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  • "Undetectable" as its name implies you should not be able to be found as easily as using 1 simple perk to absolutely destroy stealth killer's abilities that's just stupid no mattet how you look at it
  • Do you seriously think pressing space to vault and pallet and running in circles makes you skilled and good? Shut up.
  • Sorry but i am obviously going to camp the little ######### which abuses every imbalanced thing in the game and bad designs like doing infinited and such i dont want to waste the whole game on that one kid
  • shh. Surv mains will tell you it is trash and needs even a buff
  • The potato england is real
  • Why do you even give a ######### about ranks? At the end you get nothing and absolutely nothing be it rank 1 or 20
  • how about no
  • Survivors are extremely op because only 1 surv can loop you around and exhaust all pallets if he is ever so slightly good and if you arent nurse its gg. To avoid looping i think bloodlust shouldnt be lost by breaking a pallet and should ramp up a bit faster
  • Thats exactly what this game needs not only for killers but survivors as well because the only way to escape from a killer being running in circles is lame for both sides requiring only holding w for both sides...
  • Running in circles requires little to no skill if you think it does you are mentally deluded. All you do is loop around a pallet drop it when you have to run to another one rinse and repeat wow such amazing skill
  • You got it all wrong and do not think that because you have problems with suicide and depression people all over the world should cater to you mr snowflake. If you think an easy or gg ez is so toxic or some swear words should be bannable or censored i am glad close minded people like you dont get to decide this because…
  • How about we ever so slightly change the survivor from holding m1 to running in circles to something more interesting amd perhaps even require skill? Of course lets butcher the only killer playable in red ranks
  • Sorry but some of the things you said shouldn't be done. First of all what kind of toxicity? Chat swear words and such or ingame gameplay? The game will die out if devs implement some chat bans or something just because someone said #########. Sorry but this game isn't for children who get their feewings hurt so easily if…
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