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  • It is just "bad survivors". Good survivors will 99 a gen so the traps dont activate and survs who have them on have time to get it off, alot of high mmr pigs only get 1 headpop every 2-3 hours of playing, and when they do get one it's usually cause they ran crate of gears + tampered timer. not to mention the basekit trap…
  • Good point.... it's unfortunate the devs look at only stats for their decisions, it makes sense but, there's so many things that can drastically change stats, one example being like you said new players not knowing how to deal with her.
  • Dead hard nerf (most likely going to add BT basekit to compensate), an announcement that they changed their mind and are actually going to work on an early game collapse, and a COH rework, maybe like revert it back to 100 percent healing speed, remove self care part, and when you're injured and inside COH your aura is…
  • I'm confused, did they mention seeing mmr/having a personal dbd profile or are you just hoping they add that in the future?
  • It's based off MMR, if you want more chill games play at night, always the best time as morning is sweaty and afternoon is a mix. One thing, run no gen regression or meta, like run just bbq,endfury, and if you really want to pain res, if you run this you'll eventually get knocked down to levels where survivors in most…
  • I'm very happy with these changes, alot of updates recently has made niche perks into good choices (even if some aren't buffed to the point of meta, which I think is a good thing tbh.) Not to mention killers have been given alot of love recently, I can't believe I'm saying this but... I'm really happy with where the game's…
  • Depends on what killer I'm playing, but lately I've really disliked ormond, eyrie, MacMillan, and coldwind. Eyrie especially because it's been like 80 percent of my games recently and against good survivors it's painful at times.
  • Agreed the match needs to be seen, but couldn't the survivors set up exponential around the library, maybe not even in it if the range reaches, and use the small amount of endurance from soul guard to take a vault and escape a possible slugging situation in the library?
  • That was midwhich, dead dawg has a really good main building and some loops around it that could last you awhile, but if all the walls are broken, it becomes killer sided.
  • Person getting hooked? Hide behind the gen opposite of the direction they were hooked, the gen aura will block yours. Not to mention you can fake going one way, count to 5 or so, and go back to where you were, I've done it plenty of times.