I have already addressed my reasonings when making this poll. Please look in the comments to find it (it's on the first page). TLDR; Nurse's power works, which is more that can be said of some of the killers on the list. She may need a change, but I don't think she needs one as bad as a lot of other killers do. As for her…
Nurse is the only killer that's too strong. Even with that, she's not guaranteed a 4k (at least at top level play where all the players are closer in skill than in public matches). IMO, she doesn't need a rework as much as the ones listed. Trapper's power doesn't really work even against decent SoloQ players. Freddy's…
It may be a bit over tuned for solo, but it's really underpowered against SWFs since they can just stop working on the gens right before a teammate goes down. I think the incapacitated effect is fine. It takes longer for a gen to regress than it does for a gen to progress while being worked on, especially with gen speed up…
Now you are completely ignoring what I've said in order to paint me as some spoiled brat. I've never said I want to have at least 3k almost every game. I never said I don't care about the other side. I never said they are not people to me. You are completely ignoring my real arguments and what I am wanting. At this point,…
I get that she's OP, at least against SoloQ, but why would you choose her to be reworked over all of the other killers, especially when a lot of other killers can't even compete? (Not trying to start an argument, just curious as to your reasoning 🙂)
I would be fine with that, except that the Devs have shown a lack of good design/execution when it comes to MMR matching, from what I've seen the community say and from my own experience. It kinda works the way it is now, with them turning off MMR to test things out proving that it has an effect, but it definitely still…
This sounds like you really just don't like killer players to be honest. You went off topic for most of this post. I have not changed my mind from your statements. I intend to improve and I still want an option to not play against SWF. I disagree with the Devs on SWF having comms being balanced. It would be unrealistic for…
The Thing (1982)
I would choose Trapper because his power is more up to the survivors whether or not it works. I would rework his power so that he could throw his traps and they get set where they land, with base kit deep wound or 5 sec. hindered effects on survivors who escape a trap. I would also add a few more total traps to the map. I…
It's a good suggestion, but then killer has to keep dodging if they keep getting put against SWFs and don't want to play against them. A setting that prevents getting put in the same lobby as a SWF would be far more convenient.
How can I be sure I am getting SWF every other game? I've already addressed a comment demanding proof. I can't provide proof. But if the change I suggested gets implemented, then I will know 100% and you could know too. That would also help me to know where I could improve in the game, and once I improve to a certain…
I'd be fine with them showing which killer the survivors would go against in lobby, but the game will need some serious reworks for that to be fair too. Otherwise, it'll be 4 flashlights every time someone wants to play Wraith or Hag. Besides, my original point is that I believe comms give survivors an unfair advantage.…
Cute, but anecdotal. I have lost track of the number of times survivors have insulted me regardless of how I play. Apparently, I can face camp from the opposite corner of the map as Trapper. I'm fine with losing some matches. As I said in the original post, I am an average killer. I expect to lose some matches. What I am…
You say I shouldn't use Hens as an example because it's not precise, but you then suggest examples that also aren't very precise to support your point. I didn't say you need communications to be insanely good. I said I think communications gives the survivors an unfair advantage because it makes it much easier and allows a…
I do look for where I can improve myself, but SWF having good communication is the main strength of SWF. It's what everyone brings up when they talk about the difference between playing soloq and playing SWF, including survivors. Communications gives the SWF knowledge of where the killer is, what pallets have been used…
Maybe. But I still don't like playing against SWFs and until they give me an option to not get matched against them then I guess we'll never 100% know. Also, there may be more SWFs in my region then there are in yours. So it may be rare for you, but common for me.
Proof? How can I provide proof of that? You want me to take a screenshot of every match I play and post it? The teams I've been playing against have been way too consistently organized with great timing and map knowledge throughout every other game I've played recently. It would be less reasonable to assume I've just been…
How is it unfair to people who just wanna play and have fun with their friends? I'm not banning them from playing, I just don't want to play against them because it seems unfair to me. And SWFs just "play and have fun with their friends" has almost always been by making the killer as miserable and frustrated as possible.…
Killers can be the strongest and the most balanced at the same time, because most killers are bad. At least against SWF, which seems to be what BHVR wants to balance the game around.
I don't think BHVR cares about keeping a feeling of isolation. They put SWF in the game. That destroys all sense of isolation.
Those are some really cool ideas! I wasn't sure if it had been on the board before. I'm still new to the game since I started playing it about 3 weeks ago or so.
Sure, but a general problem with the game is applicable to all killers. It will affect some more than others. Plus, that situation would be mostly due to teams that are using comms, which breaks/shifts the game's balance no matter what killer is being played.