I just crawl to the corner of the map and face a wall, usually my fellow survivors gets the gist.
The killer got themselves into that situation, they should have been paying attention to which hooks to sacrifice survivors on, just like survivors need to pay attention to what gens they do.
lmao again this person feels the need to complain on the internet about ANYTHING, this add on doesn't affect you in any way, can't even get the facts right.
I just have chat permanently off, once I've died just move onto the next game, more chill that way.
lmao they don't want to verse Knight get over it, move on. DBD is a party game not the Olympics.
I think they're useless too, I don't pay attention to them at all on survivors or the hooks. Like when there are charm code giveaways, big whoop?
Regardless of what build the survivors or killers have. Telling someone to "die in a fire" shouldn't be acceptable, but hey go off.
I find it underwhelming, I don't even bother with the offerings, the little amount of BP it brings.
I've lived for 30 years and never had chicken pox before but others have. Therefore it mustn't be a problem.
Wow I didn't realise there was such a strict guideline on how one plays Dead by Daylight.
Iri head huntress? A doc with overcharge purposely trying for a 3 gen? A Freddy with OP add ons and dying light? You can guarantee I'll be dying first hook. What's the issue? The killer has their precious kill and I get to move onto the next game.
I'll continue to kill myself on first hook if I don't want to play that game.
I think they should add it to Small Game, so it is a bit like Thrill of the Hunt.
this ^. They should make it like Rocket League's, 15min max.
I just had a game where a freddy brought the paint brush and a jump rope add on as well as a mori. I just afk'd and killed myself on the first hook. The freddy wanted the kill so bad he can have it. I'm not here for it during double BPs.
If the killer feels the need to hit me on the hook constantly, I'll tea bag at the exit gate with no shame, until the end game timer is about to run out.
Yeah my game just then crashed randomly. I know it's only a 5min penalty, but if it happens again I'll just play another game because why should I wait around for something that wasn't my fault? Just shows incompetence in the devs department.
actually the huntress with iri head ruins the game for me and my teamates.
David with short shorts.
only time i do it is for the tome, cause i suck at flashlights otherwise
No. Voice coms would literally ruin the game. I don't want some 10 year old swearing and screaming at me.
I'll finish it... by killing myself on hook. Next game.
Wow some people are so sad. I always have end game chat box closed. By the time the other person has finished arguing and insulting themselves I've already entered my next game 😎.
This must be the new thing to complain about. If I'm versing an iri head huntress, you bed I'm going to suicide on my first hook. You can't force people to play and have fun.
As soon as a killer is released or even a survivor, I don't hold my breath. The devs are notorious in nerfing a killer or survivor perk after everyone's paid for it.
🤣🤣 I actually feel sorry for the Devs for once, having to read through pointless reports about in-game mechanics that aren't even ban-able. Stay mad.
If I load in with a killer with a build I hate, I will kill myself on first hook as soon as I can. Be mad about it.
I'll dodge DBD streamers who are killers
An iri head huntress is the only reason why I D/C in games. I'll happily cop my 5 min ban and get a snack.
I haven't brought cosmetics or put any money into the game since November last year due to the terrible state of the game. It's been very fulfilling and I have no regrets regardless of how cool I think the cosmetics are.
sounds like you're just bad at killer. You can't complain about survivors doing their main objective, just how survivors can't complain about killers killing them.
omg the abandoned theme park idea, I love it
The only thing that creeps me out in real life are ventriloquist dolls. Doesn't have to be chucky, sort of like Slappy from Goosebumps (*from the original TV series) but tall.
Don't tunnel? Simple.
i disconnected 3 mins ago on PC and didn't get a penalty.
I legit played Left Behind and was immersed the whole 2 games. Was painful, but it was an experience that's for sure.
It would have to be the first week I ever played the game, I discovered it in November 2017 when my favourite Youtuber started playing it. Just the anxiety of being in the lobby waiting for the countdown timer or even doing a gen and someone would join me, I'd be so scared I was gonna stuff up haha.
David King in shorts.
Yep if I second stage and there are 3 other survivor's I'll die on my first hook. If I'm far away from the hooked person, I'll keep an eye out around me, if the killer is chasing another team mate or I see the obsession bars moving I'll stop what I'm doing and get the save.
99% the gate is a strategy, like slugging, body blocking etc.
Above: A triggered individual.
I do this all the time as survivor, especially if the killer has been toxic. I'll wait until the very last second then leave, I had one spirit have a sook at me at the end game chat it saying it waste time, I laughed and it just makes me want to do it even more haha.