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Live Q&A: 3.5.0 PTB/Update



  • Member Posts: 1

    Was wondering if there was any plan to change the delay of attacking after using shock therapy. Just my thoughts, but I think its kind of awkward in its current state. If you want to keep it though, what if the more madness levels the survivors are afflicted with, the cool down to attack decreases (if more survivors are affected with madness, the shorter the cool down). This would reward the killer for using their power effectively.

  • Member Posts: 2

    If Ruin is in need of a tweak or change, would you consider making it like NOED? (ie. Activating after a condition is met) Or make it's power related to the number of totems left on the map. (ie. 5 totems up = 350% regression. 4=300%, 3=250%, 2=200%, 1=150%).

    Sorry I know this is long.

  • Member Posts: 1

    What was the decision behind leaving the Doctor's Calm Affliction unchanged? In my experience, the most common reason anyone brought the Calm add-ons was for the increased TR, and not this effect. Even somewhat experienced players can tell if it's fake either through not seeing the Doctor visually or via the heartbeat not changing in intensity.

    Glad the Scrapped Tape is gone, Iridescent Queen is way better than the donut ring! :)

  • Member Posts: 438
    edited January 2020

    Due to gen speed being quick in red ranks, are you planning on adjusting the timer? If so, from the statistics shown by killers performing better than survivors in red ranks with the current gen speed, do you have any ideas of how to balance it out for killer’s and survivors?

  • Member Posts: 630

    Hello. Why didn’t they strengthen the “Overwhelming presence” and change the "Maple Knight" addon? Will they be changed in the future?

  • Member Posts: 139

    Some of the people in the community are creating their own chase music for some killers. Is their any chance that you might use some of these in the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    Why were The Spirit, Doctor, Jane, and David chosen for the next Rift? What was the motivation behind those 4?

  • Member Posts: 280
    edited January 2020

    Considering the recent designer notes about ruin, "The passive nature of the gameplay pressure it provides means that there is a huge amount of potential with very little effort or risk on behalf of ..," when will keys be nerfed?

  • Member Posts: 5

    Will the archives ever have lore/cinematics for the realms and maps, Like something about how Lery's became the place it was before project awakening?

  • Member Posts: 45
    edited January 2020

    Greetings, my question is the following:

    Seeing that from the outside of the Lery's Memorial Institute there is clearly a second floor, why wasn't the map redesigned to include a whole second floor? I indeed know about the second floor on the treatment area of the map but I mean a second floor apart from that.



  • Member Posts: 5

    With the Ruin changes causing gen speeds to increase do you have any plans to change keys due to how uncounterable they are in game? even if you dominate the survivors almost always two survivors can escape with little to no effort. For example even if you use franklins or just kill the person with the key it will always stay present in the game.

  • Member Posts: 264
    edited January 2020

    I'd love to receive an answer about this, after the new ruin will pop in the game, it Will be matter of days (if not hours) to realize how unbalanced will turn the game.

    So if this will be the case, in how long time you would eventually plan a patch to re-balance it? because i am 99% sure that there will be an urge to fix this.

    Post edited by kurgan8282 on
  • Member Posts: 1

    Why change the doctor at all? He is a character you wont even find in red ranks. As I can see the changes to ruin itself might be geared for endgame was the design of its reform made to apply more pressure to the survivors because with most killers I notice they always keep a tight loop to that totem and that makes me wonder how haunted ground will be effected since it seemed very much to go hand in hand with ruin as a clever Russian roulette. Survivors break the totem ruin usually when another player gets hooked to put pressure and potential hook guarding off of the one on the hook so I as well as a few others that can see both sides of this coin are I'm sure curious as to how this will effect overall gameplay and not make killers feel as though most of their Perks are becoming useless.

  • Member Posts: 83

    Are we ever going to see the killer & survivor hinted at in Tome I of the Archives?

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Now that you've tweaked one of the most common perks used by killers will you be tweaking any super common perks used by survivors?

  • Member Posts: 810

    Could we get a mid-chapter patch that focuses on tweaking some weaker perks?

    Some examples:

    Buckle Up; It doesn't help you heal downed players any faster so that you can even take advantage its aura reading often enough to make it worthwhile.

    Camaraderie; It seems like it would make more sense if it paused second stage entity progression for up to 34s if the killer is with 16m of the hook, as opposed to another survivor (because currently the killer can see the progression timer paused and knows to look for another survivor near the hook).

    Monstrous Shrine; Why does this perk still exist?

    Overwhelming Presence; Franklin's Demise is much better at denying item use, so could we get this perk reworked as well?

    Thank you to everyone at BHVR for this amazing game!

  • Member Posts: 13

    Will killer updates include updates to their respective maps just like Doctor with Lery's?

  • Member Posts: 173

    Have you ever consider using fan made music for the killers' chase music?

  • Member Posts: 882

    With the addition of custom music to killers, what's going to happen to the current themes? One of the most exciting things for me as a survivor is the mystery of who the killer actually is, but with custom themes, part of that mystery goes away for me. Don't get me wrong - I love the custom killer chase themes and support them 100%, but I hope the current themes don't go away.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Do you plan on buffing the louder killers like Oni and Demogorgon whose constant loud sounds and noisy cues tell so much information to the other survivors? Because their problems seem to come from the amount of noise they make with even their footsteps making it hard to mind game loops and the fact that Demogorgon has add-ons that don't really help him out too mich besides 1 extra portal and increased shred movement speed.

  • Member Posts: 2,188
    edited January 2020

    Are you going to add more killer chase music?

  • Member Posts: 109

    Is the Gatekeeper changes working out and will there be changes to other emblems?

  • Member Posts: 67

    Why Snap Out Of It has priority over mend yourself? this gonna change in the live version or this keep as it is now? 

    (this happens in the old and the improved doctor's power)

  • Member Posts: 500

    With all Killers getting their own chase music soon, what will happen to the all the chase music that randomly plays for Killers and Survivors?

  • Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2020

    What are you guys going to do to help Set-up Killers like The Trapper and Hag now that Hex: Ruin is changing. What about Power-up Killers like Myers and Oni that have less time to build charge in the game?

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Member Posts: 349

    Are other maps going to be getting changes like the Lery's rework or will they be like the Badham rework?

  • Member Posts: 3,388

    How will you assess the impact of the changes made to Ruin?

  • Member Posts: 1

    The new Ruin, since playing with it, seems to benefit high pressure killers (Hillbilly, Nurse, etc.). Previously Ruin was used to compensate for low pressure killers.

    Would you consider again changing Ruin, taking away its annoyance factor and simply making it increase generator completion time, adding more seconds to generators per perk tier?

  • Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2020

    Will there be changes to items like ruin ?

  • Member Posts: 227

    It's a pretty simple fix, make totems slow down gets. At start of match gens move at half speed and each cleansed totem makes them go 10% faster. Once all totems are cleansed gens move at 100% speed. Simple, gives a secondary objective but doesn't change the core mechanics

  • Member Posts: 379

    Will other maps be getting TLC like Doctor map in the future?

  • Member Posts: 53

    Why is doctor's chasing music so awfully annoying?

  • Member Posts: 1

    Ruin was changed to decrease how much its used. Are there any plans to rework some of the other perks that players rarely use to increase how much they're actually used? IE: monstrous shrine, no mither, etc.

  • Member Posts: 68

    Will there be other gen slow down perks in the future?

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    Do you think it is a good idea to include a natural mechanic in this game that would slow down gens now that Hex: Ruin won't slow them down anymore? Such a mechanic could be to give survivors a repair debuff at the start of the match or blocking all gens for a few seconds every time a gen is completed.

  • Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2020

    Are the queue times going to be fixed in 3.5.0? As survivor it takes too long to find games but as killer it's almost instant. Both red ranks btw.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Will you update some perks like hex: ruin to be more effective in the game, for example for it to regress every survivor action that's not fully completed such as healing, exit gates, searching, and more?

    Also have any plans for hooks in the level since of they're spawning locations?

    Continue doing good work ya'll <3

  • Member Posts: 451

    How do you feel about people screaming about ruin

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Now that you have the Doctor reworked and gave him music, will music be given to every Killer periodically and in what conditions will they have to prioritize which Killer will receive chase music (etc) for them? Will the music come with changes to the Killer, or could be given without changing the Killer due to balance needs?

    The addition to Doctor was great, have you seen Mr. Envy's work for fan made chase music?

  • Member Posts: 288

    Now that the rift has closed, do you have any data about how people did that you're willing to share? For example, the least completed challenge or the average percentage of the rift that players completed by the end, both killer and survivor side. Were people that bought the rift pass more likely to complete more of the challenges?

  • Member Posts: 251

    We know that generator times are too fast for killers and too boring for survivor to bring the time up. Are you testing any secondary objectives/ necessary additions to give more time for killers?

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    Could you create a new add-on for the doctor for charge faster his blast?

  • Member Posts: 92

    so in the response of the ruin changes are you going to make killers stronger in chase so they can keep up with the speed of gens?

  • Member Posts: 32

    Do you plan to reduce the size of largest maps ? This would definitely help after the hex: ruin rework.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Are you folks aware that the nurses ability dose not work with most structures in the new map?

  • Member Posts: 69

    How do you plan on following up on the Ruin nerf?

  • Member Posts: 21,262

    Since Gatekeeper was adjusted, are there any further plans to update the Emblem system? In my opinion, it is very easy to pip as Survivor and difficult to pip with many Killers. This causes a large skill gap at Red Ranks.

  • Member Posts: 301

    I really love playing killer but sometimes it's stressful and gen's pop way to fast. Without ruin to slow the game down are there anymore idea's to slow gen times or include more gen slowing perks like ruin?

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