3k derank. can we get victory cube back?

Gatekeeper explains itself. no ruin = gens were gone in around 3 minutes (all 5).
one killed himself on first hook. the other two died in the basement because of make your choise.the 4th got hatch. i got around 6 hooks and 3 kills and still get deranked? (map was blood lodge btw)
And the devs ask themself why nobody cares for their rank system (which is just bad design. especialy gatekeeper since the killer has no control over it)
how are you supposed to pressure gens while chasing a survivor? the reason i dont run ruin is because i prepare for it being useless (dont @ me about that one only because monto likes it)
its getting to the point where im about to run noed because there are no other good perks even though i hate that perk for rewarding you for "losing"
suggestions for a build where i dont need noed (or the hex: endgame (ruin)) ?
corrupted is kinda good but doesnt solve the problem of gens going to fast. same goes for dying light since its late game and thats not what i need. i dont want to run a slugbuild but maybe im just gonna run truetalents wraith build ( sloppy, thana, nurses, and noed insted of ruin).
tl;dr: got deranked for a 3k because of the emblem system. give us back victory cube. thanks
Yeah...the killer emblems are awful.
It sucks too, cause when I go in as survivor, even at red ranks, I can pip without even thinking about it. Do a gen or two, get a hook save, leave. Easy PIP.
Play killer, and you might be lucky if you pip when you kill all the survivors. So backwards.
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if they keep this pace, when they will rework (read nerf) billy, probably at the start of 2021, maybe they'll fix emblems system (chaser in particular).
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I don't think even BHVR is foolish enough to change Billy's base kit. If they think the ruin revolt was bad...people will raid their HQ in Montreal if they do that.
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Gatekeeper should change with the next patch so that should be easier
Bugged in the Ptb though so we haven't been able to test it
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Well, no offence, but by the sound of it noone really did much in this round. It makes sense that everyone de-pipped, including the survivors. If you ranked up from this kind of game everyone would be at rank 1..
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not rly. the job of the killer is to kill not stretch the match to not get a derank. also i cant realy decide if the survivors chose to rush the objective in 3 minutes. in every other game the winner gets the rank up (or points for a rank up) no matter how fast the match goes.
another example. if i 4k in 30 seconds (exeggerated i know) should i get deranked? if i would get deranked for that i would get even worse survivors and would win even faster. i dont have a problem with winning but the survivors i would stomp sure would.
why not victory cube like it was back in the old days. 2k = rank up. escpae = rank up. its that easy
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sure? because I'm start seeing a fil rouge on how their reworks are: just add a red bar filling as cool down. They added cool down for nurse, they added cool down for doctor, they'll add cool down before revving up the chainsaw after a miss because "billy doesn't get punished".
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You shouldn't depip then, allow them to black pip.
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Changing Billy's base kit will be a death sentence for BHVR.
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I know the game is gonna die. But, if the added a cool down to the shock, who clearly wasn't an issue for decent survivors, I'm scared of what they will do to billy, considered op by many high level survivors. Pretty sure they will nerf carburetor.
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One problem that I see in your build specifically, is that you have a lot of instant down. I'm no expert, but I think that generally, if you go for the 2-hit down (like MOST killers!) then the emblem system will reward you. If you go insta-saw, NoED, Make Your Choice, and get them in one hit, then I believe that you get less Malicious or Chaser due to applying less damage.
I know that states are basically damage, but spreading it over 2 hits seems to be rewarded more in the ranking system.
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There was a built in shock cooldown anyway before the Doc rework (switching back to punishment mode), so it doesn't matter. The only thing that really changed is you can't spam the shock anymore, which shouldn't hurt you if you're actually trying to play vs being annoying. Doc's rework was a buff. Even most competent Doc mains know this.
Billy also has a built in cooldown after use of his chainsaw (whether that be a hit or just stopping). If they add a "meter" to it, that's cool, as long as it doesn't make the cooldown longer.
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So why aren’t you running noed? Because people say it’s toxic? Who cares! It’s red ranks, and noed is needed 100%.
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yea i know its kinda dumb. i just want the victory cube back ;-; im realy just about to play freddy with noed, pop, bbq, and (some other perk )
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With my Freddy experiences, I don't think that you need NoED. You could try Devour Hope if you're not running Ruin.
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Seems like you camped a lot bud, also looks like you just hooked them once.
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i know i dont need ruin. when a survivor asked me why i play noed. i simply answerd. the same reason u use AD and dead hard. not because i need it but because i can XD. mybe i try devour. its like a gamble that makes you win. an actual risk reward........unlike new ruin which is take a risk for no reward. its good with surveillance but as soon as ruin is destroyed u have 2 useless perks. so u have 2 perks against 16. killers need more perk slots....or better perks
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I run Surveillance all the time. It's actually low-key great since nobody expects it atm.
And I just despise NoED considering it's severe lack of warning.
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You do have a point, however if you killed everyone in the first two minutes of a match you didn't really have time to do much of anything to demonstrate you are actually good enough to progress to the next rank. It's the same on the survivor side - if they just rush the gens and leave the game in 5 minutes, at least two of them, if not 3 will de-pip. The guy who got chased for those 5 minutes will safety or rank up, because they actually demonstrated some skill by wasting the killer's time and giving their teammates an opportunity to do gens (both of which reward emblem points). It's all about the number of positive actions you completed during a match.. for both sides.
With that said, I do agree that maybe you shouldn't have depipped, as you still slaughtered the team. In theory in this match the killer should have safetied and all of the survivors should have de-pipped.
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His new cooldown is longer than his old one of switching states, and it stuns him longer than it stuns survivors.
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(they are changing it)