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  • I don't play them at all but again I never got the hype over unknown. I never found them fun to play mostly bc I hate lob projectiles in games. These types of projectiles are always extremely easy to dodge and hard to aim correctly. Either way Unknown was the first chapter in a long time where I wasn't excited to play…
  • See that's why I say the perk needs a rework. I don't think it's a good thing for a perk to be this binary. It's either useless or problematic.
  • Personally Im not scared of this perk at right now bc as you said it's a throw perk in its current state. What I am afraid of tho is what this perk could become if the devs continue to buff it bc ppl are calling it a throw perk. Even in its PTB version, ppl are still calling it a throw perk and wanting to be buff even…
  • My line of thought is tho is what stopping a swf being four bnps on top of this perk? It can be used as a gen-rushing perk. Sure in a solo queue group, it may be a throw perk but in a swf group, it can really be a good gen rushing perk in the right builds. The thing is tho bc you and so many others are saying it's a throw…
  • You talking like Pop is 30% of total progress but it's not. It's 30% of current progression. Unless you kicking 99 gens all the time with pop you are not getting that much regression as you think. In a normal match it rare for me to find a almost fully done gen before pop's timer runs out. Most of time I have to settle for…
  • If you read it closely I refering to those who want the broken removed or reduce. "Now I know a lot of ppl say this perk is a throw perk bc it makes you broken but I feel a 60sec perk to apply 7 BNPs is way too strong without some hash downside" The key part here is the "I know alot of ppl say this perk is a throw perk bc…
  • I again with VomitMommy here that one meh addon shouldn't prevent any buffs. Anyway being undetectable on this killer I don't think is that big of a benefit. He thinks is pretty loud and I believe magic items I believe allow survivors see some of his powers depending on what items they have equipped so its not like you can…
  • I don't know. They may have made it coded that all the powers have the same cooldown but who knows? As I said I won't mind a lower cooldown on mage hand at least just bc it is something you have to practice the timing of and even then its still lends to a 50/50 chance the survivor going to drop the pallet or not. At least…
  • I hear you and I somewhat agree with you but how would you feel about lowering the cooldown on the spells? I watched today Scott Jund's video about the changes he would make to the new killer and he thought is along the same line as yours, where he doesn't want mage hand be a free hit. He pretty said that all the spells…
  • Otz is also in love with that perk since day one it came out. He always overhypes Deadlock imo. When I use it I rarely feel like I get any value from it. I have even had a match where survivors could bypass the last deadlock by doing the last two gens at once. I have lost more matches with DL than won at this point. There…
  • I feel like you didn't read my post very closely...I said that alot of ppl think it's still a throw perk bc it makes you broken and they want the broken status to be removed or temporary alongside keeping it at 60sec. I was disagreeing with them and was saying that the perk needs a downside otherwise it would be to…
  • Deadlock: Im mostly fine with the nerf, tbh I never really liked using it but still the Nerf is small enough that I don't think it affects things all that much. That said I do think it was a unnecessary change. Grim Embrace: the change so small where I dont even know why you even nerfing it in the first place. I think it's…
  • There are two major reasons Im not excited for the new chapter. One was that this last mid-chapter was so boring and bad that it really killed my enjoyment of the game altogether. Twins is still boring twins, bugs and rubberbanding, and just bad matches. As for the other reason Im just not familiar with DND. I never played…
  • It's funny, I have never seen twins as a tag team. To me, for them to be a tag team would mean both of them would pose a threat and that is just not true. Victor is the real killer bc he is the only one who has any lethality to him whereas Charlotte is just a boring power m1 killer who is just there to pick up her…
  • I just wish they could do a middle ground. If 30% is too high and we already know 20% was to low then why not try pop at 25%? Even better just make it 20% total progress like how it used to be instead of being current.
    in Pop Comment by BlackRose89 May 12
  • It isn't going to change a thing. In fact it most likely make killer builds even more slowdown focus. To survivors surprise not all of us run 4 slowdown perks but with these nerfs you most likely going to see it even more. You may even see even more slugging, camping and tunneling. For example in all my builds I use at max…
  • I have never liked using deadlock. It's a type of perk where I never feel like I get value from it. I most likely have but it never felt like it to me. Also, I still remember that one time a group of survivors bypassed my last deadlock by doing two gens at the same time and it caused me to lose the match bc I got so tilted…
  • That is how I feel as well. All my killer builds run just two slowdowns at max, I don't like stacking more than that but with these nerfs I'm afraid Im going to be forced to run a 3rd or even a 4th slowdown. These changes aren't going to change the pick rates of these perks or make a new meta, they are just going to make…
  • Yeah but just wait till they make more of these and they stack. I have no doubt in my mind they will make one of these OP and it will be meta.
  • Fine by me, I hope ppl continue to not run this perk mainly bc I don't want to start having to check the basement as killer. I HATE the basement as killer, I don't even hook in there if I can avoid it. Its a waste of my time and I dont want to feel like I have to check every game bc of one perk. Its the one reason I dont…
  • See I don't know anything about Ben a or straht. Honestly my inexperience about DnD is keeping me from being to excited. Since I know little to nothing about it, I have no clue what killer will be or anything.
  • All I'm trying to do is bring the attention to that everyone doesn't experience the same thing in this game and the MMR system needs to be improved. I just don't like seeing the comment of "Well I can win my matches with no slowdown perks, so you can also" That just not true at all. Someone of us do need the extra help do…
  • I never said I wanted the game still the same. My post was to being you and others to the attention that not everyone has the same matches or experiences as y'all and some of us do need help from slowdown perks. Take myself for example, at max I run two slowdown perks because that was comfortable with and how I learned…
  • Here my problem some of this. You said killer need to improve but my issue is there no resources in game to help killers learn the skills you list. The in game tutorial does nothing other than teach you the bare minimum and I be honest I hate looking up videos someday bc alot of them are out of date bc the game has changed…
  • I don't know…why do I get matched as killer to either potato survivors or god loopers survivors. I rarely get a match somewhere in the middle...MMR system in this game sucks imo.
  • That doesn't mean every single person have knowledge about DND. Is it really that surprising? Lord of Rings was super popular as well and I have met ppl who knew hardly anything about the series. Yeah they knew so well known names but that it. Take me for example, I know BG3 and even own it but I haven't got the time to…
  • Honestly, I don't…I never played DnD since I never had any to play it with and never really got into it. I know almost nothing about dnd. I dont think it surprising a good chuck of ppl are unfamiliar with dnd in the dbd community since both games kinda in two different genres. Dbd is more or less based around horror while…
  • As I said to pulser and someone else, these comments come from a place of "well if I can do it you can too." Which isn't true at all. Not everyone is at the same skill level and perform the same. Everyone has strengths and weakness when it comes to gaming. Just because you and pulser can win games with little to no…
  • The issue is I dont think the average killer is always playing against average survivors in this game at all. I agree killers should be fine with one or two slowdowns as long as they pair with ppl equal to their own skill but there lies the biggest issue I have with dbd, its mmr system. I have been saying for over a year…
  • The problem i have with your post is your assuming everyone can achieve your level of skill. I can tell you right now as someone who plays this game casually and consider myself a average player I have honestly reached my perk on skill for this game after 1400hr of playtime. Also you talk like the MMR system is some super…
  • Tho I agree with you, you don't need four slowdown perks but one or two still feel require if you want a chance to win consistently on low tier killers esp if you just a average or casual player. The reason I say average or casual is I sure your come back will be "well I don't need slowdown to win my matches." I wouldnt…
  • Personally I'm fine with the nerf/buff. I mainly like the idea of having my power up more since it's at a 12s CD now. Some of favorite things as Chucky is sneaking up on ppl and hitting them. I honestly never use the scramble and then slice&dice combo that much. I know ppl want the 180 flicks back but I'm indifferent to…
  • That's not how the perk works if im not mistaken. It's like a BNP, it doesn't progress gens, it lowers the charges it takes to complete the gens. So gen blocking perks won't affect this perk and will still lower the max charges. Now to add opinion on the buff. Personally, Im scared of this perk now esp since most of…
  • That may be true but I can say in my case there are very few pos moments in DBD. Over the course of my 1000+ hours of playing DBD I have had way more negative moments with players than positive ones. It got so bad that I had to turn off end-game chat since most of the time survivors would be rude to me after a hard match…
  • Eh not really, this last mid-chapter patch has left a bad taste in my mouth for the game.
  • I get where you coming from. I also haven't played this game in around two months now. I was going to come back for the mid-chapter but this patch has been a nightmare and a complete failure. The two years of waiting for a twin rework ended up with a small QoL update that doesn't do anything to fix the things I hate the…
  • Yet another dead perk for the killer. I agree with others who said old UW was problematic but instead of trying to balance it, the dev decided to just kill the perk so no one would run it and no one would complain about it anymore. UW now is useless and is outshined by most of the other info perks. As much as I hate…
  • Ever since they nerf Thana it's not worth running on any killer. You get way more value from other slowdown perks than Thana. There is no reason to ever run that perk even on Legion or Plague when you have so many other better perks that also work on legion.
  • Guess what those killers are played much either and some of the weakest in the game as well. So thanks for proving my point. ^^ Singu having low pick rate is because his hard and his power can be negated with just a button. I never said his pick rate was solo bc of the power thing, it's a combo of both. I like Singu…
  • You're right, most will just play a different killer, and that kinda the whole point of this. Since Twins is so unfun to play for most bc you are forced to play m1-warrior at the will of the survivors. The other killers really don't have this issue other than Singu and guess what no one plays him either. At the end of the…
  • I agree, I don't understand how ppl are ok for a killer powers be at the will of the survivors for that long of a time. Just makes the killer so boring to play and not feel good. Like I get it if you lose your power by a misplay or something but victor being held hostage is your reward for a successful hit.
  • Funny you say that since you assume I assume the worst of people outside this game which I don't. In other games and outside of games I never assume the worst of people, it's just in this game I do bc I've seen patterns over the years I played this game. In no other game has I encountered as much toxic, entitlement, and…
  • Honestly I completely disagree with you. I honestly believe a good amount of survivor mains main goal is to make a killer life miserable. Majority of my matches show me as much as most of my survivors are sore winners or losers. I have had more BM survivors than wholesome gg survivors over my 1000+ hours. There a reason I…
  • Well, today is the day where twins go back to being an unfun, boring killer for most ppl. Glad the 6 twin mains out there got what they wanted, I can't wait to see pick rates in a few months and see twins being at the bottom as always. Meanwhile, I going to be playing actually fun killers who power cant be taken from them…
  • Doesn't matter to me. It still has the same energy I seen in other posts. My first paragraph was off topic sure but you still have the same mind set and energy as others I seen in this sorry excuse of a community. The second paragraph is more on topic where I was basically disagreeing with you. Survivor totally can use DS…
  • To me, this just seems like another case of Survivor mains trying to gaslight killers into thinking that a strong perk isn't strong or annoying to go against every single match. Don't get me wrong killers do this also but honestly I see it way more from survivors. Survivors did it with both versions of DH(old DH for…
  • Well lucky for you that been confirmed as a bug is going to be fixed. To bad some of us actually like the fact our power can't be held hostage for 30+ secs and be forced to play a powerless boring killer but it's whatever. I just wish they made Charlotte little more interesting play when you are forced to play her since I…
  • Im glad they fix that since its one of the main reasons Im not even booting up the game right now. The other is the rubberbanding so I be waiting for that before I decide to log in and play for any amount of time.
  • She is part of a main rotation of killers I play and I think she is fine. My only real complaint about her is her add-ons, A lot of them are just bad and have little to no use. I personally think she only has 2 good add-ons(bloody nail and ring drawing) but that's just my opinion. Other than her addons I also dont like the…
  • This is most likely my most hated patch yet. The game is unplayable for me where Im not even logging in till they fix the rubberbanding and everything. On top of that, the patch is just empty and boring. Twins is still just the same old twins with a few small QoL changes and the only thing I like about it is a bug. The…