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  • I'm still missing where we are getting these survivor nerfs. Like in the last year what are these major nerfs? Because the ones that stand out the most are Nurse, Ruin, and Doc is looked at both ways (buffed/nerfed) depends who you ask. Insta heals maybe? Should those actually be considered fair especially when they would…
  • I have looked at the graph and through the post a bit so it wasn't for nothing ;) By the looks of it, it seems like the dev (or whoever from the team) giving their input in the post was saying to take statistics like that with a grain of salt. They use the Clown as an example, as we should all know Clown is the weakest…
  • Where are these statistics because the community has largely been bashing the devs for favoring survivors too much. Idk where we are getting this "they keep nerfing survivors" because they haven't... Killer has received the most nerfs in just about all the big recent changes. I guess in that regard your point about…
  • The big issue currently is the new player experience, new killer experience that is. I've played plenty of killer over this game's lifespan. Recently I started playing on two new accounts. One on my PC and the other is my brother's I've been trying to teach them. Out of all these games I feel the majority would have an…
  • You miss the point that DbD is a 4v1 game... If I as a killer am dominating a game why would I allow the last survivor to even have a chance at hatch? See, trying to put the game in terms of "in a 1v1 scenario..." no I'll stop you there. The killer is supposed to kill the survivors... I thought we established this? I…
  • I believe you are taking this idea of "objective" in the game and trying to be too in depth. Like, "the killer walking around the map is an objective!" or something. Take a few steps back, the killer is literally supposed to kill all four survivors while all four survivors try to escape. We don't need to say "you need to…
  • "The game isn't slow enough" try owning the last 3 gens because the survivors F'd themselves on which ones they finished and now there are 2 Neas with Urban Immersion and medkits doing F@#$ all -.- A quick 15 minute game I was dominating turned into a 40 minute hunt for 2 people. Survivors have plenty of fun being toxic…
  • "Pop, NOED, BBQ, and Nurse's is OP"... oh boy, I'm actually laughing hysterically. No really. Please do not touch the survivor tab for a while you clearly do not play killer enough. You know why people run Pop now? Because Ruin was nerfed. You know why no one mentions Nurse anymore? It's mainly just Spirit and Billy…
  • The only bit here I can really agree with you here is showing who's playing together in the lobbies. This could really go a long way for killers and it wouldn't be some game breaking issue. Simple little friends icon that's all. "Then killers will dodge games of 3 or 4 SWF!" Is it better to play the match, stomp the…
  • I never send it, never will, but I do like getting it 😌 Some people just wanna complain because they were sacrificed. Had a really bad game as Myers one time. This Laurie bagged me from behind a pallet. The gates get open, everyone leaves except her, the only one I sacrificed. Sends me afterwards, "Why didn't you let me…
  • It's not incorrect thinking at all actually. What's the goal of the survivors? To survive, obviously. Do the gens and all the other little nuances that go into a match. So what's the goal of the killer? To kill ALL four survivors. Many of us including myself are fine with going even, that's not bad. Final survivor hatch…
  • Um, no. Really the only killers doing this are new to the game and haven't had a taste of higher level play. In their mind this is how they secure a kill THE ONLY WAY! Gens do not matter they are only out for blood, your blood. You will be tunneled until death if someone dares rescue you. You also cannot tell them how bad…
  • I was playing on a brand new account for the most part as killer yesterday, been showing my brothers how to play and such. Rank reset, the highest this account was at was 16. Reset made 17, there was a rank 5 Feng in my lobby... I made her DC O.O On the killer side of things and from playing on a new account teaching 2…
  • Yeah man, insult, insult, insult. Did you catch the part about me stating "undermining the entire other side"??? When I say "I just got DS at the open gate in one of my games as Billy" and you say "JuSt PlAy DeAtHsLiNgEr BAM!" that doesn't make much sense right? Apparently the one with the pea brain is yourself since you…
  • "Bam this killer... Bam use this killer..." buddy if I could change my killer during a game to place a scenario in my favor anyone would. "Baby killer" huh? Although the community collectively agrees survivor, specifically SWF of even 2 (although arguably even to be fair), is stronger than killer. Consider I and other…
  • Nah you definitely played well and you're already close to red ranks. I know the main goal is to get the kills but none with 30k points? I'd push my frustration off and consider it a win. I'd take it as you played in a pretty "respectful" manner. Unfortunately utilizing slugs or borderline camping a hook (more like…
  • Your entire post just screams "I don't even play killer and I have no clue what I'm talking about". I bet you think Insta mori Myers is OP... I can't stop a DS when I down someone near the open gate which just happened earlier. DH during a chase to get to pallets and windows is very common it's only counterable in dead…
  • Killers camping a hooked survivor and nodding/smacking is new or low ranked play. Mostly why I can't stand the grind of learning and climbing the ranks of survivor, this is all you go against. It's very ineffective in the long run you'll never get a 4k. Tbagging survivors are common at any rank whether it be to induce a…
  • "I can hear the killer mains typing already" how you going to put up a discussion and belittle one side of the argument? Anyway, Killers are too OP? Now that's a first, survivors are stronger than killers. Let me rephrase that actually, coordinated survivors or SWF are stronger than killers. It's okay to have infinite…
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