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  • Can't wait to see what they bring to the table for these reworks. Both of them need it.
  • Confirmed - Survivor on Yamaoka, on Xbox
  • Concerning Ultimate Weapon... The screaming aspect of the perk made it more interesting. I truly don't believe we need more aura reading abilities, and frankly if it just made the scream and be blind I'd be absolutely fine. The lack of screaming removes the synergy of disturbing a hex cleanse, which is one of the very few…
  • I would classify myself as a fairly average Twins player in ability, and have by no means spent thousands of hours playing them. That being said, these are my thoughts. I'm glad that the PTB changes weren't fully implemented. I am a console player and don't have access to the finer features DBD has to offer like PTB, but I…
  • I think the store face-lift looks and functions very well. I will say as a console player, the switch between Survivor and Killer is a little clunky given I'm so familiar with the old store, but I honestly feel like it's just a learning curve. That being said I think it would be practical to allow multiple cosmetics to be…
  • Sometimes I think they have a discord for slugging events, because it truly comes in waves
    in Slug Fest Comment by BadToad May 3
  • Sorry it formatted weird, hopefully it isn't too hard to read
  • I just tried doing this myself. It's April 17th, so it's over 1 month since this was reported. Gotta say, that really bites. Just lost 2 pips trying to figure out what I was doing wrong until I thought "maybe it's a bug". Fix please!
  • I only regarded the wiki because it was the easiest source to pull from at that moment, and I always like to cite where I got the info from. The descriptions are still set in game the same, they basically copy and paste the in game descriptions and update them as they change. I fully understand how all of the perks work,…
  • Also I took your advice. I have ignored you so I cannot see your replies anymore. If you can see mine I suggest doing the same. Have a glorious day
  • Again... I accepted numerous critiques in this exact thread above your comments. I don't know how much more clear I can be. I offer these quotes from you for my reasoning in being combative toward your replies; "You want two modes that removes everything you dont like to the other mode" - These are broad assumptions on my…
  • My problem is how you're going about your criticisms. "bHVR should implement good ideas, not bad ideas and those ideas are going to be discussed here before that, even if you are unwilling or unable to defend it" -- is a prime example. This is YOUR opinion, and you're attempting to sway mine. I have made my reasoning for…
  • I definitely respect you opinion, you offer a lot of good reasoning behind it too. Additionally I was waaaaaay off I think I was looking at GTA lmao. I have 1262 hours in the game, which is still excessive considering I picked it up back in like March. I will fix that in there right now 😅😂
  • That is a concise thought process, and I appreciate the input. I cannot disagree with that line of reasoning, but I also think it would be worth the attempt. At the very least it would refresh the game, even it was a seasonal thing. I like the idea of events, but I don't like the idea of being forced to play them full time…
  • || What rules are those? What rules of the Game is rarely followed in game? Mention the rules that are not followed. Also Source might be good too here. || - While the game doesn't specifically define "rules", there is plenty of definition on what you're intended to do. So, by process of…
  • In regards to your reply, I can give a few brief insights. There is, and has been, one mode of gameplay for earning progress since the games inception. The queue for this mode is notoriously bad, with some wait times being over 10 mins to find a match. It's not an every day occurance, but anyone that played BBQ event…
  • It doesn't, I did try that tactic. Alien just sat there screaming as I repaired turrets
  • Listen, I'm going to end this conversation here. We are talking about apples and oranges and I want to keep the subject on point. I will not remove this post or interact further with you unless you address the issue at hand, not past experiences to dwell on. Your issues have since been fixed and this one is on-going. This…
  • I wasn't sure where to post initially and have since posted in the bugs forum. It was discussed above. As for being stuck in place, what I meant is if you didn't switch from Charlotte to Victor the bug wouldn't engage. I'm not giving excuses for them, I wasn't even playing then. I'm simply stating that there was a work…
  • For reference, I updated the main link too, but this TikTok is enough evidence that there is a serious issue
  • I do get what you mean, but it's different because without switching the bug wouldn't be active, and basic attacks still worked fine. In this instance, a killer can see survivors with their base perks and anything else they add on, and it's a guaranteed 4K. I'm not saying I want Alien removed, it would be devastating the…
  • Frequency of the past events doesn't overshadow the fact that this literally makes the game unplayable. If it's the only solution, they will have to arm the trigger.
  • 👍️ Thanks!
  • Oh I assure you, it's not only true it's absolutely a game breaker, especially for a new killer. Might only be an issue with the Queen skin, but can't be sure until I see it again, and I'd rather not experience that 😅
  • Okay cool will do. Really wasn't sure where to format the issue, I'll post it there too
  • @Jocelynbee That is correct, there is no unhook prompt. I have video of it, but it wouldn't allow me to do link or direct download for some reason. Just gives me a red triangle indicating it isn't attached.
  • This is the best option I have to post the clip It's toward the end of the clip, last 10 seconds at least. I have an edited one I can't post unfortunately