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  • In my eyes, camping a hook is admitting defeat. It's the killer saying "I'm not good enough to catch anyone else so I'm going to ruin the game for that person." Because it is ruining the game for that person. It seems the people who get camped, or tunneled the most are often newer players so they don't understand that…
  • Because it's impossible for multiple people to have the same opinion
  • If they can't revert it then they were never able to change it in the first place. They're just saying they can't because they don't want to have to undo all the work they did. The work that literally no one asked for. But saying "oh no we can't do that now" is a cop-out, they can, they just don't want to.
  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahqhqhqhqhqhq
  • If that were true you would never be able to wiggle free. Boi lOver, Breakout, Saboteur, Flip Flop all useless perks, no point because "killers don't drop stuff" And no, I didn't 'wake up and choose violence' You're trying to undermine my whole point using faulty logic. It adds nothing to the conversation, it's only…
  • See, I brought up the point about the game being somewhat unrealistic to make this point, and how I've already thought of this, but still wanted to have the discussion regardless. Bringing it up adds nothing to the conversation. And considering the "carrying someone with super strength" argument is null, because then you…
  • Here's my take on it. 30 second timer. Timer does not go down while in chase. Timer does not go down while being slugged while within close proximity to the killer. (10-15 meters in any direction ) Working on a gen for 10 seconds ends timer. Being healed to healthy state ends timer. Another survivor being hooked ends…
  • Moving from survivor to killer currently, in these cases I just take the loss and move on. You'll learn better how to deal with people being ######### over time, and won't have to play like an ######### to do it. It's a learning curve, yes, but when you are able to stop these people from making these ######### plays while…
  • I hope we can get them to listen, but I can imagine that they get tired of things like "we did a pretty good job so far" where people make fun of them when this very clearly started out as a passion project that took off fairly well. Because, honestly, they really have done a good job, we just always have things to…