Why Survivors should protest the Bloodlust Nerf



  • Succubuzz
    Succubuzz Member Posts: 18

    @billynair said:
    Which is worse, honestly, Bloodlust after 30+ seconds of looping or... Nothing But Nurses, all day, every day? Nurse is the ONLY killer that doesnt rely on Bloodlust to stop looping. The only reason why other Killers get used is because Bloodlust allows them to reduce the loops too about a minute. Even if you dont down them, they have to do something OTHER than loop. Nerf the Bloodlust, you will get NOTHING BUT LOOPS as any other killer but Nurse. Any Killer who is serious and nit just messing around will be forced to use Nurse to stand a chance.

    Your Choice, Nerf Blood lust and get nothing but Nurses, or, leave it alone and get more variety in Killers

    you could not be more wrong XD any half decent killer out there does not rely on Bloodlust no matter what killer they play, if you rely on Bloodlust, you are NOT a good killer, not even close.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:

    survivors use MLGA to block me for beating them, i haven't seen a name that wasn't just a row of boxes for months, and my region is Australia

    I despise that addon and I've been blocked by killers because I evaded them, one even used it to chat in my survivor lobbies. I wish the devs would just start banning for that or at least say any further uses would induce a ban.

    I've actually played against some aussies and some from New Zealand as well and even made friends with some.For the most part they're all cool people same as most regions. It's just sadly the jerks seem to get the most attention and outshine the regulars.

  • Succubuzz
    Succubuzz Member Posts: 18

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    survivors use MLGA to block me for beating them, i haven't seen a name that wasn't just a row of boxes for months, and my region is Australia

    I despise that addon and I've been blocked by killers because I evaded them, one even used it to chat in my survivor lobbies. I wish the devs would just start banning for that or at least say any further uses would induce a ban.

    I've actually played against some aussies and some from New Zealand as well and even made friends with some.For the most part they're all cool people same as most regions. It's just sadly the jerks seem to get the most attention and outshine the regulars.

    MLGA does not let you chat in the pre-game lobby as a killer.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Succubuzz said:

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    survivors use MLGA to block me for beating them, i haven't seen a name that wasn't just a row of boxes for months, and my region is Australia

    I despise that addon and I've been blocked by killers because I evaded them, one even used it to chat in my survivor lobbies. I wish the devs would just start banning for that or at least say any further uses would induce a ban.

    I've actually played against some aussies and some from New Zealand as well and even made friends with some.For the most part they're all cool people same as most regions. It's just sadly the jerks seem to get the most attention and outshine the regulars.

    MLGA does not let you chat in the pre-game lobby as a killer.


  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @only1biggs said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @yeet said:

    @lyric said:

    Star99er said:

    feffrey said:

    This goes back to what I was saying killers expect a free handout for their lack of skills and failures

    It’s not “lack of skill” when the actual in-game mechanics make looping survivor-sided. Bloodlust balances it out so survivors can’t loop infinitely. Maybe you should stop thinking so one-sided about it.

    No bloodlust is for morons who haven’t figured out how to destroy the pallet and run in circles until one generator is left and then they finally break the pallet and get on here to share their salt with everyone when everyone escapes and they committed to one guy the whole time 

    bloodlust is actually for enormous loops like the cowshed and ironworks ect ect ect> @only1biggs said:

    @yeet said:

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:


    Survivors prefer DCing against nurse and playing against the baby killers they can loop

    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens.

    Most survivors don't have an issue with Nurse, they don't like her but they also don't quit. I take it as a challenge to face the strongest killer in the game.

    then why have most of the survivors in my region blocked me to the point where i only play against chinese survivors with 150+ ping?

    What region are you on and what platform since Pc I get people from Asia and some have quite good ping? If you're on PS4 or Xbox that's something they should fix so that people don't just troll yuo because you were good.

    If you were toxic then yes but if not you shouldn't be able to be blocked.

    survivors use MLGA to block me for beating them, i haven't seen a name that wasn't just a row of boxes for months, and my region is Australia

    Perhaps you're just not a good killer and resort to playing like a douche..? I wonder what addons you use with your Nurse...? ¯(ヅ)

    I don't use addons and I play to win, I don't see how that makes me a "douche"

    A killer killing survivors is a "douche", just fyi

    Yeah, because that's what I said -.-

    It's not like the comment was laced with sarcasm. Here, let me spell it out for you...

    Nurse is BS. Many of the Nurse addons make her even more BS. I wonder why this guy (yeet) is being blocked? Could it be because he uses Nurse almost exclusively and uses super "fair" addons. Jesus, get a grip.

    Yeah its BS that you cannot loop and bully the nurse like a normal trash killer. How is that fair

    If you get bullied that's a you problem. You are the audience the following video is aimed at...

    So what, the biggest problem of the game is map design. Thanks, I already know that btu the devs wont do anything about it because they are lazy

    Hmmm, it seems as though you struggle to read AND listen. The title and topic of the video point to people that are generally bad at the game, but insist on blaming the game first instead of getting better. You and many others here would fall into this category.

    Nah, I don’t give two shits what ScottJund has to say. He literally said right on it “This is a casual party game” meaning the balance is screwed up in order to give Survivors who dick around for half the match a chance to still win cause the game is a “casual party game.” It’s not that Killers are “bad”, it’s that the game is balanced for Survivors who suck at the game. Map balance is just another thing being used as an excuse to cover up the game is balanced for casual Survivor’s “having fun” and dicking around while the Killer always has to go full tilt. If the Survivors go full tilt, they wreck cause the balance is so far in their favor.

    There's just no getting through to you guys..

    Whatever, you're bad at the game. Git gud, then complain x

    Bye bye

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Ok 43 responses was way to many to go through so I'll only say this.

    I don't have a problem with the bl enrf as long as they follow through with the smoothing between 1-2 and also at least adjust the maps some. The Barn and Storehouse being the 2 most obvious culprits while also giving survivors ways to actually be stealthy.

    Sadly to really make it where it needs to be requires full map reworks and or completely new code to really balance things out. Because the big changes everyone wants to balance things will most likely take a while and or break the code if all implemented at once.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @powerbats said:
    Ok 43 responses was way to many to go through so I'll only say this.

    I don't have a problem with the bl enrf as long as they follow through with the smoothing between 1-2 and also at least adjust the maps some. The Barn and Storehouse being the 2 most obvious culprits while also giving survivors ways to actually be stealthy.

    Sadly to really make it where it needs to be requires full map reworks and or completely new code to really balance things out. Because the big changes everyone wants to balance things will most likely take a while and or break the code if all implemented at once.

    Also who da F uses BL 3? Its either you "break the pallet" or you use your power or you (relunctatelly (sorry bad english)) leave them.

    As the power role you should not be forced to leave someone from the supposed "weaker" role because they can stall you for a long time. That to me shows that this weaker role is actually the power role. Thats a big no no on asymetrical games and the source of most of the "killer mains" (although they play both sides and have a much easier time with the "weaker" role) complaints and grips.

    Oh and dont forget to erase DS BS too. The rest of the perks are fine.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @yeet said:

    @lyric said:

    Star99er said:

    feffrey said:

    This goes back to what I was saying killers expect a free handout for their lack of skills and failures

    It’s not “lack of skill” when the actual in-game mechanics make looping survivor-sided. Bloodlust balances it out so survivors can’t loop infinitely. Maybe you should stop thinking so one-sided about it.

    No bloodlust is for morons who haven’t figured out how to destroy the pallet and run in circles until one generator is left and then they finally break the pallet and get on here to share their salt with everyone when everyone escapes and they committed to one guy the whole time 

    bloodlust is actually for enormous loops like the cowshed and ironworks ect ect ect> @only1biggs said:

    @yeet said:

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:


    Survivors prefer DCing against nurse and playing against the baby killers they can loop

    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens.

    Most survivors don't have an issue with Nurse, they don't like her but they also don't quit. I take it as a challenge to face the strongest killer in the game.

    then why have most of the survivors in my region blocked me to the point where i only play against chinese survivors with 150+ ping?

    What region are you on and what platform since Pc I get people from Asia and some have quite good ping? If you're on PS4 or Xbox that's something they should fix so that people don't just troll yuo because you were good.

    If you were toxic then yes but if not you shouldn't be able to be blocked.

    survivors use MLGA to block me for beating them, i haven't seen a name that wasn't just a row of boxes for months, and my region is Australia

    Perhaps you're just not a good killer and resort to playing like a douche..? I wonder what addons you use with your Nurse...? ¯(ヅ)

    I don't use addons and I play to win, I don't see how that makes me a "douche"

    A killer killing survivors is a "douche", just fyi

    Yeah, because that's what I said -.-

    It's not like the comment was laced with sarcasm. Here, let me spell it out for you...

    Nurse is BS. Many of the Nurse addons make her even more BS. I wonder why this guy (yeet) is being blocked? Could it be because he uses Nurse almost exclusively and uses super "fair" addons. Jesus, get a grip.

    Yeah its BS that you cannot loop and bully the nurse like a normal trash killer. How is that fair

    If you get bullied that's a you problem. You are the audience the following video is aimed at...

    So what, the biggest problem of the game is map design. Thanks, I already know that btu the devs wont do anything about it because they are lazy

    Hmmm, it seems as though you struggle to read AND listen. The title and topic of the video point to people that are generally bad at the game, but insist on blaming the game first instead of getting better. You and many others here would fall into this category.

    Nah, I don’t give two shits what ScottJund has to say. He literally said right on it “This is a casual party game” meaning the balance is screwed up in order to give Survivors who dick around for half the match a chance to still win cause the game is a “casual party game.” It’s not that Killers are “bad”, it’s that the game is balanced for Survivors who suck at the game. Map balance is just another thing being used as an excuse to cover up the game is balanced for casual Survivor’s “having fun” and dicking around while the Killer always has to go full tilt. If the Survivors go full tilt, they wreck cause the balance is so far in their favor.

    There's just no getting through to you guys..

    Whatever, you're bad at the game. Git gud, then complain x

    Bye bye


  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @powerbats said:
    Ok 43 responses was way to many to go through so I'll only say this.

    I don't have a problem with the bl enrf as long as they follow through with the smoothing between 1-2 and also at least adjust the maps some. The Barn and Storehouse being the 2 most obvious culprits while also giving survivors ways to actually be stealthy.

    Sadly to really make it where it needs to be requires full map reworks and or completely new code to really balance things out. Because the big changes everyone wants to balance things will most likely take a while and or break the code if all implemented at once.

    you know that won't happen, they'll just go we nerfed bloodlust so if you survivors could stop abusing those spots that would be nice and never solve the problem

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    If you think about it long run ways the change with removing 3 is good in a sense. Because it's much easier to change BL 1 and 2 and tweak them until they get the maps reworked then it is to adjust all 3 in relation.They were talking about smoothing out the transition between 1 and 2.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    feffrey said:
    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 
    Don't you ever have anything constructive to say, you drama queen?
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    If you think about it long run ways the change with removing 3 is good in a sense. Because it's much easier to change BL 1 and 2 and tweak them until they get the maps reworked then it is to adjust all 3 in relation.They were talking about smoothing out the transition between 1 and 2.

    “I’m the long run” is the key phrase that bothers me. It’s basically Soon(TM). If they are going to change Bloodlust, better they do the smoothing out of phase 1 and 2 before doing what they are now. 

    Its been a constant thorn in my side with the developers. My grandfather always told me “Do it right the first time, or don’t do it at all.” Yet the developers seem to have no issue half assing things. 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing said:

    “I’m the long run” is the key phrase that bothers me. It’s basically Soon(TM). If they are going to change Bloodlust, better they do the smoothing out of phase 1 and 2 before doing what they are now. 

    Its been a constant thorn in my side with the developers. My grandfather always told me “Do it right the first time, or don’t do it at all.” Yet the developers seem to have no issue half assing things. 

    I think the biggest issue is the spaghetti code and it's limitations on fixing things easily. The devs have stated they want to rewrite it from the ground up or make new code but that takes time either way.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    “I’m the long run” is the key phrase that bothers me. It’s basically Soon(TM). If they are going to change Bloodlust, better they do the smoothing out of phase 1 and 2 before doing what they are now. 

    Its been a constant thorn in my side with the developers. My grandfather always told me “Do it right the first time, or don’t do it at all.” Yet the developers seem to have no issue half assing things. 

    I think the biggest issue is the spaghetti code and it's limitations on fixing things easily. The devs have stated they want to rewrite it from the ground up or make new code but that takes time either way.

    They will continue building up on the spaghetti code till it collapses at some point. When they are done milking DBD, they might introduce a DBD 2

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    “I’m the long run” is the key phrase that bothers me. It’s basically Soon(TM). If they are going to change Bloodlust, better they do the smoothing out of phase 1 and 2 before doing what they are now. 

    Its been a constant thorn in my side with the developers. My grandfather always told me “Do it right the first time, or don’t do it at all.” Yet the developers seem to have no issue half assing things. 

    I think the biggest issue is the spaghetti code and it's limitations on fixing things easily. The devs have stated they want to rewrite it from the ground up or make new code but that takes time either way.

    Well, maybe they are working on it when they have nothing to do. 
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,530
    edited August 2018

    Bloodlust doesn't counter looping though. Every time you break a pallet, it gets reset. The only way it would counter looping is if you intentionally do not break a safe pallet and instead decide to run back and forth for 30/45 seconds. But in that case, you are objectively making the wrong decision and I don't think the game should hold your hand and reward you for playing poorly.

    Even if we aren't talking about pallet loops specifically, any decent survivor that knows how to run tiles correctly and use windows to their advantage probably knows that all they have to do is throw down one safe pallet, vault back and forth, and then boom, BL is gone.

    Post edited by Peanits on
  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    blood lust nerf is just ridiculous anyway.

  • Succubuzz
    Succubuzz Member Posts: 18

    Bloodlust is a crutch for bad killers, it's really that simple.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Peanits said:
    Bloodlust doesn't counter looping though. Every time you break a pallet, it gets reset. The only way it would counter looping is if you intentionally do not break a safe pallet and instead decide to run back and forth for 30/45 seconds. But in that case, you are objectively making the wrong decision and I don't think they game should hold your hand and reward you for playing poorly.

    Even if we aren't talking about pallet loops specifically, any decent survivor that knows how to run tiles correctly and use windows to their advantage probably knows that all they have to do is throw down one safe pallet, vault back and forth, and then boom, BL is gone.

    You start bloodlusting around a pallet spot, thats literally the point of bloodlust. This way you can catch a competent survivor faster than runing after him till he exploited every window loop in the map.

    Please explain it to me, how is it a bad decision to waste 30 sec or sth stacking up bloodlust 3 instead of chasing the survivor through the whole map if you know that he is competent enough to keep you occupied even longer?

    Sure, if looping wasnt such an insane time waster, then it would be a stupid idea to stack bloodlust at a single pallet, but thats not how the game works currently

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    I think they should go ahead with reducing the time of BL1 and 2, while reducing the speed slightly. Tbh I don't think they need to nerf BL 3 at all, it's a nonfactor.

    I get that they want to discourage long bouts of BL over the same safe pallet and encourage killers to break pallets instead. I think it'll be fine if they adjust window CDs to be more punishing and randomize window and pallet spawns at safe landmarks like the cow tree, shack, and shed.

    But pretending that Nurse is going to be the only killer played is ridiculous.
  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    Master said:u

    @Peanits said:
    Bloodlust doesn't counter looping though. Every time you break a pallet, it gets reset. The only way it would counter looping is if you intentionally do not break a safe pallet and instead decide to run back and forth for 30/45 seconds. But in that case, you are objectively making the wrong decision and I don't think they game should hold your hand and reward you for playing poorly.

    Even if we aren't talking about pallet loops specifically, any decent survivor that knows how to run tiles correctly and use windows to their advantage probably knows that all they have to do is throw down one safe pallet, vault back and forth, and then boom, BL is gone.

    You start bloodlusting around a pallet spot, thats literally the point of bloodlust. This way you can catch a competent survivor faster than runing after him till he exploited every window loop in the map.

    Please explain it to me, how is it a bad decision to waste 30 sec or sth stacking up bloodlust 3 instead of chasing the survivor through the whole map if you know that he is competent enough to keep you occupied even longer?

    Sure, if looping wasnt such an insane time waster, then it would be a stupid idea to stack bloodlust at a single pallet, but thats not how the game works currently

    You give me idea about BL what if BL don"t only load in chase but load tier up when i break pallet?Sound nice yes?
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @meshugganah said:
    it's common sense.  killers are like survivors.  they will use what is easiest.  just like survivors flock to microphones.

    are you saying nurse is easiest? she is the hardest thing in this game to get good we all know nothing survivors do is hard at all.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @billynair said:
    Which is worse, honestly, Bloodlust after 30+ seconds of looping or... Nothing But Nurses, all day, every day? Nurse is the ONLY killer that doesnt rely on Bloodlust to stop looping. The only reason why other Killers get used is because Bloodlust allows them to reduce the loops too about a minute. Even if you dont down them, they have to do something OTHER than loop. Nerf the Bloodlust, you will get NOTHING BUT LOOPS as any other killer but Nurse. Any Killer who is serious and nit just messing around will be forced to use Nurse to stand a chance.

    Your Choice, Nerf Blood lust and get nothing but Nurses, or, leave it alone and get more variety in Killers

    I typically play survivor and I support Blood Lust. If anything needs to be change, adjust the numbers and the times to get there (I've heard less time being suggested), but getting rid of it outright may cause issues for a lot of killers catching up and countering loops.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    feffrey said:

    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    Why are Survivors rewarded for failure to hide and LoS juke by being able to Loop?

    When you have a killer going at a million miles per hour because of blood lust how tf you gunna juke his line of site lmfao.

    If you never got found in the first place, you wouldn’t be running now would you? Face the fact, you failed to hide properly when the Killer came looking. You ######### up, time to deal with the consequences. It’s supposed to be hard to lose a Killer who’s hot on your ass. YOU ######### up and got found in the first place, why are you getting rewarded via Looping for [BAD WORD] up? I don’t see Killers getting rewarded for being unable to find anyone. 

    Survivor = Don’t get found, you win. Get found, but Loop the Killer for just 30 seconds, you still win. 

    Killer = Don’t find anyone, you lose. Find everyone easy, but get Looped for 30 seconds every time, you still lose.

    All Looping does is take the Survivors fail condition and turn it into a win condition. It’s a win/win for Survivors, Lose/Lose for Killers. 


    How about these videos? Where the Gen Rush was so stupidly fast, it didn’t matter if the Killer didn’t really get Looped and chases were stupidly quick? Even without Looping, Survivors can still easily make a Killer pointless to even be on the map. 

    Why aren't end lobbies shown in either match? This could have easily been misranked matches which is scummy af. Also that clown gameplay was one of the worst matches I've ever seen in my life, clown throwing bottles at everything but survivors lmao.

    As Clown, your goal is to herd them into the direction you want them to go, not hit them directly. The only time you want a direct hit is with the pinky. The Clown's gameplay was pretty bad, though. He could hear a gen close to done near him and proceed to chase people rather than knock the people off the gen and hit it. The end lobbies should definitely be showed, too. We don't know if they're just picking on a bunch of rank 20s or not.

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    Nurses will continue to reign and people will continue to leave.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @ChraizE said:
    Nurses will continue to reign and people will continue to leave.

    You claim that the same was as the few others that try and use that even though you know it's false. The game has gotten more popular, Hags are now the number 3 killers behind only Billy and even then she's pushing for number 2.

    In fact a lott of the people leaving are those that wouldn't have ever stayed in the 1st place. Some of those who're leaving are leaving because of a toxic community, no dedicated servers etc. There's quite a few review bombs that're from people who got to use it during ftp week.

    Most of the survivors who encounter nurses at rank 1-2 don't leave even with her being the top killer. We take her as a challenge to learn from and get better.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @powerbats said:

    @ChraizE said:
    Nurses will continue to reign and people will continue to leave.

    You claim that the same was as the few others that try and use that even though you know it's false. The game has gotten more popular, Hags are now the number 3 killers behind only Billy and even then she's pushing for number 2.

    In fact a lott of the people leaving are those that wouldn't have ever stayed in the 1st place. Some of those who're leaving are leaving because of a toxic community, no dedicated servers etc. There's quite a few review bombs that're from people who got to use it during ftp week.

    Most of the survivors who encounter nurses at rank 1-2 don't leave even with her being the top killer. We take her as a challenge to learn from and get better.

    most survivors will just DC on their first down, they hate challenges and just want easy mode from what I've experienced

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:

    most survivors will just DC on their first down, they hate challenges and just want easy mode from what I've experienced

    I'm not sure what time you play but it's rare when it does happen to me. Also how is this any different from killers lobby dodging because they want an easy win? Oh I see 2 toolboxes or 2 medkits dodge instead of bringing Franklin's. Oh no they brought 1 or more flashlights, I don't want to bring a counter to it etc.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    most survivors will just DC on their first down, they hate challenges and just want easy mode from what I've experienced

    I'm not sure what time you play but it's rare when it does happen to me. Also how is this any different from killers lobby dodging because they want an easy win? Oh I see 2 toolboxes or 2 medkits dodge instead of bringing Franklin's. Oh no they brought 1 or more flashlights, I don't want to bring a counter to it etc.

    seeing as how survivors are currently much, much stronger than killers in every way I'd say that killers are entitled to dodge

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited August 2018
    yeet said:

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    most survivors will just DC on their first down, they hate challenges and just want easy mode from what I've experienced

    I'm not sure what time you play but it's rare when it does happen to me. Also how is this any different from killers lobby dodging because they want an easy win? Oh I see 2 toolboxes or 2 medkits dodge instead of bringing Franklin's. Oh no they brought 1 or more flashlights, I don't want to bring a counter to it etc.

    seeing as how survivors are currently much, much stronger than killers in every way I'd say that killers are entitled to dodge

    It’s not the Survivors that are stronger, it’s the ability to abuse game mechanics that are geared to be “a decent challenge” for low-mid ranks and bad map designs that make it such a ######### show for Killers. Once Survivors pass the Skill Cap necessary to overcome the “decent challenge”, it just goes to abuse levels of piss easy.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing said:

    It’s not the Survivors that are stronger, it’s the ability to abuse game mechanics that are geared to be “a decent challenge” for low-mid ranks and bad map designs that make it such a ######### show for Killers. Once Survivors pass the Skill Cap necessary to overcome the “decent challenge”, it just goes to abuse levels of piss easy.

    That's true but at rank 1-2 when I was there it wasn't always so one sided affair, suire there was rofl stomp games. But on average the killer usually got some rofl stomp 4k games with no gens being done. There was also a lot of 1-3k games and it was petty balanced overall.

    There is 1 stat that I'd yet to see which would probably be quite enlightening is what is the breakdown by platform and rank range. How well do killers do on average within those data points. Now compare it to post region lock but also by patch breakdown.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    It’s not the Survivors that are stronger, it’s the ability to abuse game mechanics that are geared to be “a decent challenge” for low-mid ranks and bad map designs that make it such a ######### show for Killers. Once Survivors pass the Skill Cap necessary to overcome the “decent challenge”, it just goes to abuse levels of piss easy.

    That's true but at rank 1-2 when I was there it wasn't always so one sided affair, suire there was rofl stomp games. But on average the killer usually got some rofl stomp 4k games with no gens being done. There was also a lot of 1-3k games and it was petty balanced overall.

    There is 1 stat that I'd yet to see which would probably be quite enlightening is what is the breakdown by platform and rank range. How well do killers do on average within those data points. Now compare it to post region lock but also by patch breakdown.

    Right now, blow out games are quite normal. Either he Killer has a blow out 4K, or the Survivors have a blow out 4 escape. The only time you really see much of a difference is if the Killer camps hard and the Survivors are stupidly altruistic, loosing one or two more people. 

    With the nerfs to exhaustion, Pallet Looping being made less effective due to the Vaccum being removed, flashlight nerf, ect. All the things Survivors used to troll Killers with, the Survivors are simply moving to the next broken thing they can abuse. It’s common anymore, Survivors are not trolling during the match as much, but only once they’ve already “won” by Rushing the Gens, then they troll the Killer. 

    Most “blow out 4k’s” seen at Rank 1 is because Survivors are desperately holding onto the past, and refuse to adapt to the “Gen Rush” meta and try to troll Killers. That, or they make a massive amount of mistakes. It has very little to do with how “good” the Killer is, and more on how “bad” the Survivors are.

    There is only 1 stat I’ve yet to see that could give me an insight onto how the games are played out. How many are Dead/Alive when all 5 gens are powered. Not Escaped/Dead. How many are dead the moment all 5 Gens are complete. How many matches do you see where the Killer simply snowballs off of stupid altruism because the Survivors are greedy for the 4 man escape? These Kills should be omitted from balance talks, as these Kills are obtained only because Survivors are greedy and want more AFTER they have already “won” by completing all 5 Gens. 
  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    @powerbats said:

    @ChraizE said:
    Nurses will continue to reign and people will continue to leave.

    You claim that the same was as the few others that try and use that even though you know it's false. The game has gotten more popular, Hags are now the number 3 killers behind only Billy and even then she's pushing for number 2.

    In fact a lott of the people leaving are those that wouldn't have ever stayed in the 1st place. Some of those who're leaving are leaving because of a toxic community, no dedicated servers etc. There's quite a few review bombs that're from people who got to use it during ftp week.

    Most of the survivors who encounter nurses at rank 1-2 don't leave even with her being the top killer. We take her as a challenge to learn from and get better.

    Perhaps you haven't kept up to date, the game is not "MORE" popular AT ALL!! It peaked 35k during the event that's horrendous no where near numbers it was hitting last year. I love how you throw a blanket over any person that ever left dbd, not true about "wouldn't have ever stayed in the first place" (not 1st) plenty of people played the heck out of dbd before leaving. I know marth88 had thousands of hours, I myself clocked in 1k and many others too, yes you're right about people leaving due to the community being toxic. Nobody enjoys being told to off themselves and get death threats from a game that won't hold aggressors responsible for their disgusting behaviour. Furthermore the balance issues are now getting beyond the joke, nerfing bloodlust is a game killer, just when they give a few killers a small buff they decide to nerf the entire roster in one big F.U to the killer community thus driving more people away from the game.

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    @yeet said:

    @powerbats said:

    @ChraizE said:
    Nurses will continue to reign and people will continue to leave.

    You claim that the same was as the few others that try and use that even though you know it's false. The game has gotten more popular, Hags are now the number 3 killers behind only Billy and even then she's pushing for number 2.

    In fact a lott of the people leaving are those that wouldn't have ever stayed in the 1st place. Some of those who're leaving are leaving because of a toxic community, no dedicated servers etc. There's quite a few review bombs that're from people who got to use it during ftp week.

    Most of the survivors who encounter nurses at rank 1-2 don't leave even with her being the top killer. We take her as a challenge to learn from and get better.

    most survivors will just DC on their first down, they hate challenges and just want easy mode from what I've experienced

    I played this game for around 1k hours this is what I saw in about 1 out of every 2-3 games. Miss the DS? = DC, Killer out plays the survivor? = DC, Get found in a locker? = DC, basically any and every reason to DC is displayed at the drop of a hat and without consequences I am not surprised that it is still being abused on a regular basis.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611
    Console privilege. Playing Nurse on Console is just asking for a bad time.
  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    No problem, once more killers pick up nurse the moaning and crying and review bombing will be so great the dev's will delete her.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @snozer said:
    No problem, once more killers pick up nurse the moaning and crying and review bombing will be so great the dev's will delete her.

    News flash that ship sailed long ago so that insult attempt falls as flat on it's face as your argument. I already broke down the reviews that were negative during the time period and some weren't even from survivors about the patch.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @powerbats said:
    Lets be realistic here, they're talking about BL3 and about totally removing it once maps are balanced. It's never ever going to be nothing but Nurses only. If you have to use histrionics then you've already lost the debate. The changes being tested haven't even hit the PTB yet once again the sky is falling posts pop up.

    The same was true for the exhaustion enrf yet when it was survivors complaining the killers said it hasn't even come out yet. So wait until it actually gets tested and they say it's going live before using ye old sky is falling.

    They also divided by 3 the speedboost of BL2.
    It's not "only BL3".

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Runiver said:

    They also divided by 3 the speedboost of BL2.
    It's not "only BL3".

    While true they're trying to make it much more smooth without having to take into account BL3. I'm going to wait and see what actually hits PTB for testing.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832
    powerbats said:

    @Runiver said:

    They also divided by 3 the speedboost of BL2.
    It's not "only BL3".

    While true they're trying to make it much more smooth without having to take into account BL3. I'm going to wait and see what actually hits PTB for testing.

    They're not changing the timings
    its not "more smooth", its a straight up flat out nerf
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @yeet said:

    They're not changing the timings
    its not "more smooth", its a straight up flat out nerf

    If you need BL3 to catch a survivor then you're bad, sin't that what you've said about others complaining? If you can't catch them in less than 30 seconds running in a straight line with no los loss you're bad.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @powerbats said:

    @snozer said:
    No problem, once more killers pick up nurse the moaning and crying and review bombing will be so great the dev's will delete her.

    News flash that ship sailed long ago so that insult attempt falls as flat on it's face as your argument. I already broke down the reviews that were negative during the time period and some weren't even from survivors about the patch.

    Which was debunked in the same thread, but you either ignored it or didn't read it.

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    I think killers will get bloodlust faster but just that bloodlust 3 will be gone?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    Which was debunked in the same thread, but you either ignored it or didn't read it.

    Actually it wasn't debunked at all sicen if you read the actual breakdown how it listed it you'd know. I'll even later today break it down completely so there won't be any more confusion or anything.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited August 2018

    @feffrey said:
    Why should they be rewarded for their failures 

    why should survivors be rewarded for not being able to lose the killer and instead running in circles thus failing to lose the killer?

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @feffrey said:
    Oh really? Pretty sure killers have it easy it doesn't take a brain to mash the attack button 

    so full of the cowpies...

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited August 2018

    @feffrey said:
    This goes back to what I was saying killers expect a free handout for their lack of skills and failures

    and survivors do any better? How full of it are you today?
    hypocrite much?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @feffrey said:
    This goes back to what I was saying killers expect a free handout for their lack of skills and failures

    and survivors do any better? How full of it are you today?
    hypocrite much?

    That's just the way he usually is. Make of that what you will.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @powerbats said:

    @yeet said:

    They're not changing the timings
    its not "more smooth", its a straight up flat out nerf

    If you need BL3 to catch a survivor then you're bad, sin't that what you've said about others complaining? If you can't catch them in less than 30 seconds running in a straight line with no los loss you're bad.

    Actually if you need BL 3 to catch a survivor something is wrong more with the game and not the player per se.