Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Just because you got crapped on by a Pig doesnt mean shes OP. She has never been A tier, even on release there were more viable options. She is shut down easily on loops, much like clown. No counterplay. She is a pretty mild killer in comparison to what we have now. PH, Oni, Demo, all are more modernized and all make her…
  • How is that even possible? Maps are predefined.
  • We give feedback because we love the game, regardless if the Devs listen or not. Billy was fine. As a survivor main with 1600+ hours I never once joined a match and thought damn.. another boring match. He unique in that he was entirely different to play against. The most versatile killer until maybe Spirit came long. Now…
  • Quinten because it is what is inside that matters.
  • DBD is more popular than it has ever been and the numbers keep climbing. These entitled streamers do not speak for us. For you to consider their word as gospel instead of thinking for yourself, is telling. Yes the game needs some love, but what it doesnt need is some burnt out streamers crying about the game without even…
  • Nobody said we wanted ALL the skins. You're missing the point. This is a cash crab disguised an as event.
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • Wow someone actually gets it. I guess to the white knights BHVR can do no wrong.
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • Takes off glasses sees blurry image of BHVR Puts on glasses sees clear image of EA
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • A mature and thoughtful response. Appreciate your thoughts. I guess for me it just comes down to this event in general being a huge let down on top of the paywall. They should have just put the skins in the store, because as it sits now the games will be chaos. It wont be a fun grind and once you get your outfit there will…
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • Dont get mad over a differing opinion guys. Show your support! Go drop 60$ on Cells when the event drops. Put your money where your mouth is :)
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • To each their own little buddy. If you want to spend 60$ to get the remainder of the skins by all means be my guest. I for one wont support this cash grab disguised as an event. Take care, best of luck on your games! :)
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • A handful? Rofl its nothing but people disappointed. Stop being delusional and scroll down on the thread.
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • Ok now you're just being silly. The entire thread is people upset over it. If you want to be specific go count each comment and get back to me. I know for damn sure its well over 100 lmao. Thats not the point. I am not the only one who thinks this is just a cash grab. This is how it will go. The diehards will grind their…
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • I was referring to DLCs AND skins. I know when the shop opened LUL. You sound kinda mad that I have an opinion. Calm down white knight, your precious BHVR can handle themselves.
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • You act like im the only one who feels this way? Reddit has a thousand people saying the same thing. Im entitled to my entitled opinion.
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018
  • Yeah because an event is supposed to be 10$ skins in the shop that arent limited time. If you think this isn't making people less keen to spend money in the future, you're delusional. This event was supposed to be for us.. but instead once again its for THEM. Call me every name you wish and discredit everything I say, wont…
    in TY BHVR Comment by Cebren October 2018