Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Skull Merchant could be the first contemporary killer whom we see falling to The Entety and giving in to the despair, their soul being chipped away too much. There is an in-world way of handling this, but of course, no one wants to see this through, so she will not be officially retired, just be disappearing out of 99/100…
  • Yeah, you are both right, I guess. But it still stands that this is not a good way of how this whole fiasco was resolved. If something proves to be too hard or unpopular, survivors can easily koop out instead of getting better and adapting, and maybe this even gets the thing nerved. There are other killers that have a very…
  • Artistically, this looks great … gameplay wise …. ehhhhh :D I have played a lot of Chucky in this mode and its quite fun. Just entering hideyho at random and have survivors jump at food steps leads to some unexpected generator blow ups, and the smol size can really shine without a red stain and in the dark. But I can count…
  • Just as some food for thoughs: in June 2021, when the game had its highest peak player count of 105k players playing the game at the same time, the average player count for the month was 48k. Compared to the 45k players playing right now, and the average around 40k monthly players of the last couple of month, that ain't…
  • I have seen a certain uptick in the usa of DH lately and my old habit kicked in and I just asume everyone has it and I let them waste so many DH when they must have been sure I would swing now. Pallets are still often lose/lose situations if the survivor in question has DH, you can predict it all you want, the window to…
  • I had a couple of games these last month, where I as a 3k player (mostly killer, but passable as survivor) was paired with 25h and 30h and 60h killers, that played the way. I could have run circles around them, if I wanted and some of the other survivors surely did, once thes smelled weakness. Thats the thing I hate the…
  • Running four aura reading perks is the only way how you can push through Distortion right now, without that it regenerates so fast that any aura reading perk is dead meat in your loadout. Its part of the ongoing meta evolution. But in the end of the day, a successful aura reading is JUST info. Info that can get you killed,…
  • Spies is my comfort crutch perk. I am so used to it that I feel like blindly stumbling around without it.
  • People have a tendency call anything trash hat doesn't give 90% value each game. Yeah, a meta is meta for a reason, because it givesyou the most bang for your bucks, but much outside of the meta can be made to work. Killer builds tend to be a bit more varied then survivor builds, but even there is much more options if you…
  • Yeah, that sucks, but honestly, how often do killers slug all four survivors for the bleedout? Maybe if they were the bulliest of the bully squads, but outside this, its sure pretty rare. Just out of context, muse about this (as it is a bit whataboutism, I give you that): how often do you experience killers leaving…
  • I want more consistency, in essence he perks max. impact stays the same as it is now, but the instances were you could waste an entire activation of the perk without any benefit from it would be avoided. Right now the perk does a maximum of 100% regression with 0-25% per activation and one activation per unique survivor.…
  • Fufufu ... nooooo, I haven't completed them aaaall. Tome 5 is missing one challenge, so that I can perpetually spawn cancerous Cankers whenever I feel like it (and usually after all survivor challenges are done I permanently equip it.
  • I am usually quite happy to see survivors using it in this way … or better yet: getting the dumb on them and letting those charges evaporate into the void.
  • It is used a lot, but only because there is no real competition. And it really can be extremely frustrating when one of your only 4 hooks gets completely wasted. I honestly think that with my ideas implemented, the perk would be much healthier all around. This is the kind of carrot that we always talk about, but no one…
  • Huh?`I don't follow your train of thoughts. I am not proposing this 100 regression tokens on top, I meant that the whole perk gave a maximum of 100% regression, but if there was no gen to regress, it wouldn't consume tokens. And on the plus side it would stop working once a survivor died. I honestly don't know how you…
  • It would. Just give killer 15s Corupt Interverntion basekit. This would solve survivors jumping on a gen the second the game starts and give the killer a little bit of early game orientation, without being overtly restrictive for the survivors. But that 15s could make or brake the game. Also: don't start the killer smack…
  • This is one of the best in-depts and concise take on the whole problem. Bravo.
  • God, no! That was the absolute worst part of if, and the other part was god-aweful, too. Don't do anything about this perk, it still is used a lot and many survivors still get so much millage out of it. A single use of it can cost the killer the game, we don't need the dashing part back. This alon was a big part of why…
  • I Report this kinda players all the time, they are not fast, but eventually you will get a message that told you that one of your tickets had some kind of effect. But because of privacy they won't tell you which one exactly, which is fine.
  • whatever you might think of the whole situation, this is always the laziest copout.
  • Some here, the game takes pretty long to start up and during the first couple of minutes I am plaguedby slowdowns and lags and even the character models oy load in slowly and sluggishly. After I wait for a while in the menues or after the first match it gets better, but it's still a slog and 100% started after the Castle…
  • I once had a rather rage-quitty mindset, I was super angry at that time and took everything way too personal and when I got no chance of winning or at least gain some foothold, I would DC, just to stick it to then survivors. Earned me a 2h forced break once, and since then I stuck to only occasional happenstances, when…
  • LMAO are we now calling slugging camping via rescue denial? Now I have officially seen everything. No, for real, I know that you are just one voice in the crowd, but this is one of the biggest copes I have ever seen, and its idle talk like this that robs all buzzwords of any kind of substance, because they are used so much…
  • For those interested, today I streamed after a long hiatus (though without me talking … I talked the entire time, but I wasn't recording, obviously … I need to figur that out till next time :P). I was playing a lot of Legion, because the current tome page got this "Irridescend Chaser emblem" challenge, and I figured that…
  • This is so true! I just had the most fun game in ages today. It was in Dead Dog Saloon and I don't know what happened, but the survivors weren't extremely efficient and it felt like a game from three years ago. I found a survivor immediately, but the chase was quite intense, with two or three pallets just a couple of…
  • Before, Killers could win by not tunneling, so some did, some didn't. Those survivors who did some real research into the matter mostly reported something like a 1:10 ratio, ie one hardcore tunneling killer per 10 games. Sometimes a killer would start tunneling strategically at 1 gen remaining, but thats not what we are…
  • "Looping was never intended. Please fix this exploit!!11"
  • Yet is was the only thing that made wolf form somewhat viable and skillful. Dumbing things down like this will just lead to the disappearance of Dracula.
  • I can't remember exactly when I faced him the last time, must have been 4 or 5 days. I only see him when I give him another try, but that's a max. of two, maybe three times, then I am too frustrated by the clunkyness and the bullying because survivors finally got a new killer that they don't need to be afraid off.
  • I can see where you are coming from … but damn, he feels so sluggish and clunky.. I know. This is the biggest enigma and mystery of them all.
  • It doesnt need much of a nerf, but that it is uncounterable when you are standing on it and even got blinded if you look straight up, that is just some BS that needs to go. Its not exactly "no skill", because you need to learn the 1.5s timer correctly, but thats manageable and opening up a lot of "uncounterable" situations…
  • I just want to chime in and want to suggest Spies in Shadows as a beginner info perk. When I started I always heared people say "once you learn how to read birds and notice them fly away you will gain a lot more game sense" and I could make no rhyme nor reason of it. I never saw any birds flying off and had no sense of…
  • The most obnoxious aspect about Dracula is how depressingly weak he is…
  • This! When I play survivor, sure I get as frustrated at being tunneled at 4 gens as the next person, but being a killer main I can also see what the killer is seeing: every generator that he passed while pursuing me was at least at 70%, so its not 4 gens, its "basically 2 gens left, while I have only one hook to my name".…
  • You look at this the wrong way: killers aren't slugging more and more, because there is no downside to it, they are slugging, because there are so many disadvantages to hooking and its by now more of a survivors tool to let the killer waste time, no longer a way for the killer to add pressure. The +10s hook timer was just…
  • To me the +10s hook timer is not a big change in itself, but it is sort of a tipping point for many killers. Tunneling and camping are a defacto unfun playstyle, thats true, but all the safety systems that got added to the game, ie basekit BT 5s, then 10s, Antifacecamp mechanic, buffs to OFT and DS, hook time wasters like…
  • Oh well, you are also technically right, but common, you really call that change to UB a nerf? Technically yes, its taking away from its utility, but from a practical standpoints that is bending over backwards to find something. Same with Head On and the idle crows: sure, you could use it "tactically" to annoy the killer…
  • There is a not so subtle line between "I couldn't hook them because they went down in a deadzone" and "I couldn't hook them because that dude with that juiced up toolbox and sabo perk was demolishing every I hook I went to". Give it a try, I am sure that you can figute it out :)
  • The loadup screen stutters and lags a lot. In-game it isn't any worse, but before I can see my killer for the first time, its kinda hell.
  • I tried it a few times tonight and its hit or miss, but survivors are definitely not liking it. But it really feels like its more effective then hooking, and that is REALLY bad and not what this game should revolve around. BHVR, please make hooks viable and strong again. But knowing them, they would sooner add another…
  • While wer are at itm we could also bring back Endurance stacking and work through 3-4 different iteration of Endurance before we finally get a down; that was fun :D Oh, and no basekit BT, let killers sometimes just down the survivors the very frame their feet hit the ground after coming off the hook. Well, such a blast…
  • At first I wanted to go all "nuuuuuu, you got it wrong!!!111", but then you made a couple of pretty compelling arguments and points and I tend to agree with you. Everyone seems to crave the fun, stupid and crazy games of the past, like 3+ years ago, but so few seem to be willing to not sweat and to not putting the win…
  • Yeah well … I have had the game feed 3k me a 25h, 36h and 66h killer this week … and just now I got a game with 63h and 124h survivor in it and the two with the private profiles didn't play any better. It certainly IS a departure from all the sweat I was usualy getting, but this ain't the middle ground I was asking for ^_-…
  • What has happened a couple if times in my games is this: you hook a surviver, roam around the map looking for survivors, chase one off, but they run to a strong loop, meanwhile a gens gets done somewhere esle, and they even got time on the clock to safe their team mate, quite often its this 10s that lets survivors easily…
  • I would love to have different personalities for bots, like "looper", "gen jockey", "hides a lot", "clumsy", etc. and when a bot is created it gets assigned a random personality.
  • I wouldn't apply logic to this one. The Entity has no fast and hard rules regaring its influence, some, like Trapper, have resisted for years, others, like Artist, who just got a tragic death, or Rin, just a regular school girl, succumbed to her influence just like that. Pinhead and Vecna are both extremely powerful, as is…
  • I tried to get that one with Clown and in the end killed off two and let the last two go if they helped me to farm it. Got it in two games this time after I sat at 0/10 progress since Dracula dropped. Now the only achievment that I am missing is "Hero of Walachia", but that one is not half bad .. if I would get just one…
  • There were some times when killer was nearly constantly +100%, besides during the school hours. Before 6.1 survivors were at their strongest and playing killer felt so masochistically and an uphill battle. Survivors had basically no fear and respect of the killer whatsoever and it was true that during this time no one…
  • I was genuinely surprised by this, too. Of course, Alucard was always the hero and playable character and Draculas wayward son, but making him a survivor in this game just feels wrong, would have more liked it if it was something like "The Enteties has its ways to corrupt everyone." or "A pious life fighting against the…
  • Yeah! With a little work and finetuning that would be a really fun one. I always thought that Carmina would work pretty good, because she could start as an allied, sympathetic character, but then get her hands chopped off and come back in her vengeful form.