Changed it myself to this. Way better than the distorted version, the hair is just too odd. It should be straighter and her head rounder. I'm currently using it and it looks good Ig, imo.
I guess that both KEYS and MORIS are way too OP. It's frustrating when everyone's on death hook and they manage to all escape by the hatch, or 3 escapes with 1 gen left. Moris are also unbalanced, even more than keys. There's no counter, no DS, no anti-tunneling countermeasure. I like these kind of discussions, but both…
Grabbing became more consistent in the new 60 ping server. BUT, i feel ya, it happens pretty often tbh, and it's annoying AF. If they're cocky enough to stay on the gen till the last second, we should get a grab.
Nurse has a new bug as well when she cannot attack after the blink. The fps drops in a few maps made me decrease my graphic settings, so the game looks worse than before to me. Low fps = i can't see a thing while blinking, and there goes my career as a main nurse.
Tbh, nothing is worse than the fastest Gen-Rush. In the early game, you have 0 pressure. If everyone splits and do gens alone they can pop 2, or 3 gens by the time you hooked someone. That is even worse with low tier killers. The fact that you have 0 pressure? thats FINE. what's not fine is the fact that survivors spawns…
Probably, nurse should be renamed as "The Buggy One" LMAO
Tbh, this game faces dire circumstances. After a lot of tweaks on Gens, Survivor Perks, Killer Perks and last but not least, HEX:Ruin, We have this weird feeling that gens are way faster now. But the speed hasn't changed for years now, (unless if you're talking about multiple survivors doing the same gen, that speed was…
SouzaSoul (brazil), Tru3, Ardetha and Ayrun <3
As a rank 1 nurse main, I strongly disagree, and i KNOW they will never do that, instead, they're constantly increasing her skill ceiling because she get's a new bug every update, dead-blink-zones where you get stuck and last but definetely not least Listen, The Nurse is Hell on earth when you're starting to play as her, I…
You know, survs are for sure crybabies. You need proof? Look for the huge quantity of nerfs they ask for killers EVEN though they know how Overpowered SWF is and that nerfing killers will make they even stronger. Basically, a survivor will always want a killer nerf, and say "NO, GIT GUD" for survivor nerfs. This shows how…
Ive been playing him quite a lot recently, I guess that the devs were right on this one. And here's the reason why: - Torment NEVER goes away unless you cage someone. If you're never caging and all 4 are tormented, if you slug you Instawin, and if you don't you can mori them in last hook. - Caging them Avoid anti-tunnel…
Well, as a experienced Spirit main, I guess I can answer all your questions. When you phasewalk, your Husk (the still spirit decoy) will stay in place with your Terror radius of 24m. (or affected by perks) Meanwhile the REAL spirit, the invisible one, will also have a 24m terror radius, instead of the Heartbeat, it's the…
Well, look at this reddit page, someone already did a "preview" of how it would look like.