I've only ever played on the PC with a controller. I hit red ranks normally as a Survivor, highest ever has been Rank 1. I can attribute maybe 5% of my losses to inefficiencies inherent to a controller in a KBM environment, and even that might be high. The overwhelming majority of the time, I lose because I did something…
A bit? Dude sounds like he needs an iron lung when he's hit!
Play what you want. It's a test build. I'd personally suggest you should play to test things, but that's not on you to do. Even against standard killers with live-version perks and nothing new, I'm playing Cheryl with her perks, so information and data are gained on both sides. In your case, I would learn how effective my…
Favorite: BUNNY FENG. Least Favorite: I don't really know, since there are a large number of cosmetics that I don't care for and thus don't really rank. Almost all of Yui's are awful, IMO. Also, that new Legion mask should be 10 kinds of creepy but comes off as cartoonish and dumb looking.
Oh, totally. If you have the time and the ability, play each of the first three! SH1 still oddly holds up despite being a PS1 game. They'll provide you with a canon explanation of why the town is as messed up as it is. Plus Harry and Heather are great protagonists.
If you haven't played Silent Hill 2, I highly recommend it. You need no knowledge about the rest of the series or the larger story and the story and atmosphere are almost without equal in any game before or since. The graphics are definitely dated and the gameplay is stodgy (intentionally, however), but the experience is…
I mean, sure, that would be cool, but I think they wanted it to be roughly the same time frame as hotboxing someone in a cage. An overhead chop directly lifted from Silent Hill 2 gets the job done. I think his actual mori is a bit more underwhelming. He pins you and then stabby boi stabs. It's on message, but it feels like…
My thoughts on them: Executioner Deathbound is nifty for both finding Survivors and hiding yourself via Obscured. It's probably better for Executioner than others, just because it's not a great idea to clump up near him so you can force Survivors apart and make one suffer for it. I think it's pretty ok. Forced Penance is…
I'm going to agree with this as an almost exclusively Survivor player. The Executioner is probably the most fun killer to play against in the game right now. Even though Silent Hill is a nasty-looking place, he feels like a breath of fresh air. But playing against him is different and requires a different approach. Yes, he…
They ain't great. Situational to outright bad. Forced Penance is outright bad. It requires a situational trigger and the effect disappears before you can reliably take advantage of it. It just doesn't really do anything. I saw it trigger a few times over hours of testing last night, with nothing gained by the killer and…