We have temporarily disabled Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater Cosmetic (all queues) due to issues affecting gameplay.

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Just a comment about the motivation behind the Ruin update



  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Then hope a survivor doesn't start recording and then decides to report you for taking the match hostage.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2020

    Yeah so finish the match... Either the survivors will give up.. or the killer kills them... or the survivors get the last gen. Better than just staring at one another. The killer has to swing sometime... best to do it while there is a survivor close by infront of them.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611
    edited January 2020

    The more I think about it the more I think it won't be a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

    Early games are still gonna be awful for most killers. Smarter killers will slug and snowball more. Kill rate will most likely not change other than lower ranks and life goes on.

    A lot of people will change to CI, a lot of people will not use any early game slowdown perks and the only difference will be that early gens pop faster but late games aren't gonna change much.

    And people will actually play with 4 perks now rather than 3 when Ruin inevitably gets cleansed 20s into the match in red ranks.

    Having to concede early gens still feels absolutely awful though and should be addressed. Smaller maps/better early game for killers please, even if other changes come along with it. Survivors aren't the only ones allowed to have changes because stuff feels bad to play against.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    Such a mean post... You sure you aren't a killer main? :)

    If you play at rank 1 survivor, then how much does ruin actually affect you? Do you just plow through ruin or go looking for the totem? If you just plow through it, then you see why the Ruin change doesn't affect you. If you go looking for the totem... Well you can still do that, once you touch a gen for a second, and stop you'll see if they have Ruin. So.. basically nothing changes for you as survivor.

    You rarely play killer... So why does it matter? Just for the odd time you do?



    People should look at it differently...

    Maybe the Devs want to see how things go in Live.

    Maybe there is other ideas they have to go along with the Ruin change, but are holding back to see how the first change goes.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    When the changes go live and they will because its clear by their posts they aren't gonna listen the game will suffer or be mortally wounded. Low mobility killers like Huntress will be weaker because of maps and how large they are and badly designed. Ruin change would of been fine if everything else in the game wasn't a band aid fix DBD looks like a mummy with a bunch carebear bandaids as the wrapping...

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Buff thrill of the hunt.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    Yeah that was such a mean post (sarcasm if you could not tell)

    He cares because the state of the game is being changed. Just because he doesn't main killer doesn't mean he wants the game to be one sided

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    I've brought this up before only to be told by other players that customers are not entitled to an opinion just because they paid for the game.

    You are 100% correct though

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    None of the nerfed survivor perks are useless though even sc is useful still and DS is still used often.

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    I've read the entire post, all the comments. And what I get that killers are angry, because Ruin was changed without changing the state of the game just to take care of newest players, even tho they are at their supposed age capable of learning how to hit greats in like 2-3 games? Or was it just me?

    At the same time Dev's are still going through all of their bullshit, trying to justify it by saying "BuT wE cHaNgEd EmBlEm" and by saying that in their tests Ruin was working… Yeah I saw on Monto's video what skill some of devs have... No no… If you want to do tests, do it on high rank players that know what to do too, because you lack basic skills to make judgement yourself…

    It seems that only time it really works is if you play against potatoes that ran away only when they hear heartbeat or when survivors get 3 genned with Ruin somehow still up?

    Yeah… I wonder why killers complain so much...

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Almo gave some insight @Cornpopers_Evan

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I was so, and still am upset about Nurse. There was no need to rework her or Ruin like this.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Almo first again a thank you to your time writing this thread and keeping track of it. I can imagine it is hard to crawl through this wiping aside all the unconstructive frustration posts.

    I have a clear question and also indication why many people are not happy with the changes. As several threads already have stated, most care about the red ranks and can't follow the justification to newer players facing the great skill check punishment. Do you have any statistics on low rank usage of ruin?

    It was said that there is 80% red rank usage and 45% all ranks. And that would mean, if ranks are equally distributed, that overall usage outside red ranks should be 36%. Regarding that new players don't main pick hag (according the latest stats) and would need to level her first before being able to unlock ruin and then go through the bloodwebs on their main killer hoping for ruin, it is more likely that new killers should be way below the 36% ruin usage. My guess would be 20-15% at most. And that would raise the question, if new survivors really are frustrated so hard by every 6th game, and why it wasn't clear that the change actually affects 4 of 5 experienced killers games and only every 6th game of the group that the change was targeting. Can you give any response to that pov?

    Another, simpler question (or two combined): Regarding ruin and gatekeeper change, it reads like you actually confirm that it is expected to lose the first gen at the time the first survivor goes down. This is what I currently experience while trying the Oni adept. Was that really intended? From killer side it feels like it would feel for survivor side with one survivor starting on the hook. If this is not intended, were there any thoughts of a redesign that can protect gens early game as ruin is finally designed for mid to endgame? The only tool left now is Corrupt Intervention and that is not useful for all killers (Id say mainly for trap setters: Hag, Trapper and Demogorgon)

    Thanks again for your effort

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    New killers stick around in this game because if they're matched against new survivors they'll stomp the overwhelming majority of the games. This game is incredibly killer sided when both sides don't know what they're doing.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    If matchmaking wasn't so busted then that would be true

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 618

    I would not be surprised if they are planning another major change to the game and have used the Ruin change first to take the negativity.

    It seems like there is more planned here waiting around the corner..

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    They dont have to be smart to be confident. They can 100% believe they're right, with a wrong choice.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776
    edited January 2020

    I wouldn't mind if they tested balance changes in game, if they didn't only update the game 4 times a year.

    We need quick changes to perks, and feedback taken notice of to revert or keep changes.

    This snail pace approach to balance is horrible.

  • Zanely89
    Zanely89 Member Posts: 134

    I remembered reading him justifying the change by comparing it to Devour Hope and said something like "Devour don't proc every game, but when it proc the panic of survivor trying to find the totem is unreal".

    How many trial do you see Devour proc? How many trial do Devour get to 5 stacks? When do survivor know there is a Devour hex totem in the field and compare it to PTB ruin.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    With the addition that survivors don't know there is a Devour Hope until it procs, while the new Ruin you know it's there from the beginning.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    I’m honestly shocked they think PTB means anything. No one plays them really so the data won’t be accurate but we are talking bhvr here so...

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    BHVR can just skip PTB phase and just release it live. Its clear that they ignore any feedback and survey results.

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    But if they did, they'd lose the free advertising the PTB generates for them with all the datamined cosmetics, rift pass preview, etc, etc.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    This is so accurate it's painful to watch play out.

This discussion has been closed.