and I'm not the best at the game meanwhile my one friend can successfully loop a killer for like 3 hours, so there's a relatively big skill gap between the two of us :/

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Some of you people are so stupid. Why on earth would they limit it to 2 ppl. When I play it's only ever really with 3-4 people that I'm friends with. If it was limited to 2 ppl per game it would actually kill it. The game just is straight up boring AF without friends. Huh what about those people with 2 friends to play with? Nah let's exclude one player and split the community. That one player will feel left out and be less likely to play again. Honestly anyone asking for nerfs to SWF is actually ridiculous. I can understand buffing killers/nerfing survivors in general if the survs were given a decent form of communication but all I see is salty people on this forum that complain and blame every loss on a SWF

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Never going to happen. You start restricting players from how many friends they can play with and its an excellent way to kill your game.

  • xChaosXAnge1x
    xChaosXAnge1x Member Posts: 9

    Yeah alot of people saying SWF groups are broken really shouldn't be playing at this point there not gonna restrict groups of people because they actually got friends and there sure ain't gonna buff killer or need survives you know how many times I ran into groups of 4 and won? More then I lost why because they all stick together now not being rude but either get some friends if 3/4 friends is op and start winning like your suggesting or do better if not then stop playing

  • AxeVanced
    AxeVanced Member Posts: 4

    Maybe make SWF 3-man not possible.

    It would reduce the chance of the solo player getting bullied by them.

    But most importantly we could tell apart between random lobby vs. 4-man and then and only then make some adjustments by making killer stronger (more gens or something idk).

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I can see where you're going with this and I agree it will make the game more fun. I believe it should be swf duo and the sef squad should be available only in customs.

  • kate_main
    kate_main Member Posts: 178

    At red ranks 90% of 4 men SWF are tryhards.

    We don't take into consideration SWF noobs; even if those are pretty rare.

    To mess up while you're in a group you have to be reeeeeeeeally bad.

    So yeah,you're not gonna have a good time againts those people.

    And no;they're not 1 in a 100,what planet do you live in?

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    The only issue i have with swf is if they use comms, thats the big problem. Like what was said earlier they can be super altruism lemmings and lose hard. However the problem is when we get 4 people on comms because then the killer.loses all map pressure, without it survivors have to be semi aware about whats around them. If the survivor just says over discord "Hey killers on me do gens" then there is no longer pressure from the killer. Heck ice had survivors literally run infront of me and try and body block me so I HAVE to swing and get them away. That stuff wastes time and is the real problem with SWF. Just playing with friends is fine, its the ingame communication that makes it such a slog.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    You don't get it. SWF is a feature that provides huge buffs for survivors with no downsides. It's like the old Nurse and her addons. Not using SWF is putting yourself at a disadvantage when playing survivor. Hence why solo surviving sucks.

    A 4-person SWF group of tryhards will always have more potential than 4 solo tryhards. It's the same thing with SWF potatoes and solo potatoes. Voice chat, perk/team synergy, and not having to waste perk slots on aura perks are all great things that solos can never compete with.

    Even the devs know this. Hence their balancing plan to buff solos up to SWF levels as close as possible and then balance killers around the new SWF-lite standard.

    For whatever reason though they've stopped buffing solos. The last major thing they did to close the gap was to hide the killer's loadout untill all survivors had died or escaped. Part of me thinks they don't want to offend the large chunk of survivor mains who are still in denial about how SWF is OP. These toxic SWF groups buy a lot of cosmetics.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Quit whinging and get good or stop playing killer. Or stop playing game. Swf is fine most of the killer community deal with it so why can't you

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Would you rather solo survivors so you can bully them into submission and possibly even a dc

  • MrDemogorgon
    MrDemogorgon Member Posts: 1

    They could make two game modes.1mode for survivor:solo . Second mode swf .If you play killer you can select Wich mode you would like to play (against solo survivors mode or swf mode )(like a challenge with rank). ***Sorry about my bad English***

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    Besides, if people want to play with friends there is Kill your Friends :)

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    And if only 2 friends have the game? 3 isn't enough for kyfs.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited December 2019

    I would rather 3+ SWF give the killer a 5% bp boost and 4 man a slightly higher percentage. Hopefully that also deters killer DC which for whatever reason no one really talks about.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Don't punish swf, BUFF solo to near swf level.

    Remove blindness from the game, perks, add-ons, offerings as this only screws over solo players and does nothing to swf.

    Kindred must be baseline ( devs don't want to do this because they think it would be to strong.. Well guess what? It is already in the game with swf!)

    totems need to light up when touched

    Traps need to light up when stared at for 1 second or touched (trapper-hag demo etc)

    This would be a good starting point to get solo near swf level

    Quick chat system with basic phrases like "he is chasing me" would also be a good thing to add.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    BHVR won't do that. Imagine limiting your friends. That's gonna hurt the game

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    No, absolutely not.

    People really need to stop whining about swf. It's just a paranoid excuse for playing poorly, or getting bad rng/maps.

  • eleetmatt
    eleetmatt Member Posts: 11

    There could be 2 separate gameplay modes. One ranked and one unranked. It's an unfair advantage to solos and killers to be able to be in a ranked "league" with the ability to fully communicate and play tactical and with an organized team. It destroys the purpose of certain perks, allows them to not have a need for some of the good communication perks and frees up all slots to only use the ones that the killer is supposed to have a slight advantage over them in.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    Ah so you mean the queue times and matchmaking should be even worse? lol.

  • Megatome
    Megatome Member Posts: 34

    I used to argue that swf was cancerous to the game because it broke immersion, but seeing as the game has evolved beyond just being hide and seek and the devs have adjusted for that, there wouldn't really be a difference if they just removed swf-- if you ask me, at least. you'd just get less meme lobbies where people constantly run circles around the killer and die because they were too focused on saving their friends and dunking on the killer than doing generators.

  • SWF is tougher, no doubt. But random matches are so easy by comparison. The only thing that can be done is for killers to get better at killing.

    Bhvr want to buff solos to the level of swf (which shows there thinking on how unbalanced it is for solo) but so far, are against lots of ideas that would help that (in game chat, base info perks for solo, h.u.d information....)

    For now, just get better

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Sounds dumb. People payed for the game and should be able to play with a group of people they know, they shouldn’t be forced to play with randoms.

    I’m mainly a killer main and I think the real issue is matchmaking. Playing against SWF my level is very doable, but not a group of red-purples when I’m a green rank.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Balance maps (big maps reduce structures and pallets) and broken items, remove god abusable loops and games will be more balance. Surv with friends will stop teabagging if they cant abuse some loops.