Added bonus for prestiging

Quick idea i just had, not sure how balanced it would be but i wanted to share it anyway
What if prestiging made certain addons and items become unlimited
For example prestige 1 makes brown addons unlimited, 2 makes yellows unlimited and 3 makes greens
There will probably have to be some shifting in rarity for some things but i wanted to share this idea anyway
That's cool, but as you might know most green add ons are powerful even some more powerful than iridescent. Doing this would probably make level 50 bloodweb prestige 3 less rewarding since most add ons are unlimited, especially for killer. While survivors still need to find the items in order to put them on.
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It would punish those who had chosen NOT to prestige and had put millions of bloodpoints into everyone.
However, if there was some way they could reimburse spent bloodpoints it wouldn't be so bad.