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  • Because it is not a perfect example. You were talking about a situation where interpretation was a thing. Here interpretation is not a thing. By definition of standoff Marth was on a standoff. What they had to do was to add a new line to the rule post match but this is unethical.
  • Ok troll. Just please remember me after bhvr decides who is the winner.
  • There are multiple definitions you took the one from google that is the laziest to find (literally on top of your page if you write deadlock on google) that does not suit at all the context of this game. No deadlock? Why because you didn't see them standing still for 10 minutes? They were in a situation where whoever acted…
  • Ye exactly this is the only thing you can do. There is no counter argument to exact definition of the word standoff.
  • And where it don't? The rule only talks about Hatch Standoff. That by definition of what happened is a standoff. There is no interpreting sorry. Changing a rule after the finals have being played is unethical. And the rule before the final stated that whoever get to the hatch first get the point in case of a standoff. So…
  • This is just the joke of the year and I congratulate you.
  • Listen there is no interpreting. The condition "The hatch must be open before the killer arrives" was not a condition before the finals. The definition of standoff is: "A deadlock situation between 2 or more parties where whoever act first loses". Marth did hit the survivor and as retaliation the survivor jumped inside the…
  • Couple of delusional fools like bahroo who said "they changed the rules after the finals to make sure the team they didn't like lost". At this point there is no point in discussing with you guys anymore. Wait BHVR. Let's see who truly won the tournament.
  • BHVR already announced they are stepping in this argument and by the weekend there should be a result for this argument. Frankly I am sure they will just say "Dsquad won obviously ######### is this #########". Just please promise me that when they will you will admit you were wrong. I am tired of explaining the same…
  • I see what you are trying to say, it just does not work in the particular situation of the tournament. The rule wasn't hard to understand it simply stated that in case of an hatch standoff whoever get there first wins. Marth got there first therefore he won. The metaphor you want to use can't be applyed in a case where the…
  • Actually not a shitstorm because it has been obvious that as an event this was #########. The casters were terrible with no knowledge at all of the game. ######### music. 20 minutes pauses between matches. Obvious hackers playing that didn't get Dq'd. These are the things most of the people complained about... but anyways…
  • The forums and reddit have been a shitstorm because of Space Esports nothing else.
  • So explain me what marth should have done there? Wait for a ref call that would have never happened as demonstrated in the noob3 match? I think you didn't watch the other match or you would have a bit more context. No marth acted well because the referee was never going to stop the match. The rule served the exact purpose…
  • I see what you are trying to say, it just does not work in the particular situation of the tournament. The rule wasn't hard to understand it simply stated that in case of an hatch standoff whoever get there first wins. Marth got there first therefore he won. The metaphor you want to use can't be applyed in a case where the…
  • You sir are an idiot. You are saying that Marth only possible play was waiting.... SURPRISE that is the definition of a standoff... and OH!!!! SURPRISE HE WAS ON THE HATCH!!!! HATCH STANDOFF HATCH STANDOFF. So explain. Where in the rules were said that in case of hatch standoff the killer had to wait for the referee? It…
  • I feel a lot of guys can't apply simple logic to natural languages that normally is learned by human beings at the age of about 7 years. Marth arrived at the Hatch first. Period. He won by the rule the moment the standoff started PERIOD. I don't understand what is the hard part of it.
  • I feel a lot of guys can't apply simple logic to natural languages that normally is learned by human being at the age of about 7 years. Marth arrived at the Hatch first. Period. He won by the rule the moment the standoff started PERIOD.
  • What? can you please show where in the rules is this part written? No he swong because he had won and wanted the match to end. By the rules he already got the point at the beginning of the standoff.
  • I agree it is quite clear... to explain it with Bahroo words: "They didn't like the team who was going to win so they post game changed a rule to prevent their victory".
  • Watch better. It has been explained by me and Spudbar several times now.
  • Oh no please not again the "Hatch must be open for a standoff" argument that was already completly dismantled serveral times in this very thread.
  • Actually Depip squad beat them on the first round. Tello had to livestream change a rule to create a specific condition where they had to rematch. You can say whatever you want, but in the end this is what happened. Anyways now this matter is in BHVR hands. Demon and Tello do not have any decision power on the matter…
  • Wait just a second. "If one side makes a wrong move the other side wins" Eyyyyy that's just exactly what happened to Marth! Still you somehow say he wasn't on a standoff situation? mmm?
  • You somehow still failed to understand: First of all don't put words in my mouth, I said: "Trying to hit instantly wasn't the play there as he didn't know exactly when the hatch was going to open." So I am not saying that he 100% he didn't have time. I am saying a different thing that you are failing to understand so let…
  • I already did... and you have a clip to show you that aswell. If the hatch is about to open in less time than the killer need to finish the post hit animation the killer can't do anything because if he hit you and you go down he does not have the time to pick you up before the hatch opens and you jump in. So in that…
  • No it seems you are instead as you said that the only thing he could do was waiting and you are keep saying that. What you are failing to understand even with your last post is that by saying that the only thing he should have done was waiting is exactly the definition of a standoff. So yes. You are basically saying "It…
  • Ok so in your mind the only play he could make there was waiting. Congratulations THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF A STANDOFF AND OH SURPRISE HE WAS ON AN HATCH: HATCH STANDOFF HATCH STANDOFF. Congrats dude you did it. This is for you in case you have more doubts: Let…
  • And tell me why shouldn't have he stalled if the rule clearly stated that whoever found it first get the point? (by the original rule before it got changed livestream by tello)? To me it seems that Marth did an inteligent play he knew he had won by rules in that situation so he didn't do #########. Why is that a missplay…
  • Marth had already found the hatch he simply had to go away to hook the second survivors (that's why after he hooked him he rushed immidiatly to the hatch cause he had already found it). Second he still got to the hatch first and there is no deny to that. Now please explain what he did wrong. What in your mind he should…
  • This is actually ######### funny please explain how he did ######### up and what he should have done?
  • Whoever said that that particular scenario was not a standoff and that "HATCH MUST BE OPEN" is an idiot. There are 2 scenarios where you can have an hatch standoff with the hatch being closed. 1) with a dull skeleton key. 2) the scenario of that final where the hatch is about to open (so you don't have the time to hit…
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