Do you think gens get done way too quickly ?



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    They had a team of 3 and were running many sub optimal perks.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2019

    I will say - 3 red ranks and a yellow rank is different than a full team of red ranks. Even looking at the difference in BP gains alone shows this person was an EXTREMELY weak link. May as well have been a 3v1.

    Though, I do find it curious why you crop out even your own name. 🙄 It feels disingenuous. Not accusing you, but some might think you're going out of your way to hide key details, for some reason.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It doesn't have to be him but otherwise good point.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    In this case, it does have to be him, though. Since he did claim it was him doing it. :) Thanks though. Glad we agree on something.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Ranks don't mean everything, you're correct. But there is a difference between how games go at red ranks vs how games go at green ranks, on both sides. So there is some merit to it beyond what certain ignorant streamers will tell you.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Survivor ranks mean nothing. You can rank up without trying and derank when you please. This doesn't apply to yellow ranks though.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    They were a four stack SWF they brought their low rank friend into the game. I found out that they were a group of four post game.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Nice dodge. Expertly done. Like a Blendette on Rotten Fields.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    really want me to show the other end game results screen, surely if my match making is putting me against red rank survivors then I'm going to be playing against red rank survivors in the majority of my matches.

    I can't help which survivors matchmaking puts me against.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2019

    Is it putting you against red rank survivors? You did a really good job of hiding your name. I'm not calling you a liar, but you are going out of your way to dodge the point I am clearly making, which is curious.

    It's really easy to say you are, and show us a picture of 4 survivors in a post game lobby. Anyone could do that with anyone else's screenshot. Now if you show us a legitimate screenshot without your own name conveniently cropped out without continuing to bob and weave your way out of doing it, then I'll gladly give you props. But you clearly had that image in photoshop at some point. The white border screams it.

    Again - not saying you're lying. But you're being quite disingenuous telling us "I did this", providing a screenshot, but hiding your own name for no reason, and then proceeding to dodge the question when confronted about it. Stop deflecting, dude. Or maybe, you're just buying yourself time so you can create a more elaborate shop job. We'll see.

    Post edited by The_Second_Coming on
  • Skirch
    Skirch Member Posts: 4

    What are you on about, reverse image searches are a thing and are very easy to do. It's extremely easy to verify whether these pictures come from him or not.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2019

    Imagine not knowing how reverse image searches work. With visible signature, and names blocked out, reverse image searches *will not work*.

    Try again, boyo.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Wihout ruin all gens can be done in about 6 minutes even if you are efficient at finding survivors and ending chases. Today I got 2 kills as Plague in a 7 minute game but got a depip. Ruin didn't last more than a minute. Even with pop and ending chases quickly, because survivors didn't cleanse, all gens were done in 6 minutes.

  • underworld20
    underworld20 Member Posts: 6

    Although I agree toolboxes do help gens without toolboxes take 80 seconds unless you can juggle well especially at red ranks a swf red rank team on comms who all know how to loop Is extremely hard unless you bring in a mori you have to complete 12 chases total if everyone gets hooked all three times while trying to contain gens its extremely difficult and I'm saying this as a survivor main

  • Toastyy
    Toastyy Member Posts: 226

    Alright no so from what I’ve gathered is that gens aren’t the problem it’s the maps being too large, too many safe loops and killers not being able to apply enough pressure.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ruin doesn't decrease gen speed against skilled survivors. Unskilled irrelevant scrub killers think ruin will carry their terrible gameplay.

  • VLight
    VLight Member Posts: 126

    I personally think that gen speed being too fast isn't necessarily the problem, but the fact that Killers who are slow, or lack map pressure, suffer from not being able to pressure the team enough to stay off of gens. In higher ranks, Survivors tend to run Resilience, with Dead Hard and Iron Will, to stay injured, and not waste time. This is negated if you play a stealth Killer, however. But you shouldn't be forced to play stealth Killers either.

    If the Devs increased gen speed, the game will only be more boring for Survivors. I think the changes they should do are fix generator spawns/huge maps (Rotten Fields, Mother's Dwelling, Haddonfield gen spawns, etc.), buff Killers like Clown or Bubba to give them much needed pressure, or to give Survivors another objective in the game, instead of just completing gens. Increasing gen speed, or creating more slow down perks, is not the answer. Having tremendous slow down is simply just so annoying to go against, which is why some Survivors dislike Ruin, since it may carry Killers, that have tunnel vision, to victory, even when they don't deserve it.

    My theory: Gen speeds seem to fast because of Killers who lack pressure in their base kits, huge maps exist, or bad generator spawns.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    The truth is that Ruin will in fact slow down the game in some cases, because not every survivor can hit hex skill checks everytime and it's not precisely because they are unskilled. I've played longer matches against survivors that were much better at looping.

  • neonsensei
    neonsensei Member Posts: 4

    Gens are fine the way they are right now, yes it sucks they go fast pretty quickly but then again that's not always the case.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    As someone who plays on both sides, all I can say is that it's very team dependent. I play as a Rank 7 Survivor at time of post, and only 12 on Killer. Generators always get done slower when I play Survivor. Seemingly.

    I played a few Killer games in order to try and get some Archives done, but the games went by too quickly. Could I have done better if I had targeted the players I saw instantly, even if they were unhooked 20 seconds ago? Probably. But I'm one of those killers who actively avoids "tunnelling" where I can. If it's been a minute and you ran into me, then it's your fault.

    Maybe the problem is that I predominantly play stealth killers. I did get a 4k with my Spirit build that only has Ruin 1, as opposed to my Oni which doesn't have Ruin or Corrupt, and my Pig (my strongest killer, btdubbs) who has Ruin 3. Oni I only got 2 hooks, and my Pig got 1 kill.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    And here we go. one of the thousand identical gen too fast threads. Why won't moderators close these? Use the search function and post in the old ones. At this point it is just spam.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Totaly agree, Repair time should be raised to balance game and prevent gen rushing in 5 mins. If you are facing 3 SWFs you can map pressure and still it will not help.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    If you have those slow down perks on and STILL can't get at least two people then it's not the game, it's your lack of being able to apply pressure. What killer did you run? How many kills do you typically get?

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    when you get to red ranks,you better be ready for it.Cause there you will need to really know how to juggle survivors efficiently and when to give up a chase or continue a chase.What generator to pop,what not to.How can you 3 gen them,etc.I can tell you when you will probably lose the game.Just cause they did 2,3 gens in ur first chase doesnt matter believe me.what matters imo is how many survivors are left at 1 gen left cause if you have 4 survivors alive then it's impossible to juggle them all.You can barely juggle 3 survivors and keep them from doing the gens IF YOU END chases quickly and switch targets constantly.Ofcourse map design and what killer you are playing is also another factor,you won't be able to pressure gens as well on temple of purgation as well on wreckers' yard cause of the map size

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,310

    They can go too fast, even though if we're talking about average match length data I guess they don't always do. I would rather keep it like it is until some sort of objective rework/addition instead of just adding more holding down M1 to the game.

    And lmao the amount of "you're a <role> main!" non-arguement posts in this thread is ridiculous. When will that sort of absolutely worthless posts just be automatically considered shitposting or even trolling? 😄

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

    The problem isn’t gen speed itself, but the buffs/items that increase this speed drastically. I’m not talking about BNP, as much as that may suck. I’m talking Prove Thyself, Resilience, most all other toolbox addons and toolboxes baseline. When a single Survivor can practically cut the time needed in half all on their own, that’s a yikes (exaggeration used for making a point). And while Survivors can do that, the most penalty that’s acceptable for killers to dish out is about 6-9 percent. This is precisely the reason why the data results they get when they have Survivors and Killers perkless/itemless looks fairly balanced if not killer favored, because on that even playing field, it’s easier for killers to win in the mid game, when there’s few pallets far away from the inactive gens, so chasing allows you to “disrupt” the working survivors. But, throw in any Perks, and you’ll notice that even though there’s a “killer equivalent” to the Survivor perks, the Survivor perks always seem to be stronger.

    Side note, the other issue is the way this game ranks everything. Get a 4K on tombstone Myers? Depip because you didn’t “hook the survivors a total of 10 times.” I’m sorry, dafuq? If I want to spend the entire match staring people down till I can grab em’ by the throat and use their organs as a Pipe Cleaner, if I get a 4K, I at least deserve 1 pip, 2 if the exits still weren’t powered by gens. Killer only killed you via tunneling and camping, but everyone else escaped? I should at least safety pip for being an early game distraction so my team could get other things done. This game rewards stupid play styles, and punishes good ones. Because of this, since Killers usually get the short end of the pip chart, killers have to play intentionally badly if they want to double pip, which means they risk getting 0 pips.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,076

    Gen Times are ok. Ruin is also not a good Perk for Gens, once you are in high Ranks, people will more likely hit the Great Skill Checks and not search for the Totem. In low Ranks, Ruin is way stronger, because of all the failed Skill Checks and that people let off the gen, just to find Ruin.

    While the Gentimes are fine, the Map Design is not. Once you actually start hitting and hooking people, you gain a lot of Map Pressure. But if there is a structure that lets the Survivor run away for a long time or forces the Killer to abandon the chase, sure, nobody will be able to apply enough pressure at those points.

    (Also people should not pay that much attention to the first Gens done... Sure those are the fastest, Survivors are at their strongest without any pressure put on them and all Ressources still available... Usually once the first chases are going, the game slows down)

  • Toastyy
    Toastyy Member Posts: 226

    Okay so I just did a little testing, I played legion on Hawkins because I know that map is smaller and there is a lot less windows and safe pallets, they got my ruin within the first few minutes of the game but I managed to down them and apply enough pressure that they were down to 2 gens and I 4k’d them and got all iridescents so it seems to be the maps that are the problem not the gens.

  • Toastyy
    Toastyy Member Posts: 226

    I’ve been playing Ghostface, Legion and Spirit it’s just because I can’t catch the survivors because all I get are SWF groups that know all the god loops and can loop me forever while all the others 3 man gen rush me if I switch to the next person they just do the same thing.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    Gen speed is fine the issue is maps being too large and toolboxes affecting gen speed too much.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It depents once you can start pressuring survivors gen's have a tendency to grind to a halt

    The problem is getting that pressure started, sometimes the entire game feels like everything lies on how fast you can do the first chase

    Especially with low mobility killers on a large map

    That's why ruin is so good, it aplies even the slightest amount of pressure when you need it the most

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    You have 0 clue what you talk about, you make statements that are wrong without backing it up.

    Ruin has the most impact regarding gen times and even against good survivors it does work. You know when people do not get the extra progression for doing great skillchecks?

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Only when playing killer. When I play survivor they take so damn long! Lol

  • JSN_Senpai
    JSN_Senpai Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2019

    As a survivor main, I honestly thing gen speeds are fine could they be slowed from 80 to 90 or 95 seconds? Sure they could. BUT that wouldn't solve the problem, the main problem is that over half the killers don't have good pressure i.e. legion his power, "wow look at me I can run too!" And that's about it. Idk what they did but to him but you could hit a survivor as many times as you want w his power and they just don't go down. Some pressure but not a lot. Wraith, ok he can go invis aaannnndddd what? Get smaked by a surv with a pallet while uncloking or blind in that matter? And don't get me started on Mrs Piggy.

    Clown is a perfect example he is one of the fastest killers in the game he can slow and impair vision and has one of the biggest lunge in the game great for applying pressure from the start.

    Now to move on to ruin. Is it over powered? No. Is it underpowered? NO. The only thing I think that they should fix? Make it so t1 ruin doesn't effect everyone. Because why would I waste blood points now to lvl it up!? Ruin can be EASILY found OR one of the HARDEST things to find. And surv mains out there learn how to hit great skill checks and stop being a baby about it.

    Overall I think gen speeds are fine. If you don't think they are then pick a stronger killer until they "fix" the others OR practice killer more and get better about applying pressure. Good day.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    I'm a killer main and I don't use Ruin -- I think it's purely a placebo.

    Maybe you just need to learn what "apply pressure" means.

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    "And you shouldn't need a perk to counter it"

    Then why Do I need Iron will to counter spirit?

    Why do I need BT/DS to counter tunneling?

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    You don't. Or, rather, maybe you do. That's just a testament to your own ability.

  • hauntedmadness
    hauntedmadness Member Posts: 9

    It takes a perfect 4 man team to get gen rushed and have it be a situation where you couldn't do anything as killer. In 1700 hrs I've played, I've had my share of those perfect teams but in reality they're far more rare than people think.

    As a killer main, I play with no ruin on Pig, Billy, Spirit, Freddy and other killers. I use ruin a lot less than I do and my win percentage as killer is easily 80-90%. Typically in red ranks, there are so many worse survivors in this game than killer, unpopular opinion but maybe blame yourself when you're losing and quit pinning everything on 'OP Survivors' then maybe you'll learn and become more skilled

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    I'll apply the same logic you did here:

    You don't need ruin. Or, rather, maybe you do. That's just a testament to your own ability of applying pressure.

  • GreezyWeezy
    GreezyWeezy Member Posts: 72
    edited December 2019

    Gen tapping by a survivor while being chased to stop gen regression needs to be nerfed and disabled. A killer shouldn't lose 3 seconds of their time and effort to damage a generator just to have a survivor literally do a .01% repair in a fraction of a second just to stop the regression. Totally unfair and makes the game more unbalanced. Make the time to end regression and restart repairing equal to the time it takes to damage the gen.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    The team doesn't need to be perfect: survs just need to do gens separately, with a bit of loop knowledge. Many teams, even at red ranks, don't do this, becasue ranks don't represent skill but the time played in a month (so there could be noobs at red ranks), and because doing gens is boring.

    With that said, it's true that many times you find teams that play suboptimally, but it's also true that you have to balance your game around the way the game should be played. As today, against a good killer, survivors, if only they want, they always have the choice to stop trolling and waste their time by simply doing the main objective of the game, if they want to escape ... this is the problem.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    80 seconds or 1:20 minutes per gen is not long enough and multiplied by 5 totals to 400 seconds or 6:40 minutes without the any additive or multiplicative influence on the progression speeds. An average red rank game usually is 10-12 minutes which isn't bad but not healthy for the game.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    400 seconds if only 1 survivor does gens sequentially ... but there are 4 survivors who can do gen simultaneously, and because 1 is distracted by the killer, there are 133 seconds of absolute gen time. If all survivors know a bit of looping, and if they DO gens if not in chase (and not trolling around doing totems, chests, dealing with the killer, etc. etc.), a match can be finished in 3-4 minutes ... but it's boring, this is why we have games of 10-15 mins, and this is why many survivors dies (directly or indirectly). This pseudo-balance is frustrating both sides :(

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    All though this data is really accurate but I've tested that all the gens can be done in 2 minutes with Engineers toolbox with BNP's, Socket swivels and Resilience. I don't mind that games are 10-15 minutes it's the way a killer must "ApPlY pReSsUre" where it depends on the map, the RNG of your Hex: Ruin spawn, the killer you're playing, the add-ons & your perk loadout.

  • Dezekiel
    Dezekiel Member Posts: 1

    KEEP IN MIND! I don't play that often, making me stay in rank 16-ish. These are just possible solutions off the top of my head.

    1) There isn't enough gens to begin with.

    2) Gens do not take long enough.

    3) There should be more than one survivor objective. (Like finding tools for the gens, etc.)

    4) There should be more perks to apply pressure.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    I think the 3rd solution is the way: right now for survivors there is the a mid and a late game phase, but there is the total lack of a early game phase. This early game phase could consists to find, for example, a fuel tank to "power up" a gen, scattered on the map, to start repairing it. In fact, is the early game that destroys the killers if done right: 4 people are too much to handle when you don't know where they are.

    This is why Ruin is almost mandatory (with few exception): with an average of 8 skill checks per gen, Ruin deny the 16% of great skill checks bonus, and that is almost 13 precious seconds per gen. But I don't like Ruin the way it is because is too inconsistent: versus noobs, who try to find it or try to gen tap, is too strong; versus lucky survivors where they destroy it in the first 30 seconds of the match, is a waste of a perk.

    After that, I'll tone down a bit some high mobility killers to compensate that. Obviously, there are tons of other things to fix, like maps, loops, oneshots, moris, keys, ranking system with ELO, etc. etc. ... at BHVR there are 230 people working on the game ... I think they should be able to handle, or better, they have to handle all this ... instead of new content, new content, and new content ... it would be wonderful if in 2020 they would cut by half the new content dlcs, like 2 per year, and meanwhile fixing all the broken things in the game, to make it more fun\consistent and less toxic/frustrating/rng.