Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • No it's not. I think that should be obvious. Neither is being on the hook. Funny thing is that your friends can find you either way. If slugging or tunneling is toxic then body blocking in any situation should be as well and should honestly be considered exploitation of game mechanics.
  • Losing is never fun in a video game. Being 0-13 in LoL or DOTA is not fun. Being on the losing team in a shooter isn't fun. Losing matches in street fightert isn't fun. Slugging is part of the game and is fine to make use of to win the game. People hate it because it's part of losing and the nature of the game. Body…
  • Its unfortunate but maybe its something that can be added one day. The Castle being there is good enough for me.
  • Survivor is incredibly easy to play. Is this one of the only video games that you play? I can get why you struggle if so but like… DbD isnt hard lol
  • Like they said during the live stream like 5 times. They need to iterate on it. They cant wave a wand and make it feature complete. They made it very clear the first time around was temporary and that it was mostly to test the waters.
  • I can't help but feel that "testing" is less of your concern and more so of the fact that people get to play the content sooner than you is the main problem.
  • "Now please for the love of god stop spamming us about Fnaf every chapter"
  • Running at full speed isn't stealthy I hate to break it to you homie lmao
  • TBH that mark is very likely part of the deal that Wizards set with them. But Vecna is absurdly powerful and is a literal god who really at his peak could rival the entity. Dracula is very powerful but I don't think he would need a mark. He tends to lose to the Belmont's who more often than naught are humans in peak…
  • They become instantly useless as soon as you move the item. Balance should not be based around how lazy players are. But then again survivors never want to do anything that involves any kind of counter play.
  • This is dumb. Survivors make up the most of the playerbase and spend the most money on the game.
  • Even then it takes forever for your gaurd to actually activate and do anything. So by the time even your assassin is up they are already on the otherside of the map. And thats spawing them on top of survivors too.
  • Hes really really bad. None of these changes did anything to help him at all. His dudes are still completely worthless. They take too long to activate, their pathing is awful and never land a hit.
  • Singularity still feels really good and I believe you just need to push a button to auto track but more people hated it. Knight is still one of the worst killers in the game. Having several at one time was the only thing making him playable with his brain dead AI knights. Waste of dev time.
  • Given the bug with Trickster that they havent killswitched yet they may as well use it for other things since they dont use it at all
  • It would be far easier for them to balance that than a bunch of perks and addons.
  • Its very easy to counter and make it completely useless by moving an item to a corner. That barely takes any of your time to do.
  • If you played the game at all beyond 5 matches its pretty clear how often you are supposed to wiggle off.
  • That's how it is though with ANY team game. Your gonna have people who lack that understanding or just bad. That's just how it is.
  • Bro really be like "I know there's counter play that makes it completely useless but that requires I do something that's not the norm so it still should be nerfed". Just say you don't want to have to do any counter play.
  • Then learn to improve. I don't want to be mean and say skill issue but that's part of what it is. Record your games and see what you are doing wrong in chase. Your complaints are assuming that you did everything perfectly and made 0 mistakes. You don't see high MMR players complain about this for a reason.
  • Literally skill issue. Counter play exists and perks that counter it exist. Once again survivors absolutely refuse to do anything requiring any level of counter play.
  • The point of it is so that the killer can't carry you indefinitely or to the basement everytime. What it's not is a 2nd chance mechanic. You are not meant to consistently wiggle out but only in those two circumstances..
  • No and this comes from a complete misunderstanding of why this change is happening. Y'all wanted changes to combat slugging and that's exactly what this change is for. It's not a buff or a nerf for anyone. Let's cover this real fast. The fall off mechanic exists so that the killer can't carry you to basement Everytime. You…
  • I like the threads that are "I dont like change" and then proceed to provide no argument or evidence to their reasoning.
  • It absolutely does not negate saves. I can assure you even with mashing it I had people blind or stun me plenty of times. You might be missing the chance to do so. Either way complaining about an events mechanics is ultimately (I am guilty too) pointless. It's temporary and not worth investing time into adjusting it. If…
  • Honestly I think making Chaos Shuffle the main way and only way outside of other events to play the game might be one way around that. Then balance doesn't matter because it's all whatever. I have a feeling the class thing they are introducing with the new 2v8 mode might be a way for them to test the waters on getting rid…
    in Toxic Genrush Comment by Chaogod June 15
  • I feel you. They know a lot of players are extremely toxic and haven't done anything about it for either sides attitudes. I don't think that it really matters to them. They never say anything about it. Never mention plans to do anything about it. I think they just ignore it and pretend everyone gets along when this is one…
  • Survivors have the best perks in the game, Gens have never been faster and continue to get faster, and you have safety nets on safety nets constantly forgiving you for mistakes. Slugging is a punishment for making mistakes because odds are yall are too close to each other so the killer slugs you. Why do people expect…
  • Gens are incredibly fast. Now that all the good gen regression perks are dead. Very frequently I see myself at two gens on the first hook which is insane and its not that long. If you are not playing Blight or Nurse then you may as well concede. It also doesn't help auto heaven (the one where its split between two sides)…
  • Slugging is 90% the result of a survivor playing bad. If there's several people who are running around and making their presence extremely obvious then you are going to get slugged till it's safe to picked up. If you ran to a side of the map with no hooks, you are going to get slugged. Slugging is a punishment for being in…
  • Survivors want killers to have 0 means to play the game. You take out tunneling then it's nerf camping more. Then it moves on to nerf how fast they die on hooks and etc. It's just gonna move the nerf goal post. Honestly, the best solution is to set up a VS AI option where people can MM versus an AI killer because that's…
  • Man D&D being added to the game really broke peoples brains.
  • I think what people forget is that it takes up a valuable resource which is a perk slot. While I do 100% feel it's a crutch perk and hate it as a killer. I think it's fine as it is. The trade off is that you don't get to use that a slot for something much more valuable. Someone who knows the game well isn't gonna need it…
  • There's two things that he almost ALWAYS has in every game he appears. Fireballs and turning into his monstrous form. Fireball is THE signature spell in D&D so I am shocked they didn't include it with Vecna but possible they didn't want it to overlap with Dracula as they will give it to him. He might be another projectile…
  • Judging from the recent other collabs with CV. My guess would be that Survivor is likely Maria Renard. A Belmont or Alucard might be a stretch in de powering them because any one of them would be stronger than any survivor. But possibly wrong. Dracula's main appearance would definitely be SoTNs version. Legendary skin…
  • Actually, they should be harsher on DC's. Start leading to account bans.
  • Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders. If it wasn't for Jason (and many other slashers) you wouldn't be here posting for him to not be in the game till later.
  • I hope we get music from the games. Also would be awesome if they fit Dracula's 2nd form in somehow. Like if the gens are powered he transforms or something.
  • Its giving them the same amount of power as if they still had 4 people. Maybe Reward is not the word but its forgiving them for losing the game. They already forgive a lot in the game. They can't just keep adding more and more handicaps and forgiving players for playing bad.
  • Oh word. My bad.
  • Like where does that end tho? People would want hooks removed if that was possible. All I see is take take take from either side with nothing to compensate. If anything, Id like to know if at higher MMR if any of this is that much of an issue at lower MMR. Because at some point you have to ask yourself if it's honestly…
  • This wouldn't work. Not only would this lead to more slugging so that the killer can get to hook everyone else at once to avoid the buff or rather force everyone to bleed out to avoid it. But it also rewards the survivors for losing the game. Game already has a ton of safety nets as it is. One person a can get a gen going…
  • Nemi is fine. There is counter play even to that and it helps make him stand out from Xeno. Not to mention Nemesis is pretty weak overall since his Zombies can be really chaotic. Either really useful (like blocking the exit of the basement, that was fun game) or be completely useless.
  • Sure but you are completely missing my point. They are picked now because they are held up by the gen slow down perks. Not to mention that pick rates are also so off base in terms of stats because you have to pay for the other killers. Which is why all the base ones are in the top 10. Even if you want to get into Kill…
  • Ruin and Call of Brine viable? LOL You might be the only person who thinks that. No one runs those perks EVER anymore. Show me a build made by someone who''s good at the game that uses either.
  • You can really tell when someone never plays killer just by their words lol. Sounds like to me you are a survivor main trying to downplay it so they don't nerf it. And those changes werent anything.
  • Unless you can give killers base kit insane transversal like Blight or Nurse. There is nothing they can change to a killers base kit for them to keep up. All survivors need is one person up and about and they can complete a gen on their own at an extreme pace. If the changes go through expect to see a ton more Nurses and…
  • Problem is they keep adjusting the same 8 perks lol
  • A lot of those stats are extremely old at this point. I should say that this is in response to the slow down perk nerfs. The weaker ones needed these perks to compete. Could see a dip in those killers now.
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