Which Killer needs to be reworked to be compatible with the current state of the game? It could be a few minor adjustments or a complete overhaul of the killer's power (what it does, how it functions, etc.). Please leave a comment about who you chose, why you would rework them, and how you would rework them!
It seems like every other match is against SWFs. I'm an average killer and I would prefer not to play against SWFs as comms give them an unfair advantage IMO. Is there any plan to implement a setting that I could turn on or off that would prevent me from being matched against SWFs?
I've been thinking recently about other horror titles that could have their characters in this game. Would anyone else be interested in John Carpenter's "The Thing" being added to the game? The Thing itself would be the killer and the survivor could be MacReady. I don't know if the development team has mentioned any other…