PS4 Skill check bug - anyone else experiencing this??

Whenever I hit a skill check on a generator while not using a toolbox, trying to use a jigsaw box, or trying to "snap out of hit" it stops. I can be working on it, get a skillcheck, and then my person stops working and just stands there - every time. On generators this is not an issue, but when I'm playing against Doctor or Pig and I can't snap out of it or get the jigsaw box to work and I die it's annoying, because stopping makes the progress bar reset. I've tried changing my action settings and everything - R1, R2, L1, L2, and even buttons. Any ideas on how this can be fixed?
Best Answers
That doesn't seem right, normally, when you hit a good or great skill check when searching a box, it'll progress.
I find it odd that despite doing this on multiple games, it still doesn't work for you. Are you continuously holding the M1 button (in this case, the M1 for doing generators is R1 on PS4 I believe) while also doing the skill-checks?
Perhaps you should contact support about this issue, since I've never really seen anyone experience this before...
Here's the support link if you decide to do so:
They should be able to get to the root of your issue, as this seems like an oddly unique problem that we might not be able to help you with.
as said before...
The normal way to progress a generator, search a Billy box, or Snap out of Madness, is to hold down the M1 (in your case the R1) button while also pressing the space bar (or in your case, whatever button hits the skill checks) and once you've done so it'll progress the meter until you reach 100% on said meter.
Once you hit 100%, you'll either complete the generator, finish searching the Billy box and escape the trap or not (RNG based), or snap out of your Madness.
So I don't see why it isn't progressing your progress when you do these things, as it shouldn't normally just stop out of the blue when you hit a skill check.
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That's unfortunate to hear, I don't personally know why this is happening to you... but if you contact support, i'm sure they'll be able to find out a solution through trial and error.
If they can't figure it out, don't fret, you can always come back to find out some more public opinions on the issue. But, if you're looking for a solid answer to your issue, than the support team is the best place to go with an issue related to controls like this.
I could not be reading this right and that’s probably the case but it’s normal for it to reset the progress when you stop
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I thought so at first but I've spent an entire length of time at one jigsaw box that never laughed or got the rbt off and died, and when playing the doctor I've spent minutes in the corner of the map trying to snap out of it but it resets over and over. When I've watched videos of people doing it when they hit the skill check it keeps progressing. I've never survived a pig if I get an RBT because no matter how hard I try or how many boxes I try I cant get it to progress. I'm gonna try to get a video or picture somehow, I may not be explaining right
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@FireHazard thank you for the link. I got frustrated when changing controls didnt help either. Even if I continuously hold R1 hitting a skill check makes me stop, so i have to let go and restart for each check I hit. With gens the progress I make between checks stays but with a box or madness it resets and I can never get or off or snap out of it. It's gotten to the point where if I see I'm playing pig and get caught I know I will die no matter what