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  • To some degree maybe, but those perks can still work fine on those killers... But an undetectable killer with a ranged attack will lead to many hits the survivors just could not react to...
  • Freddy: If you incentivise people to use the clocks more frequently you will get a bit of slowdown but also even less of a power for Freddy, because then the survivors are just not asleep... I think he needs a full rework because he is both boring to play as and against... It would be nice if you could express skill when…
  • Yeah they seem to try to talk the issue about the difference of soloQ and swf small so people won't complain as much about fixing it I guess... Don't know man it is quite obvious that it exists but we are not going for equality of outcome, but equality of opportunity... Same tools should be the goal. Not saying I would not…
  • Hard disagree, Legion is one of the worst killers in the game while Slinger is at least in the better half... Against good players an m1 killer really is not a threat and Slinger best addon probably still is reload speed...
  • Not if that guy dies after the 30 sec because he is dead on hook.. You need to realise that the longer all 4 survivors are alive the better... Because that teammate dying decreases the efficiency of the survivors far more than one mate needing to go for the unhook...
  • If you want every killer to have the exact same counterplay good for you buddy, because that what most have, but I prefer some variety in the stuff that is usable, and Nurse differs the most in that she works different than any other killer when it comes to what is effective against her. Well if that is the way you wanna…
  • She is great design because she offers unique counterplay. Because of her design chase perks don't work with her so whats left is tracking and slowdown, and since exposed and other effects that rely on m1 don't work on her anymore we're left with nothing more than those two options. I don't think Nuse is miserable to play…
  • Fair, but that does not really change the fact that even when they go down within seconds it is better to do that than just have other survivors dying earlier, and overall it does not improve your survival chances when you don't "pull your weight" as others already said. In the end it is your choice what to do, but it will…
  • It kind of is… Because even those players who don't want to play "optimal" in that sense cannot find this one guy… So even they will no somewhat tunnel the remaining guys, because they simply cannot find this one person…
  • But we're not balancing around Swf do we? Because if we did, we would need to buff soloq to the level of swf which is obviously not the case… Even the really good players like Hens and other said quickscope slinger felt free, because you could simply not react to it… So I would not say that only bad players complained.…
  • I don't think he needs buffs, he is in an allright spot. Unlike Huntress you don't have to think about the arc your hatchet takes because it is just a straight line, also his shot has the speed of a fully charged hatchet with way less windup than she has, I think that is a fine trade off…
  • No, hard disagree, Nurse is fine as she is, she has other mechanics that work against her and that is great because it makes playing against her really unique, wish other killers would also do that… Basically all you are advocating for is making her harder for the average player and for the really good ones, because even…
  • Well ^^ guess we just need to stick to advantages gained that are not based on chosen platform ^^ Otherwise Pc players cannot use mouse and keyboard anymore ;)
  • Yeah sometimes they just come up with the most obvious excuses that everybody will just have the same thought: "Well that is some bs... Do they think we're stupid and don't see through that?" Besides that the game has also god knows how many different status effects and as a you new player you just get flooded by…
  • Usually players should not have issues finding tiles, so if the perk extends chases I would also say it is mostly a map issue, because it makes the Broken pieces more obvious, just like you said. And ofc it helps especially well on indoor maps.
  • Traps should not be darker but rather more camouflaged, also a few of those feel quite annoying, basekit in combination with addon 10 second time to disable a trap? Jesus that's a long time... Basement trapper unbeatable xD
  • Does not really get through with how you phrased it.
  • I mean, you don't need to use it if you prefer the more "natural" playstyle with unknown and everything. Ofc such killer mechanics would need specific reworks to counteract those changes, but as of currently they are already having a rough time when going against people on coms compared to others of equal skill without…
  • But isn't her post blink lunge the same range as every lunge as well? If we ignore the addon for increased lunge?
  • I mean when they already quit over nothing then why care about them? Just because some guys will DC over every little thing does not mean we should not add useful features.
  • The argument against it goes like that though, so bringing it up can be OK I guess. Not saying the phrasing was the appropriate way but still.
  • Would be nice, but you cannot block text chat with individual players in this game... While it is a thing in any other game, just not this one... No clue why, it is basic functionality.
  • The tone in online games has always been rougher and trash talk and insults are basically the norm... Therefore it is kind of fair to say that.
  • She is definitely not weak, but she is weaker and with her full potential lowered survivors now have a higher change to win the match, that was the goal and it was reached.
  • Most games allow you to mute text chat with players... That's pretty much a given... Yeah that leaving a note on profile is just a dbd thing for some reason, no clue why... But in the end it is just wasted time on their side... Then again I have close to 3 K hours and nobody left a note on my profile despite it not being…
  • It "only" removed a lot of perks from being usable on her, including but not limited to exposed perks, weakened her addons across the board and made her significantly weaker to the point where Blight before his addon rework was stronger than her... So I think the rework did enough.
  • Ghostface is nowhere near the weakest and actually in quite a good spot.
  • We have not too much information about where people are or what resources they used. Sure you could use perks for additional information, but swf already has that information and does not get more out of using those perks additional, which is the whole point... It is not about you personally but that this gap exists…
  • Not by a lot at least, but it would feel terrible, because you get stunned for 2 seconds, go into fatigue for 2-3.5 seconds and then wait 6 seconds for both blinks to recharge after the time it takes the recharge progress to start... You loose like 11+ seconds at least more like 15 until you can even start to go for a…
  • Stun + fatigue is fine, but I don't think there is a need to make per follow you for like 10 seconds until her blinks recharge.
  • What you basically said is that the 120 hz option is implied by the game, as that option is actually available. So the monitor does nothing more then do what the game already allows... And other stuff like sound sliders are not which is why the hardware that enables it does more... Yeah I understood that. However the game…
  • The gap is an information gap... You cannot close that by changing your attitude ^^ With that argument you can undermine any form of communication, because it can always result in abuse, which is why there are not only rules that forbid such Behaviour but also mute and report button to be able to prevent them immediately…
  • No offense but to have an im motional response to any little thing someone that does not know at all or any nonsense that gets thrown at your seems like you don't have control over your emotions... You simply should not get bothered by that, why even? It lacks an logical basis... If you care what trash talkers on the…
  • It is a bit immature to call people delusional though, and then having spelling errors in the message as well...
  • You are free to believe whatever you want dude ^^ But it seems like it is futile to explain stuff to you, so I'd rather invest my time in other things. Because if you are not able to acknowledge that pressing a key to enter power, vaulting the pallet and then following up with an m1 is a free hit but using the blink…
  • So basically because the game is poorly optimized and does not have certain options that any other reasonable game has makes this different? ^^
  • Thats a little bit ridiculous to assume people will grief you over that. You may have the option to do that, but others don't because they maybe don't have people to play with. You can just turn the option off and griefing is still a reportable offense, so I really don't think this is as big of an issue as you make it out…
  • In other games you also don't get told that, and since voice chat would not be the only way of communication you can still rely on text or ping.
  • Basically every voice chat in every game can be muted, that is the worst argument to be made to assume that we will get an implementation without basic functionality... Also games usually have the option to mute specific players, it is really not a big deal.
  • Currently roughly half the players play in some form of a swf... Is that taken into account while balancing? Also having additional moderators for voice chat... Seriously? That's your problem? That you don't think they would hire staff to take care of that? Players not using any of the communication tools at all would be…
  • I mean, you can just not use it… No need to not implement it… If you don't want to use voice chat in any other game nobody is forcing you to do so, but being against it despite other people wanting it is a bit off. That's basically like saying "I don't want x so you cannot have x either". Not saying it should be the only…
  • Why not? Both give you an advantage by using them? Both are hardware and do exactly what they are supposed to do, where exactly is the difference?
  • Well first of all according to a community manager the community does not want voice chat :) At least that's what I got told when the topic was brought up. As for the difference between mobile and our version, apparently the two communites that play those games are not the same, which is why the mobile version has some…
  • My only issue here is that cheating always has a negative connotation, and the headset as well as the mode are obviously legal and allowed to be used in games, since that is the purpose of the feature. But by stretching the definition of cheating to be as far fetched as to reach out to allowed programs, hardware and what…
  • I mean everyone can do it at each specific platform should be the key… You cannot really tell people not to use things just because other platforms are unable to do that… Otherwise I probably am not allowed to go beyond 30/60 fps because console, or most likely the switch cannot do that?
  • Unfair compared to who? I don't think it is unfair... If you spend more money on hardware your game will run better compared to some 10 year old potatoe pc... Does that give you an advantage? Yes! Is it unfair? No why would it?
  • Nope, it is 1 second... She gets 2 second base fatigue, an extra 0.5 seconds per chain blink and an extra 1 second for an attack used... So maybe check the wiki.
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