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De-Pip Squad lose tournament



  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @12345 said:
    If the hatch is about to open in less time than the killer need to finish the post hit animation the killer can't do anything because if he hit you and you go down he does not have the time to pick you up before the hatch opens and you jump in. So in that scenario the killer is left with no choice but not hitting the survivor therefore he is in a standoff situation before the hatch opens. Easy explaination. Don't get salty dude I may be mean but this is logic.

    I had already told you that Marth had time to hit the survivor and pick him before the Hatch was open.

    I told you that if Marth had waited for the hatch to be open before hitting the survivor he could have won by the Hatch Standoff rules.

    He didn't do ether of these things therefore he lost.

    Your fault for not understanding. At this point we're just talking in circles.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @12345 said:
    No your fault for not reading.
    I already told you that Marth didn't need that as he could have simply waited and get the point by the rules that was a safer play.

    We are not talking in circles you are to try and escape from the fact that your logic got completly busted by reality and facts.

    Your logic is the Hatch Standoff occurs before the Hatch is open.

    I'm saying if Marth waited for the Hatch to open then its a Hatch Standoff.

    You stated Marth didn't have enough time.

    Majority of the people in this thread including me disagree with you.

    Quit your ######### sir.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @12345 said:
    No your fault for not reading.
    I already told you that Marth didn't need that as he could have simply waited and get the point by the rules that was a safer play.

    We are not talking in circles you are to try and escape from the fact that your logic got completly busted by reality and facts.

    Your logic is the Hatch Standoff occurs before the Hatch is open.

    I'm saying if Marth waited for the Hatch to open then its a Hatch Standoff.

    You stated Marth didn't have enough time.

    Majority of the people in this thread including me disagree with you.

    Quit your ######### sir.

    You somehow still failed to understand:

    First of all don't put words in my mouth, I said:

    "Trying to hit instantly wasn't the play there as he didn't know exactly when the hatch was going to open."

    So I am not saying that he 100% he didn't have time.

    I am saying a different thing that you are failing to understand so let me explain it to you again.


    If marth hit the survivor and grab him he got the point.
    if marth hit the survivor and the survivor jump into the hatch he got the point nevertheless because he was in a standoff situation by definition of standoff and the rules stated that he had won.

    That is why tello needed to edit the rule in a way to add a timeframe where the survivor win that trade "If the killer get first to the hatch but it is still closed".

  • Spudbar
    Spudbar Member Posts: 21

    This is still going? People are still saying "BUT THE HATCH WASNT OPEN MIMIMIMIMIMI" after all this time?

    The hatch doesn't need to be open. The state of the hatch was never a listed part of the criteria. Not until the rules were illegitimately changed post-match. Lets go back, once again, to hard facts that you guys seem to be ignoring.

    The hatch was not yet open. Regardless the Claudette was there, injured, and was too far away from the gates to survive if she got caught. She was not contesting the hatch, she was attempting to hide. Marth stood on the hatch, found her, and then she began contesting the hatch. Why? Because she needed it. If she left, she would die. If she did anything EXCEPT bank on the hatch at that point, she would die.

    Thus she started contesting the hatch afterward. Marth, either unaware of the option to hit her early or otherwise deciding against using it (the time it takes for the hatch to open may sometimes be inconsistent after all), allowed it to enter a standoff situation knowing he had the advantage according to the written rules. And anything that is not written, is void.

    Therefore the standoff began before the hatch was open. Claudette knew she required the hatch, and contested it later than Marth, who decided to use the rules to his advantage. What people are saying is "Well the written rules are vague and up to interpretation, so it's okay to bend them to any interpretation even to the point of adding additional rules to change the outcome."

    That's an excuse if I ever heard one. "Your interpretation of the obscurely written rules is wrong." Even though it is the most literal and logical interpretation of the rules you can have based on how they were written. The only argument people have is to say "You did not wait long enough to fulfill a criteria that does not exist." Well, the criteria didn't exist. The hatch did not need to be open. The Claudette certainly seems to agree because they ran straight up to the hatch as soon as they were spotted, hoping they would be favored in the standoff rules.

  • Spudbar
    Spudbar Member Posts: 21

    @RemoveSWF said:

    You already lost the game and now you're losing the public relations by being a bad sportsman. Your fans were already laughing at Marth for camping like a ######### against the Russian team because he knew they were too good for him.

    So you're going to complain that Marth camped after the Russian team camped because...? Good job making yourself out to be a hypocrite lmao. I wonder who it is you have it out for?

    @RemoveSWF said:

    Everybody except you knows what a hatch standoff is.

    If the hatch isn't open, there is no standoff because the survivor can't win. By your own admission, Marth had time to hit the survivor (and down him, and hook him) before the hatch was open. The standoff started AFTER Marth's epic fail. The rules state in the event of a hatch standoff, the person who arrived at the hatch first would be given the win. So survivors won.

    I just explained how and when the standoff exists but still you are going off a meaningless definition that the hatch must already be open. It does not need to be open and I already explained why. The standoff exists when both players confront each other at the hatch, knowing it is the final option. Marth was at the hatch first when that confrontation happened. The Claudette was trying to remain hidden to avoid confrontation and only tried to contest the hatch afterward. So she lost the standoff.

    Again if your only argument is "BUT IT NEEDS TO BE OPEN!!!!!" that is simply false and I have already proven how it is. There is no part of the rules that states it needs to be open and so the only definition for the hatch standoff if the logical one. Clearly that's not the side of "but its not open yet hurr durr".

    If Space believed they made the right call then they would just explain it. But they are avoiding having a conversation about it completely. They changed the rules mid-game and they know it. There is no justifying an action that is, at best, telling the other player they lost because they chose the wrong interpretation of the rules.

    Seems like a petty excuse to get at a team you dislike. Especially if they're going to just ignore the fact that this team should have been DQ'd based on the time limit rule for starting their match in the semi-finals. That rule is written very clearly and is stated that there will be no exceptions, but... At it turns out they made an exception and made no mention of the rule at all. Big shocker.

  • Spudbar
    Spudbar Member Posts: 21

    It is the final option if he makes it to be. Again if your best argument is -insert meaningless hypothetical situation here- then you do not have an argument. You can say 1 million things about how something could have happened. That does not de-legitimatize the play he made.

    The timings are inconsistent in that the hatch may sometimes open the moment the Survivor crosses the threshold of the exit gates, or it may take some seconds to register that they have escaped to the end screen. Not much but it is a factor.

    Kind of like how salty and spiteful you are? Lmao dude look at yourself and tell me who here is the guy who is biased. You do not even try to hide it.

    And of course you are willing to let a team you favor/against a team you hate get away with breaking the rules. I am done speaking with you since you made it very clear you either hate Marth and the team or you are a fanboy of the team that won, again making you a hypocrite for bitching about "Depip fanboys". All you are doing now anyway is flaming because you know you lost the argument lol.

    Have a nice day.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @weirdkid5 said:
    @only1biggs I'm glad you think so, I think I'm pretty cute myself.

    Now do you have actual substance or just more ad hominems to speak?

    Go have another breakdown playing killer incorrectly and then make a post about how survivors are toxic when they did nothing wrong in game.

    Substance!? ...Please.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2018

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    To me you have to consider the nature of a standoff. A standoff exists when two sides face off against each other with a consequence to be had if one blinks. If one side makes a wrong move the other side wins. With the hatch closed there is no win condition for the survivor. In fact, with the hatch closed there is no reason for the survivor to be at the hatch at all. If the survivor had crept out and sat on the closed hatch and Marth came up afterwards would Marth have just said "Oh, you got it. GG!" and not hit them, downed them, and hooked them? Considering he actually did hit them, a bit too late, says otherwise.

    The survivor could not approach the hatch while it was closed because it would have led to them losing. Instead he approached the hatch as the other survivor was dying possibly to create a stand off and at least try for the escape. Thankfully for him Marth made a "game move" that gave him the victory.

    The state of the hatch did not need to be specified because the nature of a standoff dictates what state it needs to be in for a standoff to actually exist.

    Could things have been more clearly stated? Absolutely. Could Marth have not hit the survivor for reasons known only to him? Absolutely.

    Wait just a second.

    "If one side makes a wrong move the other side wins"

    Eyyyyy that's just exactly what happened to Marth!

    Still you somehow say he wasn't on a standoff situation? mmm?

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2018

    @RemoveSWF said:

    This is your best chance of success - try to get the opposing team disqualified before the game starts.

    That's the only way you'll ever beat Tournament Monsters, because they stomped you good.

    Actually Depip squad beat them on the first round.

    Tello had to livestream change a rule to create a specific condition where they had to rematch.

    You can say whatever you want, but in the end this is what happened.

    Anyways now this matter is in BHVR hands.

    Demon and Tello do not have any decision power on the matter anymore. So BHVR will decide who won that.

    Post edited by 12345 on
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Guys you need to realize that this is one of those "play the ball as it lies" moments (Happy Gilmore fans know what I mean).

    The way the rules are set and the way the game played out are totally different things. Had the hatch opened and neither player moved, THEN the rule would take effect to end the standoff. But a standoff did not occur, Marth took a swing and the guy escaped. That is a mistake on Marth's part, what he SHOULD have done (knowing the rule as it was written) would be to not doing anything, wait for the hatch to open and a standoff to begin, then wait for the ref to make the call. If you "play by the rules as they are written" then you wait for the ref. Marth acted, and in acting gave opportunity for an escape, ending any standoff that may have even occurred. Standoff is basically a stalemate situation, where neither player can move without losing, but if one players moves that is them, according to the rules OF THE GAME, resigning their position. Much like if you got a stalemate in Chess but one player moved anyway. It gives the other guy the win, and once you moved you can't take it back.

    The fact is what happened happened. The rule is there to determine a winning in case of a standoff, but not only did a standoff not actually occur (because the hatch wasn't open) but even if it did, Marth forfeited the right to call for a ref when he hit the guy.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I think the expectation to win was soured.

    DOn't expect to win.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @12345 Are you weirdkid5? xD

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Guys you need to realize that this is one of those "play the ball as it lies" moments (Happy Gilmore fans know what I mean).

    The way the rules are set and the way the game played out are totally different things. Had the hatch opened and neither player moved, THEN the rule would take effect to end the standoff. But a standoff did not occur, Marth took a swing and the guy escaped. That is a mistake on Marth's part, what he SHOULD have done (knowing the rule as it was written) would be to not doing anything, wait for the hatch to open and a standoff to begin, then wait for the ref to make the call. If you "play by the rules as they are written" then you wait for the ref. Marth acted, and in acting gave opportunity for an escape, ending any standoff that may have even occurred. Standoff is basically a stalemate situation, where neither player can move without losing, but if one players moves that is them, according to the rules OF THE GAME, resigning their position. Much like if you got a stalemate in Chess but one player moved anyway. It gives the other guy the win, and once you moved you can't take it back.

    The fact is what happened happened. The rule is there to determine a winning in case of a standoff, but not only did a standoff not actually occur (because the hatch wasn't open) but even if it did, Marth forfeited the right to call for a ref when he hit the guy.

    Oh no please not again the "Hatch must be open for a standoff" argument that was already completly dismantled serveral times in this very thread.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    @12345 said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Guys you need to realize that this is one of those "play the ball as it lies" moments (Happy Gilmore fans know what I mean).

    The way the rules are set and the way the game played out are totally different things. Had the hatch opened and neither player moved, THEN the rule would take effect to end the standoff. But a standoff did not occur, Marth took a swing and the guy escaped. That is a mistake on Marth's part, what he SHOULD have done (knowing the rule as it was written) would be to not doing anything, wait for the hatch to open and a standoff to begin, then wait for the ref to make the call. If you "play by the rules as they are written" then you wait for the ref. Marth acted, and in acting gave opportunity for an escape, ending any standoff that may have even occurred. Standoff is basically a stalemate situation, where neither player can move without losing, but if one players moves that is them, according to the rules OF THE GAME, resigning their position. Much like if you got a stalemate in Chess but one player moved anyway. It gives the other guy the win, and once you moved you can't take it back.

    The fact is what happened happened. The rule is there to determine a winning in case of a standoff, but not only did a standoff not actually occur (because the hatch wasn't open) but even if it did, Marth forfeited the right to call for a ref when he hit the guy.

    Oh no please not again the "Hatch must be open for a standoff" argument that was already completly dismantled serveral times in this very thread.

    Except it wasn't because if the hatch isn't open there isn't a standoff. And like I said even if there were a standoff, Marth basically forfeit when he took a swing. If he wanted to go by the rules as they were written he should have just done nothing, let a standoff officially commence, and wait for the ref to make a ruling.

    You guys seem to ignore the basic logic that such a rule in in place to prevent the game from just going on indefinitely and nothing else. It's not there to subvert what actually happens in the game otherwise. Hatch was closed when Marth got there, and stayed closed for long enough he could have downed the guy and picked him up before the hatch opened. Then when he hesitated, then swung, he ended the standoff that would be occurring because now a result can happen. You keep arguing that anything having to do with both players at the hatch is a standoff, it's not. It's only a standoff if the hatch is open and neither side is willing to act. And regardless, Marth acted, therefore he lost fair and square.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @12345 said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Guys you need to realize that this is one of those "play the ball as it lies" moments (Happy Gilmore fans know what I mean).

    The way the rules are set and the way the game played out are totally different things. Had the hatch opened and neither player moved, THEN the rule would take effect to end the standoff. But a standoff did not occur, Marth took a swing and the guy escaped. That is a mistake on Marth's part, what he SHOULD have done (knowing the rule as it was written) would be to not doing anything, wait for the hatch to open and a standoff to begin, then wait for the ref to make the call. If you "play by the rules as they are written" then you wait for the ref. Marth acted, and in acting gave opportunity for an escape, ending any standoff that may have even occurred. Standoff is basically a stalemate situation, where neither player can move without losing, but if one players moves that is them, according to the rules OF THE GAME, resigning their position. Much like if you got a stalemate in Chess but one player moved anyway. It gives the other guy the win, and once you moved you can't take it back.

    The fact is what happened happened. The rule is there to determine a winning in case of a standoff, but not only did a standoff not actually occur (because the hatch wasn't open) but even if it did, Marth forfeited the right to call for a ref when he hit the guy.

    Oh no please not again the "Hatch must be open for a standoff" argument that was already completly dismantled serveral times in this very thread.

    Except it wasn't because if the hatch isn't open there isn't a standoff. And like I said even if there were a standoff, Marth basically forfeit when he took a swing. If he wanted to go by the rules as they were written he should have just done nothing, let a standoff officially commence, and wait for the ref to make a ruling.

    You guys seem to ignore the basic logic that such a rule in in place to prevent the game from just going on indefinitely. It's not there to subvert what actually happens in the game otherwise. Hatch was closed when Marth got there, and stayed closed for long enough he could have downed the guy and picked him up before the hatch opened. Then when he hesitated, then swung, he ended the standoff because now a result can happen. You keep arguing that anything having to do with both players at the hatch is a standoff, it's not. It's only a standoff if the hatch is open and neither side is willing to act. And regardless, Marth acted, therefore he lost fair and square.

    At this point it's best to ignore them in regard to the definition of a hatch standoff. They might aswell be saying, "fire is wet", or "the sky is on the ground". They may well be flat earthers tbh ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824
    Wait so there is actually a conspiracy theory going around that these idiots running the tourney, idiots who literally didn’t know Billy’s chainsaw is great for traversal, somehow know Depip Squad and had personal grudges? 

    Geez, just take the L. Marth screwed up.
  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    take this with a huge grain of salt as I played DbD instead of watching the tourney.. but would have loved to see them give the players like 1 mill BP so the players could get perks, items with the caveat being that once you use a survivor/killer you can't use them again.  that way if you want to play a full perk survivor/killer you can, but you won't have them for the next match.  

    also do away with the hatch standoff stuff.  I know a 20 minute standoff wouldn't be fun to watch, but make the killers/survivor go for the win.  

    granted as I said I didn't watch the tourney, so take my ideas with a HUGE grain of salt.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    From what I understand, even under the post-hoc rule change, Marth won. Sure, he hit the survivor, but that was before the hatch opened. Once the hatch was open, Marth had still been the first person to find it, and thus won by default.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2018

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I haven't see any dismantling of a logical expectation of the hatch state. Is the hatch isn't open it's just flat terrain like any other piece of ground. It's not till it opens that a win condition becomes available for both killer and survivor, thus introducing the necessary ingredients for a standoff to happen at all.

    Watch better.

    It has been explained by me and Spudbar several times now.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    @12345 No need, the situation is quite clear.

    I agree it is quite clear... to explain it with Bahroo words:

    "They didn't like the team who was going to win so they post game changed a rule to prevent their victory".

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    In the end, there's one thing that's absolutely unacceptable: the rules were changed after the match. You don't get to change the rules of a game after the game has started (or even after it has ended), especially in a way that changes the winner. That's what little kids do when they can't handle losing at a game they made up.

  • marth88gaming
    marth88gaming Member Posts: 20

    By what your saying I should of alt tabbed to get the ruling made, any time during that she COULD of jumped and been the same situation lol. Its not like the ref is next to me and i can say hey what do i do here. I have to take my attention away from the game to do so. The claudette surrendered it was over. Case and point. Per the rules I already gained the point, and EVEN when the hatch opened. I was still first. either way it was over

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    @marth88gaming said:
    By what your saying I should of alt tabbed to get the ruling made, any time during that she COULD of jumped and been the same situation lol. Its not like the ref is next to me and i can say hey what do i do here. I have to take my attention away from the game to do so. The claudette surrendered it was over. Case and point. Per the rules I already gained the point, and EVEN when the hatch opened. I was still first. either way it was over

    Considering that she couldn't just jump in if you didn't swing, what would happen is that the hatch would open and you both stand there (as would normally happen in a standoff). The ref, who is watching, would message you guys and call the match. You don't tell the refs what to do, they tell you what to do. You just play the game.

    You can't prove that the Claudette was intentionally surrendering to you. Even if she was, due to the outcome she can just flat out deny it. But if you just let the standoff happen as it would normally and waited, I'm positive that someone would have told you the game's over and you won.

    I have dealt with probably hundreds of players like you in tournaments. The application of the tournament rules cannot be done by you, the participant. You don't get to look at that situation and just say "oh I win GG." The refs do that.

    If the kicker kicks a field goal, does he get to put his hands up and say it's "good" then go over and add the extra point himself. No, the ref decides if it's good, then the point is awarded.

    Marth I like you but you are wrong here. You made an assumption about the status of the game that you shouldn't have. Lesson learned, and TBH I would have called the match for them too, simply because you acted before being given the win.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @marth88gaming said:
    The only "MISTAKE" I made was playing by the rules of the tournament lol. The moment the claudette approached the hatch and crouched in front of me staring at me the "STANDOFF" began. She surrendered any other play she had. The game was over clear as day and after 11 hours of the tournament I was happy it was over. With Latency it was IMPOSSIBLE to rely on the EXACT time the hatch was gonna open based on the dying survivors dying animation. SO the safe and CORRECT play was to claim the hatch. The standoff BEGAN when she conceded and crouched at my FEET. She had ZERO plays from there. The only gate that was open she had NO chance of getting all the way across the map. Game was over, and I wanted this long as tournament over. I claimed the hatch, i took the crown and ANY VETERAN player knows it. The standoff began the MOMENT she surrendered her self. She could of try to run to the door and begin a chase when she got caught out of position she didn't. She surrendered knowing it was done. JUST because hatch wasn't open does not make the difference. This was the safest and CORRECT call from the rules of the tournament. It wouldn't of mattered i waited 1 sec or 10 minutes. The standoff began and the point belongs to the De Pip Squad

    Ahh, weirdkid5's OTHER alt xD

  • KeeperReaper
    KeeperReaper Member Posts: 19

    Im surprised how this thread is still up, I also can't tell if some of the participants in this world war 3 are baiting hate or just people with an iq lower than a potato. It's not like they should've been dq'ed ages before the finals for lag switching(inc its just 'lag' replies), but whatever. Just lock this thread and get your damage/quality control in order behaviour, its been 3 days already.

  • MeowLux
    MeowLux Member Posts: 80

    Even if they won the hatch standoff and even if they won the rematch. They do NOT qualify for winning the tournament. If the rules were followed, they would've been disqualified. It doesn't matter how many times they won the overtime and how many times they "won" the hatch standoff. They already would've gotten disqualified before the finals. As the rules said; "Once 1 team has their full 4 person survivor roster in the lobby a 10 minute timer starts, after 10 minutes the killer for the opposing team will be forfeited if he/she does not show up to start the match. On the dot. No exceptions." They took longer than 10 minutes, therefore they would've gotten disqualified. :unamused:

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2018

    @weirdkid5 said:
    @only1biggs I'm glad you think so, I think I'm pretty cute myself.

    Now do you have actual substance or just more ad hominems to speak?

    Go have another breakdown playing killer incorrectly and then make a post about how survivors are toxic when they did nothing wrong in game.

    Substance!? ...Please.

    So what im getting is that no, you have no substance and yes, all you can do is ad hominem.

    Good job proving my point my guy. So adorable how people bring up the past when they have nothing of value to actually say, like many users in this community. You cant even argue anymore with anyone without claiming they're my alts lmao what a joke.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @weirdkid5 said:
    only1biggs said:

    @weirdkid5 said:

    @only1biggs I'm glad you think so, I think I'm pretty cute myself.

    Now do you have actual substance or just more ad hominems to speak?

    Go have another breakdown playing killer incorrectly and then make a post about how survivors are toxic when they did nothing wrong in game.

    Substance!? ...Please.

    So what im getting is that no, you have no substance and yes, all you can do is ad hominem.

    Good job proving my point my guy. So adorable how people bring up the past when they have nothing of value to actually say, like many users in this community. You cant even argue anymore with anyone without claiming they're my alts lmao what a joke.

    I provided substance long ago, I'm not going to keep repeating myself to someone who can't read and is obviously bias and has no understanding of what a hatch standoff is.

    They might aswell be your alts..they are just repeating their own versions of what a hatch standoff is and are unable to accept reality. Like you. Hence my joke.

    Now go learn to play killer without freaking out. You can do it. I believe in you.

  • skvirl
    skvirl Member Posts: 92
    edited June 2018

    @weirdkid5 said:

    Good job proving my point my guy. So adorable how people bring up the past when they have nothing of value to actually say, like many users in this community. You cant even argue anymore with anyone without claiming they're my alts lmao what a joke., you're implying that you've had something of value to say...? All I can see are your conspiracy theories and not understanding what several people have been trying to explain to you over the course of several posts. I don't blame them for eventually not wanting to argue anymore with you and repeat themselves a million times because you can't seem to understand what they've been explaining, quite thoroughly, multiple times. Reasons for their views have already been given. Many times.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2018

    @weirdkid5 said:
    only1biggs said:

    @weirdkid5 said:

    @only1biggs I'm glad you think so, I think I'm pretty cute myself.

    Now do you have actual substance or just more ad hominems to speak?

    Go have another breakdown playing killer incorrectly and then make a post about how survivors are toxic when they did nothing wrong in game.

    Substance!? ...Please.

    So what im getting is that no, you have no substance and yes, all you can do is ad hominem.

    Good job proving my point my guy. So adorable how people bring up the past when they have nothing of value to actually say, like many users in this community. You cant even argue anymore with anyone without claiming they're my alts lmao what a joke.

    I provided substance long ago, I'm not going to keep repeating myself to someone who can't read and is obviously bias and has no understanding of what a hatch standoff is. 

    They might aswell be your alts..they are just repeating their own versions of what a hatch standoff is and are unable to accept reality. Like you. Hence my joke.

    Now go learn to play killer without freaking out. You can do it. I believe in you.

    Wait did you actually flag me for spam when you've been throwing out ad hominems your last 5 posts? Kek

    You proved no substance, you and everyone else in here simply proved you are ok with bending rules after the fact, and dont understand what part of "found the hatch first" you don't seem to get. Fyi. You can have a standoff in the event of a Broken Key in play, which is possible since items in chests are allowed. A safe play was made. That's all. That isnt what happened, but due to the POSSIBILITY of it happening, Marth shouldve auto won as soon as he stepped on the hatch like a runner touching homebase.

    @skvirl funny you say theve been explaining to ME what happened, when really it's been the other way around. This thread is just filled with people that don't really care about how underhanded tactics like Space did.

    Oh well. This whole ordeal simply proves this game never was or will be eSports ready. And neither will the community. It's so ironic people are saying those who defend the Depip squad are simply fans, when it seems as though most who are opposing are people who straight up dislike them, like those who throw put ad hominems in this argument, or personal insults about things like Marth's weight.

    You think our judgment is blinded by favoritism, when it is YOUR judgement clouded by hate. Hilarious.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Oh well. This whole ordeal simply proves this game never was or will be eSports ready. And neither will the community.

    On this we can agree.

    And, I didn't flag you for spam..

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    And, I didn't flag you for spam..

    This place kills my sides sometimes
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @weirdkid5 said:
    only1biggs said:

    And, I didn't flag you for spam..

    This place kills my sides sometimes

    Me too xD

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Oh I do so love friendly discussion with varying opinions that doesn't strike up hostility

    ...oh wait, it's the Dead By Daylight forums

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33

    @thesuicidefox said:
    But when you took a swing before the ref called the game you forfeit any claim to the hatch because she now has a "play" in being able to escape the hatch. Whether or not it was standoff is irrelevant.

    What? can you please show where in the rules is this part written?

    No he swong because he had won and wanted the match to end. By the rules he already got the point at the beginning of the standoff.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33

    I feel a lot of guys can't apply simple logic to natural languages that normally is learned by human being at the age of about 7 years.

    Marth arrived at the Hatch first. Period. He won by the rule the moment the standoff started PERIOD.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2018

    I feel a lot of guys can't apply simple logic to natural languages that normally is learned by human beings at the age of about 7 years.

    Marth arrived at the Hatch first. Period. He won by the rule the moment the standoff started PERIOD.

    I don't understand what is the hard part of it.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33

    @thesuicidefox said:

    What you should have done was sit there and do nothing and wait for a ref. But you didn't, you acted, without confirmation from a tournament official that the match was over and that you won. In my book that's you making a mistake.

    You sir are an idiot.

    You are saying that Marth only possible play was waiting.... SURPRISE that is the definition of a standoff... and OH!!!!




    So explain. Where in the rules were said that in case of hatch standoff the killer had to wait for the referee? It was just stated that in case of hatch standoff whoever get there first get the point. Marth arrived first he got the point. After that he could have also disconnected.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    @12345 said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    But when you took a swing before the ref called the game you forfeit any claim to the hatch because she now has a "play" in being able to escape the hatch. Whether or not it was standoff is irrelevant.

    What? can you please show where in the rules is this part written?

    No he swong because he had won and wanted the match to end. By the rules he already got the point at the beginning of the standoff.

    You don't understand the meaning of "play the ball as it lies" so I will explain.

    (I don't play golf, this is just an explanation of what I mean, so humor me.)

    Let's say you are playing golf tournament. You hit the ball into a wooded area that is clearly not part of the course. But the rule states "play the ball as it lies" so you go up and you whack it again, adding a stroke. Later you find out that you could have reset the ball onto the course at the closest point. But there is a problem, you already hit the ball, and therefore you don't get that option anymore. What you should have done was call or wait for the ref to declare what you should do, but instead you just went ahead and did what you think is the right thing to do according to the rules.

    This is why the swing is important. From an outside perspective, no one can determine the thought process of either Marth or the Claudette. Maybe Marth was just swinging because he thought the game was over and he won, maybe not. I believe him, the problem is his testimony of his own thoughts IN HINDSIGHT is not reliable since he knows that, if he is right, he wins, and if he is wrong, he loses. I don't blame him for defending his position. The problem is that the game was indeed still live. A ref had not made a call that he could OFFICIALLY go by to then take a swing knowing the game was over. HE ASSUMED AND DID IT ANYWAY. He can't go back and change it, just like you can put your ball back where you want it if you find out afterwards you coulda got a better deal.

    That's why I say he should have just stayed there, staring at her on the hatch, until either she jumped (and he grabs her) or the ref steps in to break a stalemate OFFICIALLY. Considering that the Claudettes options are to wait to get hit or wait for the ref, the logical choice for both of them is to stand there, waiting, like good children, and wait for the adult to say what happens next, because once that stalemate actually happens UNDENIABLY it's no longer a matter of letting the game play out live, it's a matter of officials making a decision based on the circumstance and the rules. When the game is still live and officials have not needed to step in (or in this case did not have time to make a ruling before something happened), the tournament rules are almost moot because you are just playing the game at that point.

    Which brings me to another point that this game is NOT an eSport. Not even close. Besides the nature of the game itself, there are so many balance issues that it's just a joke to me. Mario Party is a more viable eSport game than DBD. Why BHVR try to push the eSport stuff is beyond me. This whole thing with the hatch is just one example of the nonsense that could happen in this game, and I'm telling all of you from experience it will get worse. Tyde had damn hackers in his tournament, and he did a good job handling the situation, but c'mon. You can' hold serious competitions FOR MONEY when the game is just a mess. Even in tournaments for normal games, I would always get people that argue with me about the rules, and it's always because I'm ruling against them. They try to act independently of me, the ref, and then botch something. Once I tell them no this is how it is "Oh well we should play over because we did this". No you already played the game. The other guys won. It doesn't matter if you didn't follow the rules properly that's your fault for 1) not fully understanding the rules to begin with, and 2) trying to self-officiate because if they simply raised their hand before playing they would not be in this position now.

    This kind of bullshit will only get worse UNTIL the game is fixed.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @12345 said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    But when you took a swing before the ref called the game you forfeit any claim to the hatch because she now has a "play" in being able to escape the hatch. Whether or not it was standoff is irrelevant.

    What? can you please show where in the rules is this part written?

    No he swong because he had won and wanted the match to end. By the rules he already got the point at the beginning of the standoff.

    You don't understand the meaning of "play the ball as it lies" so I will explain.

    (I don't play golf, this is just an explanation of what I mean, so humor me.)

    Let's say you are playing golf tournament. You hit the ball into a wooded area that is clearly not part of the course. But the rule states "play the ball as it lies" so you go up and you whack it again, adding a stroke. Later you find out that you could have reset the ball onto the course at the closest point. But there is a problem, you already hit the ball, and therefore you don't get that option anymore. What you should have done was call or wait for the ref to declare what you should do, but instead you just went ahead and did what you think is the right thing to do according to the rules.

    I see what you are trying to say, it just does not work in the particular situation of the tournament. The rule wasn't hard to understand it simply stated that in case of an hatch standoff whoever get there first wins. Marth got there first therefore he won.

    The metaphor you want to use can't be applyed in a case where the casters had to literally livestream add a very specific situation where the rule does not apply in order to have a rematch.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    @12345 said:
    Marth arrived to the hatch first, he could literally dc at that moment and they should have given him the point since the survivor arrived second and was injured so with virtually no way of escaping but using the hatch (that by rule he could not use).

    No because the result of the game is not his call to make when the game is still live. This is what you don't get, when you have this sort of dumb mechanic that requires an equally dumb rule to get around, YOU ALWAYS WAIT FOR THE REF TO MAKE THE CALL. You do not, ever, make the call on your own because you do not have that authority. If you do and it works out against you, then it's you fault and these are the consequences.

    The Claudette was smart in that she treated the situation as if it were still live. When she got hit, she took the hatch, as anyone would, normal game or tournament, that's what you would do. Marth's mistake was taking the swing and giving her the chance to keep the game live. If he did nothing, she can do nothing, then the ref steps in. That's how it should work.

    Clearly you guys have absolutely no experience running or participating in game tournaments.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2018

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @12345 said:
    Marth arrived to the hatch first, he could literally dc at that moment and they should have given him the point since the survivor arrived second and was injured so with virtually no way of escaping but using the hatch (that by rule he could not use).

    No because the result of the game is not his call to make when the game is still live. This is what you don't get, when you have this sort of dumb mechanic that requires an equally dumb rule to get around, YOU ALWAYS WAIT FOR THE REF TO MAKE THE CALL. You do not, ever, make the call on your own because you do not have that authority. If you do and it works out against you, then it's you fault and these are the consequences.

    So explain me what marth should have done there?
    Wait for a ref call that would have never happened as demonstrated in the noob3 match?

    I think you didn't watch the other match or you would have a bit more context. No marth acted well because the referee was never going to stop the match.

    The rule served the exact purpose of that situation.

    The only problem is that Tello and Demon didn't want the Dsquad to win and decided to add a very specific situation where the rule does not work, and now we all have to wait for bhvr decision to know who won.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    @12345 said:
    I think you didn't watch the other match or you would have a bit more context. No marth acted well because the referee was never going to stop the match.

    It doesn't matter what happened any other time other than that exact time when they were both at the hatch before he swung. NONE OF IT. The only thing that matters is Marth assumed something he shouldn't have. I wouldn't doubt these guys were ######### refs, they sound like #########, but Marth doesn't have the authority to declare himself the winner based on his own interpretation of the rules, even if his interpretation is correct.

    I also seriously doubt that no one would step in to officiate if they both just stood on the hatch for anything more than 20 seconds not moving. Someone would have stepped in an said something, or at the very least someone else would have prodded them to step in. Regardless, Marth acted independently of the officials and therefore the game is treated as live. Until the ref steps in, the game is live and you should not assume anything. And if you need an official you ask for one (which I believe Marth could have done discretely as the Claudette would have no way to know he's not just sitting and waiting for her to jump).

    And as far as the shadey business trying to keep Depip squad from winning... no comment. I will say that Marth, again, has no one to blame but himself for making a mistake that the other team or the supposed crooked refs could take advantage of. If he waited or asked for a ref, their hand is forced and they step in and make a decisions, which he can then contest because the game is technically paused at a critical spot. Going back in time to make a decision after events have played out does not work, as you can see.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    weirdkid5 said:
    I mean you guys aren't even aware that the Squad was approached by BHVR after registration and were told they cannot participate in multiple tourneys, despite being on the list for both PS4 and PC tourneys.

    Yet this ruling was not held for any other team, despite there being clear evidence of players running under different usernames to participate in multiple platforms. Only Depip Squad was told they could no do this.

    I know this because I was going to take their place in the EZ pip squad team on PS4, since changing rosters within the team was legal until the day before.

    They were registered as the EZ Pip Squad on PS4 before being replaced by another team. Again, no stipulation stating you couldn't do this.
    Wait what? Depip Squad and only the Depip Squad were told they can’t participate in multiple tourneys? I never heard about this. Is it because they were deemed “too good” and BHVR doesn’t want them winning every tournament? 
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Wait what? Depip Squad and only the Depip Squad were told they can’t participate in multiple tourneys? I never heard about this. Is it because they were deemed “too good” and BHVR doesn’t want them winning every tournament? 

    If the forums are going to be a shitshow every time they lost then who cares honestly.

  • 12345
    12345 Member Posts: 33

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Wait what? Depip Squad and only the Depip Squad were told they can’t participate in multiple tourneys? I never heard about this. Is it because they were deemed “too good” and BHVR doesn’t want them winning every tournament? 

    If the forums are going to be a shitshow every time they lost then who cares honestly.

    The forums and reddit have been a shitstorm because of Space Esports nothing else.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @12345 said:

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Wait what? Depip Squad and only the Depip Squad were told they can’t participate in multiple tourneys? I never heard about this. Is it because they were deemed “too good” and BHVR doesn’t want them winning every tournament? 

    If the forums are going to be a shitshow every time they lost then who cares honestly.

    The forums and reddit have been a shitstorm because of Space Esports nothing else.

    Nah, a shitshow because of biased fanboys such as yourself. Marth made a mistake, he lost, go cry in a corner now.