Yes, thats what I thought. I think it would make more diffrence with below 100 players who are still in the process of unlocking characters and as you go up it would make less, which is far from ideal as I think it should effect everyone equaly (I guess this why you said unnessesary), but I think it's still better than…
Well, the idea is to encourage a more objective focused game, making survivors think twice about protection hits, while making them switch between characters where they may have diffrent perks and inventory, and thus encourage a varried playstile.
Objectively, this change only affects 2 things: 1) Survivors have WAY more reaction time, which is only useful to those who could already counter him (which is most players, but not the ones who keep crying about him) 2) Makes him feel worse, unnaturaly, slow, and less fun So it's only helps those who could already do very…
"a little bit" is a very much an understatement.
Even if he was "broken and unfun", he still is, just for the other side now. The change also didn't change the skill required to play him, it just rather lowers the skill to play against, wich was basicaly that new survivors had very slim chance, as running in a relatively straight line wasn't, and still isn't viable…
Exactly. The only thing more important than his strength is how fun he is, because most players will play a weak killer if he is fun to play.
Also, keep in mind, Chucky had 58% killrate one month before, and the majority of the data that gives out 52% average is still from before the nerf. He was the 12th killer by killrate, now he is the 30th.
I think the reason is simpler. By design, around 70-80% of the players survivors, and they just simply trying to satisfy the majority, while giving just enough to the rest so they don't abandon the game forever.
It's just outrageous to implement changes to this extent without the players having to say their opinion about it. You know just how serious these changes are when a part of the playerbase who originaly wanted the nerf says it's overdone and too much. What's even more upsetting, that the devs response after seeing the…
And that's the most sad thing. The character we all love getting destroyed because of these bottom of the barrel players crying about it in forums for ethernity instead of actualy leraning how to counter the character in less than an hour.
Not being 100% uncounterable doesn't mean it's useless. It would had the same value as before against the other killers, and still useful agains Chucky, because while you can't outrun him, you can use it to reach a palet or go out of his range. You just have to think about it rather than using it mindlessly.
I agree with most of what you say, hovever, sprint burst and other speed perks are now basicaly a get out of jail free cards agains him. Also, while his power is greatly compromised because of this, it's not even the biggest problem. The largest problem with the speed change, that it makes him feel very slow and…
If there is something in the game that's a 100% uncounterable, like you want sprint burst and lithe to be, it's a bad game design. Nerfing a character just because you didn't like him is not a valid reason. I'm not crying to the devs to nerf palet stuns just because I don't like them. You not likeing it doesn't mean it's…
I totaly agree
His distance is increased with 2.4 meters, wich doesn't make his power noticably better for map traversal, while also doesn't provide any benefit in chase, as this is the exact distance the survivor being chased will run in the extra 0.6 sec. And he is at best semi-stealth, as he constantly giggles while he uses his power,…
Imaginary scenario: BHVR made skill checks significantly harder. A killer mains response when someone raises his voice over it: "Thank god BHVR for making survivor gameplay more annoying and less fun, so there will be less survivors. What a great day!"
And now he is one of the slowest. I didn't said he doesn't needed adjustments, I just said he doesn't needed THIS adjustment.
Bad ping is not a valid reasoning. I saw you writing this on other posts too. Bad ping means (oversimplification) the given player is out of sync with the server, so he isn't in the place he's seeing himself at. This isn't a characters fault. If you are not where you see yourself, don't balme the other party, just your…
If you think Chucky is overpowered, try playing with him. You will quickly realize he can be defeated just as much as any other killer. Even more now.
It was probably a long time ago, because Chucky's pick rate was already low. It has dropped significanty since it's launch.
They did not reverted it. I lost all hope for this game.
I usually slug in two cases: 1) When another injured survivor is near the down so I can get more downs. 2) When I wan't to prevent the hatch from spawning. In the second case I only do it if the person is the obsession, as I usually play with Friends till the end, so if he's not the obsession, I get aura reading on the…
Poor Chucky. He did not deserve any of this…
I don''t even have 50 hours with him yet, but that's exactly how I feel. I just came back to the game after a long break, fell in love with Chucky's gameplay, and then they do this. I seriously consider abandoning the game because of this. The fun of Chucky's gameplay was the only reason I stayed. He was even fun to lose…
Yeah, that would be nice. I literaly coming to these forums and dev posts every few hours hoping I see a post like that. Chucky being in this state just straight up hurts.
I have a perk idea that could solve 3 problem at once: Make a killer perk that gives gen speed reduction based on the amount of survivors remaining (more alive ⇒ slower). This can encourage the killer to not tunel so he won't lose the buff, help reduce the gen speed problem (which is huge for many killers), and it also…
I couldn't image a better solution than this.
I have no experience with pig but don't forget they hear Chucky's dash from a mile away too.
I hope not. Chucky was the only reason I was playing. He was a lot of fun, even in situations you felt you can't win. His character and playstile just felt good. Now that magic is gone.
I don't mean that Chucky isn't capable of doing it, just that he's not some super weapon auto-win killer as many tells. Plays like that require a lot of skill that I don't think most of the Chucky players have, me included. What I'm saying is an average Chucky player is more than counterable. Of coure pros make it very…
To all the surviviors who come here and think "Yey, they finaly nerfed Chucky" I can tell a few things: 1) Unlike commonly stated he was pretty counterable if you actualy thought about it for a second instead of just holding W in a straight line. (Btw this change didn't change about this, because in this case Chucky will…
If BHVR will go for this instead of a total revert, which would be much better in my opinion, at least they should compensate the lost speed with better controll over the movement (like a more than 45 degree total turn).
Hiding under palets would be abysmal to the killer side considering the gen speeds.
I came back to a game after a long time, and stayed specificaly because how fun Chucky was compared to te previous killers I used. Now with that nerf, I don't feel this anymore and considering abandoning the game, as only the fun he brought kept me here.
I could not have said it better myself
His power is totaly unuseable in this state. It gives surviviors so much reaction time that only a 10IQ individual wouldn't dodge him.
This state of Chucky is completely unacceptable. This change should be reverted.
Or better yet, just revert the patch. He was almost perfectly balanced, which is a rare occurance in this game.
For me he, in fact, does not feel easier to control, as you are still locked in to a maximum total of 45 degree turn.
As a Chucky player myself, I can say it's not true. There were realy few situations where the das was uncountable, and the speed change don't solve that, because in those cases, it still is. The only near uncountable scenario is when you holding W in a large open space, as Chucky has a hard time navigating around obsticles…
I certainly hope so. It was literaly the only killer for my playstyle and now they killed it. If they don't I literaly don't have a reason to come back to the game.
Well said my friend, well said
As a Chucky main, I feel the exact same. I think this change should be reverted. But if not, at least compensated with a much better control over S&D (like increased turn rate, etc…).
As a Chucky main, I feel the exact same. I think this change should be reverted. But if not, at least compensated with a much better control over S&D (like increased turn rate, etc…).