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  • ahahaha this man is getting 360 and is mad about it. I am a red rank killer too, and 360s are the most hilarious thing to me, i hit them pretty much every time and its so satisfying to down them and then just do 360 on their downed body, letting them know they are the most ridiculous people trying such a noob tactic and…
  • Why not just increase bloodpoints gained. I feel like this would be better and easier than recoding all the perks. Increasing the amount of bloodpoints would help new players get their 4 perk slots faster as well as be able to play multiple characters without feeling like they wasted bloodpoints by spreading them out. Plus…
  • Again I think experience is what makes the difference. I've seen baby survivors run away when spine chill clicks on even though the killer is clearly not coming to the gen or is in a chase when someone else. Spine chill is just a better heartbeat lol the only thing that makes it really good is the fact you get a bit of…
  • Kindred is so good for solo play imo, adding voice chat would just negate that whole perk. The game is fine without voice chat and to be honest I am willing to bet more toxicity would come from voice chat than it would do anything positive.
  • From the kid whining about a video game not being the way they want it to be. You have a couple of options though, learn coding make your own game or help them fix the bugs or stop playing.
    in When? Comment by BadBilly September 2020
  • I don't think you understood what was being said. I don;t think voice comms should be in the game at all or any of the suggestions I said because it was so obviously dumb plus discord and party chat exists. Also, just because YOU don't play it as a survival horror game doesn't mean that's not what it is categorized and how…
  • Besides the fact voice comms would make every detection perk useless for survivors, DBD was created to be a survival horror game not a tactical mission game. The only way this would be viable is by making it proximity comms and the killer can hear as well or for the killer to be able to detect when someone is speaking with…
  • Honestly I think it's a coding issue. If they touch anything in their spaghetti code the whole game would break. I refuse to believe the devs are just brain dead monkeys who believe deja vu needs a time limit.
  • When? Will you realize they are not making a game for just you. Lol. Sounds like you are either playing with a bad connection or a potato console/pc. It's very uncommon for me to see bogus hits/misses and usually you can tell it's because someone is lagging hard. You act like it's easy to code a game and fix certain bugs…
    in When? Comment by BadBilly September 2020
  • DBD isnt a fair game. If you get hit by a skill shot then the killer is play well or the survivor is playing bad. Once a huntress is out of hatchets the chase is over. Then look at Bubba...insta down with no perks, no add ons, no skill and always available in chase. Zzzz
  • Honestly this would be nice for killers as well, even though it would make Hex: Thrill of the hunt token crap basically useless.
  • I feel like the people who are experienced are the ones who make these perks "op" Spine chill clicking on and whispers clicking on give you relatively the same amount of information. Knowing how to use that information is what makes the difference. A rank 20 survivor is going to react differently than a rank 1 survivor.…
  • It's a cool concept just wont ever get the rights to use characters from coraline in a murder game. I think you should stick with the spider killer idea. Wall climbing sounds great and original, but drop the transformation concept and add web traps. Also your perks are a slight underwhelming, there are better perks that…
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